Omnipresent God of War: Three hundred forty-eight real next

“Dingguang Buddha Lin Shu, do you think that you want to occupy Taizhou because of you?” Among the Taoists, a long eyebrow with thick eyebrows said in a cold voice.

“My masters on the three main peaks are like clouds! Once I can’t wait for the news of my return to the mountain, I will definitely go down the mountain to investigate, but when you wait, you will die without a place to be buried!! But if you let me wait and leave , There will be great rewards in the future!”

“Very good.” Dingguang Fulin Shu smiled slightly, “You guys seem to have some status. So, after killing, you will definitely attract real masters…”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people on the opposite side changed slightly.


With Lin Shu’s order.

Several huge figures rushed out like beasts.

The power and speed brought by pure real blood, coupled with the terrifying talent of copper skin and iron bones, broke out at this time.

“Come on…Let me see, what is the strength of the legendary Three Main Peaks of the Wushizong…” Dingguang Folinshu’s eyes showed a hint of expectation.

Even if the hundred Buddhas are ranked in the Great Wu Li Buddhist Hall, he can rank in the top ten.

The fixed-character Buddha is far from comparable to other Buddha masters.

If you want to have this fixed character, you have to make a great feat at some point, and even put down a large area of ​​turmoil, in order to get this title.

Dingguang Buddha Lin Shu is far from the edge Buddha masters like Buddha in white.

Facing the Wu Shizong, one of the pillars of the Great Yuan, he took the initiative to invite him to find a strong enough opponent to stimulate his cultivation that has been stagnant for many years.

At this time, watching the madness and desperation, there are a lot of real energy, and even the real people of Wu Shizong who are about to be alienated.

He has anticipation slowly in his eyes.

A lot of real people from Wushizong flew out, with a large number of real energy and majestic aura, and slammed on the several Bodhisattvas and Arhats in the Hall of Worship.

But unfortunately, they were really strong, and these people stood still and blocked them on the spot.

Under the burning of real blood, these Bodhisattvas and Arhats are like real beasts.

One hand and one punch is more than tens of thousands of catties.

The thick flesh and bones, mixed with high-speed real blood, will be torn apart in an instant.

Just a dozen breaths.

The Wu Shizong people were torn to pieces on the spot and turned into pieces of meat.

Only one person was left very fast, and he fleeed away.

Lin Shu has been sitting on the sidelines, with no intention of chasing him down.

On the contrary, when the other Bodhisattvas and Arhats wanted to hunt down, they were drunk by him instead.

He needs a seed for whistleblowing. Therefore, that person cannot die.

Moreover, if the leader of the Three Peaks is really brought down, it will be more convenient for the other side to move more smoothly.

In this way, he can not only take a shot in person, but also reduce more resistance without the hands of the people in the sect.

“Let’s go. Go and take a look below.” Lin Shu retracted his gaze and looked at the battlefield below the cliff.

What surprised him a little was that the real blood general of his own army was actually being suppressed by the general of Taizhou.

For the same sense of inscription, the Taizhou man’s eyes are blood red, and it seems that he has used some secret method to desperately. At this time, wherever he went, he was invincible.

“Good deeds Bodhisattva.” Lin Shu said softly.

“Yes.” The one who had just defeated Wu Shizong and the others, whose hands were still stained with blood at this time, stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

“Go to cooperate with the general and solve that person.” Lin Shu whispered.

Even if the person in Taizhou is left alone, he will soon fade away due to his secret skills, and he will be defeated.

But this will have a huge impact on the morale of the entire army.


The Bodhisattva of Good Deeds nodded, turned around, bending his knees slightly.

Boom! !

He jumped out of the cliff, from the edge of the cliff that was 100 meters high, landed and rushed to the battlefield below.

Looking from a distance, this person rushed into the melee army formation in a blink of an eye. Everywhere he passed, he turned his back.

Neither the infantry nor the cavalry can stop him from charging.

The musket bullet hit him, and it was useless except to smash his coat.

This person protected his head and face, rushing all the way, and in a blink of an eye, he came to Taizhou General’s side and slammed hard.


He exploded like thunder with a loud roar.

The general of Taizhou, a master of transformation, also stimulated his whole body strength, and his combat power doubled.

At this time, with the same red eyes, he slashed his saber and fell down.


The two collided in an instant.

The saber knife clicked and snapped on the spot.

A head flew up into the sky with blood and water, and then rolled to the ground.

The glaring eyes on the head are full, and you will not squint!

In the Taizhou army, Chen Taihe, the first military officer of the state, did not die in the battle against the generals, but died in the attack and killing of the Buddha Hall.

The main general died, the army was defeated like a mountain, and the other lieutenants were also unable to resist, turning around and fleeing.

Tens of thousands of mansion troops were crushed.




Ten years of Qingzong, November.

Taizhou Prefecture. State Weifu.

The main hall of the formerly solemn Zhou Weifu’s mansion became more solemn now as several fugitives were escorted.

Chen Taihe has a cold face and a heavy armor. He sits quietly on a high place in the main seat.

There are also seats on the left and right sides of him.

On the left side sits a white-robed veteran Taoist, whose Taoist robe has no mark of Shizong.

On the right is a skinny old woman in black, sitting cross-legged, her eyes pale and silent.

“Chen Duanrui died in battle, when you wait to escape, what face is there to come back alive?” Chen Taihe’s voice was calm, watching the fugitive below.

After speaking, he waved tiredly, motioning to take the man down.

Several escaped generals wept bitterly and shouted loudly, but to no avail, they were soon beheaded on the spot outside.

In a short while, a few heads were placed in a tray and sent to the main hall.

“Peng Zhenren, in the current situation, can the peak owner respond?” Chen Taihe looked at the white-robed old man and asked in a deep voice.

“The army is defeated. If Wu Shizong can’t hold the Temple of Ritual, I won’t have the power to fight head-on.” He said in a low voice.

The masses and the military, now under tremendous pressure, have become complementary to each other.

If the Wu Shizong cannot stop this branch of the Temple of Worship, then the entire Taizhou will be like a nest-covered egg, in danger.

The old man in the white robe is also helpless.

In the original Dayuan, there were very few people in chaos, which did not affect the overall situation.

I never expected the Wu Kingdom to invade, and the leading generals were all chaotic blood.

Where it went, it even issued a prohibition on arms in the occupied area.

Now, even the real warlord sent by Yuyafeng is completely defeated.

“I have sent a letter to the sect, and there will be a decree of the peak master in the near future. The lieutenant can rest assured that if the whole army of the Buddhist Temple is suppressing the realm, I may not be able to resist it.

But if there is only one Dingguang Buddha, if my three main peaks can’t even match this, then the entire Dayuan Taoist door needs no more words. It is better to kneel and surrender! “

Chen Taihe felt a little relieved, and then looked at the old woman in black on the other side.

“In the current situation, I wonder if Wanfei Palace can send real people to help?”

Actually, Chen Ling’s mother was originally born in Wan Fei Palace, with Wan Fei Palace’s help behind her, plus the lead and lead, and he is also a very strong person among the chaotic blood, so she was able to compete with Zhou Mu Zhao Slowly, secretly conspiring with Wu Shizong.

Nowadays, Taizhou and Jinzhou depend on each other. If Taizhou collapses, Jinzhou will not be spared.

So the black-clothed old woman also has a solemn expression.

“The lieutenant, don’t worry, I have sent a letter back. The palace owner has arranged for a real person to come to help, and I will be able to arrive in a while.”

After hearing this, Chen Taihe sighed.

“I just received a message that Wu Junbing divided into three groups and attacked Zhongzhou, Taizhou, and Haizhou at the same time.

And strangely, the grandmaster of the Temple of Ritual Buddha was missing. At this moment, if the Guangci Sect and Grand Master Wu Jun join forces to make a raid…no matter which side, Haizhou or Taizhou, I will not be spared. “

“Don’t worry about your surroundings. If it’s really the grandmaster who doesn’t want to face up and does the assassination, then you have to be careful that our grandmaster does the same.

At that time, there will be great chaos in the world, and the two countries will lose out. The gains outweigh the losses. Wu will not break these rules. “

The old woman from Wanfei Palace shook her head.

In fact, she has something else to say.

That is, as far as the master is concerned, no matter how vigorous and vigorous the common national war, how much can they care about?

No matter whether it is Dayuan or Dawu, the country’s binding force on the master is extremely low.

These things come and go without a trace, the unconstrained top existence. It is extremely difficult to produce one in a hundred years.

In their eyes, wars between regions and nations are just like passing away.

After more than ten years of retreat, everything is a different story.

This kind of existence can’t be restricted even by the monarch. How can they be dispatched to assassinate mortals?

“Don’t talk about the grandmaster, if the Li Buddha Hall uses chaotic blood masters to assassinate during the march, this is trouble. Although there are master guards in the army, the strength of the Li Buddha Hall is too strong….Wu Shizong and I Wan It is impossible for Fei Gong to guard it with him….The blood chaos is super fast.”

“Then it can only be defensive.” Wu Shizong said in a deep voice, pinching his beard.

“I wait for a large formation with stars and stones to suppress the chaotic blood. It is so comprehensive. It’s just that it consumes…”

“We will deal with this game first! If it is consumed, we should allocate the purchase from the state treasury.” Chen Taihe waved his hand to determine the countermeasure.

On both sides of the lower side, many Taizhou officials just listened, and they could feel the strong depression of the storm and the dark clouds.

Wang Shaojun stood still on the right side, watching Chen Taihe continuously issuing instructions to cooperate.

He is also heavy and depressed.

Wu’s army has suppressed the territory, and Taizhou has already been occupied by half of it.

In today’s situation, the only hope of breaking the game lies in Wu Shizong and Wanfei Palace.

The masters are aloft, no one can drive them. The resources they need have long since been separated from the mundane supply. High probability will ignore it.

But the other real masters are different. Even if it is for the many conveniences provided by the commonplace, for the continuation of the blood of their own family, they will most likely be shot.

It’s just not clear how much you can participate.

After all, if the real people are invincible and turn to flee, they will be faster than anything.

They have a self-cultivation base. If they don’t want to work hard, they can live well anywhere.

So, this battle is not a real-life battle, but a secular battle.

The meeting ends soon.

Wang Shaojun filed out with a group of officials.

Leaving the prefectural lieutenant’s mansion, he got into his carriage.

“Master, there is a letter from you. It is from Haizhou.” The coachman reminded softly.

“Haizhou?” Wang Shaojun was taken aback, took the letter from the driver, and looked down.

There was a line of words clearly written on the letter.

‘Wang Shaojun’s personal enlightenment’

The name left below is: Xuanmiaozong·Wei He.

“Old Wei!?” Wang Shaojun was delighted.




At this time, Wei He didn’t even know what was going on in Taizhou.

He is busy turning on his super sense, carefully re-observing the whole world.

According to Senior Sister Yao Wan’s suggestion, he plans to start with Tiandao Island in the Zongmen first. Take Tiandao Island as the center, and then slowly explore the surroundings.

After making all preparations, Wei He stood at the pier of Tiandao Island.

The sea is blue in the distance, and the sky is blue.

Ships come and go like forests, warriors walk across the water, crossing the sea in groups of two.

Wei He changed into ordinary clothes, just dressed in ordinary, standing on the edge of the dock, looking towards the sea.

“Let’s get started….. Uncover the so-called truth…”

For an instant, Wei Heyi felt as if he had returned to what he felt when he first practiced martial arts.

That kind of expectation, with a touch of complexity, made it difficult for him to calm down.

“Brother, are you ready?” There was one person standing beside him, surprisingly Chang Xuezhong.

He was taken care of by Wei Hela for one or two.

“Well, it’s okay.” Wei He nodded.

“Then…As long as you speak out, I will immediately open a small formation for you. Forcibly cut off your perception temporarily.” Chang Xuezhong said solemnly.

“Thank you, brother.” Wei He nodded.

Turning his head, he took a deep breath.


Close your eyes.

He has a hunch.

This world in which I have lived for many years may not be as simple as I have seen before.

The so-called truth, real beasts, real people, there seems to be something buried under a deep curtain of dust, no one noticed.

“Then…Let me take a closer look…”

Wei He held his breath intently.


The moment the bell suddenly rang on the island.

He opened his eyes suddenly.

The dense purple-red silk thread swam out from the center of his pupil, like a living thing, swimming around in the white of his eyes.

For an instant.

The scenery of the sky and the sea that was just still blue as washing.

At this moment, it suddenly changed into a different situation.

What is reflected in Wei He’s eyes is a boundless vast ocean of gray and black.

There are countless carpet-like gray dots floating in the ocean.

There are countless gray dots, densely packed, some floating on the black sea, some flying in the air, and some covering the bodies of the passing ships, slowly moving with them.

Some ships are covered with thick flesh-and-blood sides of the ships have translucent creatures like giant octopus attached to the ships.

They pulsate slowly with breathing.

A closer look reveals that these octopus creatures seem to be decomposing.

The flesh and blood on their bodies is growing densely with tiny black flying insects.

These little flying insects flew back and forth on the ship, occasionally burrowing in and out of the crew’s ears, nostrils, and mouth.

A burst of laughter from Ying Xiaofeng entered Wei He’s ears, and he seemed to be able to smell the stench from the octopus creatures.

“That is the worm of greed, a kind of colony parasitic real beast.” Chang Xuezhong explained in a low voice on the side.

“This kind of insect swarm can’t be killed, it can’t be eliminated, even if I wait for a real person, it can’t get rid of it.”

Wei He nodded, looking at the weird and dirty scene in front of him, silently in his heart.

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