Omnipresent God of War: Three hundred and sixty-seven, An Ran, Part One

From the expression on changing the pine nuts, Wei He could see that he still had a lot to say.

However, he remembered that Senior Sister Yao Wan once told him that there was still another place in Xuanmiao Sect called Liyuan Jue Prison.

“In other words, that underground space is Liyuan Jieyu? The place where many real beasts are sealed?” He thought for a while and asked aloud.

“Well, to be precise, it is a part of Liyuan Jue Prison. Since Black Seal Kunpeng disappeared more than two hundred years ago, it has been abandoned as a safe space.” Chang Songzi nodded.

Wei He knew it well.

This time he really understood his ultimate strength.

He is indeed very strong, but he is not yet invincible. It is okay with the ordinary and true. The low-ranking ones are fine, but the high-ranking ones, like the Buddha, may not be able to compete.

The black cross before gave him a big alert.

Although he is majestic and powerful, but sometimes, the total amount is not enough to ignore everything.

So when facing the Black Cross, he almost capsized too.

If he hadn’t had the physical strength blessed by Jinghongjue, I’m afraid this time, he would only be able to taste a complete defeat for the first time in history.

“Speaking of which, Sister Sister always gives people a very mysterious feeling. Was she also like this before?” Wei He asked.

Hua Songzi smiled and said: “The big sister looks gentle, but in fact, it is not that simple. If you get along for a long time, you will know.”

Wei He nodded and thought for a while. He stood up and walked towards the black-line whale corpse on the side of the ship.

He will start practicing according to the record on Jing Hongjue.

Whale oil needs special treatment to keep it longer, but will it be better if you use it fresh from your mouth?

Wei He plans to try.




The gray clouds are rolling.

On the edge of the island, Wu’s army warships surrounded the entire island.

On the main ship headed by Shenwu General Xie An, stroked the mane of the pet triangle lion next to him.

He looked at a quiet island of Heaven, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Before, he let the army cover Dingwei Buddha and others on the island, and attacked the formation of Qing Meizi and others frontally.

In the dark place, Dingwei Fo and several people join in and out, and attack the core of the Neishan formation.

It’s just… after so long, why is the formation still working?

Xie An frowned.

In his sight, the shining white light, like a star array of water waves, is still the same as before, extremely strong.

This star array does not have any special defense capabilities.

It can’t resist arrows, nor can it resist swordsmen.

Its only function is actually to increase the status. Add a lot of negative states to all those who enter and exit the star array.

The constellation has a greater impact on the higher the cultivation base.

Especially people who are getting closer to real people. For example, the real blood general level can have a great suppressive effect.

If you want to defeat the many real people of Xuanmiaozong in this kind of suppression, even if they can do it, they are not willing to bear this kind of loss.

Wu Guo is very powerful now. After the center is centralized, all resources are allocated according to needs.

All talented people and people with chaotic blood can get the most proper training.

Hundred years of accumulation, so Wu Guo can now have such a huge war potential.

Regardless of civilians or nobles, those who are able go up, and those who are weak go down.

It’s that simple.

Class is completely determined by force.

This is the key to Wu Guoqiang.

There are many strong ones, but it doesn’t mean you can consume them casually.

The effect of this Xuanmiaozong star formation is enough to make a master of the lowest level of true blood generals be suppressed to the limit of visceral training.

This is a level of suppression.

So, if he wanted to destroy the Xuanmiao Sect under this situation, without disarming the star formation, he was unwilling to go to the island and die.

“General, something is happening!” Suddenly the lieutenant next to him reminded him.

“What?” Xie An frowned, not seeing what was wrong with Star Array.

“It’s the top of the mountain!” The lieutenant pointed at the top of the Tianhaidao volcano, shaking slightly.

Xie An took his eyes and looked in the direction of his fingers.

Sure enough, there was a huge shadow fighting faintly there. It seemed that Dingwei Buddha and others were besieging and killing the high-level Xuanmiaozong guarding the star formation under the leadership of the master.

It just made Xie An a little puzzled that the green plum Baihezi and the others, who had just resisted the landing of the army on the island, kept retreating at this time, retreating into a place covered by dense forests on the island.

Soon these Xuanmiao Sect members disappeared.

Wu Jun landed one after another, and a team of soldiers, led by the young general, charged towards the island.

But these landings are only the Pioneer Battalion, not the full landing of the army. If there is any trouble, only the Pioneer Battalion will lose more than a thousand people.

This is affordable to Xie An.

It’s just that after Pioneer Camp landed on Tianhai Island and entered the mountaineering dense forest, it was still silent and disappeared very quickly.

There were no warning signs, no echoes, not even a ringing arrow.

Xie An’s face fell slightly gloomy.

“How long has it been for the Buddha and others to go up there?” he asked in a deep voice.

“It’s been twelve minutes since I returned to the general.” The lieutenant answered with a pocket watch.

“At the speed of the four Buddhas, you should be able to reach the top of the mountain in only five minutes. The vibration just now should have been caused by them.

But, why hasn’t the result so far been? “Xie An doubted.

“Perhaps, what trouble was it that was delayed? If it was a fight, maybe it would also be a delay?” The lieutenant guessed.

At this moment, the star array on the entire sky island slowly dissipated like water waves and gradually disappeared.

The entire island is empty, and no one of Xuanmiaozong can be seen.

Even the Pioneer Camp and others who went up the mountain before could not hear any movement.

“My lord, maybe the Lord Buddha and others succeeded.” The deputy said in a deep voice. “Are we on the offensive?”

“…..” Xie An stared at the Tiandao Island in front of him, squinted, and stared at the direction of the top of the mountain.

There is exactly the location of Xuanmiaozong’s blessed land. With his eyesight, he can only see the interior scenery at the top of the mountain, with layers of white light curtains blocking the line of sight.

I can’t see what happened in the blessed land at all.

But….. Now that the Lord of Ding Tired has not heard a reply, it seems that there is something in this Xuanmiao Sect.

Xie An showed a hint of coldness on his face.

He raised his hand.

“Evacuate everyone on the island and return to me.”

“General?” The lieutenant looked at him slightly puzzled.

“Get on the artillery. Boom the edge of the island first!” Xie An said coldly.

No matter what the Xuanmiao sect has, there are still a few real people in the sect.

The power of artillery can only be resisted by a real person, he wants to see, what is this Xuanmiao Sect using to block it?

Also, a real person can block a few shells at most at a time. This time he fired a salvo of hundreds of artillery.

Look at how this star array will deal with it?

It’s just that as soon as his voice fell, Tianhaidao echoed.

The Pioneer Camp and others who had been on the island before went down the mountain one after another. Messages quickly spread to Xie An’s side.

“What?! They are all dead!” Xie An opened his eyes and suddenly raised his head to look towards the top of the mountain.

Suddenly he seemed to have thought of something, and he was startled.

“Not good!! Xuanmiaozong’s blessed land has a Liyuan Juezhu, who will hate the Buddha and the others. It is very likely that Xuanmiaozong will…” He suddenly thought of a possibility.

If Xuanmiaozong is desperate to release Liyuan Juezhu, all the real beasts that have been sealed for a thousand years are released.

The danger….

Just as he was about to raise his hand to order the withdrawal of troops.

Suddenly a bit of chill came from the deck behind.

“Shen Wu general, Xie An?” A peaceful woman’s voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

Xie An didn’t turn around, his huge body suddenly showed unbelievable agility.

Like an ape, he darted far away in the blink of an eye and looked back at the edge of the bow.

The only thing that shocked him was that although he left, the lieutenant who was still waiting for hundreds of elite guards still stayed stiff.

Everyone was motionless, and a blood hole slowly appeared at the center of the eyebrows. Hemorrhage and brain plasma flowed slowly from the blood hole, and it was obvious that it was completely wiped out in a very short time.

In the location where Xie An originally stood, a beautiful woman in a black robe, blindfold and draped hair was standing at this time.

She drooped her hands, and a little bit of blood dripped slowly from her fingertips.

“It’s you!?” Xie An’s heart shook, “Yuan Duzi!? How could you…”

He couldn’t believe everything in front of him at all.

According to the intelligence obtained through countless investigations, Yuan Duzi is only at the nine-step limit of the true truth, and he is still a short distance from the master, and he is at the same level as Xie An.

How could it be so quiet, in front of him, he broke into the main ship of the army and killed so many soldiers in the entire ship in a sneak attack.

It even includes several lieutenants of the true level.

This is incredible!

“Run very fast.” Yuan Duzi glanced at Xie An, then raised her hand, and her sleeves fell down, revealing her flawless, white jade skin.

Only at this time, chain-like red patterns slowly appeared on the skin.

That is a huge star array arranged by the army of the State of Wu, which can greatly suppress all real people or real beasts entering the star array.

And if this star formation is fully activated, it can even cause a terrifying and drastically weakened Grand Master.

At this time Yuan Duzi felt this weakening.

“It’s amazing…. Compared to my Xuanmiao Sect’s star formation, suppression is even stronger…” Yuan Duzi curiously felt his strength.

Under the suppression of the star formation, even she felt heavy pressure. Some of her strength was weakened and she couldn’t make a full shot.

“It seems that you have really broken through the master…what happened to you and hate the Buddha?” Xie An said solemnly.

“Stop hating the Buddha?” Yuan Duzi was taken aback, and moved his fingers lightly, revealing a coquettish smile.

“Their flesh and blood have merged with me…”

“Now, it’s your turn…”

“It’s ridiculous, you dared to leave your formation and break into my great Wu army formation. Even if you are a grandmaster today, you would die without a place to be buried!”

Xie An opened his arms, his muscles continued to swell, and black scales came out from his skin.

“Kill!!” He leaped up, his figure rolled, his arms like double knives, and he slashed down with a cross slash.

And his seemingly simple shot, but it seems to bring about tens of meters of air around.

The layers of invisible power quickly gathered to his body.

This is the power of the Great Army Star Formation.

The army of the Star Array was fully aroused by him at this moment, increasing its every move.

This is Xie An borrowing the will of the entire army to oppress Yuan Duzi in front of him.

“It’s a pity.”

Yuan Duzi’s eyes are quiet.

“Although the star array is strong…but you guys, the number is too small…”

Suddenly, the sun rising in the early morning cast a thick shadow on the two of them.

In the shadows, Yuan Duzi’s head suddenly deformed, became bigger, and turned into a giant shadow, and the lightning rushed forward.

Puff! !

The huge mouth swallowed Xie An in mid-air for a moment.

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