Omnipresent God of War: Three Hundred and Ninety-Nine Realm Upper (Three Major Lords of the Xie Buddha Family)

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed…

In order to break through the cultivation base with peace of mind, Wei He did not go out and kept hiding in his cave to cultivate hard.

There is no sun and moon in the mountains, and more than a dozen sun and moon rotate in a flash.

Without notifying anyone, Wei He just asked Lou Shengyue to push him away from all the outside affairs, and the news will not affect him for the time being.

He stayed in the cave alone, not eating or drinking, just closing his eyes and repeating it over and over again, repeating the process of nourishing the soul with real energy.

Under his nourishment, the **** of gravity became more and more dense and dark.

This false **** hidden in Ao** gradually took on a fixed form under the influence of his subconscious mind.

It was a human figure made of pure pitch black.

No facial features, no hair, only appearance that looks like a human.

The faint scent of concentrating scent drifted slowly in the cave.

Wei He slowly opened his eyes.

Now, he has become more and more accustomed to this boring, but contented life in his heart.

He cherishes every minute and every second he spends in the blessed land.

The quiet practice here is inseparable from the hard work of the external sects to obtain the astrolabe and support the operation of the star array.

So even for those hard-working real brothers outside, he must cherish every minute and every second here and work hard to practice.

“Fortunately…. It was almost the same as the estimated time, and finally it was made.”

Wei He let out a long breath.

Every time Changxiu woke up, he would relax himself in this way.

Imagine the turbid air from all parts of the body, continuously infiltrating into the lungs, and then spit out in one breath…


Wei He saw a little bit of finely divided gray particles in his breath.

He knew that his eyes felt so deep and deep.

As the cultivation level improves, the senses of super-sensation will deepen and approach the deeper real world step by step.

Now he has only a second sense of concentration, and he has a sense of supernaturalness with both his hands and eyes.

When it comes to Quanzhen, the body will naturally enter the super sense through the whole body senses. At that time, you can instantly enter the real world with your whole body, so as to instantly achieve a similar purpose of invisibility.

“To achieve Consummation, the last ray of strength is completely transformed. Then, just the last step, you can practice the third level of mysterious lock art.”

The main purpose of the third level of Xuan Suo Gong is to nourish the gods.

The key to the last step is also in the existence of God.

“According to the secret book, my self-created surviving gods, their abilities and supernatural powers are all self-defining, so the final key to this level is how to activate the supernatural powers.”

Wei He thought carefully.

The magical power of gravity is naturally to manipulate gravity.

So how to calculate the manipulation of gravity.

Wei He’s mind attached various gravitation-related image ideas that he had seen in his previous life to Huanzhen Jin and stuffed it in.

The preservation of the gods is a very wonderful stage. After the existence of the gods takes shape, it will mysteriously induce various natural effects from the outside world.

Secret Book Record: The deeper and more comprehensive the understanding of the deity that saves the deity, the stronger the deity’s supernatural power will be.

Wei He feels that he has a better understanding of gravitation than most people in this world.

At this time, all these thoughts were stuffed in.

Gravity God is still the same, and I don’t know what additional conditions are needed to break through.

If it is the classic twelve pictures of gods handed down from the sect, the gods above have simply marked the various conditions required for breakthroughs.

For example: Some people want to wander around outside and feel the natural society.

Some have to live in a sword-only environment for up to a year.

Some people have to stay in the dark for a long time before they can see the object.

And after these conditions are met, there is only a possibility of breaking through.

Failures abound.

However, these don’t matter to Wei He.

“Now that it’s complete, let’s start…”

He felt the real strength in his body after the second transformation. These really real powers already have the characteristics of the third layer of profound lock power, but they are still a bit short of the last point.

Only after this point is completed, they can be regarded as the real three-layer profound lock strength.

Wei He vaguely felt that he needed to carefully experience the existence of universal gravitation in a completely weightless environment in order to break through this barrier.

It’s just a breakthrough on his own. With his aptitude rooted in his bones, the danger is too high.


“Broken Realm Pearl…broken!”

Wei He’s heart moved.

It’s really exciting to feel the fullness of the whole body and the mass that is about to burst, and the thoughts are like spikes, piercing the broken realm bead on the chest.


There was a soft sound in my heart, and in an instant, an invisible cold current gushed out of the Boundary Orb, spreading and separating in the surroundings.

The number of these cold currents is not large, but they are like catalysts. Everywhere they pass, everything is really strong, and they start to slowly activate.

It’s true that Zhenjin was originally gray and black because of the total amount.

At this time, under the catalysis of the Broken Realm Orb, all the real energy became deeper and deeper.

Just a few minutes.

Wei He reached out his hand calmly and shook his palm.

“This is the third layer…?”

Since there is no sound, he has reached the third level standard, and then he should practice the fourth level.

He can feel that the third layer is really strong, and it has changed a bit more than before.

The simplest change is gravity.

Before, the whole body was really strong and could have tens of thousands of catties of traction. Now this force has been strengthened, and it has been enhanced a lot.

Wei He simply stretched out an index finger, and the fingertips gathered a unit, which was really strong.

His previous unit could carry almost one hundred catties. One hundred units is about 10,000 catties.


Wei He pointed at a stone table of more than two hundred jin in front.

The table floated slowly, shaking, and then approached him.

“The increase is at least two to three times…”

Wei He was slightly shaken, feeling a bit unscientific. Because according to the laws of nature, he himself should feel the pulling force.

But he didn’t feel any pulling force at this time.

“In addition, the power of Zhenjin itself has been strengthened. Corrosiveness and mobility have been improved…”

Wei He simply tested the third and second layers, which are equivalent to the strengthening of the second layer.

The rest is unchanged.

“Unfortunately, it takes four contemplations before you can attack with Cun Shen. Before that, you mainly rely on martial arts to fight.”

Completing three contemplations gave Wei He’s sense of crisis a little comfort.

As Yuan Duzi said at the beginning, his strength has not increased much, and the tens of thousands of kilograms of power generated by gravity is just icing on the cake for him, and it does not bring qualitative changes.

If there is no Rank 5 Dragon’s Breath Secret Skill, he mainly relies on his hole cards, or a massive amount of real power.

Relying on the number to explode, and entering the real state of landing, this is his hole card.

Now entering the third level, the actual combat improvement is not much. But the next layer is the fourth layer, which is a qualitative change.

“Fourth layer…. After completing the fourth layer, you will be able to use the sealing ability of the gods….At that time, I would like to see how strong my sealing ability is.”

Wei He is looking forward to it.

Adapting to the changes in his body and strength for a while, he walked out of the hole, intending to relax and go around.

Previously, Yao Wan said something to help with Yao’s family. After Yao Wan came back later, he also visited him midway to thank him. As a result, others broke through in retreat and didn’t run into it.

“Xiaoyue, where is Senior Sister Yaowan now?” Wei He stretched out his hand and moved towards Lou Shengyue who was on standby outside the cave.

“In the fifth inexplicable view.” Lou Shengyue replied, “Senior Sister Yao left a message, asking you to go there once when you leave the customs, and she will be there waiting.”

“Yeah.” Wei He nodded, did not let Lou Shengyue follow, left alone, from the wall of the honeycomb cave, past Xuanzang Jade Bi, into the interior, and soon, guided by the token in hand, he came Near the fifth inexplicable view.

The dark interior, at this time, in the eyes after deepening once, it is no longer pure darkness anymore,

There are faint filaments in the air, dancing and fluttering, I don’t know what it is.

Wei He sighed in his heart, the more his cultivation base increases, the more he perceives deeper things.

The dark and dark fifth inexplicable temple, with Taoist temple as the center, there are some big and small martial arts fields nearby.

This is a place where many low-ranking real people test and practice secret skills and learn from each other.

There are a total of four martial arts venues, Wei He casually turned around, and found Yao Wan at the third martial arts venue around the inexplicable view.

In the dojo, few people use it, and there are enough pills in hand. Many real people like to leave the blessed land and go out to find real beasts to test their skills.

So here is only the occasional sound of a few pairs of real people competing against each other.

Yao Wan was sitting in a wheelchair with a blanket covering his knees. He looked calmly at the silk thread floating through the window of the martial arts arena.

She didn’t look back, but she also sensed that Wei He had entered the door.

The martial arts field is very large, about the size of two basketball courts, with layers of black stone walls divided into blocks in the middle.

The two pairs of real people who competed seem to be testing some new tricks, and stopped to discuss and study carefully after playing a few times from time to time.

There is no voice, I want to communicate through voice transmission.

Wei He silently walked behind Yao Wan and stood still without making a sound. Instead, she is looking closely at her now.

I haven’t seen Yao Wan for a long time, she is obviously thinner.

The cheeks that were originally delicate and beautiful have become tapered, and the cheekbones are slightly protruding. The long hair is thinner and not as shiny as before.

Under the luminescence of the Ye Mingzhu inlaid on the wall and ceiling, Yao Wan at this time seems to have completely changed his personality, with a cold, indifferent temperament and a thousand miles away.

“Long time no see, Junior Brother Wei He.”

After waiting for a while, Yao Wan turned his looked at Wei He with a calm gaze.

“I was in retreat some time ago, and Sister Yao was out, is she going to investigate the Thousand Faces Demon again?” Wei He whispered. “Any clue?”

“….. Found something. It has been reported to the sovereign.” Yao Wan looked calm.

The two seemed to have nothing to say for a while, only silence.

After a few minutes, Wei He couldn’t help breaking the silence.

“Sister Yao, are you looking for me if you have something? If you have something, you can tell me directly.”

“…..” Yao Wan looked up and stared at Wei He’s eyes, as if he could also see the sincerity in his eyes.

She also softened her eyes.

“Thank you for the last thing at home….If I solve it myself, I am afraid that changing pine nuts will not give me face.

Neither did you expect that you looked so weak at the beginning, and in a blink of an eye, you are getting stronger and stronger. By now, I am nowhere near…”

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