Omnipresent God of War: Three hundred and forty-four, settle down (Thank you, don’t let the pigeons go, lord)

“It’s okay, don’t worry, Senior Sister, it’s not my blood.” Wei He shook his head.

Looking at Yao Wan’s unabashedly worried eyes, although he felt a little inexplicable and sudden.

But after all, people care about safety, and my heart feels warm.

“Sister, what’s the situation? Can you still go?” He frowned.

“I…. It’s okay, I just can’t do it again in a short time. Otherwise…” Yao Wan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

She can’t remember how many years she hasn’t worked so hard.

But looking at Wei He in front of her, the thoughts in her heart became firm again.

It’s all worth it.

It has been a long time since Xuanmiaozong had a top genius…If it was Wei Heneng…that would be the blessing of the entire sect.

“What should we do now? Go straight back?” Wei He asked.

“Detour. Quickly pass the message back to the Zongmen. As long as you go to any larger town, you can pass the Zongmen station and send out urgent messages.

But this is just a normal method. With our foot power, it would not take long to rush back to the sect at full speed. Instead of going around to find a staging point, it is better to return directly! “

“Okay!” Wei He nodded.

He didn’t expect to encounter such a thing when he came down the mountain.

But this is the end, there is nothing to say.

The two immediately determined the direction and drove with all their strength.

In less than half an hour, the two successfully returned to Zhentao City, crossed the sea by boat, and returned to Tiandao Island.

They also finally reported the incident at the border station.




“What!? Something happened at the station in Heisong Town!?”

The chief green plum of the moving line, with a shocked expression, suddenly stood up from the main position, her face tense.

At this time, in the inner mountain of Xuanmiao Zong, the main hall of Zongmen.

Qing Meizi looked at Yao Wan and Wei He, who were covered in blood below, and didn’t even have time to take care of their appearance.

On both sides of the main hall, they have just arrived at the high level of the Zongmen Three Veins.

In the entire sect, there are a total of ten true masters, and Suoshan alone accounted for five. This is not even Yuan Duzi.

At this time, when the people were all there, Yuan Duzi frowned slightly, looking at the green plum, who had already lost an inch.

“It seems that Wu Jun wants to hit the west, but with their overall strength, even if it is not the main force, but just a branch, it can make us feel tricky.” Yuan Duzi said solemnly.

“This is not the point….There were also many newcomers who visited the station in Blackpine Town before, but they never came back. But the following report actually said that it was killed by a real beast. …” Qingmei said with an ugly expression.

It is quite clear what this means.

Yuan Duzi and Baihezi beside her, both face slightly changed.

“If it weren’t for someone to conceal it, it would be impossible for such a major event to have been flawless for so long!” Qing Meizi’s eyes were like knives, and she swept over a dozen Quanzhen in the hall.

Everyone was stunned, and they also heard the meaning.

“The focus now is not on self-examination, but on dealing with the situation in the past! Wu Jun approached and moved forward in two teams. The only place that Haizhou can resist is the three cities.

The total number of garrisons is only three hundred thousand. Among them, the combat effectiveness, what will happen to the Wu Jun, no one can tell. “

Qingmei’s voice is severe.

“Yuanduzi, Baihezi, fellow juniors and sisters, do you have a good plan?” He glanced at everyone.

“As far as I know. There is no master at the Ritual Buddha Hall. Just relying on a white-clothed Buddha, a true-blooded general, Yuan Han, wants to occupy Haizhou and swallow our sect. In any case, it is impossible.” Yuan Duzi said quickly.

“Then their real intention is…?” Ome frowned.

The army is overwhelming, every day is a huge consumption, Wu Guo can never waste food and grass in vain.

Since they are out of the army, they definitely have a way to deal with their Xuanmiaozong’s shots.

Otherwise, there will be a lack of an army of masters and face the assassination of human level.

It doesn’t take long at all, it will collapse one after another.

Although they also have a big formation against Grandmasters, that formation is too costly and cannot be used easily.

Everyone here is discussing military affairs.

On the other side, Yuan Duzi motioned for a junior to take Yao Wan and Wei He to retire first and go out to recover from their injuries.

Wei He and Yao Wan followed the real person and left the hall, finally feeling relieved.

After all, before the accident, the information was reported to the sect.

“By the way, where is my strong man?” Wei He asked suddenly.

“….. Didn’t you see it?” Yao Wan looked blank.

The three of them left the hall and walked on the large stone pillars in the corridor.

Suddenly thinking of Zhou Muqing, Wei He stopped, a little worried.

“If you are worried, go to Waishan and let people look around for you.” Yao Wan said weakly.

“Hmm…” Wei Heying came down and looked at Senior Sister Yao Wan again.

Just now, they didn’t tell the truth.

It just said that Yao Wan tried his best to kill the three-phase bodhisattva under the command of the white Buddha.

Then both of them were injured and rushed back to report in time.

As for the other four people who died in their hands, none of them had ever seen them.

This was proposed by Yao Wan.

The purpose is to completely eliminate witnesses and extend Wei He’s growth period as much as possible.

The people who have seen them do it anyway are dead.

As long as they don’t tell them, even Xu Dingchun, the Buddha in white, will not believe it. Killing the real person of the Five Settlement Master under his command is actually a new real person who has just just gotten into it.

To be honest, if Yao Wan hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, if Yao Wan himself had heard someone say this to her.

She won’t believe it either.

So, it’s best to let this secret rot in the bottom of my heart. Just turn around and quietly confess to Senior Sister Yuanduzi.

Master Yuan Duzi is in charge of the sect. As long as she knows the truth, she must allocate resources to Wei He. Don’t be too easy.

The two followed the real person, all the way out of the corridor, and stopped outside the heavily guarded hall.

“Go back and have a good rest. Next, you don’t care about anything, just feel calm. The rest will be handled by the master and sister.” Yao Wan comforted.

Wei He nodded. His task is considered complete.

Now that the news is reported successfully, there is nothing to do with him.

Although he is very strong, he is also considered strong in actual combat at the level of truthfulness.

But the huge Xuanmiao Sect will definitely not lack a master at his level.

Not to mention that there are three chiefs of the three main lines.

Qingmeizi, Baihezi, Yuanduzi, the three chiefs, each of them is a terrifying master far stronger than the others.

Especially Yuan Duzi, who has suppressed the entire sect for hundreds of years, and defeated any of the junior brothers and sisters.

The strength is bottomless.

No one knows where she is anymore.

Because no one can find out about her at all.

There are such masters in charge.

Wei He also felt much settled, and the sky fell and there was a higher roof.

At the moment, he honestly took things with him, separated from Yao Wan, and headed for the outer mountain.

It’s not over yet. Next, he plans to live in his own home.

While waiting for Zhou Muqing to return, continue to feel calm.

Next, his eyes are about to be completely overwhelmed.

After surpassing the concentration level once, it is time for him to continue to practice the second level of Xuan Suo Jin.

After all, although the world uses the number of constant senses as the standard for judging the strength of a real person.

However, what really determines the strength of a real person is the state of cultivation, the depth of motivation, and the secrets of moves.

Only when you have a high level of skill, can you be able to hold more contemplation times and have the opportunity to change your strength.

At the moment, he quickly gathered his mind, went to the outer mountain to post a tracing mission, and then stayed at his own home in Tianhai Island and started to meditate.

This closed-door repair, more than half a month passed.

The situation outside is changing.

Xuanmiaozong cooperated with Haizhou Zhouwei, and most of the sect masters came out, a total of 300,000 troops, and Wu Jun, madly colliding and strangling on the vast barren ground of Haizhou.

Xuanmiaozong occupies a favorable geographical location, and everyone has already adapted to the icy and freezing Haizhou weather.

But from Wu Jun’s point of view, it’s different.

Although the Temple of Lifu broke out again afterwards, in addition to the White Buddha, three other Buddha masters came and led the team to sneak into Haizhou.

But they are not afraid of the cold, such as true blood generals, but ordinary sergeants can’t stand it.

There are also all kinds of siege equipment, which are also struggling in the ice and snow, and continue to fail.

Under such an overall situation, Qing Meizi led the real people to set up a series of tricks to lure the enemy, and Yuanduzi Baihezi shot together, and then invited Wanfei Palace to send out experts to support and cooperate.

Together. Finally seized the opportunity, General Wu Jun Yuan Han, and the other three Buddha masters, along with many true blood of the Buddha Hall, suffered heavy losses and killed several people in a row.

Wei He doesn’t know how many ups and downs there are.

Since he delivered the news to the main hall that day, he has left everything behind, and he is determined to stay behind closed doors at home.

And a month’s time, fleeting.

Finally, it was the moment of his last step.

That’s the seal-re-seal the feeling that has been superfluous for a long time.





The melodious bells slowly awakened Wei He from entering concentration.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the quiet room where he was sitting and practicing.

The quiet room was empty, only a calligraphy and painting on the wall opposite him, and above it was the picture of Whale Hongjue with a bright moon and a long whale.

He likes the mood and feeling on this picture very much, so he takes it as a fixed picture and hangs it here.

“Time, it should be…”

Wei He looked up and saw the only vent in the quiet room, casting a beam of bright sunlight.

He stretched out his hand and let the light beam shine on his palm.

During these hours, he stayed in the quiet room and didn’t go anywhere. In order to wait for the last moment of composure.

Otherwise, if you get into a real beast or something, it will be unnecessary trouble.

“It’s almost time to close…” Wei He looked at an hourglass timer placed in the corner of the wall.

There is still more than ten minutes left before it will be completely missed.

The last moment is approaching.

Wei He took a deep breath, allowing his lungs and chest cavity to relax completely.


He stood up slowly.

At this time, his eyes have been in a super-sensing state for a month, and they have been able to turn on super-sensing steadily, without worrying about fluctuations along with the movement.

Wei He has always been curious about what the world under the super sense is and now, he can finally experience it by himself.

In this quiet room, there is always his real energy constantly sweeping, and there will be no abnormalities at all.

He couldn’t see anything unusual in his eyes at this time.

With a slight movement in his heart, Wei He got up, arranged his clothes, and walked slowly to the door of the quiet room.

He reached out and held the door handle.

Open the lock on the top.

This is the first time he is ready to see the real world with pure and super-sense eyes.

What is the real real world?

With a hint of curiosity and a hint of anxiety in Wei He’s heart, he gently pulled his hand hard.


The door opened slowly.

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