Omnipresent God of War: Thirteenth Mingde Part 1

  Mingde Temple is located in the south of Feiye City, in the mountains and forests, behind it is the endless sea of ​​trees and mountains.

   is surrounded by only a mountain road, winding to its gate.

   At this time, the sun is setting, red light is everywhere.

  Sparse pilgrims in front of the temple are leaving.

   is already in the afternoon, and few people come to burn incense at this time.

   Because the night in the wild is far more dangerous than the day.

   At this time, at the gate of Mingde Temple, a tall and sturdy young man was standing.

  The young man is dressed in dark green linen, with a large hat on his head and a rough short knife on his waist, walking briskly to the gate of the mountain.

  The youth has an ordinary face but bright eyes. At first glance, he is not from an ordinary family with malnutrition.

   But who would have thought that a few months ago, this person was still a thin, small, weak bean sprouts body.

  The youth is Wei He who left the team while taking advantage of the gap.

   He ran all the way, and after a lot of effort, he rushed to Mingde Temple in a short time.

  Step by step along the gray stone steps, Wei He quickly came to a large temple with yellow tiles and red walls.

   On the plaque at the main entrance of the temple, it is written in red letters on a black background: Mingde Temple, three characters.

   Two little novice monks are cleaning the fallen leaves outside the door with a broom, sweeping the fallen leaves into a pile.

  Wei He stood outside the door and looked inside. The temple entered the door. It was a huge courtyard with a black incense burner surrounded by two people, slowly burning a lot of incense.

   There is little smoke left in the incense head, and it seems to be about to burn out.

   At this time, two more pilgrims came together and walked across the temple gate into the courtyard.

   then bowed towards the incense burner, saluted, and then entered the side hall.

  Wei He didn’t follow the door, but turned to the left and walked around the temple wall toward the mountain forest.

   The two little novices swept the floor and whispered something, not paying attention to his actions at all.

   Wei He walked around Mingde Temple with his feet, and found that the temple was quite new, and many places were only recently completed.

   and the monk robes on the novices are not badly made. Obviously not bad money.

   returned to the main entrance of the temple, Wei He was about to enter.

   just happened to see the gate, and a small group of soldiers walked out of it.

   These soldiers have a thick waist and a tall body. They are wearing black standard leather armor and equipped with a wide-backed sword with a sheath on their waists. They move quickly and are well-trained.

   A full six pawns filed out to protect the middle pair of women.

   Among the two women, one is in a green dress and red shoes, **** with a girl’s bun and bun, and follows the other woman step by step. Obviously a role like a maid.

  Another woman, wearing a white veil, black hair shawl, and faint silver hair accessories looming in her hair.

   Even if this woman wears a veil, the gentle and polite temperament revealed in her eyes makes Wei He involuntarily look at it a few more times.

   Looking from a distance, the core woman among the soldiers is wearing a white dress, and she is not stained with dust, and she knows that someone at home often does laundry for her.

  Otherwise, no one can keep such clean clothes all the time.

   Wei He sighed in his heart, this ancient man had no washing machine and could maintain this degree of cleanliness. He must have an extraordinary background.

   and those soldiers…

   He turned his attention to the six pawns guarding the woman.

   The leather armors of these soldiers are all engraved with the word “Hong”. The handwriting is not big, but it is very clear and profound.

   Soon, under the **** of a group of soldiers, the woman descended the mountain along the stone steps, and gradually disappeared in the dense forest.

  ”Tsk tusk tusk…this private soldier of Hujiabao is different from ordinary people at first sight, really extraordinary.” A pilgrim couldn’t help but sigh in a low voice.

   “Good rice and meat are provided every day. I heard that Hongjiabao also teaches private soldiers to practice external skills. These conditions are that waste can also be piled into elites.” Another person sighed.

   “Isn’t that just the elite soldiers piled up alive with money? Now that the defenders are thin and weak, Humboldt still secretly raises such strong private soldiers, this picture…”

   Most of the pilgrims who can still be outside at this time are not ordinary people. At this time, they have a chat, and they have their own opinions.

   I saw what was wrong with Hu Jiabao at a glance.

  Wei He didn’t say a word. What happened to Hujiabao has nothing to do with him. He came here only to find the whereabouts of his parents.

   walked into the temple gate and into the courtyard. He quickly found a white-browed monk passing by.

   “The master.”

   was held by him, the monk looked at him up and down.

   “The donor is polite.”

   “I would like to ask, six months ago, did your temple invite some stone carvers to come to the temple to carve Buddha statues?” Wei He asked in a deep voice.

  ”Half a year ago?” The old monk thought for a while, “It’s true. But…”




   At the foot of Mingde Temple Mountain at this time.

   A tall man wearing a straw hat slowly came to the stone steps up the mountain.

   He took out a dark green bamboo tube from his arms, shook it gently, moved closer to his ears, and listened carefully.

   There is a faint sound of wings vibrating from the bamboo tube. The vibrating sound is very regular.

   The man twisted the bamboo lid, which had a black hole for ventilation.

   He leaned close to the black hole and sniffed it.

   “There is a fragrance, there is one missing here.”

   These days, he has been tracking the black-character bug continuously, and secretly killed all the living people who had contact with the black-character bug.

   depends on the smell of incense in this bamboo tube.

   The smelling worms and the black worms are natural enemies. They feed on the black worms. Once the black worms are found, or even the people who have been in contact with the black worms, they will naturally emit a fragrance.

   The scent is as sweet as sandalwood, unforgettable. And the closer you get to the target, the more intense the aroma of the scented insect.

   and the black bug is even more difficult. Once in contact with people, if there is a dry mark, the breath will dissipate for several months.

   The man has already relied on this method to kill three of them who had come into contact with the black-character bug. And disguised the body as being attacked by a beast and died.

  With his martial arts, it is not difficult to do this.

   The man took a relaxed and natural step and walked towards the stone steps. The demeanor was leisurely, as if it was no different from the rest of the pilgrims who came to worship Buddha.

   He has this confidence and confidence.

   At the beginning, Zhao Deli was a gangster, or was affected by the fish and died. The classes he can contact are nothing more than ordinary people.

   even if they are a little stronger, they are just stronger lower-level members of the gang.

  He was the one who was sent to clean up the neighborhood, the one who killed these people.

   For him, this type of person is a stronger ant, which can be harvested easily.

   In fact, the entire Feiye City, which can make him jealous, is nothing more than the older generation of martial artists, or the big family masters in the inner city. The rest, even those weed-like little gangs, are not worth it. mention.

   Wei Hezheng took the old monk to ask questions, and kept asking about the disappearance of the stonemason six months ago.

   “At that time, the stonemason didn’t go to the temple at all, and only disappeared in the middle of the way. The benefactor asked this, but the old monk really didn’t know how to answer.” The old monk was embarrassed.

   “Is there no survivor later?” Wei He frowned.

   “I didn’t find it, all the stone masons disappeared in the middle of the journey. For this reason, the Buddha statues of this temple were finally completed by the expensive stone masons from the outer city.” The old monk shook his head.

   Wei He repeatedly asked for a long while, and there were no clues, except that he knew that the stonemason had disappeared halfway before arriving at Mingde Temple.

   But from Mingde Temple Road Feiye City, there are only less than ten miles in the middle, and there are often passers-by. There are so many masons, it is impossible to say that they will disappear, and even a little trace will not be found.

   The most likely result is that there are traces, but the person who found the traces at that time was unwilling to announce it.

   Wei He felt helpless. Let go of the old monk.

   He walked through the temple, two halls were blocked from entering, and the rest were free to pass.

   The sky gradually dimmed, and there were fewer and fewer pilgrims, and most of them went down the mountain.

   Wei He asked a few more monks, but there was still no news, so he had no choice but to leave the temple and walk down the mountain.

   The sunset has completely sunk into the horizon.

   On the steps of the temple, the chill on both sides is pressing, and the originally thorough woods gradually become dark and dark.

  Wei He didn’t notice at all, and there was a figure behind him slowly and silently following.

   He felt a little bit cold, so he speeded up and drove down the mountain.

   Suddenly, a black bug quietly emerged from the gap in the corner of his clothes, and then fluttered away.

   The man behind    paused slightly, frowning.

   “The aroma has faded…” He picked up the bamboo tube and shook it lightly, only to find that the aroma had indeed faded.

   “It doesn’t seem to be the person in front.” A judgment flashed through his mind. Look away from the front of Wei He’s back.

   The man turned and looked in the direction where the black worm flew away.


   “No, it’s me and the person in front of me here and there, not him, then who is it? Is it a slap in the face?”

   The man raised his mind, and his gaze fell on Wei He’s back He was already suspicious. So he quickened his pace and approached Wei He.

  ”This Xiongtai stayed in.”

   He pretends to be a pilgrim and speaks loudly.


   suddenly a handful of white ash was thrown toward him.

   The man’s heart tightened, he was caught off guard, closed his eyes tightly, and almost lost his eyes.

   However, as a martial artist, he responded extremely quickly. Before the white ash entered his eyes, he quickly swept his arms and blew away the white ash.

   He already knew in his heart that the other party was likely to perceive his identity. Right now, he started from his heart, his right leg lifted up and turned into a whip and drew towards Wei He.

   But unexpectedly, his right leg first hit a blade. The man’s expression changed, and he quickly changed his moves. He pressed his right leg down and tried to step on the back of Wei He’s instep.

  At the same time, the other leg also rose into the air, rotating sideways to push Wei He’s chest.

   This is the deadly chain leg he specializes in.

  This leg technique can be changed in a chain between moves, unpredictable, and constantly alternating between virtual and real, which makes it hard to resist.

   The man made a series of kicks, kicking and kicking more than ten times quickly.

   When I opened my eyes, there was still someone in front of me. Just now, that person didn’t know how long he had been running.

   “Hateful! It’s so insidious…”

   He closed his eyes for such a short time, the opponent ran away in the blink of an eye. Is this person afraid that the rabbit has changed?

   The man quickly descended bitterly, and rushed down the steps with all his strength.

   soon disappeared at the end of the stone path down the mountain.

   At this moment, a person quickly emerged from a cluster of bushes on the right side of the stone path. It was Wei He who had just hid.

   He glanced at the direction the man was leaving, got up and breathed a sigh of relief.

   “It’s a bit clever.” A voice suddenly sounded behind Wei He.

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