Omnipresent God of War: One hundred and ninety peaceful next

“…..” Jiuying laughed dryly, “Is that called Yingwei Gong?”

“I am still because of my mother.” Wei He was speechless. “Forget it, let me do it.”

He flipped through the contents of the scroll, thinking for a moment.

“This work does not choose the roots, the understanding, but the patience and willpower, and the main purpose is to increase the physique of vitality and blood, without invading poisons. In fact, it is the right way to protect the law and the road, without disease and disaster. “

“In my opinion, it’s called rectification.”

“Good name!” Jiuying nodded and praised. “Using evil to strengthen the righteousness, and righteousness as the law.”

“Sheng Fa Jue takes the nine basic poison systems as the foundation, and lays the toxicological basis in nine directions respectively, and then starts to fuse poisons with vigor, and increases step by step. According to my estimation, afterwards, the fusion The stronger the poison, the stronger the body’s qi and blood.”

“How far can it be?” Wei He asked.

“I don’t know, but it’s definitely far more than an ordinary martial artist.” Jiuying made a decisive decision.

Boom boom boom.

Suddenly there was a crisp knocking outside the door.

Wei He’s expression stunned. This is the depths of Heiwu Mountain, and there are poisonous miasma everywhere. How could anyone get here easily?

“Don’t be nervous.” Jiuying smiled, stepped forward and opened the door.

An emerald green pointed bird flew in from outside the door. Its head is gray, with a touch of pitch black on its tail, and it looks like a woodpecker.

“This is Xiaocui, the local resident of Heiwushan I treated recently. It has a very accurate time and is specifically to remind me that I should leave.” Jiuying laughed.

“Going? Or to Qingqi County?” Wei He glanced at the woodpecker and asked.

These days, Jiuying often goes to Qingqi County.

“Well, the old friend who is playing chess together is sick. Let’s have a medical treatment. Don’t worry, it’s just a small problem. I’ll be back soon.” Jiuying said lightly.

“Be careful.” Wei He exhorted.

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He is now staying in the door with all his heart, studying silk strength, in order to quickly break through the sixth layer of rain-covering cloud gathering power.

Immediately, the Boundary Orbs are almost full, and then you can start looking for new complementary martial arts again. Continue to strengthen the rain cover.

“Don’t worry. Speaking of which, the last time you asked me about the study of Silken, I found some clues from some classics, and I will reply to you after a while.” Jiuying said.

“Are you sure you have a clue?” Wei Heyi was taken aback.

“Yes, Silk Jin, there are other names in many places, such as “Enlightenment of Dao Jin”, “Kong Ming Jin”, etc. I will help you sort it out first and see if I can summarize the complete content.

Actually, your Tianyinmen should have a similar inheritance, but the core essence of Tianyinmen is in the Shangguan line. The nine sons of Tianyin actually divided the family fax skills into nine. If he could get the summarization of the true skills…maybe it would greatly speed up the progress. But now that there is no such condition, let’s do it first. “Jiuying said seriously.

“Okay! If you get something, I owe you a favor.” Wei He also said solemnly.

The two briefly discussed a few more words before Wei He got up and left.

After Jiuying sent him away, he returned to the house, packed up some things, left the wooden house, and ran towards Qingqi County.

The place where he lived in seclusion was not far from Qingqi County. It only took half an hour to reach the county seat.

All the way to the door of a friend’s yard on the edge of the county seat, Jiuying heard a violent cough before knocking on the door.

He frowned, stretched out his hand to grasp the ring, and buttoned the door of the room.

With a quick squeak, the door opened, and the white-haired Sun Li was wearing an apron, rolling his sleeves with a sad face, and seemed to be busy doing things.

As soon as I saw Nine Shadows outside the door, Sun Li’s face suddenly showed a relieved smile.

“Uncle Jiu, come and take a look, what is going on with my grandson. It was just a small cough before, but now…”

They trust Jiuying quite a bit, because before anyone in the family has any minor problems, Jiuying prescribes a free prescription for free, and takes the medicine according to the prescription, and he recovers quickly.

Now that the old man in the family coughs more and more severely, it is useless to see other pharmacists in the town, so he can only pin his hopes on Jiuying.

“Didn’t I prescribe a pill last time? Did I take it on time?” Jiuying asked with a frown.

“Three times a day, all on time and enough, Jiu Shu, you go and see the old man first.” Sun Li said with some worry.

“Yeah.” Jiuying quickened his pace and came to the back room.

In the bedroom, there is a gray-haired old man lying on the bed, and he is the old man who played chess with him before.

The old man leaned against the head of the bed with a cry of gray and white linen, and he was drinking slowly with a bowl of hot water in his hand.

Seeing Jiuying coming, he looked up and smiled.

“Here? It’s a pity that the illness is not healed, so I can’t play chess together.”

“Old Sun, what symptoms did I have after taking the medicine I prescribed you last time?” Jiuying asked in a deep voice.

“The day I took it was much better, but the second day and the third day later, I don’t know if I did something again. The cough started to get worse, coughing coughing…” Started to cough violently.

This cough made his face flushed, and there was obvious phlegm in his throat, but he couldn’t cough up.

Jiuying took the pulse again, checked his tongue and eyes, and then looked for the chamber pot behind Sun Li to check the excrement.

“Lao Jiu, tell the truth, am I going to get better?” Sitting on the bed, Lao Sun looked relieved.

“It’s okay, I can cure it.” Jiuying said solemnly. Suddenly he heard Sun Li who was working outside and started to cough. There was also a subtle sputum in that voice.

“I will prescribe phlegm and phlegm medicine for you first. Don’t worry, it’s just a minor problem, and it will get better soon.” Jiuying comforted.

“Well. It’s all up to you. To be honest, when I went to see the best Pharmacist in the county a few days ago, he also had a cough, and he was very sick. As a pharmacist, even his own The disease can’t be cured, what kind of **** can be cured?!” Old Sun was very dissatisfied.

“Okay, take a good rest, I’m still waiting for you to kill the Quartet together!” Jiuying smiled and comforted.

“Don’t worry, I don’t think there is any problem with this body. I will go to the mountains together in a while, and I will show you whether I brag about it last time! In terms of collecting medicine, I am fifth in many years in Qingqi County. It’s recognized!” Old Sun smiled.

“Okay. Just wait for your performance!” Jiuying smiled and started another prescription, and got up to say goodbye.

When he was about to leave the hospital, Sun Li stopped him.

“Uncle Nine.” The old woman’s eyes were obviously full of anxiety. “Old Sun, he…”

“Don’t worry.” Jiuying said seriously, “I will heal him!”

“…Hmm.” Sun Li nodded. “Troubled Uncle Jiu. This is something…” She was about to offer the gift she had just prepared, but a flower suddenly appeared in front of her, and the figure of Jiuying disappeared.




Tianyin Lake.

The awning boat drifted by slowly.

On the boat, Wei He squatted on the side of the boat, observing the small fish swimming slowly in the depths of the lake.

Returning to the Goose Pagoda, after encircling and suppressing many stations, Tianyinmen made a lot of repairs. Although there were some casualties, it also achieved the purpose of training troops.

Wang Jiajian Ge Temple took over the follow-up matters. Wei He only needs to ask the many disciples in the door to be more careful.

Life quickly returned to calm.

It’s okay in his leisure time. After Wei He is practicing, he will return to the Thousand Bats Water Pavilion and Tianyin Lake to relax.

Thousand bat water pavilion has already been sent by him to take care of it. It was taken by reputation, and no one dares to occupy this place at will.

The so-called fight against Wei He can’t solve the poison. The one who was detoxified was killed just now.

Now the name of Wei He Wan Po Sect can be regarded as resounding through Xuan Jing.

Standing up, Wei He looked at the lake from a distance.

There was a faint laughter coming from there. Looking through the fog, you could see a small group of people playing along the lake.

This group of people are dressed in strong clothes. There are men and women, and guards follow them. From the clothing point of view, it is either rich or expensive.

“Look! Little Yin! There is a boat there!” One of the young boys suddenly saw the awning boat on the lake.

The beautiful girl beside him immediately followed his line of sight, looking towards the lake.

“It’s a awning boat, and there are people standing on it. On such a cold day, standing alone on the lake, it is really leisurely and elegant.”

“Is it not because of love? Abandoned?” The young boy laughed.

“Brother Xu would like to say!” A quiet young man couldn’t help but uttered aloud.

“This place used to be the Tianyinmen resident, although there is no one now, but if you encounter some old martial arts masters who come back to visit, so casually making fun of it, I am afraid it is wrong.”

“What are you afraid of? I’m just talking about it casually. Besides, on such a cold day, he went into the lake by boat alone. He was not hurt by love. Could it be that there was a problem with his brain? He deliberately ran to catch the cold?” The surname Xu Gongzi disagrees.

“Brother Xu…” The quiet man wanted to say something, but when he saw Young Master Xu wave his hand, he walked away impatiently.

“Chen Rui, you are so courageous, and you are afraid of everything when you come out. If you come out to play like this, it is better to stay at home and be safe.” The beautiful girl also dropped a word and followed along. go away.

“You…” Chen Rui frowned. Go back to see the lake.

However, I saw the sky above the awning boat in the middle of the lake, and there was no one.

He was startled and turned his head abruptly, only to see a few people standing near the lake, not far in front.

The man was tall and burly, dressed in a black cloak, black hair shawl, and fair skin.

I was looking towards here peacefully.

“Be careful ahead!” Chen Rui couldn’t help but yell suddenly.

The son Xu was facing his back to the front, and when he heard the words, he turned his head and looked forward.

We just saw Wei He bend his finger right in front of him and pointed it at his forehead.

Only then did the surrounding guards react, and they were shocked. They rushed out, drew their knives, clenched fists, and wanted to save people.

At this time, the young man Xu and the beautiful girl were both frightened and stupefied. They were only less than three meters away from Wei He, seeing that Wei He’s fingers were about to pop out.

“Senior is merciful! He is the one of the three-room family of Xuanjing Wang! The father-in-law is Wang Shaoshan!” Chen Rui yelled quickly.

“Wang’s three rooms? Wang Shaoshan?” Wei He’s expression moved slightly, “Looking at Shaojun’s face, small punishment.”


He flicked his finger, and a ray of strength shot out, hitting the chest of Young Master Xu.

Boom! !

Xu Gongzi let out a miserable cry and fell on his back. Not long afterwards, she turned pale, bleeding from the corners of her mouth, and passed out into a coma.

When several guards saw this move, they all understood that they had kicked the iron plate this time.

Unexpectedly, the center of the lake could be heard so far from here.

This skill, I am afraid that if they all use it together, it is also seeking a dead end.

For a moment, a few people were trembling and afraid to step forward, so they could only guard Xu Gongzi and check his injuries.

“Black cloak, black hair shawl, seven feet long!” Chen Rui suddenly thought of something. “You are Senior Wei Hewei, the master of Wandu sect!!”

“…” Wei He glanced away, and immediately fell on the person.

The physical condition of these When they were nervous for a moment, he could see clearly.

A group of guards have two bloods, and several young people have two bloods and one blood. They are all young people who have just started martial arts. Just as a teenager.

Looking up close, Chen Rui in front of me is obviously not as well dressed as the others. But the cultivation base is the second blood, the highest among this group of young people.

“The juniors and others are disciples of the nearby Mingyuequan Academy! Please be merciful to the seniors!” Chen Rui was spotted with furry, hurriedly clasped his fists and bowed his head.

“Fist Academy Disciple…”

Wei He looked at the other party’s young and immature face, and couldn’t help but remember the days when he was back in the Shan Boxing Academy.

Since there was a silence, Wei He was too lazy to speak after all, his figure flickered, he suddenly crossed the lake, and soon returned to the awning boat.

The hull slowly moved away, and gradually disappeared on the lake.

Unconsciously, he has become a senior in the eyes of others.

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