Omnipresent God of War Chapter 959: See the first chapter

In the spacecraft.

Wei He’s thoughts moved, and the light curtain in front of him turned into an image directly in front of the spacecraft.

It is a huge astrolabe river system composed of silver and white. The galaxies inside are like fine gravel, slowly revolving around the river system galactic center.

“Enable long-distance jumping.”

Wei He said calmly.

The reason why he built a spacecraft is mainly a space engine for long-distance jumping.

After all, no matter how strong he himself is, he can only make short jumps.

The true ultra-long-distance space jump still has to rely on human creation.

It is not an energy issue, but a different maturity of technology.

At least, before his space engine technology reached the apex of humanity, he was far from able to make a long-distance one-time jump.

‘I’m about to make a long jump. The maximum distance is 500 light years. Please make sure there are no obstacles at the destination. ’

“Unsure, jump forcibly.” Wei He said calmly.

With a move of his mind, a huge and powerful blue psychic energy instantly enveloped the entire spaceship.

With this layer of psychic shield protection, even if you rush into the depths of the stars, you can retreat all over your body.

Unless luck is too bad and you just plunge into the black hole, the rest will have no effect.

‘Adjustment is successful, the jump starts…’

Om! ! !

In an instant, the entire spacecraft trembled violently.

The huge space was distorted and began to spread in the stern of the spacecraft.

Everything in Wei He’s eyes began to twist, pulling into a strip of light.

The spacecraft seemed to come to a standstill, and everything outside the window turned into countless lines.

This feeling lasted only a few seconds.

Then puffed.

The spacecraft vibrated again and returned to normal.

Everything outside the window has also been restored into a starry universe.

This is a barren no man’s land. An inanimate star field that has long been explored.

The huge white star releases icy light, and several faint planets quickly rotate around the star.

In the space between the planets, there are a mess of meteorites and cosmic dust floating.

There is no human psionic communication signal, no huge pollution aura of Xingyuan, and no trace of the mother river’s soul anytime and anywhere.

Except for the planets and the icy universe, there is nothing else here.

“Continue to jump continuously. Until the engine’s energy consumption is exhausted.” Wei He continued.

‘Set a goal, jump continuously, do you continue the last jump mode? Keep jumping long distances? Asked Zhi Nao.

“Yes.” Wei He’s expression remained unchanged.

Anyway, if this body doesn’t want it anymore, you can commit suicide at any time.

Soon, the spacecraft shook again.

This time there was no pause. It shook more than ten times.

Then Wei He replaced the spacecraft with energy blocks and continued to jump continuously.

I don’t know how long it has passed. I don’t know how many times I jumped.

Finally, the spacecraft’s engine puffed and smoked completely, overworked and completed his mission.

At this time, Wei He is floating in a misty silver nebula.

The huge nebula is like a squirming cell, with its edges slowly turning, and from time to time a piece of broken bubbles ran out, turning into colors and flying to the depths of the universe.

The triangular silver spacecraft, following the edge of this nebula, was entrapped in large planet-sized meteorites and colored gases, spinning at high speed.

Without power, the spacecraft is no different from ordinary metal blocks.

At this point, Wei He couldn’t even sense his body, so he could only divide his consciousness into several parts and act in multiple lines.

His subject consciousness has moved here.

Because this time, he deliberately flew so far in order to conduct an important experiment that he had always wanted to implement.

‘Warning, warning, you have left the star chart area, and the surrounding nebula cannot detect the source of light. No stars or high-energy radiating stars have been found in the surrounding star field…’

Zhi Brain is still calling the police constantly, and is shut down by Wei He’s psychic energy.

He looked at the star map projected in front of him.

‘I should still be in the Draco constellation, but Xingyuan and Mother River should not be able to find out at this distance. ’

All the high aggregate energy blocks filled up were used up, and he didn’t know how many light-years it flew out.

There must be hundreds of thousands.

This distance is already the limit he can achieve. To do a little experiment, the three masters and the mother river should not be able to stare at him at any time….

As the game of desperate wandering begins, the restarter is about to decide the final winner,

This game will inevitably attract the attention of the three masters.


It’s also time for him to try a simulation that dominates his efforts…

Since Heiyan reaches the monarch, he only needs a drop of mastering effort, so in a disguised form, he regards this process as a technique.

It means that he has reached the black inflammation bottleneck, as long as he simulates the master’s efforts, he can break through to the monarch.

This is perfectly in line with the breakthrough structure of the Boundary Orb!




The junction of the three empires-Wanjingshan.

In the vast imaginary foggy sky, a triangular pyramidal mountain that is completely accumulated by huge planets, piled up, floats and rotates quietly.

Dust or meteorites passing by, a little closer, will be forcibly pulled by this triangular pyramid mountain and adsorbed on the surface.

A densely packed fleet and colonies are scattered around.

The various weapons of the black hole level, the constant star level, and the celestial level are all arranged around them and are in a state of charging at any time.

The representatives of the highest leaders of the coalition forces and Knossas held an ad hoc meeting here.

At the top of Wanjing Mountain, inside a dark blue psychic mask, the negotiation teams of the two armies sat on a huge round table.

These are teams composed of diplomats, negotiators, and even foreign ministers.

The representative of the Pengsha Empire and the East Pole Alliance is a somewhat bald, immortal legislator named Gao Yiling.

The representative of Knossas is named Goliya. She is a beautiful woman who is as dazzling as the sun.

Although the appearance is overly perfect and beautiful, in ordinary negotiation and confrontation, it will somewhat occupy a little advantage.

But in this level of negotiation, her appearance has no meaning at all.

The two sides have been arguing for a long time, and no one is willing to give in again.

Gao Yiling wiped the bead of sweat on his forehead. As an immortal, he still sweats.

It was obvious that the pressure of this negotiation was so great that it caused him to be so gaffe.

His involuntary psychic energy swept behind his eyes, the two mysterious people who were covered in black cloaks.

That is the representative of the Resuscitation Society, and the one at the head is called Andanifa.

Of course, on the surface, they are representatives of the so-and-so business group, who just came to listen.

Actually, the Recovery Society is not interested in what the government and Knossos are talking about.

They just came and walked through the scene. On the one hand, it is certain that the negotiation will not hurt the interests of the recovery society. On the other hand, it was for him.

Gao Yiling sighed silently, staring at Golia, the head of the Knossian delegation opposite.

As a conservative, he is a loyal supporter of Speaker Malone, and because of this, he knows that the current Pengsha Empire is already facing internal and external troubles.

The tentacles of the Recovery Society are huge and messy, touching all walks of life in the empire, and almost half of the hundreds of billions of galaxies have traces of the Recovery Society.

If the Immortal Council is not relying on the Heart of Ten Thousand Woods, I am afraid that it will not be able to maintain the surface peace at all.

In other words, the time bomb of Resuscitation will suddenly detonate at some point, blasting the entire empire to pieces.

There are people from the Resuscitation Association staring at him now, and Knossians staring in front of him.

Once the two pressures break out at the same time, I am afraid it will be the government…

‘Negotiations must be resolved as soon as possible!’

Gao Yiling was quite sure in her heart.

Goliya was talking about each other at this time, and the two sides quarreled for a while, and finally managed to reach a seemingly harmonious agreement.

This agreement promises that for the next thirty years, both parties will not initiate provocations without authorization.

And the two parties promised to give up a suitable public star field as a buffer zone to avoid friction.

Finally, the two sides reached an agreement, and Gao Yiling was also relieved, seeing that the other party was indeed sincere, and wanted to quickly cease the war.

He is in a much better mood.

Determine the rules, terms, check loopholes, logic.

Additional suggestions by experts, etc.

After a series of procedures, the bilateral representatives stood up and prepared to sign the drafted documents.

“Minister Gao, maybe the goals of both sides are the same, about the organization of the Consummation…” Goliath didn’t finish her words.

Outside the surrounding psionic barrier, the light of the fleet suddenly dimmed.

The two were slightly stunned, and turned their heads to look in the direction where the light went out.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, a loud noise exploded.

The psionic wall on the right side of the entire negotiation room was pierced by a huge impact.

A transparent shuttle-shaped spacecraft, like a spike, pierced deeply into the negotiation room.

On both sides of the tip of the spacecraft, open the hatch, and walk out a group of officers and soldiers wearing white colonies and holding swords and shields.

The headed one is burly, with a helmet like a goat, with two sharp horns. The patterns and devices on the body’s colon are also much more complicated than the others.

“Except for Goliya, all the others are dealt with.” The person waved slightly and said indifferently.

“Who are you!? Do you want to start a human civil war again!? No matter who you are, what is the meaning of today’s negotiations here, I suggest you first investigate carefully before you start!” Gao Yiling felt awe-inspiring and quick Speak out.

In order to avoid the escalation of the conflict, they are not allowed to wear colonies when they enter the negotiation.

But at this moment, this group of people suddenly rushed in, there was no colony, even he was not sure to get out in front of the opponent.

What shocked him the most was how did these people rush in?

So many garrisons outside! ? Black hole level, constant star level, celestial body level, so many strategic weapons, which are useless at all, they were broken into here! ?

This is simply ridiculous!

“The investigation is clear? Haha, the peace negotiation is the intention of the Second Queen Raisala’s government, and it has nothing to do with our consummation meeting.” The leader said in a low voice.

“Besides…. Regardless of Raisala and Peng Sha Dongji, they are all destined to be the nutrients for the awakening of the great mother river. So…”

Gao Yiling’s heart sank suddenly.

He subconsciously looked at the fleet outside and rear, a large fleet belonging to the empire. It seemed that he was in chaos, and the electronic lights inside were flickering and dimming. There are faint fluctuations in psychic struggles.

Obviously, the opponent has long had a back-up. In the surrounding fleet, I don’t know how many spies have been arranged.

“Seems like there is no more to talk about?” Gao Yiling said tense.

The opponent stopped talking, raising his hand is a high-speed condensing of immortal psychic energy, turning into a black lightsaber.

The lightsaber splits into countless small blades, and the edges of each blade are twisted in space.

Fragmented stars flickered on the surface of the blade.

Just then.

Boom! !

With a loud noise, in the starry sky on the side of the negotiation room, the fleet that was still in turmoil quickly exploded a huge circle of immortal-level psychic energy fluctuations, suppressing the turmoil just now.

The shock caused by the huge fluctuation hit Wanjing Mountain with a loud noise.

“It’s a pity. You are not the only ones in this world who have a back hand.” Gao Yiling said solemnly.

“Go ahead, what is your purpose?”

At this time, in the outer fleet, just because of the turbulence caused by spies, they were quickly suppressed by huge immortal-level psychics.

There was still some chaotic situation before, and it was stabilized in a few moments.

“Interesting.” The headed white goat helmet colony clapped his hands. “But that’s right. It’s not normal if you don’t have a back hand at all.”

“It’s a pity, do you think these so-called foreign objects can protect your fragile soul?”

The goat helmet stepped forward and slowly approached Goliya.

“No matter how powerful the cannon is, it will become an opponent’s power after a change of ownership. And you, do not have the qualifications to control such a huge power…”

He suddenly raised his right and gave it a light grip.


A fluffy light golden light spot was crushed by him and exploded. It’s as gorgeous as fireworks.

“In the name of the eldest prince, the blood of all spirits is the link, and our pious thoughts are the coordinates. Here, summon the fourth spiritualist, the fallen water of the source of heaven, the one who has no light in the abyss, the spiritual **** Water-Barto Salman.”

In an instant, huge invisible soul ripples flowed out of the unknown void, completely enclosing the entire Wanjing Mountain up and down.

Outside the negotiation, all the starry sky scenery quickly turned dark blue. Strips of blue and black tentacles emerged silently, entwining and climbing around the negotiation room.

From a distance, it was a giant octopus a little smaller than Wanjing Mountain.

It’s just that this octopus has too many tentacles, and when you look at it, there are at least thousands of tentacles, of all sizes and thicknesses.

The octopus body is translucent, with huge eyes shining with pale golden shimmer.

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