Omnipresent God of War Chapter 901: Yang No. 1

At the core of the star abyss.

A group of **** like sludge are suspended in space.

A huge red round hole is located in the center of countless mud balls, at the core of the entire star abyss.


Wei He suddenly appeared in front of the red round hole, quietly watching the depths inside.

“I’m here, what then?”

A trace of silver mist slowly floated in the red cave.

The mist twisted and twisted, slowly approaching Wei He until it hovered over his chest.

“This is something inside the door of silence, you can try it.” Lin Shi said softly.

Wei He narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hand. Countless shimmering lights flew out and landed on the smoke. After confirming that there was no problem, he moved forward lightly and touched the silver smoke.

Suddenly, a cold touch gently moistened his fingers.

“Does this thing contain the secret of soul transformation into matter?”

He carefully experienced this thing, covering it with the power of the original code of evolution, trying to simulate countless cells and flesh, using different abilities to lightly touch and stimulate it to obtain first-hand data.

Countless messages are rapidly transmitted into the Heart of Ten Thousand Trees and the Wall of Eternal Sleep, but it is meaningless.

From the perspective of system analysis, this thing is the simplest water mist. It’s just that the color is a bit strange.

“With my existing observation methods, there is no way to find the entry point?”

Wei He was not surprised. After all, it is something that even the masters value.

The current him should be a little worse than the master in terms of life level.

Instantly, he switched to purple shimmering eyes, staring at the silver mist.

He seemed to see something different this time.

After pondering for a while, Wei He gently injected a ray of spiritual energy into the mist.

“The process of soul transformation into matter is very complicated, we call this process the precipitation ceremony.” Lin Shi explained.

“Precipitation ceremony?” Wei He narrowed his eyes, staring at his ray of spiritual energy.

As soon as the spiritual energy entered the mist, it quickly lost its activity and became lifeless.

Then faint vortices of different sizes appeared in the spiritual energy.

Every moment in the vortex, different colored blobs begin to shine.

He noticed that these spots were changing every second, and every change seemed to be a chemical reaction. Let the spiritual energy undergo a further qualitative change.

This qualitative change is also attracting a large amount of mysterious substances around it.

The addition of these mysterious substances intensified the intensity of the qualitative change.

For some reason, the qualitative changes in these vortices inexplicably produced a fatal attraction.

The shining colorful light seems to contain the supreme secret of life and soul

“Innumerable universes, countless dimensions, the living universe and the cold universe are juxtaposed. One is above and the other is below.

All the universe will be between life and coldness, infinite cycle, from the end to the beginning. “

“From expansion to contraction.”

“From birth to death.”

“From infinity to eternity.”

The voice of Lin Shi was on the side, as if hypnotic, constantly guiding Wei He to think at a deeper level.

“So this is what you want to pursue?” Wei He asked suddenly.

“That’s right, countless rules are derived from the imaginary layer, but who can understand that the imaginary layer of the ninth layer itself also follows the formula that countless universes follow.” Lin Shi replied.

“Whether it is a living universe or a cold universe, they are just different stages of the universe following this pattern. Xixiang, you have ended many universes, and you should have seen the scene of the end.” Linshi calmly said .

“And then? You don’t think that telling me some seemingly useful truths will let me let Xingyuan go?” Wei He smiled, “I can’t help you, but leaving this place The region, the entire Star Abyss, will be brought into my hands.”

He opened his arms.

“At that time, there will only be one will on the five river systems, and that is me.”

“This universe is too big, why do you and I argue over such a mere five river systems?” Lin Shi said in a deep voice. “I won’t hide it from you, we guard the Gate of Silence to pursue the final evolution and understand the final formula of the universe.

You have also experienced the things inside the Door of Silence just now, and you should also know how much this door means to a realm like ours. “

“What do you want to say?” Wei He’s face remained unchanged, waiting for the other party’s next words.

“I can give you more units of silent power, but the condition is that you must temporarily not move Xingyuan. How?” Lin Shi continued.

“What does Xingyuan have to do with you?”

“They” paused at the beginning, “They are our former tribe”

“Understood, I agree.” Wei He had noticed at this time that the swirling silver mist had combined with his spiritual power and turned into a real mist.

The transformation from nihilistic psionic energy into real mist has already completed the whole process of transforming soul into matter.

“Very well, then caught.”

Another cloud of silver mist slowly floated out of the red hole.

Soon, the silver mist came to Wei He’s body, and after being injected with spiritual energy, a new drastic change began.

This time, the change is clearer and closer.

Wei He couldn’t help but put his mind into it, recording the changes and evolution in it.

Compared to the countless changes that were much clearer than last time, every moment, he was showing him the ultimate mystery of soul transformation into matter.

Right now.

Poof! !

More silver mist rushed out of the red hole like a torrent, instantly enveloping Wei He, who was in a state of ecstasy.

As if time had sped up, the silver mist enveloped Wei He at a speed close to the speed of light as soon as it appeared.

“There are countless mysteries in this, since you desire so much, why don’t you come to realize it with us” Lin always revealed it.

These three masters have already understood the secret of the transformation of soul and matter.

But it’s a pity that the next breakthrough requires the last step, and the things needed for that step must be slowly accumulated in the garden of life.

Accumulate again and again, try again and again

They were trapped and unable to leave the door of silence, so they could only rely on Xingyuan to collect and plan.

But I didn’t expect a recovery meeting to appear suddenly.

But it doesn’t matter now.

It is very clear at the beginning that once you have come into contact with the secret of the door of silence, no one can not be interested in the most rooted secret of the evolution of the universe.

He is like this, and so are the other two masters who have lost themselves.

And Wei He is the same.

Once he enters it, Wei He will end up in the same way as them.

That is the door of trapped silence.

Even Wei He will be even worse.

After all, after comprehending the formula of the universe, one still needs to evolve the source quality in order to truly enter the level of life that dominates everything.

The source of evolution is the root substance of changing oneself. After comprehending the formula of the universe, combined with the evolutionary source inside the Gate of Silence, the complete ultimate evolution can be completed. Go to the extreme end of life evolution.

These three masters have all completed this process.

As for Wei He, it’s a pity

“The source of evolution has long been divided and devoured by the three of us, leaving nothing behind. Xi Xiang, even if you understand the formula of the universe, you are destined to be unable to break through.”

“Perhaps in a few hundred years, you will be forced to die in the door of silence”

The voice of Lin Shi gradually fell silent.

As for Wei He, wrapped in a mass of silvery mist, he flew slowly into the red hole and gradually disappeared.

And just before entering the red hole, his fingers trembled slightly, and he was about to move, but he paused, still did not move, and returned to the original state.

He seems to be completely obsessed with the comprehension of the established formula of the universe.

The mystery in the Gate of Silence, low-level creatures, even if they perceive a little, will be overwhelmed by the huge information in an instant, turning their souls into idiots.

But for existences with a high enough level, such a mystery is like a deadly temptation, and they cannot break free.

Not far away, Monarch Barto lowered his head, not daring to look at the mist of Silent Power shining with silver light.

He waited quietly until Wei He was completely dragged into the red hole, then he slowly raised his head.

“You’ve done a good job.” The voice of Juggernaut Lingshi rang in his ears.

“But the parasites on my body have not been relieved.” Barron frowned.

“It takes time. It is impossible to wipe out a powerful existence like Xixiang in a short time. After all, the Gate of Silence is not a place of destruction. It is only because it contains too many mysteries that it will lead to fatal effects .

But it won’t be long.” Temporarily did not voice gradually faded, weakened, and finally disappeared completely.

Barron quietly floated in mid-air until the sound completely dissipated, then retreated a distance, twisted suddenly, and disappeared in the same place.




The middle part of the star abyss.

At this moment, the legion composed of a large human fleet received an order from the Recovery Society to cancel the task of conquering Xingyuan, and all units returned to their original station.

Without hesitation, Yue Sai immediately issued an order for a complete evacuation.

Xingyuan still has the three monarchs, and if Emperor Xixiang is not around, even if they all add one piece, they will not be the opponents of the three monarchs.

So, act quickly.

“After the emperor entered the depths of the star abyss, he never came out again. What must have happened inside?”

Yuanduzi and his team stood inside one of the free battle stars, looking at the star abyss in the distance.

“No matter what, this time, we have attracted a large number of black flame lords. At least one-third of the star field outside the star abyss has been destroyed and scattered. Even if we retreat in an all-round way, we have achieved great results.” Reza La analyzed.

“Perhaps the Juggernaut made the move,” Li Rong said softly.


The name silenced everyone present.

The biggest problem in attacking Star Abyss is dominance.

If Emperor Xixiang loses to Juggernaut, then they are also doomed to fail. And if the Heavenly Emperor wins over the Juggernaut, they will be able to conquer and annex the Star Abyss in one fell swoop.

However, what is going on in the current situation? no one knows

But as long as the revived blood is still there, it means that the emperor is still there.

As the legion slowly retreated, Xingyuan gradually vacated a large location area.

The black flame lords accepted Wei He’s flesh and blood transformation and became free bodies that could escape from the star abyss.

At this time, these lords also left with the legion.

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