Omnipresent God of War Chapter 886: Try it out

At this moment, all the Golden Crow daughters with stars fused around them, at this moment, are following the mysterious power of the divine position, according to the ancient rules, lending their own stellar power.

At this moment, the surrounding stars are dim, and all the stars are like living things, spanning countless light-years, and converging in the whirlpool behind Wei He.

Two giant hands of the same size collide head-on.

Only for an instant, the Dark Golden Hand retreated steadily, and cracks appeared.

Osiris was hit by a huge force and fluttered backwards, smashing dozens of galaxies continuously.

In front of it, the golden vortex expanded rapidly, accelerating its rotation.

Slowly flew out a golden giant that was much taller than him.

The giant’s head is faintly condensed with a purple crown, behind him are layers of gold wings slowly flapping, and his body is wearing an ancient gold armor that does not conform to this era.

It has no mouth and face, only a pair of eyes that are pitch black like a black hole.

Wei He’s body now floats up and floats to the giant’s chest.


He opened his arms, and his whole body began to emit golden light spots, blending into the giant.

“Try to stop me.”

Just as he fully integrated into the giant, those dark eyes suddenly ignited a golden flame.

Ang! ! ! !

The violent golden crow screamed and exploded from the giant’s side.

Millions of golden whirlpools emerged from him.

Swish swish! ! !

Countless golden crows fluttered out of the vortex and rushed towards Osiris.

Each Golden Crow is the size of a planet, and when it flickers and jumps, it spans a distance of light years and hits the huge body of Osiris.

Intensive explosions light up on him continuously.

Every time a terrifying explosion is equivalent to a complete explosion of a star.

It was so explosive that he didn’t know how to dodge defenses at all for a while.


At this moment, Wei He’s huge palm exploded across the fire, and he squeezed Osiris’ head before squeezing it.

But a river of dark yellow branches, like a ribbon, wrapped Wei He’s arm from behind.

“This is not the time for you to go your own way, Osiris, join hands first!” The psychic energy of the Mother of Earth Ying penetrated into the soul of Osiris.

“Damn it!”

Osiris felt as if he was not facing an opponent of the same level.

Just now, with the collision of absolute power, he actually lost! ?

You need to know that even if it is the mother of the earth, Ying is not his opponent under the pure body power contrast.

Available now….

How many years did he consume his soul to grow to where he is now? ?

But it’s not even better than the guy in front of me…

“Barto, come together!!”

No individual who can reach the realm of true spirits is stupid.

Finding something wrong, Osiris quickly called Bator, the true spirit of Shangshui.

Since the opponent is worthy of their cooperation, he doesn’t have to fight alone.

Not far away, a huge dark blue millipede octopus swims silently.

The countless tentacles entangled Wei He like raindrops.

In an instant, the tentacles of dark blue octopus were all over Wei He’s huge body.

There are also countless tree ribbons of Mother Earth.

In this ontological battle, any other tricks are meaningless.

The only thing useful is simple offensive and defensive skills.

Attack the weak and avoid the strong, no matter what the realm can be applied.

“It’s over!! Let me end you!!”

Osiris looked at Wei He, who was fixed, with his hands folded, the flames gathered on his body, and a sharp spear was condensed in the palm of his hand.

The tip of the spear glowed a little pure white.

The light became whiter and brighter, and then suddenly stopped, turning black in an instant.

This is a natural phenomenon in which matter turns into a black hole after its ascent.

When the light no longer reflects anymore, it is black.

Black hole formation, which means that the lethality of the tip of the gun has risen by one dimension.


Osiris exhausted his entire strength, leaned his arm back, and threw a spear like a sudden explosion.

The tip of the gun flew across the starry sky, flying towards the center of Wei He’s chest with a strong spatial distortion.

At this moment, the power of the three true spirits is combined, because 90% of the power of the three is basically projected.

In other words, the combined force of this blow is equivalent to the combined force of two monarchs and a half monarch.

The flame spear flashed across the mountains like lightning, leaving a clear and dark golden light trail in the sky in an instant.

Puff! !

A soft noise spreads vigorously.

As soon as the tip of the gun pierced Wei He’s chest, a pair of giant golden hands promised to hold the gun body firmly on both sides and pull it out.

Ming Ming Weihe’s limbs have long been bound by the mother of earth and the **** of water, Batol, but at this time, a pair of arms grew out of his back, and he grabbed the body of the flying gun in front of him.

“The real body can be changed at will!?”

Osiris was dumbfounded.

At the level of Lord Xingyuan, the life map itself is already the most extreme evolution.

Especially their true spirits, their bodies are imprinted in the depths of the mother river, in a fixed form.

There will be no big changes easily.

At this moment, what really shocked him was not the sudden extra hands.

There are also many true spirit entities with many hands and feet.

The point is that Wei He has been restrained by the two true spirits, and he can actually extract new power to block the penetration of the Intercept Flame Spear.

This is equivalent to an ordinary person with only one hundred catties of strength, while carrying two hundred catties of heavy objects, while also reaching out to block the one hundred catties of stones that were smashed at him in front.

Where is his new power! ?

Boom! !

The tree ribbons on Wei He’s body broke one after another.

The tentacles of Bator, the **** of water, were also ignited by a large amount of golden flames and roasted into coke.

Wei He held the spear with one hand and looked at Osiris, who was backing away in front of him.

“I look forward to seeing you next time…”


The spear flew out, jumping through the space continuously at a much faster speed than before. Stabbed Osiris into the chest.

Boom! ! !

The moment the tip of the gun pierced into the flesh and blood, it exploded.

The power of the violent **** position after ascending, along with the distortion of space, instantly shredded Osiris’ huge body.

It threw up its hair and wailed silently, and its body collapsed steadily.

“The outcome has been divided…”

In the distance inside the legendary spacecraft, there was already silence at this time.

Several people who watched the battle had witnessed the last decisive battle between Lord Xingyuan and the uppermost true spirit of Mother River.

It is precisely because of this that they will be completely silent.

Looking at the distance, through special means, the images of the fight that reappear after reshaping are collected.

Several legends slowly made their voices after being quiet for a while.

“The strength of the three true spirits of the Consummation Meeting is already close to the body….Two monarchs and one and a half monarchs can’t stop the Sun Star King?”

“This kind of power is already close to the Three Sovereigns of Xingyuan…The Recovery Club is really a terrible organization…”

“Is the Consummation Meeting going to be defeated? Mother Earth and Osiris are the two strongest true spirits. Even they are not opponents, I am afraid…”

“No, Consummation will really be the strongest, not them. It’s Nosh.”

“According to my observations, during the war broke out in the mother river Xingyuan over the years, many true spirits disappeared inexplicably. Even some battles that should not fail if they are successful will also fail inexplicably.

Among them, it is very likely that there is the layout design of Nosh. “Brain whispered.

“You mean… it’s possible that he would also attack the real spirit?”-Hand.

“Yes. The true spirits themselves are not monolithic, and most of them are rebellious. It is impossible for Nosy to spend such a high price, just to summon the true spirits who don’t listen to the arrangement very much.

He must have his own purpose. And didn’t you find it? For so many years, I have almost never seen Nuo Xi make a shot in person, even if only once. “

The last words of the brain made the rest of the legends suddenly fall into silence. They all began to think about the hidden information.

“So… next, is the time when we really want to tell the winner… We just need to wait and see the changes, and then completely intensify them when the conflict is critical.” The voice of the brain slowed down. Slowly stir in the spacecraft.




When the recovery meeting site was invaded by the Consummation Association and attempted to arrest people, the first big forces that reacted were the many forces in the territory of the East Pole Alliance.

A large number of autopilots and detectors used for observation and evaluation were launched one after another.

As for the Consummation Society and the Recovery Society, these two evil organizations have always been behemoths that all forces are extremely jealous of.

This time the two major organizations collided head-on. It is not clear who will win or lose.

But more experts and scholars believe that the consummation meeting is much stronger. The winner should be the perfect meeting.

After all, compared to the illusory background of the ancient gods, The mother river of the Perfect Society is a proven terrorist force.

Once the soul is sacrificed to the mother river and has the authority, it can continue to regenerate.

Although there is a limit on the number of times that ordinary souls can rebirth, they are much stronger than ordinary lives that completely end the game once.

And the Resurrection Society… Although its immortal body is exaggerated, once the soul is bound, no matter how strong the immortality is, it is just a mass of moving flesh.

It makes no sense.

In the dome of the sky.

In the Immortal Council.

Jiudu human beings unite.

Even in the house of Lord Xingyuan.

All eyes are on Knossos at this time.

Everyone is wondering where Wei He can go.

On the surface, this is just a dispute between the sovereign and the true spirit. But in fact, it represented the first official confrontation between the mother river and the ancient gods.

Even Lord Barron is quite curious and jealous of the ancient gods, perhaps in this temptation, he can see the clues.

And far in the territory of the Pengsha Empire.

As the leader of the biggest recovery club, the monthly match has used the Heart of Ten Thousand Woods to directly broadcast this confrontation across the empire.

This is an order from Wei He.

It’s unclear what the theocracy is, for the time being.

This time the match, regardless of victory or defeat, will truly accelerate the integration of the recovery and the Pengsha Empire.

Because regardless of victory or defeat, the power of the ancient gods of the Recovery Society far exceeds the scope of human weapons.

This is a decisive help for the big plan set by the monthly tournament and the goal set by Wei He.

After obtaining Wei He’s approval, the monthly competition, through discussion and improvement, set a supplementary follow-up to the Shenting plan some time ago.

The planned future human society will form a complete system from humans at the lowest level to ancient gods at the highest level.

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