Omnipresent God of War Chapter 831: Newborns

Updated website: Barreid silently stares at the person in the hospital bed.

He gently took off his hat and placed it in front of him, trying to hide something. But he sighed and turned around.

“Thanks to Professor Barr for his cooperation, otherwise we may need a little troublesome means to take people away safely.”

Suddenly two figures emerged from the air beside the ward.

They wear colonies that resemble color-changing optical invisibility. The whole body is wrapped inside the colon, without showing any face or physical characteristics.

“Remember your promise.” Barreid whispered. He recalled his original student, Floent.

“In this cruel world, letting you live freely may be a kind of torture….If you die, you won’t see more…”

Long life span made him have seen too many joys and sorrows. If he were young, he would never agree to the proposal of the Eternal Silence Party.

But now…..

He understood a truth, that is, some things are meaningless even if they persist.

Abandoning a small part to obtain greater benefits, more resources and opportunities, is the more worthwhile thing to do.

Barreid walked slowly to the door, held the handle and twisted it lightly.


The door of the ward opened slowly.

He walked out slowly, turned sideways, and looked at Kasuria behind him.

The light of the last ward, the reflection in his eyes slowly dimmed and disappeared.


The door is closed.

The remaining two colonies of the Eternal Silence Party glanced at each other, and one of them quickly stepped forward, holding up Kaxoria.

Another person opens the window and begins to arrange the directional teleport jumping device.

Kashuria regained consciousness a little bit unconsciously.

She has received super strong drug resistance training. In this course, her training score is full marks.

The effect of this full score at this time is that she has regained consciousness a little earlier a lot of time.

She narrowed her eyes vaguely, and could only see a little. Only a faint sound can be heard in the ears.

Psionic energy also began to slowly recover, being able to sense something around him.

“Ready to activate the jumping device.” A clear psionic message sounded around her.

“The last parameter is still missing, I will be…”

Boom! !

In an instant, the entire ward burst into flames.

“Attention! A terrorist is trying to hijack a surveillance target! Request air support!”

“The directional strike of artillery fire begins.”

There was a loud bang and exploded continuously.

The colony holding Khaxoria was hit on the head by a powerful beam-type spirit on the spot.

His entire head instantly vaporized and disappeared, and his corpse fell to the ground on his back.

Cathulia felt her body being thrown high by the blast, as if she broke the window and flew out.

Then fell heavily to the ground.

Followed by the sound of fierce firefighting and shooting, the ground was shaking. Kinetic energy weapons and beam weapons, as well as directional tracking spirits, fluctuate continuously.

There is chaos around.


Suddenly, Kathulia felt a tingling pain in her abdomen.

“…Captain, the target was hit by a stray bullet in the abdomen, and his vital signs began to drop! Do you want to deal with it?” Someone fell beside her psychic.

“She is useless, don’t pay attention to it, complete your current task.”


The people around him flew away quickly.

Kasuria lay on her side on the ground, her body convulsed and curled up.

The blood flowed continuously along her abdomen, like a slender stream, flowing down the sloping ground into the louvered sewer not far away.

There were bursts of spiritual explosions and violent screams in the distance.

That was someone fighting.

“Tsk tusk tusk…This is a dragon actor, it is so wasteful to throw it here.”

Suddenly a cold woman’s voice rang from her side.

Cathulia convulsed all over, and the unabated medicinal effect and excessive blood loss made her unable to move at all.

“She was just a bait to attract people from the Eternal Silence Party.” The other person said in a low voice.

“Her psychic abilities are still very valuable for research.” The woman whispered, “You or me?”

“Let me come. First gather all her powers in one place.”

Kashurea opened her eyes wide, and in her beautiful black left eye, gradually, under the influence of an unknown spiritual technique, she began to gather a lot of psionic energy.

The psychic energy of her whole body quickly gathered together in her left eye.



A mechanical palm pierced her eye sockets with his fingertips lightly, and dug out the eyeball that had condensed all her psychic energy.

A series of **** stems were pulled out under the eyes.

The intense pain caused Khasuria to tremble.

“Let’s go.”

“Just left?”

“Otherwise, without psionics, her body is also useless, she won’t create new psionics, and has no value. Still staying here waiting to be caught by the defense?”

The two dropped Kaxoria, who was already chilling, turned around and left quietly.

Boom! !

A big fire ignited in the distance, and the bright flames shone on this Kashulia. The blazing high-temperature air flow turned into hot air, blowing the fallen leaves and residue on the ground, and also brought the hem of the sick clothes on her body to constantly flip.

A faint sound of footsteps approached slowly from not far away.

Then stopped in front of Khaxu two months.

“Ba…er…” Khasuria’s only remaining eye seemed to have a little back light.

She looked at the visitor and recognized him.

She trembling hands, slowly stretched out towards him.

Barreid looked down at her and sighed softly. Immediately, he turned around and looked at another shadow.

“Do previous transactions still count?”

“She is no longer worthwhile, and she has also affected our two senior members. We have lost a lot of this deal.” A black unicorn walked out in the dark shadow.

“She is still a dragon machine after all, there should be some uses for her body, right?” Barreid said solemnly.

“She is dying, and the psionic energy is also taken away. This transaction is invalidated.” The unicorn shook his head slightly, turned to hide into the darkness, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Balreid sighed again and turned to leave.


His trouser leg was pulled by a **** hand.

“Teach…Teach…save me…” Kathuria’s remaining right eye tried to widen, tears welled up from her eye sockets.

“I… don’t want to… die…!”

“I don’t want to…”

“…..” Barreid didn’t turn his head, he broke free of his trouser legs, and walked forward and left quickly.

In order to clean up the traces, the people of the Eternal Silence Party have planted space shock bombs nearby.

It is a hundred meters in radius, and it will soon be exploded into atomic dust.

So, no matter what kind of trace, it will be erased by this explosion.

Under the firelight, Kasuria wriggled forward. In her blurred vision, she kept staring in the direction where Barreid had left, crawling towards it little by little.

“I… don’t want to… die…”

“Father…. I haven’t finished yet… I promised you…”


“Who will…help me…”

Cathulia struggled, wriggling.

She is not afraid of death, she is just afraid of seeing her father’s disappointed face, afraid of seeing her brother’s scolding eyes.

She still has things to do.

There are still things that must be done!

“Enough is enough…”

Suddenly a pair of black metal boots landed gently, just a little bit in front of her fingers.

Kathulia’s eyes were blurred, and she lifted it up with difficulty.

What I saw was a burly figure wearing a black colony.

The figure does not wear a helmet, and his stern face and black waist-length hair make it easy to recognize him at a glance.

“Wei…he…!?” Khasuria looked at him blankly. But the last remaining eyes of her also began to show countless spots of white light, and they began to blur.

Her consciousness began to fall, as if sliding into the abyss.


Wei He squatted down and hugged Khasuria with both hands. The long black hair behind him automatically woven a black cloak to cover it.

The black cloak completely covered the two of them.

Strongs of flesh and blood belonging to Wei He began to penetrate through the pores of Khasuria’s skin, and then quickly transformed, swallowed, and reshaped its physiological structure.

“Is this… a dream?” Khasuria opened her right eye.


Wei He answered calmly and stood up.

“This is a freshman.”

Boom! !

A dazzling white light exploded not far away.

The pure white halo spreads suddenly, covering all areas within a radius of 100 meters.

Buildings, lawns, street lights, green belts, etc., were all swallowed by whales.

Only Wei He.

His eyes flashed with countless blue stars, and he stood calmly in place.

All the white flames rushed like waves, and naturally shunted and bypassed in front of him.


In an instant, his figure flickered and suddenly disappeared in place.

The fire light completely flooded everything, without any trace.




East Pole Alliance.

In front of a huge tree hundreds of meters in diameter.

He Bing knelt on one knee, his face drooping.

Countless tiny spores were continuously drawn to him by invisible force.

Compared to the state he was when he came here before, he is now much bigger.

With the help of the teacher, he succeeded in obtaining a powerful physical body at the quasi-star abyss level without being contaminated.

Although it only reaches the physical intensity of the light level, when driving the colony, he no longer has to worry about the body load being too heavy and abnormal.

Besides being strengthened, He Bing also gained a special ability called dyeing.

This ability allows all colonies controlled by him, even dragon machines, to gain the effect of increasing flesh and blood strength in a short time.

In a very short period of time, it can gain the speed power that surpasses the previous one, as well as the regeneration and recovery power.


Suddenly, a fist-sized green mechanical bird suddenly flew and hovered beside He Bing.

A faint sound came into his ears.

“Kashulia, the second dragon fighter of the Pengsha Empire, was severely injured last night and died of an accidental ammunition explosion.”

“What!? Cassuria is dead??!” He Bing opened his eyes wide.

In his mind, he recalled the memory of the three training together.

The beautiful and serious girl who is determined to fulfill her father’s last Actually, that’s it… dead? ?

He was in a trance, a little sour in his heart.

But more, it is an inexplicable sense of loss.

“We had an appointment, we will become heroes who solve Xingyuan together…now…”

He Bing suddenly looked back, only to realize that, whether he or Jinde, he had already lost his power to determine the future.

“This is the end of becoming a tool.” He suddenly understood, he understood the master’s good intentions for him.

No matter what kind of tool, there will be a day of being abandoned.

Only by being a tool-using person, can you persevere and fulfill your own ideals.

“Kaxulia…” He Bing gently squeezed his palms. As if I could still feel the touch of swearing by folding hands with my friends.

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