Omnipresent God of War Chapter 826: Environmental Chapter

The latest website: “Without Peugeot, this is the process of improving your own strength as a whole. The more you expand, the greater the scope of your martial arts application, and the overall strength will naturally increase. Dharma bodies will naturally evolve.

The extent of evolution depends on how much you expand. “Yuan Duzi explained.

This is the first time Wei He has heard of the martial art realm above the Great Master.

But he has tried many times, but he couldn’t do what Yuan Duzi said, let the law body evolve on its own.

“What about after the expansion? Sister, have you reached a higher level?” Wei He asked slightly curiously.

Many years ago, he had been curious about the level of the martial arts realm of the master sister Yuan Duzi.

And now, he finally has the opportunity to ask this sentence.

In fact, he wanted to ask this sentence a long time ago, but he hasn’t said it until now.

Yuan Duzi fell silent.

“Although Xingyuan isolated the evolution of the martial body, blocking the powerful direction of the law body. But the pure realm, after reaching a certain height, can still be useful to us.”

Somewhere in a galaxy far away.

There are many tall buildings.

Boom! !

A strong man with a silver colony was hit in the chest by a huge impact, flew out of the window, and fell downstairs.

The crimson man beside him is a woman dressed as a priest with a lion head.

The Lionhead wanted to move, but one by one already arranged sublimation psionicists holding green instruments, released a layer of green gauze-like psychic light mask, which was firmly covered.

Yuan Duzi jumped out of the thirty-story building with a light body, the psychic energy at his feet turned into steps, a tight-fitting black colon, like a leather jacket, drawing a perfect curve.

She brought out a series of afterimages, and within a tenth of a second, she landed steadily and rushed towards the strong man.

“Want to kill me? Then die together!!” The man looked crazy.

As a restarter, his own strength is as high as the median fission, and he also has the Crimson Terrorist as a collaborator.

Unexpectedly, he would be injured by a mere psionicist. He was also forced to almost die.

In normal days, this is simply unimaginable, but now…

The man roared, and his psychic energy swept away from him like a violent wind.

Boom! !

The two are as fast as lightning, fighting fiercely with a terrifying speed of almost a hundred moves in a second.

But what makes the man extremely sad is that his power has clearly reached ten percent, but in the end, only less than ten percent can fall on Yuandu.

His speed is extremely fast when he makes a shot. It can reach seventy times the speed of sound.

When approaching Yuandu, it will slow down inexplicably, down to 30 times the speed of sound.

His psychic abilities and perceptions clearly sensed that Yuandu was right in front of him, but after he really made the move, he realized that he seemed to be misreading it…the only thing he was aiming at was the afterimage.

Yuandu suppressed the man while chatting with Wei He to explain.

“Although I cannot continue to strengthen the direction of the Dharma body now, the martial art realm still allows me to suppress the opponent’s strength a lot and increase my strength a lot.

After the expansion, it was the part that I gradually understood after I came into this world.

That is…withdrawing. “

Boom! !

In an instant, as fast as a lightning strike, Yuandu’s right palm suddenly disappeared and appeared directly on the man’s head.

The moment the huge power broke into the opponent’s head, it condensed into a spike.

After the spike penetrates the psionic shield and the hard skull, it explodes in the skull instantly.

The man’s body suddenly stiffened, and then fell to the ground, silent.

Yuan Duzi’s face was calm and calmed down.

The fight between the two seems to have a small scope, but in fact this is the appearance of the perfect concentration of all forces.

If the two of them let go of their tricks, the surrounding streets will be completely destroyed.

This is still under the premise that there is a strong defensive field nearby.

“Pull away?” Wei He asked puzzledly.

“In folklore, there is a saying that skill is close to Tao, and the same is true of martial arts. When your skill reaches its extreme, it is infinitely compatible with Tao. Then your realm, within a certain range, represents Tao. “

“At that time, your martial arts will be like the laws of nature in this universe, unchangeable and irreversible. Like a galaxy, unshakable.”

Yuan Du sighed softly.

“I’m studying this realm hard now. Without the Dharmakaya, we still have our unique part. The martial art realm is divided into strengthening and skill. Since strengthening has become a dead end, the only thing that can go on is skill. Up.”

“Yuandu, have you worked so hard, are there any injuries?” A tall and handsome man approached with a smile on his face.

His name is Zhao Shengruo, and together with Yuanduzi Li Rong, he is in charge of searching for the person who solves Xingyuan’s restart.

When I first met Yuanduzi, I was shocked by him, so I tried every possible way to get close and pursue.

After years of tempering, this one is still normal.

In the beginning, this person sent a set of different colonies every month to form a logistics team specifically for Yuan Duzi to cooperate with her.

Send the house, the land, the spaceship, he has sent everything he can think of.

Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful.

In fact, Yuandu had many original suitors, and many of them were fission-class psionicists.

After Yuan Duzi’s mutant identity was exposed, most of the suitors took the initiative to retreat, and the remaining people stopped entangled after being strictly rejected.

Only Zhao Shengruo and a few others, who do not care about their status, persevere in pursuit.

After hearing that Yuan Duzi was dispatched to solve the restarter game according to the prophecy of the Vault of Heaven, Zhao Shengruo even more disregarded the opposition of his family and the danger of Xingyuan’s restarter, personally joined the team.

Just to get along with Yuanduzi day and night, trying to get in love for a long time.

It’s a pity….

What he didn’t know was that Yuan Duzi didn’t care about the relationship between men and women at all. Her strong character that had lived for thousands of years could not be shaken in such a short time.

At this time, Yuandu’s expression remained unchanged in the face of Zhao Shengruo’s favor.

“Fortunately. As long as the scarlet fear person is controlled so that it cannot show up to help the collaborator, the restarter can easily solve it.”

The way that the Scarlet Man follows the restarter is mainly to temporarily stare himself.

Astralization is one of the unique abilities of the advanced existence of Xingyuan creatures. It can project a positioning phantom from Xingyuan for a short time and follow the target.

This kind of phantom, said to be a phantom, is actually a child of the Xingyuan creature.

He can exist in a way that ordinary people can’t see and perceive, and he can appear freely as a flesh and blood child at any time.

The strength of the star-formed phantom is very weak, but it can be used as a coordinate, and it takes a certain time to transfer the body.

Mastered the laws and nature of starization, Yuanduzi designed to ambush ahead of time, so that the restarter, his collaborator, Crimson Horror, had no way to locate and transmit it.

So people can only watch their collaborators get killed.

Without the collaborator, the phantom was broken up, and the Scarlet Scared Man lost his coordinates.

For Crimson-level fear people, the human empire is not yet afraid of fear.

There are many immortal ranks that can face it, and there are many strategic weapons.

Crimson fears that people will dare to come, and they will die one by one.

Yuan Duzi ignored the extremely enthusiastic Zhao Shengruo, and continued to communicate with Wei He.

“Extracting from this level, I also have an outline. The martial arts realm is extracted and purified by the way of soul psychic energy. Then it reintegrates back into our soul. Then let everything of myself cooperate with this A pure martial art realm.

Perhaps in the end, it will become what I said at the beginning, the level of skill is close to Taoism. In other words, the level of self-harmony. Transform the self into the form of Tao. At that time, I am the Tao. “

She explained her thoughts and explorations to Wei He without reservation.

The two used the Da Yuan text system that Wei He had encrypted himself.

The font and encryption are done by Wei He himself, so there is no need to worry about leaks.

Even if people spend a lot of energy to decipher, many things have no corresponding cultural background and no corresponding civilization system. Even if they look at the exact same content, they cannot understand the deep artistic conception contained therein.

For example, the word Tao has too many meanings in the Great Yuan culture.

On the side of the three major human empires and Xingyuan, this is the meaning of the road under your feet.

“I roughly understand a little bit.” Wei He thought for a while and continued.

“The reason is clear, but how to do it is too abstract.”

“This is the path to the Tao. Everyone’s path is different. Remember, only what you come out is your own. Because every individual in the universe is different. How to draw Li and how to get along with each other are different.”

Yuan Duzi concludes with one sentence at the end.

“I understand.”

“Well, I’m here today, I should be busy.” Yuan Duzi responded coldly and disconnected from the communication.

Wei He was disconnected before he could say goodbye.

He didn’t care too much, the elder sister has always been like this. I don’t care about a lot of meaningless etiquette.

He carefully recalled what he had just asked Yuandu for.

As for the martial art realm, he no longer knows how many times He Yuandu has consulted. This time the master sister changed a new angle to interpret everything she had felt.

“Pull away…” Wei He drove the car, staring at the fast passing scenery in front of him. He is also carefully analyzing the harvest just now in his mind.

“Expanding, pulling away, the two realms, are the levels above the Grand Master. I inadvertently entered the step of expansion before, so I became above the Grand Master.

So what about the subsequent withdrawal? The way of strengthening and the way of skills are merged into martial arts. What I am walking now is the part of the way of strengthening, and what the master sister is exploring is the part of the way of art…”

Wei He intuitively feels that there is a deep mystery hidden in this. It seems…. It seems that he came to this world, even before the Great Yuan Dynasty, a lot of truths in the previous world.

‘By the way, in the last world…’

He closed his eyes.

Consciousness and psionic energy transfers rapidly in an instant.

Opened my eyes again.

He has been in the Resuscitator Research Base a few light years away.

In the lobby, a group of researchers are doing their best to organize and study the construction of the promotion ceremony of divine creatures.

“President, are you here?” Kofila approached from the side.

“The three hundred and thirty-six materials tested last time were all unsuccessful.

This time we…”

But before he finished speaking, Wei He interrupted him directly.

“Up to now, we are still standing still, none of the tests have been successful. Maybe we should change our thinking and test other types of myths and legends.”

“What do you mean?” Kofila was stunned.

Wei He fell silent, and directly pierced the Realm Breaking Orb with his mind.

Let it gush out the heat flow all over the body.

At the same time, his psychic energy began to shrink rapidly and increase density in accordance with the principles of the evolutionary classics, opening the final step to the immortal.


Standing quietly in the hall, Wei He was still facing in all directions, with layers of soft psychic wind flowing out.

Countless distracting thoughts and spirits can be eliminated, and Wei He’s soul has also begun to purify, purify, and solidify following this change, with the forced breakthrough of the Boundary Orb.

At this moment, the psychic energy he raised by wantonly devouring the chaotic will of the Xingyuan creatures, mixed with a large number of impurities and chaos, was forcibly purified by the Boundary Orb at this moment.

Feeling Wei He’s breakthrough in immortality, Kofi La’s complexion changed slightly, and a faint of shock flashed in his eyes.

He didn’t know that his flesh and blood came from Wei He, and he didn’t know that he could be forcibly controlled at any time.

Not to mention that Wei He can devour chaotic will by psychic energy.

He only knows that looking at Wei He’s resume alone, he has been practicing for less than four hundred years, and now he has entered immortality…

“I need to retreat and practice for a while~ You continue to compile the evolutionary principles. In terms of ritual techniques… Since the divine creatures and divine materials that were sorted out before are useless, then try These…. You use them as materials to design corresponding rituals or exercises.”

Wei He thought for a while, and his psychic energy unfolded and quickly formed a light blue light curtain in the air in front of Kofila.

On the light curtain, a series of rare treasures were quickly written.

Since the Boundary Orb has a lot of energy, why not try everything you can?

I saw the first line of handwriting written by Wei He, which is: Golden Crow True Blood-the attribute is hot, the color is unknown, the main function: immortality, changing the blood of the body, and gaining the ability to control the real fire of the sun. Greatly improve the resistance to fire.

Wei He doesn’t know if there is such a thing in detail. When that time comes design a set of exercises, try it with the Possibility Orb, and you will know.

For the Boundary Orb, as long as it has existed, as long as the energy is sufficient, as long as the Boundary Condition is satisfied, it can be simulated.

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