Omnipresent God of War Chapter 812: Under War and Freedom

Wei He turned a deaf ear to it. On this kind of battlefield, once he can’t keep up with the formation, the only thing waiting for him is the choice of fate.

If you are lucky, you can survive, but if you are unlucky, if you are hit by a friendly strategic weapon, it will explode on the spot.

After leaving the team, it is impossible for friendly troops to give up bombarding the enemy just to avoid a colony like you.

The team led by Wei He kept passing the colony teams of Knossus head-on.

Under Wei He’s knife, almost no one can survive the second knife.

A group of flames continued to explode.

At the same time, the psychic communication in Wei Hezhu’s body quickly sounded.

‘The planetary cannon is about to be recharged, and the attack route has been transmitted, please avoid it in time. ’

A virtual thick red light path emerged in front of Wei He’s colony.

That is the trajectory of the planetary cannon that the friendly forces attack from the rear.

“Come with me!” Wei He announced, leading the team to fly to the left.

Boom! ! !

Soon, a dazzling red light suddenly lit up from behind Wei He, shooting into the sea of ​​silver-white warships below.

Large battleships exploded one after another, and the colonies on the middle path, whether they were illuminated, fissioned, or sublimated, were all purified and flooded by the red light.

The continuous high temperature of billions of degrees of the planetary cannon is enough to destroy more than 99% of the warship colonies in the universe.

This is simply a massacre.

The Knossus Nebula Legion, which was fighting fiercely with the Eastern Pole Alliance, was attacked by the Pengsha Empire from behind, unsuspecting.

They didn’t receive any warning from the units at the same level, and they were attacked and bombed without any protection.

Wei He stared helplessly at the sea of ​​battleships below, pierced by streaks of red light, penetrating deeply.

The fiery explosion surged out from the bottom of the battleship sea, like waves on the sea.

The explosion triggered an explosion, and the force field of the sea of ​​battleships, which was still brilliant and neat just now, was disturbed, and its defense was greatly reduced.

At this time, it was bombarded by a series of planetary cannons, and the explosions and flames continued to spread and expand like a chain.


Boom! ! ! !

A huge shock of terror spread out like a wind, sweeping across Wei He and the others in mid-air.

Wei He’s eyes shook violently and rolled over.

It’s like sitting in a cylinder, and the whole cylinder is constantly being thrown, rolled, and shaken.

His spiritual energy was also disturbed and shredded by this violent wind, and he completely lost his sense of the outside world.

“Captain!! Get out quickly!!”

“Retreat, retreat!!”

“What kind of weapon is this!?”

Indistinct voices came from the broken psionic communication, intermittently.

Wei He rolled over, all senses seemed to be covered with a thick layer of cloth, and he couldn’t feel anything clearly.

The voices in the communication were disconnected one by one and fell into silence.

Bang! !

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and Wei He felt a pain in his head, as if his body had been hit by something, and severe pain and chaos flooded into his mind.

The next moment.

It was pitch black before his eyes, and he lost consciousness.




Inside the star abyss.

Wei He stood up silently.

At this time, he was sitting on the top of an extremely thick and fleshy giant tree in a levitation.

Build this exquisite and solemn palace of flesh and blood on the top.

The arch-shaped delicate zenith and the cylindrical fleshy stone pillars represent various patterns of miscellaneous beasts, polluting beasts, and giant beast soldiers, densely all over the palace wall.

This is a relatively rough and simple palace.

But it is enough for Wei He to live alone and entertain guests.

Just when the split body on the other side of the human star field fell into a coma.

The main body on Wei He’s side stood up at once. Looking in a certain direction.

‘I have deliberately rushed towards the thinnest direction of the fleet sea, but I still got the trick’

Wei He frowned.

In such a war, not to mention a mere median fission, even the mass-energy sublimation of the apex of the sublimator, in the face of celestial-level strategic weapons, it is just a larger stone.

Even if it is an immortal, if it is hit from the front, it will still be seriously injured. Not to mention that there are stronger strategic weapons behind.

‘Theoretically, the limit of human strategic weapons is divided into three levels. Celestial class, stellar class, black hole class. The time-space-level weapon that severely damaged and killed the monarch that appeared before was just a one-time item made by accident.

So the black hole level is the strongest weapon for mankind to fight against the abyss.

And such a weapon will not be easy to use, so the one just now is a sub-level star weapon? ’

Wei He guessed.

He could sense that his human body was still alive, but the brain responsible for running consciousness was severely injured, so he fell into a coma.

99% of the main body consciousness can only be transferred to this side, leaving a little bit over there to be responsible for the self-healing of the body.

‘But it doesn’t feel like’ Wei He has seen images of stellar weapons erupting.

It’s different from the feeling just now.

There are only a few star-level weapons for humans, unless they are new weapons

‘And why does the feeling just now have the breath of a mother river? ’

This is what puzzled Wei He the most.

In the face of a big killer of this level, even the Immortal level is just a matter of time. Not to mention that what he left there was only fission-level psionic energy and a physical body with increased light intensity.

Wei He’s original purpose was to survive the war as much as possible, and then improve his status, strength, and gain more authority and voice.

I thought he could develop slowly and be more careful on the battlefield. With his strong strength in close combat, he should be able to establish meritorious deeds smoothly.


On the battlefield, he was seriously injured and near death by a secret weapon of the enemy.

Wei He narrowed his eyes and looked at the **** sky in the distance, lost in thought for a while.

Suddenly his body trembled.

Under Gao Ling’s observation, in the air in front of him, a pair of old dark yellow leather scrolls slowly emerged.

‘This is the scroll in the mother river! ? ’ Wei He felt vigilant in his heart.

What is this thing suddenly popping up at this time?

The mother river is conscious.

Wei He has already discovered this situation in these years of research.

So he also pays special attention to things related to the mother river.

Especially this scroll, you can’t shake it off, you can’t throw it away.


Suddenly, the scroll began to be ignited from the lower corner.

The pale yellow flame spread to the whole body of the scroll little by little, completely scorching it black.

The scorched black part was lightly shattered by the wind and drifted away.

In just a short moment, the scroll completely disappeared in front of Wei He.

At the same time, the breath of the mother river that Wei He had been able to sense all this time also slowly faded away.

In his spiritual energy, a trace of high spiritual energy suddenly broke away, flew into the unknown nothingness in a blink of an eye, and disappeared.

Suddenly a sliver of psionic energy was taken away, which made Wei He frown slightly and his head hurt.

He reacted quickly and thought of something immediately. Start checking all over your body.

‘That was just now? ’

Wei He suddenly discovered that after losing the scroll, it seems that no matter what, he can no longer sense the mother river

That kind of feeling, it is obvious that his previous high spiritual power was obtained in the mother river.

But now, after the first sliver of spiritual power left him, he completely lost contact with his mother river.

‘Am I abandoned by my mother river? ’ Wei He felt that he had guessed the truth.

The scroll disappeared, and the first trace of high psionic energy left.

As well as the mother river response to Knossus.

‘Could it be that someone from Knossus was chosen by the mother river? Is this choice unique? ’

‘It’s unlikely to be unique. It should be that after the thorough selection decision, Muhe withdrew all the other preliminary choices? ’

With a light leap, he jumped from the canopy and landed on the ground.

‘But that’s fine’

The psionic energy in Wei He’s mind transformed for a while, and new high psionic energy emerged again.

He has already mastered the free conversion of psionic energy to high psionic energy.

The Evolution Codex includes this part of the ability.

The name of the mimetic force it cultivated was not chosen at will. That is a powerful ability that can simulate most of the power that Wei Heneng can understand.

Human empire war.

Countless civilians suffered heavy casualties, and the colonies became cannon fodder.

Life and soul seem to be inferior to the sand of the desert.

In such a vast battle, only by standing at a higher level in the group, or in a high position in the power system, can you be qualified to protect yourself.

Otherwise, it is like a sub-body that has passed out in the human territory.

If you are not careful, you will be submerged and swallowed by the tide of the times.

Looking at the blood-colored sky in the star abyss.

Wei He suddenly felt a little ironic.

In the human world, I hide myself all the time, but when I come here, I can truly let go of myself unscrupulously.

“Why is this world always so noisy”

In fact, his wish has always been very simple.

I just want to live quietly with my family and friends in a place where there is no war.

Freedom without oppression.

But such a simple wish is always difficult to realize.

“Life is like a bubble, which will easily burst. How can we get pure freedom and beauty?”

Wei He felt a little tired.

“Freedom? That’s quite a luxury”

Miffy’s voice floated from afar.

In the blink of an eye, a black shadow crossed the sky and floated in front of Wei He’s palace.

“Dear friend, it seems that you are confused about what?”

The black body of the black shadow peeled off, revealing the appearance of Mephi with the head of the cross star.

“What are you doing here again?” Wei He asked calmly.

Mother River evacuated, but the Evolution Codex allowed him to still transform his psionic energy into high psionic so he can still conduct high psionic observations.

“We are friends, dear ghost man, have you forgotten our friendship when we went hunting together last time?”

Mi Fei spoke in a strange tone.

“You once said that as long as I have enough souls, I can improve the quality of the territory and improve my own strength?” Wei He said.

“Of course. Greater strength, greater territory, is purer freedom!” Mi Fei opened his arms and sighed.

“Power is freedom.” He sighed with emotion, “Dear friend, you should understand that freedom means not being blocked by any obstacles.

But have you ever thought that when you are free, everything around you must agree with you, cooperate with you, and avoid you

And why do they cooperate with you and give in to you? “

“Because of strength.” Wei He said softly.

“Yes. Because of power.” Mi Fei smiled. “From the moment you became a lord, I have seen things in you that I have never seen in many years”

“Everything that blocks us, we will destroy it. If you are blocked, you are not strong enough, and you will not have the freedom to act freely.

So whether it is strategy or strength, as long as you can solve the obstacles, it is a kind of strength. “

“So.” Mi Fei lowered his voice. “The entire star abyss, everything. In fact, they are all chasing freedom. Including you, including me. Including Black Flame, including the monarch, and even including, the ruler”

“Power is Freedom”

Wei He tasted this sentence, and was a little lost for a while.

“Wei He. You were a psychic before, right?” Mi Fei’s words suddenly pulled Wei He back from his trance.

“What are you talking about??!” Wei He stared at Mi Fei suddenly, and his originally calm eyes suddenly became fierce.

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