Omnipresent God of War Chapter 806: People’s first place

“You have to leave right away, and the psionic fluctuation will inevitably attract the rest of the coveted.”

Quickly devour the chaotic will and flesh and blood of the two terrifying people.

Wei He rushed to the distance and disappeared at the end of the blood-colored earth in a blink of an eye.

After that, he has to find a place to hide and spend time studying the injuries on his body.

Swallowing two scarlet scary people, did not make his psychic power further.

After reaching the psionic limit of the lower ascender, it seems that he can no longer improve his psychic power.

There must be another breakthrough later.

Although it feels a bit wasteful, Wei He also intends to find a place to digest the recent devoured harvest.

Similarly, the trouble he has caused in Xingyuan during this period of time can also be calmed down a bit.




After one month…

Pensa Empire, Ulan Star.

The large groups of warships flickered again, emerged, formed into formations, flew out of the Ulan Galaxy, and rushed to the unknown distance.

Thousands of warships, looking from the ground of Ulan Star, are like countless light spots flying into the sky.

“Is this war?” Bi Lian sighed softly behind Wei He.

“Yeah…you seem to be peaceful along the way?” Wei He looked back at her.

“Well, it’s going well. We just happened to have two fleets ran into each other and went forward in parallel. We encountered a little trouble in the middle, and they were all solved together easily.”

Bilian wears a close-fitting silver combat uniform that can be played at any time. There are slender blue lines flowing continuously on the body.

“That’s good. On my side… I have encountered a lot of things.” Wei He sighed, “But it’s fine now, everything is over. I will study with the school instructor later. This period of time Fortunately, there is no need to play.

On your side, is there any way to avoid the battle lately? We’d better move out together so that I can also have the opportunity to take care of you. “

“…it’s difficult…now is the period of military control, I just shine…not qualified…” Bi Lian shook her head, a little helpless.

Before on the planet, she still felt that she had some status in this light.

After arriving in the galaxy, she felt that she was barely okay.

Out of the galaxy, to the large battlefield of the empire.

Here, the light is like dust, everywhere, everywhere.

The weakest unit participating in this war is the light.

The weaker ones don’t even have a chance to know the battle situation, so they can only wait silently for the arrival of fate.

This is war.

“Okay, don’t think too much, I’ll think of a way.” Wei He gently hugged Bi Lian, his hands wrapped around her slender waist.

These days, they have quieted down. It doesn’t mean that the war has stopped.

On the contrary.

The fierce battle between the Pengsha Empire and Knossas has become more intense at this time.

After the East Pole Alliance joined together, the three human empires became a ball of porridge.

After continuously using large-scale strategic weapons, all three aspects have suffered heavy losses.

More than one million casualties are reported every day.

Either the fleet on this side was hit hard, or the fortress on the other side was breached.

There are winners and losers.

Together with the occasional wave of Star Abyss beasts, the areas where a large number of military forces of the three empires are concentrated are not bad.

And those places where the army was drawn down and the defense was greatly reduced, once again encountered the Star Abyss beast tide, and at this time, it had begun to cause tragic injuries.

Wei He looked at the lights of countless battleships rising into the air like a river. Some worry about the home galaxy.

Consoling Bilian, let him go to rest and sleep first, then he stood alone at the window and turned on the personal communicator.

“Hey, Senior Sister Long hasn’t taken a break yet?” He clicked on Long Hubo’s contact portrait.

“Well, you are taking a bath, Xiaowei, are you okay?” Long Hubo’s tired voice came from the communicator.

“Well, I want to trouble you with something, see if I can do anything.” Wei He said softly.

“You said, if I can help, I will definitely help! Now you are the hope of our galaxy. We didn’t expect to pass Professor Barreid’s review and join his ongoing research project. Your academic level is unexpectedly so high. High.

This is completely different from ordinary studying in him. Maybe you can hope to become a regular and true disciple of Professor Barreid.

If you can really become his disciple, that would be amazing! “

“Hope. But I also know myself that this kind of opportunity is hard to come by.” Wei He smiled.

“Well, if you have anything to say, let me just say it. If I can help, I will definitely help.” Long Hubo said cheerfully.

“It’s about my wife Bi Lian. I wondered if I could ask her for a leave, and wait until my side of the training is completed, and then play together.” Wei Hedao.

“This… is difficult. The military headquarters is not a place where individuals can move their positions freely, nor is it a playhouse.

Today this one needs to be transferred away, tomorrow the other one will be transferred away, then the whole military department will not be easy to unfold. “Long Hubo said sincerely.

“Of course, if you have to think of a way, I have no idea here, you can ask Belkin. But personally, he can’t help it. After all, we are just fission, and there are even a lot of sublimators in this kind. Locally, our voice is too small.

Unless Professor Barreid is speaking, it might be useful. “

Wei He actually understood this principle, but he didn’t want to. When he was studying, he suddenly heard the news that Bi Lian had died in a mission somewhere.

Light-level colonies, in this kind of war, there are simply too many casualties.

Too small.

“Also, as you said before, the Florent who studied with Professor Barr together, he is a good old man in the army, and he has a lot of contacts. You can try him, maybe you can OK.” Long Hubo suggested.

“Florent?” Wei He was very impressed with this man, because his younger sister was one of the only two dragons in the Pengsha Empire.

It’s hard to say that his position is not derived from his sister’s relationship.

In the process of studying with the professor, this Florent also behaved quite ordinary.

Or use words that are generally considered good.

Although this is also fission strength, academically, the gap between Wei He and Rong Ling is like a lake or a pond.

The gap is huge.

Fortunately, he has a very low attitude. Whenever he doesn’t understand, he will get answers from Wei He and Rong Ling.

After all, many problems cannot be solved highly by search engines.

If you don’t understand, you don’t understand.

After disconnecting from Long Hubo, Wei He thought for a while and called Belkin again.

The answer I got is also helpless.

Belkin, as an upper fission, is a big man in the galaxy, but here, he can’t handle it.

In desperation, Wei He had no choice but to try and dial Floente a communication.

Soon, the communication is connected over there.

“Wei He? What’s the matter? It’s rare that you would call me.” There seemed to be music on Floent’s side, and there seemed to be a lot of people gathering together. There are also drunken persuasions from time to time.

“It’s something, I want to ask Flo if you can do it.” Wei He didn’t cover up, and directly told the other party about his difficulties.

“This request for leave… is very troublesome… if you don’t pay attention, you will be turned into a deserter.” Froent’s tone became serious.

“Is there any way to avoid it?” Wei He asked in a deep voice.

“Wait, let me check…”

The voice fell down over there.

“Hey, yes, I am from the organization department. I can help you find a relationship, transfer your wife to the logistics department, and be responsible for maintaining the colony for a period of time, how about it?”

“Yes, you can!” Wei He suddenly felt relieved, “I’m sorry to trouble you!”

“Small thing, there are just a few places here. But you are also lucky, in a few days, maybe this place is gone. You know some guys, and try to avoid the battle.”

Florent complained.

Wei He thanked him very much, and the two hung up the communication.

In this kind of war situation, Wei He naturally knows how rare a safe job vacancy is.

Although the other party said it very lightly, the actual situation of this kind of thing will never be that simple.

So, he remembered this favor.

On the other side, in a high-end villa.

Florent hung up the communication, waved to a few friends, and went out to continue calling.

“Hey, old Cui, are you still awake? I have someone here who wants to temporarily enter the logistics department for a period of time, just a period of time… um, just a few years…”

“How many years? Why don’t you die!! You stinky boy, you have already packed more than a dozen, Lao Tzu is not your private place for favors!”

“Old Cui, don’t be angry, calm down, this is not the classmate I study with, I am worried about the safety of my wife.

When he finishes his studies, he will bring his wife to fight. He has enough military exploits, and he is still a rare research talent. Doesn’t this kind of talent have special care regulations? And the wife of my family has also studied with members of the Crown Letters Society, right? Just follow the special family rules! “Florente explained with a smile.

“It’s not that I said you, brat, you have a temper. When others find you, they will speak softly and help others to think about it everywhere. Have you ever thought about thinking for yourself?” The communication side hates iron and is not a steel track.

“Isn’t there my sister in front of you?” Froent laughed. “I can’t save everyone, and I’m not a selfless dedication. I just don’t look at the people around me, the pain, and the injuries.”

He lowered his tone.

“After all, I am just a selfish person. I also know that the battlefield will eventually kill people. If the people around me don’t go, other people will die.

But I just don’t want to, don’t want these to show up around me, nothing more. “

“You…..” There was no answer on the communication side.

“Actually, I am selfish, and I don’t want to let myself see uncomfortable things.” Floente smiled.

“My sister is on the front line, fighting in the most dangerous place in the world. I’m just a trash brother. I can’t do anything or help her.

So, I thought, while now, I can still use my sister’s relationship to help others. Maybe when she gets back from her injury, she will lose this halo and At that time …. There will be people I have helped, come back and help us. “

Florent’s words silenced the communicator.

For a long time….

“But you can’t take Laozi’s relationship as a favor!!!*!”

“Brother, don’t you have to work harder for those who are able.” Froent replied with a smile.

“Fuck you!”

“Don’t worry, Old Cui, when my sister comes back, I will introduce her to your son!”

“Get out!”

Communication is disconnected.

But Froent knew that the other party had agreed, so the matter was settled.

Actually, there is no place that happens to be vacant. Everything is for him to find someone to force it.

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