Omnipresent God of War Chapter 746: Far from the first.

Wei He changed his shoes, walked through the living room, on the second floor, and entered the study room.

On one wall in the study, there is a huge round color map hung.

As he passed the map, he paused and his eyes fell on it.

Thinking about it.

“Terminal, wireless access to the study room map display.”

Beep, after two soft beeps.

The map on the wall flickered, gradually turning into darkness.

‘The map access is successful. According to your authority, you can move the top-level map database of the star system. ’

‘Please choose a starting point. ’

The electronic female voice keeps on ringing.

“The starting point is: Olga Star.”


In an instant, a two-meter-diameter circular map flashed from pitch black, and a fist-sized blue planet appeared in the center.

A line of handwriting on the right is marked: Olga Star.

Immediately afterwards, around Olga, there is a star that is ten times the size of Olga-Metro. Emerged.

Then the rest of the planets, including 184 and 228, are among them.

All planets orbit the stars of U.S., forming an elliptical orbit.

“Show the full picture of the empire.” Wei He tried to give orders.

Actually, he himself doesn’t know whether he has this permission.


The female voice responded.


The Olga galaxy began to move away, shrinking, from occupying the entire map, shrinking into a watermelon, then into an apple, and then into a sesame point, until it is almost invisible…

The rest of the densely packed star systems also appeared on the map.

Stellar systems, like disks of different colors, are densely distributed around them, almost countless.

And they are shrinking rapidly.

As soon as they appeared, these star systems were the size of a cherry, and in less than a second, they shrank to a point of light, the size of a sesame.

Soon, all the star systems converged into a gigantic harp.

A colorful harp river system composed of hundreds of billions of star systems.

“This is the Harp River System…the whole picture of the Pengsha Empire…”

Wei He sighed softly.

He tried to find the location of Olga’s star system on the map.

But unfortunately, he couldn’t see anything, because Olga’s entire galaxy, on this map, is not even as good as a sesame point.

Almost negligible.

Looking at this star map, Wei He fell silent.

In this star chart, even the sublimator who can destroy the stars is not even as gravel.

The planet is in it, and it’s just insignificant dust.

“Shows the location of the three major kingdoms and Xingyuan.” Wei He said again.

‘Information loading…’


The map is zoomed out again.

The area of ​​the Harp River System has shrunk, and three discs of similar volume are lit up on the edge.

These are the three major river systems of Tianheng, Shengyun, and Jiudu.

Immediately afterwards, at the edge of the three major river systems, a black vortex with a volume smaller than that of the river systems slowly emerged and was marked.

That is Xingyuan.

Weihe paused and stared at Xingyuan.

Finally, he asked another question.

“Show the full picture of the universe.”

‘Sorry, it cannot be shown. ‘The electronic female voice responded.

“Show the limit of the detection range now.” Wei He suddenly had an impulse.

He wants to know whether mankind has explored the end of the starry sky in this era.

In fact, by now, he has gradually understood.

The nine levels of the real world, the previous levels, maybe all low levels, only this level is the real source.

From the previous information and history, he vaguely felt that this may be the core of creating other levels.

In other words, they are in the same universe, but their senses are at different levels, so they perceive different aspects of this universe.

Wei He doesn’t know.

He just stared at the star map in front of him, waiting for its response.

‘Star map loading…’


The time star chart has shrunk again.

The four major river systems of mankind, and Xingyuan, all shrink rapidly together.

Soon, they shrank to the size of gravel, and together with the countless river systems around them, they formed a huge cloud-like star map.

‘Humans and Xingyuan belong to the Draco galaxy cluster together. The label below flashed past.

The star map continued to shrink. This cotton-like Draco galaxy cluster quickly became the size of a fingernail, and dozens of other galaxy clusters formed the Cyclops super galaxy cluster.

The supercluster of galaxies has shrunk again, turning into a blurry dot of colored light in a blink of an eye.

In the darkness around, countless dense spots of light emerged.

Countless points of light, combined into a huge golden silk net like a river.

The silk mesh is flowing slowly, circulates back and forth, and there are countless golden light spots in it, like blood, shining with some kind of light of life.

A logo appears below.

‘The River of Gold Superstellar Cluster, the limit that humans can detect so far, is composed of a huge universe composed of 150 million super galaxy clusters. ’

Looking at this huge and unimaginable horror aggregate, Wei He was in a daze, and he felt incomparably small.

In front of such a behemoth, even a sublime who destroys the star with a single blow, even the terrifying Star Abyss, looks like gravel.

“Forget it. Look at this kind of information. If you read too much, it’s meaningless except to let yourself know how tiny you are.”

However, after all, Wei He still deeply imprinted the super constellation aggregate of the River of Gold that he saw just now in his heart.

In front of such a magnitude.

Those horrible mythological characters who can catch the stars and the moon in the legend are the little ants on the beach on the edge of the sea.

No, even smaller than this.

Convergence, Wei He closed the personal terminal link, opened the spiritual map, and prepared to continue daily spiritual practice.

Suddenly thought of the sister of Bilian just now, he paused, and directly searched for relevant information on Olga’s network.

It was confirmed that there was no major problem, and he was habitually poisoned just now, so he was relieved before he continued to practice.

After breaking through the fission, every time he enters the practice, he feels that his spiritual energy practice is much faster than before.

Together with the chaotic will that pops up every once in a while, this chaotic will of the flesh and blood martial arts also gave him a lot of nourishment.

So in just these few days, Wei He’s psionic energy has increased by another spiritual ear.

If this kind of psychic power increase speed can be maintained forever, he will be able to reach the limit of the lower fission psychic power in less than a year.

Wei He inquired about the limit of the lower fission level, and it was two hundred Ling Er.

Constrained his mind, all his mind was devoted to spiritual exercises.




Two days later.

Airstar Research Institute.

Led by Dean Sean, Wei He walked towards the deepest part of the base of the research institute alone.

The spiral conveyor belt stair continues to bring the two of them down.

The surrounding area is empty, no monitoring is allowed, only other detection equipment can be used for alert.

“The bottom of the research institute is the warehouse where various samples are stored. If you want to take it, Wei He doesn’t actually need to get it down by yourself. As long as you instruct the main control system, the sample can be taken out from the bottom and transferred automatically. Go to the laboratory where you are.” Sean Psionic said.

“In fact, I just want to see what the legendary scary sample is like, after all, I haven’t seen it before.” Wei He smiled.

“This war broke out. Yesterday, it was said that they had been fighting with Xingyuan. There were thousands of people scaring people. You might be able to see the boredom after a while.” Sean shook his head and laughed.

“Perhaps.” Wei He took a step forward and left the conveyor belt.

The two have reached the bottom of the research institute at this time.

Sean walked to the front and walked in a dark metal corridor.

A series of heavy doors separated automatically, exposing the passages that seemed invisible to the end.

Go straight ahead.

Gradually, Wei He vaguely heard a strange movement like a woman’s singing.

“Here.” Sean moved forward again and opened a square door. “This sound is part of the force field used to suppress pollution.”

Wei He nodded, expressing understanding.

This time, behind the door is no longer a passage, but a round and narrow closed laboratory.

In the center of the room, in a floating crystal ball, a group of viscous objects like black liquid is suspended.

“That’s a scary flesh and blood sample.” Sean pointed to the black liquid in the crystal ball and exclaimed.

Wei He took a look.

Just staring like this, he can feel a vague sense of discomfort spreading from the opponent.

It’s like getting close to a mass of ice, the other party’s coldness will also spread towards you with the air.

“Frightening-level samples are a step further than fission samples. Simple isolation can no longer isolate them completely.

If the fission sample is released, it will wilfully swallow all the surrounding nutrients and use it to restore the body.

Then the human-phobic sample Just look at it, and the weak creatures will be assimilated and contaminated into a part of it, and then reorganized from the outside to become a part of the human-phobic body.

So to isolate it, we must not only isolate the sound and breath, but also isolate the light. “

“Awesome…” Wei He nodded.

He closed his eyes, and after high spiritual energy filled his eyes, he opened them again.

This time, the scary sample in front of him turned into a dazzling little red sun in his eyes.

In addition, what surprised Wei He was in his heart.

He just stood on the spot, the psychic shield of the automatic body protection on his body began to spontaneously become active after being exposed to the radiation pollution of the terrifying sample.

Wei He felt like he was basking in the sun, and a steady stream of warmth came in from the psychic energy covering his body.

He felt that his psychic energy was slowly increasing. Even if you do not practice, it is equivalent to the speed of practice.

‘It really works! ’

Wei He was overjoyed.

His psychic energy, as expected, can swallow the Xingyuan will in the flesh and blood of the terrifying person.

He slowly moved forward and moved closer.

Sien opened his mouth in the back, but thought that Wei He was fission, much stronger than him.

It’s hard to say anything.

As long as it is not in direct contact, the fission boss is definitely more resistant than his light level.

Wei He approached step by step until he was within one meter of the sample.

He just stopped.

“Young man…you are special…” Suddenly, an old and weird voice came into Wei He’s mind.

“?” Wei He didn’t react yet.

The black slimy sample in front of him sneered, and an old human face emerged from it.

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