Omnipresent God of War Chapter 644: Explore the next

Soon, the screen dimmed and started to play the previous scene again.

Obviously, this is a video that has only been recorded for a short time.

Wei He knew everything.

He watched it again and again several times. Soon, I saw a little trace from this video.

The two people who chased the master sister seemed to be in the same system. Whether they were flying trajectory, the shock ripples they brought out, and some other details, they were fairly consistent.

But based on these alone, it is still not entirely certain.

Wei He paused, instead of staying in this room any longer, but turned around and came to the other round door of the room.

On the right side of the door, there is a spider-like bulge of flesh and blood on the wall.

There are **** tentacles dancing around the bulge, swaying in the wind.

Obviously, this bump is also alive.

Wei He thought for a while and patted the spider bulge lightly.

No response.

Grasp the bump and turn it around.

There was a reaction this time.


The dark red round door in front was slowly pulled up, revealing a spacious hall covered with flesh and blood on the other side.

In the lobby, several golden beams of light slanted down from the top, becoming the only light source.

A corridor with grooves all around is inlaid on the wall.

The location where Wei He came out was in the middle of one of the corridors.

Like all the walls in front, this hall is also covered with thick flesh and blood.

The ground, the walls, the ceiling, there are peristaltic active flesh and blood everywhere.

Metal and flesh are intertwined and fused with each other. Metal is like a skeleton and flesh and blood are like tissues and organs.

The whole place is like the internal cavity of a huge creature.

In the air, there were some fine things like spores, slowly floating on Wei He’s shoulders, arms, and head.

Then these small dusty things crawled up and down on the surface of the protective clothing quickly, but they didn’t find the entrance to get in. Then they gave up, got out of the protective clothing, and floated to other places.

Wei He didn’t care about these. There will always be all kinds of strange things in the real world.

He looked around the entire hall, and on the left was the end of the corridor, extending into a right-angle corner.

On the right is another circular fleshy door.

Walking a few steps ahead is a dark red half-person fence.

Wei He walked over and looked down from the fence.

Below is a large dark red thing like a tumor, and I don’t know what it is.

Above is a black zenith with a few gaps in it.

On the arc-shaped zenith, there are also some long, grape-like conjugates of flesh and blood hanging.

From time to time, these fleshy grapes also spew out puffs of dust.

Those are countless tiny spores or flying insects that crawled on Wei He just now.

Wei He thought for a while and walked slowly to the left.

He tried his best to keep his feet light, because he has no hearing now, only the vision he can get from the beetle, and it’s still very vague, and he can’t see how far.

So you must be extremely careful.

Soon, walked to the corner of the corridor.

A loud bang came from the right corner.

It’s strange that Wei He’s auditory organ clearly didn’t reach the height of the suffocation layer, but he still heard the sound.

It was the sound of a wooden stick being constantly stirred in the mud.

Wei He stagnated and stopped.

Suddenly he backed away.


A cloud of blood sprayed fiercely from the left corner, passed through his original position, and hit the wall.

The blood mist seemed to be extremely corrosive, and instantly corroded the wall into white smoke.

In an instant, a group of dark red flesh flew out, spreading flesh and blood wings in mid-air, like a basin-sized moth, flying towards Wei He’s face.

Wei He was caught off guard and rolled on the spot, avoiding the flutter of flesh and blood moths.

Because he was afraid of damage to his protective clothing, he did not dare to use force.

Moreover, the speed of this fleshy moth is extremely fast, reaching three times the speed of sound in an instant.

There seems to be no air here, and the speed of sound does not cause a sound barrier to explode.

But the sound just now…Where did it come from?

Wei He didn’t return to his mind yet, and saw the fleshy moth flapping its wings in mid-air, the red shadow flashed, and then it rushed towards him.

Not even close, he could see the translucent blood vessels on the large fleshy wings of the moth.

More importantly, this fleshy moth’s wings are close to the wall, obviously it hasn’t touched the wall.

There are naturally more sharp scratches on the wall.

It seems that the flesh and blood moth has some invisible power on its body, which can injure things in the air.

Wei He didn’t have time to think, turned around and ran.

If he doesn’t have protective clothing, he might still try to see if he can deal with this fleshy moth.

But the protective suit is on his body, once it is damaged, he can’t handle the suffocating smoke that is everywhere in the outside world.

So quickly fleeing is the key.

Along the corridor, between one person and one moth chasing and fleeing, they quickly crossed the large corridor floor.


Suddenly, Wei He felt that his feet were empty, and he seemed to rush to a large, spacious staircase. If the body loses balance, it will roll down.

But Wei He supported on the ground with one hand, gently turned over in midair, and fell towards the bottom of the stairs.

The moths were still in the air behind them, chasing them, and rushing out of his head.

Boom! !

The moth moved forward and seemed to hit something invisible above the stairs. It exploded in midair.

The flesh and blood flying down the sky.

Wei He stopped quickly and looked to the front of the stairs.

There is a vague, lavender invisible light curtain there.

The light curtain falls from above, like a huge wall, separating one side of the stairs from the other side.

This is obviously what the moth hit.

Wei He exhaled and glanced at the detector inside the protective suit.

Oxygen reserves are normal and physical indicators are normal. The ambient temperature is 13 degrees Celsius.

He stood up and stood at the end of the stairs, only a few steps away from the huge purple wall of light.

Looking back.

From here, he can clearly see what the place he just came out is like.

It was a huge, dark red spaceship that looked like an eggplant.

The hull turned sideways, like a dead insect, with the entrance and exit connected to the stairs at the tail.

The entire spacecraft lay in a larger cave covered in flesh and blood.

The golden sunlight shines from the top above, like a holy beam of light.

Wei He got up, picking and choosing among the mess of flesh and blood where the moths fell.

Soon, he found what he needed.

Dozens of tissues suspected of hearing organs.

As usual, test the corrosive toxicity of these flesh and blood tissues. When there is no problem, put them on the isolation layer of the protective clothing first, and then put them into the inner cavity from the isolation side.

With a move of Wei He’s heart, the black hair behind his back automatically entangled the moth flesh and blood and attached it to the outside of his left arm.

The skin is separated, and the flesh and blood are split, like a small mouth, enveloping the flesh and blood of the moth.

Then start the nerve connection.

During this period, the flesh and blood of moths brought strong pollution and corrosive power, causing Wei He’s body to continue to die of large tracts of cells.

But the powerful cancer cell regeneration ability, coupled with the horror of the Baleen Whale King, restores endurance, and Wei He is still in a healthy state.

About ten minutes later.

Wei He reached out and threw away a bunch of useless pieces of meat and stood up from the hiding corner.

“Finally…I can hear the sound…”

He breathed a sigh of relief.

He connected a small part of the moth’s voice organ. Although it can’t all inherit the powerful organs of that fleshy moth.

But a small amount of listening is enough.

Wei He stood up and looked at the carcass of the fleshy moth again.

I don’t know when there was another person wearing the same bloated protective suit.

The man was using something like tongs to collect pieces of flesh and blood scattered on the ground.

Some flesh and blood are already stuck on the ground, and he is not willing to throw it away, using a tool like a shovel to gently shovel on the ground.

At this time, a large swath of moth flesh and blood was exploded on the ground at this time. At this time, only a small part of it was confiscated, and the rest was estimated to have been collected by this person.

Wei He didn’t move before, and there was no movement yet. At this moment, he stood up, walked out of the hiding spot, and suddenly made a rustling sound.

The man in the protective suit stopped moving and looked up in Wei He’s direction.


He gave a low voice, making a voice that Wei He couldn’t understand at all.

Wei He walked out slowly.

He was wary of mentioning the highest, this place is the fastest way to get more information and communicate with intelligent creatures.

But this is on the premise that the other party will not murder him.

Since it has been discovered at this time, then try to communicate with the other party, it is best.

“I am not malicious.”

Wei He speaks in the oldest language he has mastered.

Now that he has mastered hearing, it is not difficult for him to simulate the corresponding vibration frequency with cells.

After all, his own flesh and blood martial art combines the essence of real blood and strength, and his practice is to control his own flesh and blood.

Wei He repeated the phrase ‘I’m not malicious’.

Spoken one by one in more than ten different languages.

These languages ​​were all taught by himself when he lived in seclusion for a hundred years. Just to cope with the inconvenience of communication.

Such communication seems to be effective.

“Who…Who are you!?” The protective suit paused, then spoke again, using a jerky, awkward voice, to speak the common language of the demon race over Linzhou.

Wei He is overjoyed.

What he fears is that he can’t communicate at all. But now, it seems that the worst may be avoided.

“Are you also a scavenger?” Then the man spoke again.

“The scavenger?” Wei He squinted.

Judging from the dilapidation of the opponent’s protective clothing, it is obvious that the opponent is not a good class.

But as long as you can get the first-hand information here, it is enough.

“Yes…I am also a scavenger.” He quickly replied after the other party’s words.

“How long have you been outside? The radiation levels inside your protective clothing are almost out of range! Are you crazy?” the man continued. “Also, which language do you use, my database is not saved, or the backup database was found. Are you an outsider?”


“Come with me first, the indicators in your protective clothing are too high. If you continue to do so, you will get sick soon!” The man approached and patted the outside of Wei He’s There is still a hunting ship We arrived in thirty-two hours. We are running out of time. After we go back and get a shot of corrosion inhibitor, we can come again, but we have to move quickly. “He said solemnly.

“Okay.” Wei He was silent and nodded slightly.

He wants to see where this man is going to take him.

Wandering around all the time is not an option. It’s better to take a risk and talk with this person, maybe you can get more information.

Of course, this is also because, judging from the sight and hearing given to him, there is no trace of training on the person in front of him, and there is no state of practicing martial arts in every move and walking.

Generally speaking, as long as people who have practiced martial arts, or have practiced martial arts, in an unfamiliar and dangerous environment, the distribution of strength and weakness of the body will naturally be revealed during actions.

In addition, after the spiritual power was released, he did not perceive a higher energy concentration from the person in front of him.

So a small gamble is worth it.

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