Omnipresent God of War Chapter 638: Leave the first.

“Qisha.” Suddenly a low man’s voice sounded in the hall.

“I didn’t expect you to betray in the end.”

The voice is calm and everything is under control.

“General Klin?” Qi Sha stopped moving, raised his head and looked towards the speaker where the sound was coming from.

“There has never been loyalty, so why betrayed?” His face was calm, his eyes didn’t shake at all.

“What a pity…” Klin sighed softly. “We spent huge resources and energy to finally make you. The result is still the same as before…”

While Qi Sha was talking to the man, Wei He didn’t look at the black eagle anymore, instead his eyes fell on the round black hole gate.

He has been able to confirm that Black Hawk is not the main body of the master sister, but just her existence similar to the cell culture body.

It’s just that she is closer to the master sister than Qi Sha.

But that is still not enough.

He walked slowly to the door and observed the continuously rotating door up close.

The black smoke billowing inside, as if there is life, is constantly trying to come here.

A popping sound like a heartbeat is transmitted from the black smoke from time to time, sometimes faintly.

Wei He noticed that words were engraved on both sides of the door. It is written in ancient prose from the Yuan Dynasty.

‘Dock the tail to mark it. ’

‘A place of interlacing, perceptual distortion. ’

Two rows of characters, one on the left and the other on the right. The text on the left has a feminine slender style.

The text on the right is more neat, as if engraved by a standardized machine.

“Dock tail?” Wei He narrowed his eyes and looked back at the tail of the huge black eagle.

Sure enough, the feathers there are obviously darker and brighter than the rest of the body, and the master sister’s breath is stronger.

“It seems that the elder sister should cut off her tail in advance before entering the door, and use it as a marker to stay here.

Perhaps it is used as a coordinate, or it is to leave a trail, etc. But in the end she went in, but never came back.

As a result, the tail left behind was taken by the Severnes, which created Star Wars…”

Wei He inferred roughly.

As for the other line of text, he doesn’t know who wrote it.

However, the person who can write so neatly and still enter this gate like the master sister at the same time…

Wei He stood in front of the round gate, carefully observing the black smoke rolling inside.

He thought for a while, slowly stretched out his hand, raised his index finger, and touched the black smoke behind the door.


In an instant, the moment the tip of the finger touched the black smoke.

Wei He’s whole body seems to have returned to when he was an ordinary person.

He felt like he had fallen into the water. He couldn’t breathe all over his body. Some kind of viscous liquid was all around him.




The invisible sound waves spread to Wei He’s body, causing his body’s tissues to begin to die in large numbers.

This is not a copy of the weakened version, but the real one, one of the nine ghost winds of the suffocating realm.

Wei He sweats slightly on his forehead, and the flesh and blood cells in his body are frantically strengthened, trying to adapt to the suffocating wind he has encountered in the shortest possible time.

A large amount of stored energy began to be consumed.

The real energy is quickly consumed, and the real blood is rapidly weakened.

Wei He knew that the situation was not good, so he hurriedly pulled his fingers out of the black smoke.

As soon as he pulled out his finger, the feeling of suffocation all over his body quickly disappeared and degenerated.

A sense of fortunateness that seemed to be alive came from the bottom of my heart.



Wei He gasped.

“Sure enough, is it still too reluctant?”

Bone Eating Wind corresponds to Grand Master, Insect Bite corresponds to Grand Master, Burning Blood corresponds to Grand Master.

And choking…

This is an unknown level.

Even the elder sister has to dock her tail to save her retreat in case of any accident.

Wei He doesn’t remember when the records of the nine ghost winds began to be passed down.

But from the earliest days of the Yuan Dynasty, there have been such written records.

“It seems that since the Severians can get good things from this door, then… they must have the means to enter the door, and there must be a way to prevent themselves from being affected by the suffocating wind.”

Thinking flashed in Wei He’s mind, turning his head to look at the strange sand not far away trying to awaken the Black Hawk.

At the same time, the injury he had just received quickly healed, but within a few seconds, he returned to its original state.

As if everything just now was just an illusion.

“Qisha, how do you usually avoid being affected by the sound inside this door?” Without disguising, Wei He asked directly.

“There are ancient equipment in this ruin, which can be worn well without too much influence. But it can only weaken the breath in the door, not immune shielding.” Qi Sha replied in a deep voice.

“So where is the equipment?” Wei He asked.

“This is about to ask the general manager of the base, Klin.” Qi Sha said coldly.

After trying many methods, he couldn’t wake up the sleeping giant black eagle.

He finally understood that the root of everything lies in Klin’s hands.

“There is only one set of equipment.” Klin’s voice sounded again, “Unfortunately…the door will be completely closed soon. And you…and you will die there together…

Kisha…. My most successful and proud work, if you can keep perfecting, then how great…”

There are traces of regret and sorrow in his tone.

“Want me to die?” Qi Sha’s eyes fell cold, “It seems that you haven’t placed yourself where you are.”

“Kisha, do you really think that you are the strongest of all Star Wars?” Klin said inexplicably condescending.

“What do you mean!?” Qi Sha’s face was startled.

Not far behind him, the huge black eagle that was crawling is slowly opening its eyelids at this time, and a pure white pupil on the side, from blur to clear, quickly stares at the close at hand. Two people.

“Eat them, Black King.” Klin’s voice came from the speakers.




A huge heartbeat began to sound in the hall.

The black hawk was covered with smoky feathers, and began to stand up.

It began to breathe in and out slowly through its nostrils.

The two wings slowly supported the body and framed the whole body.


Its huge sharp bird’s beak slowly opened, revealing the dense saw-like fangs inside.

“Mother…Mother…!” Qi Sha was startled by the huge movement, turned around and looked at the movements of the Black Hawk in surprise.

The huge black eagle shook his head, his pale eyes, and countless black hair-like lines slowly drilled into the gaps between the eyelids.

Countless black lines quickly formed a weed-like tentacles, which grew out of its eyes. Want to flutter and shake on both sides of the head.

Wow! ! !

Suddenly, the black hawk lowered his head and opened his mouth, and let out a huge roar.

The terrifying sound wave turned into a substantial sound wave, distorting the air, distorting the light, and exploding in the underground hall.

Everything on the ground and walls shattered under the sound waves.

The strange sand that was the first to bear the brunt was hit by the sound waves on the spot, and his body flew upside down, slamming into the rear wall, and was submerged in countless crushed sands. No one was visible.

Wei He stood behind, standing alone in front of the black door, quietly watching the black eagle who had completely awakened.

Now the situation is obvious.

This black eagle, which also has the breath of a master sister, was also controlled by Severus.

“Being able to control such a powerful biological entity, it seems that these Severnes are not as incompetent as imagined…”

He quietly admired the huge size of the black eagle in front of him.

The huge sound waves are like spring breeze on him.

Compared to Qi Sha, he instantly stood up and down in the defense and quality of his body.

Looking at the huge black eagle staring at his pale eyes for an instant.

Wei He was about to take a step forward, when suddenly a red light flashed behind him.

In the rolling dust and smoke, the red light resembled a red lightning, which suddenly cut through the darkness and rushed towards the huge black eagle.

The red light was still in mid-air, and it quickly expanded and deformed. From as wide as a person, it became as large as a few meters in diameter. With four red wings spread out on its body, it was like a fighter jet, crashing into the black at a speed of more than five times the speed of sound. The great eagle is in the middle of its chest.

Boom! !

The giant eagle raised slightly, and on both sides of its head, black silky tentacles extended rapidly, entangled the red light, and trapped it to death.


The voice of Qisha came from the red light.

“I will wake you up again from being lost…!!!”

Soon, the red light was wrapped and wrapped in layers of black filaments, completely submerged in the chest of the huge eagle with countless black feathers.

Immediately afterwards, Black Hawk’s gaze returned to Wei He again.

It stood up, and cracked the ceiling with its head.

It’s just a random movement, and the surging air flow created a gust of wind, causing Wei He’s whole body to continue to pull back frantically.

“Resolve them, Black King.” Klin’s voice came from the speakers.

The speaker appears to be worn in the feathers of the Black Hawk. Under this level of riots, it can still be intact.

A trace of violence flashed in the eyes of the Black Hawk.


In an instant, one of its black claws disappeared.

Dang! ! !

Under the loud noise, the black claw suddenly appeared in front of Wei He, but the thrust forward was blocked.

Huge oscillating sound waves and little sparks exploded in front of Wei He.

With a loud explosion, Wei He was propelled by the huge impact and slammed into the wall behind him, sinking into an unknown hole.

Shadow’s huge body, its sheer weight, coupled with high speed, can create terrifying lethality.

“That’s it! Hahahaha! Solve them, get rid of these wastes in one go!” Klin’s voice laughed freely in the speakers.

The giant eagle moved forward step by step, spreading its wings, and immediately shook the entire underground hall, causing huge boulders to fall and collapse everywhere.

The dim sky above my head shot down diagonally, shining on it.

The wings of the giant eagle flicked, and the huge body suddenly curled up the airflow and rushed to the ground.

Suddenly its feet clenched.

A huge force below grabbed its right paw fiercely.

Wow! ! !

The Black Hawk looked down.

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, a strong figure measuring six meters in height is scratching its right paw with one hand.

Compared with a body of over a hundred meters in height of a mere six meters, it is simply not worth mentioning.

But it was such a little guy who actually pressed his right paw, making him immobile.

“The speed is good.”

Wei He’s voice penetrated the gust of wind and came out clearly.

“But your is too fragile.”


With a crisp sound, the huge claws in front of Wei He suddenly snapped.

Wow! ! !

The Black Hawk howled in pain, and another sharp claw kicked Wei He at a speed exceeding five times the speed of sound like lightning.

Under the loud noise, Wei He’s whole body was kicked high, but he still grabbed the other claw of the Black Hawk with one hand.

Under the severe pain, the Black Hawk kept kicking Wei He even more crazily.

At a terrifying speed of hundreds of hits per second, Wei He’s body was constantly beating and bombarding with tremendous force.


Suddenly the Black Hawk howled in pain again.

Its other sharp claw is also broken…

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