Omnipresent God of War Chapter 612: Into the city

After half a month….

In Yan’s mansion, Yan Chiyu brought up the freshly prepared meal, put it on the table, then took off his apron and clapped his hands.

“It’s dinner.” He called his grandchildren loudly.

Since childhood, the two children have eaten the meals he cooked. Now although the granddaughter has grown up, she can help, but the main dishes are only authentic when he cooks them personally.

“Here.” Yan Ziyou walked in from the door. At home, she only wore plain white flared-sleeved underwear.

Fresh and pretty.

Wei He also put down his book, walked out of the study, and walked along the corridor to the restaurant.

The mahogany round table in the restaurant has six delicious dishes.

Most of them are vegetarian dishes.

Because of their weak health, the spirits do not like too much meaty dishes. Such dishes are the norm here.

The three people sit down and are distributed in the triangle of the round table.

Wei He gently picked up the bowls and chopsticks, looked at the white crystal clear rice in the bowl, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of confusion.

He felt like he was not in Linzhou where the demons gathered, but on the side of Yuanyue.

“Eat, it’s all you like to eat.” Yan Chiyu looked at his grandson gently. He is almost three hundred years old, and he is about to reach the end of his life.

I can live in few years.

I don’t know how to eat together like this in the future. How many times can I see it…

“Okay.” These days, Wei He has used his amnesia as an excuse to get some things at home from Yan Chiyu and Yan Ziyou.

At this time, he has a preliminary understanding of the situation.

So, he also had an idea.

The three of them were silent, eating their food slowly.

The mild sunlight shone in from the window and fell on half of the dish, reflecting a bright oily light.

“Yuxin, don’t worry, grandpa will find you a good relationship later. With our Yan family’s portal, it is uncertain now, and maybe you can meet someone better than Xue Yixuan in the future.” Yan Chiyu Wen said.

Wei He was expressionless, bowed his head to eat, and said nothing.

The atmosphere is somewhat depressing.

Yan Ziyou on the side glanced at his elder brother with a sad expression in his eyes.

Since the last time he fell into the water, his elder brother seemed to have changed himself. Not only did he lose his memory, but his personality also changed drastically, becoming indifferent and alienated.

“I’m going to perform a spiritual enlightenment ceremony!” Suddenly Wei He squeezed out a voice.



The other two were taken aback, and looked at Wei He at the same time.

Wei He raised his head, his expression indifferent but calm.

“Since I was humiliated and almost died because of my spiritual power, the root of everything is actually that I have no spiritual power.

In this case, find a solution! So, I want to enlighten! “

Qing Ling is the only way he can master spiritual power to gain inheritance.

He didn’t want to spend too much time in the Spirit Clan, so the spiritual opening ceremony became his best choice now.

As long as there is a trace of spiritual power, it is enough to complete the inheritance ceremony.

“Qiling…?” The chopsticks in Yan Chiyu’s hand stopped unconsciously, hung in the air, and stopped for a long time.

“Okay! Grandpa prepares you for enlightenment!” He put down his chopsticks again, and cut the railway firmly.

Yan Ziyou silently lowered his head, digging food in his mouth without making a sound.

The spiritual enlightenment ceremony, if it were the 72 other nobles who are in the limelight today, they would naturally be able to afford it, but their Yan family has long since fallen, and only Menting’s face remains in the past.

There is some accumulation of money, but if you want to carry out spiritual enlightenment, not only is money, but also qualifications and quotas.

This is not a simple matter.

After eating, Wei He got up and left Yan’s Mansion and went around the city.

He came here to obtain spiritual power for one purpose.

Finding the whereabouts of Master Yuan Duzi is also the second purpose.

The first purpose is that the Yan family is an ancient nobleman. No matter how bad it is, it should be no problem to hold a spiritual enlightenment ceremony.

The second purpose is to go to the place with the most recorded information in the city to find clues.

Leaving Yan Mansion.

Wei He changed into a clean white long coat, with a light red pattern on the sleeves, and weaved a demon-like text with thin threads.

There are endless screams on the street. It’s almost the same as the big moon before.

Occasionally there are cars driving monsters passing by, which can also be regarded as the original monsters pulling carts.

“Holly tea is 80 cents per catty!”

“Ginseng White Tiger Tea 100 Wen a Jin!”

“One of five bean sencha cakes.”

Unconsciously, Wei He walked to a street specializing in tea.

He carefully looked at the spirit people around him along the way. These people are no different from ordinary humans except for their fairer skin and slender stature.

In addition, there is another point, that is, the average face value of the spirit tribe is higher.

The guys in the shops on both sides kept shouting at the people flowing outside.

Occasionally seeing some passersby whose eyes are shining with fluorescence is even more enthusiastic.

Spiritual power awakening is normal in the spirit race, but it can reach the level of binocular shining, which means that the spiritual power has reached a certain level.

Generally, such levels are mostly high-income, wealthy people.

Wei He turned around this street and quickly found a storefront and walked in.

This shop sells books, but not important books, but like geography, picture books, autobiography books and the like.

Go in from the door of the bookstore. Inside are rows of shady bookshelves.

There are many spirit race people standing in it and looking through it.

It’s no different from a human bookstore.

If it weren’t for seeing these spirit tribes reaching out, they would be able to recruit books from other bookshelves.

He thought he was back to Da Yue Bookstore.

“Guest, please read it for yourself.” A low voice came from the side.

Wei He squinted his eyes and followed the sound.

Behind the counter on the right side of the door, sat a **** spider over one meter tall with fluffy body.

The spider’s green compound eyes are faintly fluorescent under the reflection of the sun.

Apparently, he is also a demon with great spiritual power.

Wei He was surprised, and immediately came down. Spirit tribes are not entirely the only members of their own tribe. Some foreign tribes who have established merits for the spirit tribe and have awakened their own spiritual power will also be accepted.

This is the record of the information he has read these days.

“I would like to ask if there is any record of major events in recent decades.”

“The third row, nine columns and five floors, the twelfth book from left to right, the cover is called Lingyun Road.” Spider boss replied coldly.

“Thank you.” Wei He felt a little novel in his heart, and turned to look for the location the spider boss said.

Soon, he found this book named Lingyun Road on the shelf that the other party said.

Opening it gently, Wei He began to look at the contents with some difficulty.

According to the date, the booklet records the major events that happened that year.

They are just short phrases.

Moreover, the date is not the Gregorian calendar or the big month calendar used, but a calendar called Xuhaili.

He looked around and found a calendar hanging on the wall.

Today’s time is turned over above: October 07, 11542 in the Xuhai calendar.

A line of clear enchanting text made Wei He a little confused.

This is about to be calculated according to the virtual sea calendar. Haven’t these monsters been used calendars for tens of thousands of years! ?

He stabilized his mind and continued to read the contents of the booklet.

After searching, Wei He soon found what he wanted.

In the column of the most recent date, there is a newly written handwriting.

‘In April 11513 of the Xuhai calendar, there was a giant demon whirlwind, breaking through all the blocking races along the way, flying into the Xuhai, disappearing.

His body is like a black cloud, covering the sky and the sun, and everything it passes by is twisted and crazy. ’

’13 years…’ Among all the records that Wei He saw, this one was the closest to Master Yuanduzi.

‘Time can barely match…’

He paused, then went on looking for other detailed records.

Time passed slowly, and the sky outside gradually changed towards the afternoon.

“Huh? Yan Yuxin? You would actually come to Qianyan Bookstore to read?” Suddenly a surprised male voice on the right came into Wei He’s ears.

Weihe paused before coming back to his senses. He is now Yan Yuxin.

He turned his head to look at the sound, and it was a handsome silver-haired man standing on his right.

The man has a slightly disgusted expression on his face, looking at Wei He with disgust.

“Are you?” Wei He asked with a frown. He is not Yan Yuxin after all, many people don’t know him.

“My Situ Han, you almost got engaged to my cousin, and now you can’t remember anything in a blink of an eye?” The man opened his eyes wide.

“Are we familiar?” Wei He hesitated.

“Very familiar, if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be able to marry my sister.” Situ Han smiled.

“In other words, you are the one who disturbed the dating?” Wei He asked.

“What do you think?” Situ Han smiled.

Suddenly he felt a little itchy throat, so he coughed lowly.

After coughing, look up again, there is no trace of Wei He in front of him.

“Shit! A super spirit body wants to cheat my cousin! It’s just a wishful thinking!” Situ Han cursed in a low voice, turned and left the bookstore.

Only when he walked a few steps out, his throat felt more and more itchy, and even his lungs felt a little itchy.

Wei He walked out from behind a bookshelf, flipped through a new book in his hand.

As for Situ Han, in order to reduce the interference in his rituals, he naturally had to cut the grass and roots.

Just let him experiment, what is the difference between Spirit Race people and ordinary humans.

Anyway, the demons are all materials in his eyes, and the spirit race is also the spirit demons, so there is little difference.

“If it’s fast, I hope to hold the spirit enlightenment within two months… complete the inheritance ceremony. Then scrape Lingyun City and leave.” Wei He estimated the next process in his mind.

“In addition…” Wei He scanned the books that introduced the spirit race. He didn’t find any records of the Demon King on it.

In other words, after he completes the inheritance ceremony, he can search back the valuable things in the spirit race as quickly as possible without disguising his identity.

Quickly paid, Wei He left the bookstore with the book,

I saw two beautiful girls in short green skirts and tied ball heads.

One of the young girls has a mole on the corner of her eyebrows, with a touch of beauty in her pure appearance. It was Xue Yixuan who Yan Yuxin was about to make a kiss before.

The other person is Xue Yixuan’s sister. The two are somewhat similar in appearance, but the person is slightly older.

When the two saw Wei He, they were also taken aback, slowing down involuntarily.

“Do you know that I like to come here, so do you come here to wait for me?” Xue Yixuan looked at Wei There was a flash of disgust in her eyes.

“I advise you to cut down on these thoughts.”

The other person on the side also sneered, and didn’t even look here.

The two women passed by Wei He and entered the bookstore.

Wei He’s expression remained unchanged, but his fingers flicked.

A plume of poisonous smoke flew towards Xue Yixuan silently and attached to the skin on the back of her neck.

“It seems that you like her very much. Even if you die, you will subconsciously influence me to come here.

If this is the case, let them accompany you together, as a reward for occupying your heart. “

He looked calm, turned and walked towards Yan Mansion.

For Wei He, people who are not from my ethnic group must have different hearts, let alone a group like monsters.

Killing a few groups of demons is like picking flowers from the side of the road to him, freehand and natural.

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