Omnipresent God of War Chapter 579: Research section.

At night.

Outside the city of Ningzhou, a public cemetery.

In the gloomy dense forest, the moonlight is like mist, completely blending into this cold and quiet area.

With a burst of hiss, from far to near.

Not long ago, a few dark figures, dragging something, approached the cemetery from a distance.


One of them threw something in his hand to the ground.

The moonlight just illuminates that thing.

It was a bunch of human corpses **** with rope.

More than a dozen corpses, tied together to form a large cylinder, were dragged by the dark shadow man all the way, **** and bloody.

As the bangs continued to sound, the other figures also threw the things in their hands to the ground.

Under the moonlight, these are all cylinders of dead bodies.

“It’s a pity that some of the children I fancy today have not passed the application, otherwise the taste will be much better than these old, weak and sick.”

A figure raised his hand and licked his five sharp fingers.

“Ningzhou is good for everything else, there is a lot of meat, but the rules are too annoying. People in the city have to submit an application and special design accidents. Other cities don’t have so much trouble.” Another figure said impatiently.

“If it weren’t for the guy who couldn’t beat the Nine Demons, who would be willing to abide by such troublesome rules?”

Several shadows squatted down, began to pick up the corpse, and gnawed directly at the neck.

In the sound of hacking gnawing flesh and blood, these killed corpses are gradually gnawed into blood and flesh, and their limbs are separated.

Just as a few demons were eating, in the cemetery not far away, a small white shadow flew quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it stopped not far beside the few demons.

The petite shadow approached, and he could see clearly that it was a snow-white little squirrel.

This white squirrel, which looks extremely rare, has a very cute appearance, but seeing the cruel scene in front of him, it has no sense of fear.

Instead, his hind legs straightened up and stood up like a human.

“There is an order above, the guys from the Nine Demons Society want us to find the whereabouts of Xuedong and Lu Jiu. The first one to find, can choose a blood meal in the city at will. As long as they are not from the General Manager’s Mansion, It’s okay.”

The voice of the white squirrel came out, as if it were a real person, and the words were round.

“So that we don’t have to eat these old, weak, sick and disabled all the time!” Several dark shadows suddenly stopped moving, and they were surprised.

This is the case in this world. Only the real transformation monsters can choose the living people in the city to hunt at will. The remaining lower-level demons must submit an application and be confirmed before they can be eligible for hunting.

Otherwise, it will be regarded as a provocation to the monster organization in the area and will be hunted down.

It’s like, if you go to someone else’s house and eat someone else’s food, you should be hunted down.

“Should this be true?” a demon hesitated.

“It’s true.” White Squirrel nodded, “The head of the Nine Demon Society has not returned. This is the instruction issued by the current head Yun Si himself. There is absolutely nothing wrong.”

It went on to say: “We just need to be careful of those damned cleansing teams.”

For the low-level demons, the net demons are their main opponents.

As for the transformation monsters, middle and high-level monsters, they have a little tacit understanding with the Jingmo team.

Or, behind the Jingmo Team, the alliance formed by many warlords, Yueyue, has a certain tacit understanding.

Middle and high-level monsters not only don’t mess around, but occasionally help maintain order.

The Jingmo team will not take the initiative to attack as long as they don’t face-to-face collision with middle- and high-level monsters to kill people.

The two sides have mutual restraint.

This seemingly fragile relationship has actually been maintained for more than ten years.

At the same time, in other places, many demons throughout Ningzhou City have received rewards from Yun Si for finding the whereabouts of the blood cave and Lu Jiu.

All of the demons inside and outside Ningzhou all started to take action.

Know that people are different from people.

Can choose blood food at will in the highly protected city of Ningzhou, then they might be able to pick out some delicious food with natural abnormal physique

This type of food, they call it a spiritual talent.

At this moment, when the demons are surging.

In the courtyard where Wei He is.

He is carefully writing and drawing on the paper, marking something on the side from time to time.

The courtyard is illuminated by lights.

On the wooden stake in the corner, there is a girl’s body that has been drained of blood.

This monster is dead. Of course, before she died, she struggled violently and tried to howl. This was the main cause of her death.

After all, Wei He can’t use real energy to isolate her surroundings now, so in order to avoid causing a big movement, he had to stab her heart immediately. She tore off her vocal cords.

This makes Wei He a little sorry.

Even though he dispelled the little demon’s body in time afterwards, he still felt that something quickly disappeared with her death.

“Simple de-planing the physical body, it seems that it is not very different from humans. So what is it that makes her different from ordinary people? What is the biggest difference between demons and humans?”

Wei He feels that he still lacks some material. It would be great if there was a more comprehensive material comparison.

The human body, he had seen too much when he was studying the path of poison.

At that time, when the plague spread, the most important thing was the corpse.

But for the corpse of the demon, he needs more material. In order to figure out what demon power is.

Now that the road ahead is cut off, one purpose of his coming out is to find the elder sister, and the second purpose is to find a new path.

He who owns the Boundary Orb does not think that he will stop in the previous era because of the great changes in the world.

“Maybe you can try it, use that” Wei He frowned slightly.

Thinking about it, he was about to continue writing, but a slight movement in the distance outside caused his arm to pause and stop.

“Is there another one?” Wei He’s face showed joy.

He put down the pen and stood up.


With a crisp sound, his whole person has disappeared in place.

Such a speed is already extremely fast for ordinary people, but for him, if he is not worried about breaking the sound barrier, he does not need to suppress himself in this way.

In a street alley not far away.

A young woman who came home a bit late and wanted to take a short cut was being pushed hard by a black figure of a burly bull head that was 1.9 meters high, and her face was pale with fright.

“Blood food! So tender blood food” Niutou Sombra panted heavily and opened his hands.


It jumped forward suddenly.


The shadow of the bull head disappeared out of thin air.

The woman closed her eyes, her body was cold, her throat was blocked, and she couldn’t make a sound. The body is completely immobile.

She waited for a while, only to realize that there was silence around her.

Opening her eyes, she was stunned to see that there was nothing in front of her.

Another place.

A young man in Jinyi who just came out of the restaurant, loosened his belt, and hiccups, he is about to go to the hut to hush.

A beautiful lady with snow-white skin, holding a lantern in her hand, walked from a short distance from the street.

Mei Jiao Niang smiled at Young Master Jin Yi and made a silent hook.

Young Master Jinyi shook his whole body, gulped, swallowed, and was about to go forward.


Suddenly there was a crisp sound, and Mei Jiao Niang carrying the lantern disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. Only one delicate yellow lantern was still burning on the spot.

Young Master Jinyi blinked, completely unaware of what happened.

Night is the best cover for action.

So Wei He moved his hands more easily.

He simply twisted his facial muscles, changed his face, and then put on self-cultivation clothes to prevent the airflow from making noises and blocking the speed.

After all, you can’t use real power anymore, you can only pay attention to many details.

One night, he hunted monsters everywhere, but the low-level monsters caught more than ten scattered ones.

The more than ten monsters are all humanoids, and there are more or less characteristics of monsters remaining on their bodies.

Such as horns, such as tails, hooves, etc.

Compared with the little girl demon before, and the middle-aged female demon, it’s much worse.

Through the analysis of multiple experimental subjects in vivo, Wei He discovered that these monsters all have one characteristic in common.

That is, they use the demon power, which starts from the heart.

In other words, the heart is the core of their demon power.

The sky is getting brighter.

Wei He dragged the corpses into the room and hung them on the wall with iron hooks to dry them.

Then go back to the desk and carefully record the test and research data.

Time seems to have gone back to before, when he was studying poison.

Life at that time was really pure and comfortable.

After taking notes, Wei He raised his head and glanced at the corpse of the demon on the wall.

“There are too many types of monsters, maybe we can compile a complete book of types of monsters? No, someone should have done this kind of thing Since there is a net monster team, it means that they must have a lot of these. Class data.”

He feels that he has the opportunity to communicate with the Net Devil Team.

Of course, now we have to study the source of the monster’s power.

He has a preliminary idea.

Maybe you can use the real power to transform the idea of ​​Sanxinjue into a demon version

If you can find a strong demon heart, you may be able to achieve your goal of getting demon power.

But what Wei He is worried about is that he doesn’t want to become like a demon and must eat people because of this goal.

“So more data research is needed”

He looked away from the goblin.

However, he got a lot of clues from these monsters.

In particular, there are two wandering monsters from outside. The information they provide is quite valuable.

From their mouths, Wei He learned that it is now on the ground of the big moon.

Except for the same attitude towards monsters, the warlords often have frictions and wars.

The scale of these wars was large and small. They broke out various wars in order to unify the ambitions of the moon. In addition to the support of demons, there are also many foreign forces.

In order to seek more support and benefit weapons, many warlords continue to promise various traitorous treaties.

This allowed Wei He to understand that this era is not peaceful.

Even for civilians, it is very cruel.

The current situation reminded him of the modern history of his previous life involuntarily.

Today’s Great Moon is somewhat similar to the original era.

The only difference is that Da Yue has not been violated by many foreign forces.

Also, from the other side, the monster forces within Dayue may have formed a new fragile balance, and the restraint situation may not completely collapse.

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