Omnipresent God of War Chapter 510: The Greek first chapter

“Don’t care what I say.” The man said lightly. He moved his gaze away from the Wei’s gambling house and stretched out his hand, with exactly the same thing in his hand.

It was a white background, surrounded by small green snake-like fruits.

A weird fruit, like a sculpture.

“Young man. This is what you won.” The man tossed the fruit lightly, which happened to fall into Wei He’s hands and was caught by him.

“What do you mean?” Wei He felt that this person seemed to be different from the previous ones.

“Be careful. Your performance is better than the other side, so…the next road will not be easy to walk.” The man finished speaking, turned and left without stopping.

In a blink of an eye he disappeared into the crowds.

Wei He was alone, squeezing the Nine Spirits White Snake Fruit in his hand, with a vague guess in his heart.

“It seems that this person belongs to the military camp. That said, my previous performance should have attracted the attention of the above. It’s just that they suddenly came to remind me.

Meaning that there may be some means on the Buddhist monastery side that can restrict me without the master going out. “

Wei He became more vigilant in his heart.

He broke the Wuxiang Demon Array. But that is a broken version.

If it is the full version of the formation, it might really cause him some trouble.

Taking away the treasure medicine, this time he didn’t eat all of it in the first time. At this time, his realm qi and blood had reached the limit of consummation. Although he could use the treasure medicine to forcefully try to break through the lower level, it was too wasteful.

After three months, you will be able to…


Wei He bit through the Nine Spirit White Snake Fruit in one bite, the taste is very sweet, and the sweetness is greasy.

It suddenly occurred to him that the shelf life of this thing is very short, and not eating is tantamount to waste.

So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and put it in your mouth. The current situation, the stronger the better.

Furthermore, you are in need of strength at this time, don’t you hurry up and keep your opponents?

The hot stream of heat slowly dissipated along Wei He’s chest, abdomen and stomach.

He moved his lower limbs and felt as if he was immersed in a hot spring.

The medicinal effect of the Nine Spirits White Snake Fruit seems to be stronger than other precious medicines. And in a slow-release way, using a strange ingredient, he began to promote the special changes in his body’s blood.

However, although the medicinal power is strong, it is not enough to step into the realm of divine power.

“Then, it’s time for the next one.”

In this so-called test level, there is actually no one.

The real level is Buddhism and the military department, stumbling each other.

Wei He didn’t even look at the casino in front of him, turned around and rushed to the next place.

If nothing happens, he might run into other treasure hunters, or even Mu Chengwei in advance.

The next treasure medicine he chose is the Jade Tianqin Pavilion.

He did not forget his original purpose.

So, letting everyone see his stronger side is his goal.

The royal family will value him more, and Buddhism will be more jealous of him.

There are the last three things.

The Tianqin Pavilion is located close to the imperial palace complex.

Cuiyu is the name of a street.

The Tianqin Pavilion is now the supply of musical instruments used by the imperial imperial family, and it can be regarded as a contemporary imperial merchant.

It’s just that the Great Moon ruled the country by Wu, and the style of martial arts is strong. There is not much market for musical instruments. In many cases, it is mainly used for entertainment and used as background music.

So the status of Tianqin Pavilion is not too high.

Wei He went straight to Cuiyu Street without stopping.

It’s completely invisible from the place where they started, so many people have already moved from their previous locations, waiting for the treasure hunters to arrive in front of the treasure medicine locations everywhere.

Cao Yanxu, Li Rong and others also moved and came to the inner city closer to the imperial city.

Standing on a high place here, you can clearly see the actions of treasure hunters everywhere below.

Of course, their main targets are still Wang Xuan and Mu Chengwei.

At this time, both of them have obtained three treasures. Higher efficiency.

There are very few other treasure hunters still participating.

It’s not that they finished taking the medicine ahead of time, but because many of them are not qualified to take more precious medicine.

Some people are only allowed to take one or two, and more are only three.

So the only treasure hunters left at this time are Wang Xuanmu Chengwei as the core.

At this time, Li Rong was standing on the Yuchi Pagoda, which was about the same height as the tallest building in the imperial city, overlooking Weihe who came to the front of Tianqin Pavilion.

“Even the Wuxiang Demon Array…” She lost her mind for a while, but she did not expect that her own disciple could quickly grasp the state of awakening and alienation after the breakthrough, and greatly increase her strength.

The Wuxiang Demon Array, that is basically the ceiling combat power below the master.

Although it is an incomplete formation that has been weakened by 30% by the military, it can still suppress the ninety-nine percent limit of Otsuki’s golden body.

But that was the case, such resistance was also defeated by Wang Xuan.

Looking at the figure that stopped slowly below, Li Rong felt a little hot in her heart for some reason. His original worries turned into more expectations at this time.

“Don’t worry about something happened to your apprentice this time?” Cao Yanxu laughed from the side. “You can alienate only when you are in true blood. Isn’t it true that this qualification is beyond the limit?”

The number of bloodlines breaking the limit is very small, and there are only one hand in the entire Great Moon.

So many people have very little understanding of this level of blood.

Modo in the past, and Xisas now are like monsters, and they grow up like flying.

Now, there seems to be another Wang Xuan.

“Xuan’er… Although he broke through, he hasn’t rested. Lien Chan is on the road, even with the support of treasure medicine, this kind of intense battle will inevitably lead to a decline in strength.

If you encounter the next powerful enemy of Buddhism, I am afraid…” Li Rong shook his head slightly.

“Hahaha! Marshal Li can really laugh, but I just saw you send your own capable officers to stop the Buddhist masters beside Wang Xuan.

Besides, if the grandmaster does not appear, what kind of power can the Buddhism of today mobilize to fight against Wang Xuan? Even the Wuxiang Fumo Array lost. “Shangguan Di Yun laughed.

Li Rong pursed her lips and relaxed a little.

It’s true that today’s Buddhism does not have a master, and there are really not many people who can make Wang Xuan an opponent.

At this moment, a red armored sergeant quickly went upstairs and whispered something behind Li Rong.

Li Rong’s original calm expression became colder again following the information from the sergeant.

Not only her, Cao Yanxu and Shangguan Di Yun also heard the general content at close range, and their expressions became serious.

The core of the intelligence content is nothing else, it is what is involved in this test and clearance game.

However, it is not Wang Xuan, but Mu Chengwei.

After thinking about it, Li Rong decided to speak up.

The two grandmasters present, at such a close distance, even if they wanted to conceal, they couldn’t do it. It’s better to tell each other frankly.

“This commander just received the news that a Buddhist monk went to contact Mu Chengwei, and then Mu Chengwei successfully entered the semi-alienated awakening when he took the medicine for the third time, and his strength surged. Now he has quickly moved towards Tianqin. Ge is here!”

“Interesting… I also broke through there. I broke through in advance and used special methods to forcibly help him reach a semi-alienated state.” Shangguan Di Yun laughed, “You said, this final martial arts performance, will it be possible? Performed in advance?”

“The Buddhism has already come…My people can’t stop it. But if that’s the case, don’t blame me for being cruel…” Li Rong looked down, her eyes flashed with ruthlessness.

She will never allow her disciples to be trapped back and forth, so…

At this time, Wang Xuan had already walked out of Tianqin Pavilion.

At this moment, there was an extra branch that looked gray and black in his hand.

The branches are forked, with a few new leaves that look very pink. Other than that, it is no different from ordinary dead branches.

Unexpectedly by Wei He, Tianqin Pavilion was not hindered by Buddhism.

He got this Hu Hanzhi smoothly.

It’s just that he still has some doubts about how to eat this thing.

“Just chew directly.”

A rough voice floated right in front of him.

After that, there were heavy footsteps.

It seems that the weight of the person here is extremely staggering.

This kind of vibration caused by the steps, even the three holy monks before, did not appear.

Turning around, Wei He saw the image of the incoming person.

For a long time, he has understood that Dayue’s true blood is the road to the fusion of humans and true beasts.

So on this road, there will be some forms that are different from ordinary people, which is normal.


Wei He never thought that there would be the form of a real blood powerhouse, like the person in front of him.

It was a figure three meters tall and almost as strong as his previous opponent.

It’s just that, unlike the others, this person has more than one head.

On his shoulders, there are two human heads standing side by side.

One man, one woman.

Men are ugly, women are charming.

The strong visual contrast made the passers-by avoid it.

At first glance, these visions know that they are awakened.

Many people have heard of the awakening and alienation of warriors, and it is the ability of the superior real-blood aristocrats.

The visitor is a bronze figure, holding two pitch black gold-lined scimitars, and step by step approaching Wei He’s side.

“Actually, I didn’t want to come. But at this point, I won’t come, as if the entire Buddhism master is not as good as you.”

The two-headed monster approached step by step, until it was only five meters away from Wei He, before stopping.

“I can force the entire Buddhism faction to join hands against you temporarily. Junior…you should feel honored.” The two-headed weird raised his scimitar and gently rubbed the blades against each other.

“Are you… Gemini Buddha? Han Zong?” Wei He suddenly thought of something, his face changed slightly, and he asked aloud.

The Twin Buddha Lord Han Zong is the ultimate powerhouse who can break through the master at any time in recent years. And even in the ultimate golden body, he is also known as the top master who is the first person under the master.

Once you break through, you can imagine that this person must also be a powerful grandmaster second only to top powerhouses such as Modo.

It can be said that the person in front of him is a representative of Buddhism today.

Defeat him, the entire Big Moon will be invincible under the Grand Master.


The double knives are staggered, reflecting a faint golden glow in the sun.

Han Zong’s eyes fixed on Wei He.

“I heard that you solved the Three Holy Monks with ten breaths?”

“Then, I will solve you with ten breaths.”





Two halberds, one black and one white, crossed in front of Mu Chengwei.

Two black-and-white armored are precisely blocking his way at this time.

A few streets in front of him is Tianqin Pavilion, but just such a few streets gave Mu Chengwei the illusion that it is difficult to reach.

“Black and white flying general…?” Rarely, his expression was different from the previous one, and he started to become serious.

Although the Nine Military Departments are not as good as Buddhism, they still have representative top masters.

Under the nine marshals, among all the generals, the best known today are the two black and white flying generals, He Linzhao and He Linlong.

The two are both strong golden bodies, and they work together very tacitly, and even the limits of the golden body can fight for a short time.

It’s just that although the two are strong, they are still a lot worse than Buddhism.

Actually, these two people are still masters Li Rong borrowed from the Bilin Army. The Burning Heaven Army itself, except for Li Rong, is the elder brother Li Chengji.

As for Li Chengji, there is still a long way to go between the two.

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