Omnipresent God of War Chapter 453: On the integration (Thanks for writing the 12 lord of Wangyan Mountain)

Li Chengji was in a complicated mood, and he didn’t want to say a word for the next tunnel.

The breakthrough I got after hard work, in Wang Xuan’s place, it was like eating and drinking water, and I could pass it at will.

This feeling is very understandable.

There is no sound all the way.

The two walked through a small tunnel and quickly entered a large tunnel.

The big tunnel is wider and bigger.

On the way, Wei He noticed that there were other small tunnels connected to the big tunnel halfway.

Continue to go deeper for about several kilometers.

Finally, a huge cave, much larger than the underground palace of Xuanmiaozong, appeared in front of Wei He.

In the cave, the corners of the cave are covered with fluorescent round mushrooms, like bright markings.

The ground is rocky, and water flows through the cracks between the stones.

On the surrounding stone walls, there are many places with huge black stone bird’s nests.

Wei He stood at the exit of the tunnel and looked around the cave.

A piece of white fluorescent light illuminates the entire cave, and the walls of the cave are full of small holes connecting it.

Every small hole is a tunnel entrance.

The ground is scattered with rocks, some form a forest of stones, and some are scattered and piled up in different sizes.

There is faint mist in the air, and huge black birds with a wingspan of more than one meter fly by from time to time.

“Here.” Li Chengji stopped moving. “This is the largest underground farm in Xizhou. It is also the largest source of raw materials. There are many caves of this size nearby.”

“Here…it seems to have existed for a long time?” Wei He saw some moss and marks remaining on the stone wall.

“Yes, this place appeared a long time ago. We also tracked and found this place while hunting some real beasts that emerged from the ground. This large underground kingdom used to be part of the meat fields of the previous dynasty.” Li Cheng Ji smiled. “Shocked? I was also suppressed when I first came.”

“Really… shocked…” Wei He nodded.

From where he stood, looking deep into the cave, he couldn’t see the head at a glance, and the curved stone wall could be seen farther away.

The whole cave is like a huge hose, extending to an unknown place where the line of sight is blocked.

“Okay, don’t delay, it’s ready over there. This is the Secret Realm No. 9, I’ll bring you here, first go to purify and melt the blood. This time there are a few with you, don’t let Others have been waiting for a long time.”

“Anyone else?”

“Well, a batch of materials is generally not used up. Some people get too much of this material, but the other materials lack a little. And some are just the opposite.

So it is very common to cooperate with each other and make full use of resources. “Li Cheng nodded extremely. “We are going on this trip with the two new talent seeds of Guangci Jiao, and a few geniuses from the state capital. “

He glanced at Wei He, then smiled.

“Of course, yours is the best. After all, Master personally gives you a lot of trouble, don’t worry.”

Wei He said silently in his heart that resource sharing, if it were placed in the Zhenjin system, would be inside a sect, and it would be choking to achieve this level.

Li Chengji grabbed Wei He’s collar and leaped forward, fluttering like fallen leaves, blown by the wind, drifting away.

The two swayed, seemingly slow, but the speed is really not slow.

After drifting over a large tract of stone forest and chaos, soon. The two landed in front of an arched white boulder.

There is a stone hut in the middle of the dome-shaped boulder.

At this time, in front of the hut, there is a square brass-colored tripod, which is more than ten meters long and wide, with inexplicable authentic texts and strange patterns carved around it.

There are two men in black who are responsible for adding wood and burning the fire.

The raging fire burned the bottom of the big cauldron, boiling the turbid yellow water in it continuously.

The billowing hot air wafted out from the top of the cauldron like a plume of smoke.

Seeing that Li Chengji and Wei joined together, one of the men in black stood up and walked towards them.

He held a fist and bowed to Li Chengji.

“My lord, everything is ready, you can invite the bathers over.”

Li Cheng nodded extremely.

“Notify the people outside to come in. Have the quotas of each department been allocated? After the inspection, do they meet the standards?”

“All of them have been checked. There are nine people in total, and all meet the standards.” The man in black nodded respectfully.

The two asked and answered, and then they said something.

Wei He could see from the side that the big brother of feeling seems to be holding a fixed real blood purification project.

There are nine places in the project, and he should be a half-way transfer student.

After talking for a while, Li Chengji beckoned to Wei He, and the two walked inside together.

Another person in black brought a simple black boxer shorts and put them on Wei He.

Then a few people came to the edge of the big tripod.

“There are a total of nine grids in this copper cauldron. Go in and fill the first grid on the left. Go.” Li Chengji warned.

“Yes.” Wei He nodded.

He walked up the steps of the metal bracket beside the big tripod.

Until it was as high as the Great Ding, he looked inside.

The pale yellow potion kept boiling in the nine grids, and from a distance, it seemed to be the same.

But if you distinguish it carefully, you can see that in each grid, the tumbling medicinal materials are different, and the authentic texts and lines inscribed around are also different.

“Don’t worry about being too hot, the water temperature is not too high, enough to bear.” Li Chengji reminded again outside.

“Go down.” He raised his voice.

Wei He took a deep breath and found the first grid on the left. He took off his shoes and socks, was naked, wearing only a pair of black shorts, and jumped into the grid potion.

As soon as the water entered, he immediately felt that it was exactly what Li Chengji said.

The water looks hot, but the temperature is just right, it’s just slightly hot.

He exposed his nose and mouth to the surface of the water and soaked the whole person in the medicine.

At this time, Li Chengji’s voice came again.

“Little brother, on your left, there is a special medicine specially prepared by the respected master for you. If you feel burning in your body, remember to take it off in time.”

Wei He heard the sound and looked around the copper wall.

Sure enough, on the copper wall on the right, there was a hook with an inner buckle, and a black leather pocket hung on it, which was bulging and seemed to contain things.

Wei He went to open it and saw that there were a total of three test tubes with the length of the **** inside.

In each test tube, there is a light golden liquid.

Under the envelope of steam, these pale golden liquids still glowed with a hint of golden light.

I don’t know what it is.

“I found it, brother, don’t worry.” Wei He replied.


Li Chengji nodded outside, then glanced at the man in black beside him.

“You can let the others in.”

“Yes.” The man in black replied respectfully.

Although the potions are different, the specially designed star arrays are the same. They are also inlaid with special real beast star cores to create strange radiation and promote blood fusion.

So, the first person to enter the pool naturally enjoys the most benefits. Although it is somewhat unfair to the others, who made Li Chengji the person in charge of this project?

The rest of the departments that sent people over, although there are various forces behind them, but in Xizhou, what forces dare to oppose the Marshal’s Mansion?

So I knew that Li Chengji was doing business for personal gain, but few people in the room dared to speak.

Soon, the other eight people who had been waiting for a long time in the distance, led by the men in black, walked toward here in anxious and anticipatory manner.

These eight people are all boys and girls under the age of nineteen. The oldest one is nineteen years old and the young one is only seven or eight years old.

There are not many of them.

Li Chengji glanced at the eight people, his expression regained calmness.

“The time is up, you can line up one by one. Remember your own grids. If you go wrong, not only will you not be able to merge your blood, but it may also cause you to become variable. At the slightest level, you can become disabled, and at the worst, you will die on the spot. Live!”

“Remember!” Eight people answered quickly. All the tutors looked great, obviously they had been told by the family before they came.

“You are all the seeds of the future for all the departments of our Xizhou. This blood fusion, regardless of success or failure, will purify your own blood. The effect of such purification is stronger than using ordinary blood vessels. So, be sure You must persist until the end, so that you will not waste the huge financial resources paid by your family.”

“Thank you for your advice.” Everyone hurriedly replied.

“Okay, let’s go.” Li Chengji waved his hand and motioned for a few people to start up the stairs.

It’s just that under his glance, he paused for an extra moment on one of the eight girls.

This girl is not stunning, nor is she a genius, on the contrary, her aptitude is quite bad, it can be said that she is completely bloodless.

But her father is the president of the top-ranked Chamber of Commerce in Xizhou, and his family power is prominent, so it took huge resources and favors to get her in.

He came here to use the ritual of blood fusion to stimulate the thin chaotic blood in her own body.

The girl is wearing a red dress, her eyes are firm, and her body is slender and a little thin.

If it is in the eyes of ordinary people.

The place where the flesh should grow on her body is extremely curled, her waist is gripped with a full grip, and her legs are slender and round, which is a rare good figure.

Such a woman, although her face is only Xiaojiabiyu-shaped, she is still a very popular first-class bourgeoisie.

But in the world of warriors.

This figure looks a bit unbearable.

No matter from which angle, oversized **** and thin body are not suitable for exertion and practice.

Li Chengji shook his head in his heart. He had seen a teenage father who was a good junior. Although he was a patriarch, he was polite, friendly, principled, and capable.

I just didn’t expect him to give birth to such a stubborn bloodline.

Looking back, Li Chengji still showed some care for her father’s face.

“The first one, Liu Chengxi!”

The weak girl stepped forward and bowed to Li Chengji before taking off the outer coat, revealing the pure white bathrobe wrapped tightly inside.

A yukata is similar to a swimsuit, but it is a type that tightly wraps all skin.

This kind of yukata is made of special animal skins with large gaps and allows the medicine to pass through. It is specially used for this occasion and is for women who are inconvenient to strip off.

In Liu Chengxi’s emerald green eyes, a touch of determination flashed, and he walked up the stairs step by step and walked towards the top of the copper cauldron.

Soon, she stood at the top, followed the handwriting on a bronze medal in her hand, and found her own grid-the third one on the left.

The edge of the big tripod was slightly cold and not hot at all. She walked on it barefoot, and soon the white skin was slightly oozing sweat.

While walking from the left, Liu Chengxi suddenly saw a person in the first grid on the left.

Da Yue inherited part of the traditions of Dayuan and Dayu, both respecting the left, so the first grid on the left represents the meaning, which is definitely the most important position in the entire ceremony.

The people who soak here are naturally the highest-ranking ones in the ceremony.

Liu Chengxi knew how to measure, and it was inconvenient to look at it more. After tying up her long hair, she stepped into the potion of her lattice, closed her eyes, and began to feel the changes in her body.

Wei Hepao was in the water and noticed that someone was passing by. He looked up and saw that although the water vapor was thick, it couldn’t block his eyesight.

At the moment when he saw Liu Chengxi walk by, Wei He narrowed his eyes slightly.

This girl… seems familiar…

It seems…. looks a little like…someone in his memory…

It’s only for a He can’t remember who that person is. It’s probably someone who hasn’t had much contact with, but has met.

Wei Heji is in his heart, ready to inquire after going out.

At this time, he refocused his attention on the medicated bath.

Originally, he thought that the real blood purification this time was just a simple process. Come and find the bloodline, aiming at the purification, and it’s over.

The situation he inquired from other classmates was mostly the same.

It’s just that what he didn’t expect was that the purified bloodline that came over turned into a fusion bloodline.

That’s all.

Originally, he thought that there was no other blood in his body. After all, if he had a messy blood, he wouldn’t be too slow in his martial arts practice.

If it weren’t for the Breakthrough Orb, he wouldn’t even be able to train a martial artist.

Unfortunately, he was wrong again…

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