Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right? Chapter 691: Kunlun Mountain!

Taiyi Jianzong, on the main peak hall.

Many disciples of Innocent Sect are all gathered here.

At this moment, their expressions are full of joy, and they are not worried about the decisive battle at all.

“Master, the words just now are definitely Master’s voice!”

“How long have we not heard Master’s voice? I can’t remember it!”

“By the way, in the sentence just now, there is a heavenly majesty in the voice, what status is the master now?”

“I don’t know, I only know that the level of Master is still not something we can snoop!”

“It is estimated to be at the level of heaven, right?”


The disciples of Wudaozong are excited except for excitement.

They have not counted how long they have not heard the voice of their master.

This time, the teacher announced that the decisive battle is about to begin.

This also means that the master is always there!

“Calm down.”

Seeing that the time was almost time, Ye Luo waved his hand quickly to calm everyone down.

“Big brother!”

Many disciples of Wudaozong looked at Ye Luo.

“You brothers and sisters, the master has been there all the time. This incident is certainly gratifying, but don’t forget about the decisive battle because of this incident. Master has orders to gather together in Kunlun and make a decisive battle. You must all be ready. .”

Ye Luo said softly.

“Big brother, don’t worry, we have exhausted all the fighting power of the whole family. If this battle fails, we will die before the new era, and there is no way out.”

Zhang Han, who has never been outright, walked out silently and said with a gentle smile.

“The second brother said something that a person said rarely.”

Su Qianyuan also followed.

“This battle will be won.”

Tantai Luo Xue said lightly with the light of wisdom shining in her eyes.

“This battle will be won.”

Other Wudaozong disciples also stepped out one after another, with determination in their eyes.

If it is said that the master is not there, then they will still have a trace of worry.

Worry about whether it will fail.

But now the master has appeared!

They will never have other concerns!

“This battle will be won.”

Ye Luo also walked out and said such a sentence.

“Wu Dao Zong Li Ergang brings the sect guardian **** Ao Yu, the lord mounts Ao Ye, the lord attends Xu Yu, visits Taiyi Sword Sovereign, and wishes to fight Kunlun with Taiyi Sword Sovereign!”

At this moment, a voice came in from outside, attracting the attention of all Wudaozong disciples.

There are no eggs under the covering nest!


Tianjian mainland.

In the Ten Thousand Demon Palace.

The demons also gathered here to discuss the decisive battle.

Compared with before, today’s group of demons can be described as raging.

There are countless demon generals, and there are a lot of demon saints.

Among them, there are many powerful demon saints.

The demon emperor Dijun and the demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi are even more powerful, and their strength has obviously recovered a lot.

The beginning of the Yuan Dynasty of those who are further up is relatively plain, but no one dares to underestimate the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

The demons here are very aware of the horror of this early Yuan Dynasty.

They have a kind of intuition, even if they go together, they are definitely not the enemy of this terrifying Yuan Dynasty’s first move!

“Meet the demon lord!”

In the Ten Thousand Demon Palace, the group of demon is now saluting the demon master at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

“All of you, stand up and give the Demon Emperor a seat.”

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, he waved his hand at will.

In an understatement, he helped the group of demons up.

He also set up two other seats beside his seat at will, allowing Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi to sit down.

After Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi both sat down, he spoke again.

“You must have known about this decisive battle, right? According to the order of heaven, we will mobilize all the forces of the old era and go to Kunlun to fight the new era.”

In the early Yuan Dynasty, he said quite casually.

“I wait for nature to know, everything will follow the demon lord’s order!”

The demons all spoke up, yelling that everything respects the beginning of Yuan Dynasty.

It’s not that they don’t have their own opinions.

But they are used to the dictatorship of the demon lord.

“Oh? Do you all mean that? What about the Demon Emperor and the Demon Emperor? What do you think?”

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, the line of sight fell on Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun again.

“No comments.”

Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi looked at each other, both stood up and said like this.

“Since there is no opinion, then this seat decides for itself. The people of my old age are resurrected, no matter how old or young, they have fighting capacity. The meaning of this seat is to mobilize the entire old age to fight against the great In this seat, anyone as small as a demon soldier will play in person!”

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, he made such a statement.

He wants the entire old age to be suppressed.

Even if it is as weak as a demon soldier, he must go into battle himself.

The group of demons and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and Emperor Jun were all taken aback by the extremes of the early Yuan Dynasty.

Especially Emperor Jun.

He is the former leader of the monster race and the former emperor of heaven.

Even if it was the battle he personally led, it was not so extreme.

He will choose to keep the roots of the monster race, even if he fails, he will still allow a part of the monster race to survive. How could it be as extreme as the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

Either lose or win.

There really is no second choice.

“Why, what do you think?”

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, he glanced at the group of demons lightly and asked.

“No, please follow the demon lord’s order!”

The demons hurriedly spoke, how dare they refute the early Yuan Dynasty.

“That’s how it is decided.”

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the decision was made.

Where did the group of demons dare to have an opinion, they could only agree to them all.


The old age and the new age are fully prepared for war.

The two sides are almost in a tacit understanding. They did not go to Kunlun Mountain the first time, but were accumulating strength.

Wait for the accumulation of enough strength, and then go to Kunlun Mountain.

The two parties started moving after another six months or so.

Both sides of the new era and the old era began to travel to Kunlun Mountain.

It’s just that they didn’t go directly.

In the old days, space passages were built to go to Kunlun Mountain.

The new era built a golden bridge comparable to a magic weapon in mid-air, leading to Kunlun Mountain.

The two channels are established.

Soon, they dispatched various forces to Kunlun Mountain.

After the people of the old age arrived at Kunlun Mountain, they quickly occupied the western part of Kunlun Mountain.

People in the new era were not to be outdone, and quickly occupied the eastern part of Kunlun.

Both sides each took one of them went to war against each other first, and remained rigid.

This stiffness lasted for more than half a month.

It was not broken until the beginning of Yuan Dynasty.

After the early Yuan Dynasty came, I immediately met with the top people in the new era, that is, Ye Luo and others.

It means to meet before the decisive battle.

Naturally, Ye Luo and others did not fear, but responded.

The highest level of the two sides met at the pinnacle of Kunlun.

This movement has also aroused the vigilance of countless strong people in the old and new eras. They have surrounded the Kunlun Peak, and if something happens, they can prepare for the best support at any time.

However, compared with the tension of the new era, the old era is obviously much less concerned.

I think it would be weird if I could be killed in the early Yuan Dynasty…

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