Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right? Chapter 468: Egg?

On the island.

Chu Yuan walked in it with Ao Ye.

Along the way, I have witnessed all kinds of things in this small island.

Also let Chu Yuan understand why the lotus would say that this island is the ‘land of the curse of heaven’.

There are so many disasters on this island.

Basically every time they pass through an area, they will see natural disasters happen.

Walking through a thicket of trees, a tornado suddenly landed…

When walking through a large mountain, the volcano erupts directly…

When walking across a plain, an earthquake occurred…

When flying in the sky of this island, somehow energy waves oscillated and attacked…

There are so many natural disasters that people can hardly imagine.

It’s just…

These natural disasters have nothing to do with Chu Yuan.

It seems because of the problem of invincibility.

When these natural disasters came, they cleverly avoided Chu Yuan.

It can even be said that Chu Yuan was completely avoided.

It was simply initiated against some creatures on the island and Ao Ye.

It seems that purpose is to obliterate all vitality.

Chu Yuan naturally discovered this.

And, he also found another strange place on this island.

The plants on this island are growing very fast. They have just been uprooted, but new plant shoots will sprout soon.

Moreover, the ability of organisms to multiply very quickly.

Chu Yuan once saw a creature similar to a cow, who gave birth to more than 20 calves in one birth and grew very fast.

This small island seems to be in infinite reincarnation.

Biology, plants are rapidly multiplying and growing.

The island is constantly plagued by natural disasters.

The two have formed a balance.

Chu Yuan is leisurely observing the island.

Ao Ye, who is next to Chu Yuan, doesn’t have this leisurely mind.

As a natural disaster victim, Ao Ye is called a miserable one.

The thunder and lightning that just started are okay, it doesn’t hurt or itchy.

The series of natural disasters that followed made Ao Ye feel embarrassed.

All kinds of strange natural disasters.

He directly destroyed Ao Ye again.

Ao Ye is crossing the tribulation realm, and this natural disaster cannot kill Ao Ye.

But it can make Ao Ye feel bothered and embarrassed.

For example…

Ao Ye’s clothes were in tatters, and people who didn’t know thought something had happened.

So, wait until they reach the middle of the island.

The images of the two have become completely different.

Chu Yuan is okay, it’s still like that, with golden light shining all over his body, full of the smell of the world’s momentum.

Ao Ye next to her is desolate.

The clothes all over his body were worn out, and he was dying. Someone who didn’t know he thought it was a refugee.

“Sect, suzerain, why, why this natural disaster won’t cause you harm…”

Ao Ye’s body was trembling, just looking at Chu Yuan, except for silence, she was still silent.

“Strength, you are too weak. If you have cultivated to the level of this seat, natural disasters will naturally not dare to invade you.”

Chu Yuan said proudly.

He completely ignored the fact that he ignored natural disasters because of his invincibility.

It seems that he can ignore natural disasters on his own.

“Sect Master, this…what realm does this have to achieve in order to ignore natural disasters?”

Ao Ye said such a sentence after a moment of silence.

He is now crossing the tribulation realm.

In the eyes of him and many people in Shenxing Continent.

That is the highest state.

Everyone who crosses the Tribulation Realm is one of the strongest in the Continent of God.

It’s such a realm.

It is too weak in the mouth of the lord.

He couldn’t figure out what kind of realm there is beyond the Tribulation Realm.

“When you reach the state, you will naturally understand.”

Chu Yuan said vaguely, and was afraid to answer directly.

What is the realm above the tribulation realm?

How did he know?

His highest is the Nascent Soul Realm.

Knowing that crossing the tribulation realm is based on the realm of the disciple.

“Well, overlord.”

Ao Ye can only nodded helplessly.

He looked down at his body and sighed faintly.

There is also some rejoicing in my heart.


Fortunately, this is an overseas island.

Not in the Shenxing Continent.

If he was seen by others in the Shenxing Continent, he would die by himself.

The mount of the dignified demon king, the demon king, the dragon monarch, the master of the Dongzhou Hidden Shizongmen Wudao Sect.

It’s so desolate.


This is no ordinary shame.

“Let’s go, this should be the center of the island.”

Chu Yuan glanced at Ao Ye, patted the other’s shoulder, and walked forward.

“Sovereign, what are we here for in the middle of this island?”

Ao Ye raised her head and asked.

“You can just follow this seat, no need to ask so much.”

Chu Yuan glanced at Ao Ye, waved his hand and said.

I heard this.

Ao Ye didn’t dare to ask any more questions, she could only lower her head and quietly follow behind Chu Yuan.

The two walked all the way forward.

When I reached a big mountain.

The two men stopped and looked at the mountain in front of them.

Ao Ye looked at the mountain in front of him warily.

I was afraid that natural disasters would pop up on the mountain to attack him.

It is true that he has been attacked by natural disasters too many times.

They have developed a sense of fear.

Seeing everything, I suspect that it will be a precursor to a natural disaster.

Compared to Ao Ye.

Chu Yuan is much calmer.

He stood in front of this big mountain, watching quietly.

There is light flickering in his eyes.

He felt it.

I felt the throbbing in my heart.

That sense of chance.

I uploaded it from this mountain.

On the mountain, there is a chance that belongs to him.

“Go, follow me up.”

Chu Yuan stepped forward and wanted to go up the mountain.

He just took a step and was stunned.

I saw him take one step.

The soles of the feet are on the mountain, but one step away.

Where he stepped on, all the ‘rocks’ collapsed.

Chu Yuan took a closer look.

These things before him…

It doesn’t look like a stone at all.

But gray eggs? A thing that resembles a worm egg.

There are many moss and weeds growing on the eggs.

A pile of eggs piled up, and at first glance, it looked like a big mountain.

The most important thing is that these eggs seem to have no life at all.

So looking at the past at a glance will not make life show any defensive heart.

“What are these eggs?”

Chu Yuan frowned.

He lowered his body and picked up an egg.

I put it on my hand and looked at The egg in his hand was gray, but with a hint of purple in it, it looked pretty good.

It’s just that I can’t tell what this egg is.

Just when Chu Yuan wanted to pick up the egg and asked Ao Ye behind him.

Abnormal mutation.

The space around him suddenly became distorted, as if affected by some mysterious force.

In an instant, the surrounding space was greatly chaotic. After the chaos was distorted to the limit, it broke directly.

The big mountain piled up by eggs not far away was sucked into the shattered space in an instant.

Ao Ye next to her can’t be avoided, she’s constantly being sucked in by the shattered space.

Only Chu Yuan is the only one who takes care of himself. This chaotic spatial turbulence has not affected Chu Yuan in the slightest…

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