Nightwatcher Chapter 114: This is it?

Xu Qi’an’s words, like a divine enlightenment, opened the mind of Pei Manxilou.

The three countries in the northeast, of which the country of Yasukuni is in the far north, bordering the original northern demon territory. Now that the Yasukuni cavalry has almost come out, the internal defense must be weak.

This does provide the conditions for a sneak attack, but if you want to make a detour to attack the capital of Yasukuni, one condition must be met, and that is to have a siege weapon.

Pei Manxilou didn’t think of this tactic before, because the demons and savages were not good at siege warfare. But now it’s different, with the addition of the Dafeng army, artillery, crossbows, and siege vehicles.

It is not difficult to break through a weak defending Yasukuni capital.

Pei Manxilou looked at Xu Qi’an and said with excitement:

“This plan is feasible, but we must seize the opportunity. Yasukuni also knows that his country is guarded against emptiness, so they will definitely have defenses. The troops of Kangguo and Yanguo are still dispatched. If I had not guessed, they are the Yasukuni dare A protective umbrella pouring out of the nest.”

Huh? Is this plan not working? Xu Qi’an was taken aback, and then listened to Pei Manxilou continue to say:

“But if Dafeng’s army is divided into two groups, one will join our Protoss all the way, and all the way from the northeast of Dafeng, and fight against the army of Kang and Yan. If this is the case, the two countries will be overwhelmed and will definitely reduce their arrangements in Yasukuni Strength.

“For the same reason, in Jingshan City, the headquarters of the Witch God Sect, are the high-grade wizards in it to deal with the Dafeng army who dare to invade the country, or are they guarding the capital of the country? The answer is self-evident.

“The armies of both Yan and Kang have no time for him to take care of them. High-grade wizards are involved. It must be in this context before we can attack the capital of Yasukuni. Because whether it is Kang, Yan and high-grade wizards, It is difficult to rush thousands of miles in a short time and rush to rescue Yasukuni.

“Then the country is about to fall, will the Yasukuni cavalry continue to wreak havoc in the north, or will they rush back to rescue?”

Pei Manxilou became more excited as he talked about it, and even formulated a series of strategies in his mind for the follow-up Yasukuni cavalry recovery.

Pei Manxilou stood up solemnly, and said: “Xu Gongzi, you are a real master of warfare. You have a torch-like vision and have been taught.”

It turns out that my whim is so powerful. Could it be that I am really a wizard of war? Xu Qi’an was stunned.

Pei Manxilou said again: “After dusk, I will host a banquet at Tianxiangju in the city and entertain Mr. Xu alone. I hope Mr. Xu will come.”

Xu Qi’an nodded: “Okay.”

He then stood up and sent the two monsters away. Huang Xian’er, unconsciously or intentionally, had a twisted waist, and his hips swayed in a breathtaking arc.

Xu Qi’an, the owner of a big beauty with first-class appearance and body, silently commented

In the imperial study room, Emperor Yuan Jing was sitting behind the big yellow silk case, with a thick stack of memorials on hand.

He only spread one of them, from Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan is the coach of this expedition. This is something that has been decided long ago.

It’s not that Dafeng doesn’t have people who are good at leading the war, but since there is a generation of military gods, why bother?

Wei Yuan gave his own thoughts in the Zhezi. He wanted to mobilize 120,000 troops, of which 20,000 troops would go northward to join the five forces of the various David offices in Chuzhou.

These 70,000 horses are responsible for assisting the northern monsters and dealing with the warriors of Jingguo.

The other 100,000 soldiers and horses were personally led by him, starting from the three northeastern states, breaking into the hinterland of the Kingdom of Kang and Yan, and went straight to Huanglongjing Mountain City.

Of course, one hundred thousand soldiers and horses must be deployed from each state. From the three major battalions in the capital, up to ten thousand elites can be deployed.

Because of protecting the capital.

Emperor Yuan Jing watched the memorial silently, and did not move a minute. The tea in the cup cooled and exchanged heat, and it was hot and cold. After repeated three times, he picked up the pen and approved the red.

After the negotiations, the imperial court, a huge institution, moved quickly. The Ministry of War and Wei Yuan were responsible for dispatching troops and generals, and the Ministry of Household was responsible for collecting money and food.

The current princes of the court, who participated in the Shanhaiguan battle back then, are no strangers to the war.

In fact, when the report of the Northern Warfare incident came back to the capital, these big figures knew it well and warmed up silently.

Emperor Yuan Jing opened the second memorial. It was from the Ministry of War. On it was the name list and position of the generals. After a glance, he sneered:

“It was actually a group of elder brothers who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to grab military merits. Yeah, following Wei Yuan’s expedition, isn’t the military merit equivalent to nothing?”

He raised the pen expressionlessly, just about to approve the red, he suddenly stopped, and said: “The cousin Xu Qi’an is a disciple of Zhang Shen, majoring in the art of war, right?”

The old **** is frightened: “Old slave, old slave can’t remember.”

Emperor Yuan Jing laughed: “But I remember, there is no problem. The talents of Yunlu Academy are also cultivating the art of war. I am a person who cherishes talents. Give him a chance to go with the army.

“Hey, if he is unwilling, I will take the title of his custard and throw him into the corner of the corner.”

Immediately add the words “Xu New Year”

Si Tianjian.

The supervisor is still sitting behind the wine case, twisting the glass, looking at the world half drunk and half awake.

The sound of footsteps up the stairs came, and he boarded the gossip platform alone in Tsing Yi, with his wide sleeves swaying lightly with the steps.

“It’s coming.”

Jianzheng’s old voice laughed.

“Before the expedition, I want to come and see you, old man.”

Wei Yuan walked over, stopped at a position side by side with Jianzheng, overlooking the blossoming capital, and said with emotion: “After five hundred years, don’t you find it boring?”


Jianzheng nodded and said: “In five hundred years, there are only a handful of people who can see you. Wei Yuan is one of them. Being forced to enter the palace is nothing. The third rank martial artist can be severed and reborn, allowing you to recover. A man, it’s easy.”

“Wei Yuan, do you know what is the most difficult thing for a person to cross in this life? It is yourself. In this life, you are trapped by love, pitiful, sad, and sigh.

“You abolish your self-cultivation. In my opinion, it is just one break and then stand up. Even if you don’t worship me as a teacher, as long as you don’t give up your martial arts heart, I can help you become a first-class martial artist. There are not many in the past.

“But you guarded the woman in the palace, wasted your talent, wasted your time, and lost the possibility of aspiration.”

Wei Yuan stood on a high place, facing the wind, smiling:

“I know why I didn’t want to worship you as a teacher? Because you and I are not the same. In this world, some people seek longevity, some seek prosperity, and some seek martial arts to reach the top.

“And what I was after was the girl who held flowers and smiled under the shadow of a tree when I was young.”

The supervisor stopped speaking, raised his head and looked up at the blue sky.

A mortal, even a monk can’t see the height of the sky, a certain star, blooming with dazzling brilliance

“It’s so beautiful. In the world, Wei Yuan’s natal star is one of the most dazzling stars. He should have been more dazzling. It is a pity that he is trapped by love, which is regrettable.”

Somewhere on a mountain peak, a man in white is standing on the summit, looking up at the sky, muttering to himself.

Beside the white warlock, stood a man in purple clothes, with a luxurious air, long beard, and a long-standing majesty.

“If Wei Yuan can be earned under his command, why not worry about his great cause.”

The purple-clothed man sighed: “As an emperor, Yuan Jing is thinking of eternal life. It is so rebellious to rebel against the heavens. It is strange that he is immortal.”

The white warlock smiled and said: “Don’t underestimate Yuan Jing”

After a pause, he stood with his hand in hand, and said: “Looking at Dafeng, and even Kyushu, the only one who can lead soldiers to the general altar of the Witch God Sect is Wei Yuan. He is none other than him. He is none other than him.

“Saron Agu, the old guy, has lived too long. If Wei Yuan can kill him this time, it will be very happy.”

The middle-aged man in purple took a look at the warlock in white, and slowly said: “Qian’er is dead. He died in the hands of Xu Qi’an. You arranged this alone.”

The white warlock still looked at the sky, heard the words, and chuckled: “You said Ji Qian, I don’t have much skill, but the habit of the dude has been raised for most. Can this kind of person be the emperor? Is it worthy to be your heir?

“I think it’s good to die. Keep it an eye-catcher. Your future heir must be well-received, must be well-received, and must be famous in history. This is not what Ji Qian can do.”

The middle-aged man in purple did not respond, but he did not refute either.

Southern Xinjiang, Tiangu Department.

The clouds in southern Xinjiang are colorful, intertwined with poisonous gas and miasma. The jungles of southern Xinjiang are beautiful, but there are many murderous opportunities hidden in the beauty.

Infinite years ago, the Gu God slept in the extreme abyss. Since then, Southern Xinjiang has become a paradise for poisonous insects and beasts.

Tough humans by nature, succumbed to the environment, adapted to the environment, and controlled the environment. After generations of inheritance, the Gu clan was born.

There are many human tribes in southern Xinjiang, and the Gu clan is the most special one. They live near the extreme abyss and work with Gu worms. They use the power of the Gu God to create a special cultivation system: Gu Master!

On this day, there was another terrible roar and unconscious roar from the deep abyss.

The roar sounded like it came from hell, accompanied by a slight vibration on the ground.

With Jiyuan as the center and a radius of hundreds of miles, all the Gu worms were irritable and restless, as if they had encountered natural enemies. In the dense jungle, in the branches and leaves, the weak and weak Gu worms fell and died suddenly.

The Gu clan’s Gu worms also fell into a violent rage, and in turn attacked their masters. Fortunately, the Gu clan had already learned a lesson. Although the response was hasty, it was a surprise.

Long Tu of the Li Gu Department knocked out the mad Gu worm, and brought the chaos calmed down by the tribe. He looked north and thought of his beloved daughter.

I don’t know how Lina has been in Dafeng, she is so smart, she must be able to mix like a fish in Dafeng.

The Tian Gu mother-in-law, dozens of miles away, is also looking north.

“The power of the Confucian sage is fading. If the witch **** is out of trouble, the next one is Gu god, when will martial arts be able to produce an existence beyond rank?”

Grandma Tiangu thought anxiously.

“You must keep the Qijue Gu, Lina.”

After dusk, Xu Qian came to Tianxiangju as scheduled, Pei Manxilou and Huang Xianer stood at the entrance of the restaurant, waiting for a long time.

The three of them talked and laughed inside, entered the private room, and changed their cups.

Huang Xianer deliberately wore northern-style clothing, revealing round and tight calves, slender but powerful waist, and full and straight chest.

When she sits at the table, her waist is straight and her waist is looming, seduce Xu Qi’an.

Huang Xian’er feels that although she is as beautiful as an immortal, she is facing a good man like Xu Yinluo who is not driven by femininity, so if she continues to pretend to be a Dafeng lady, she really doesn’t want to hook Xu Qi’an into bed. .

So he simply changed his style and returned to his true colors, trying to impress Xu Qi’an with the exotic beauty of the northern beauty.

In matters between men and women, either you take the initiative or I take the initiative. Since Xu Qi’an doesn’t take the initiative, she definitely can’t pretend to be a lady anymore.

But what made her discouraged was that this Xu Qi’an seemed to have a super immunity to beauty, and when she was replaced by other men, she had raised her head in salute under her charm.

He was unmoved, and there was no sign of “hot blood”.

Huang Xian’er gave Pei Manxilou a wink, and Pei Manxilou immediately said: “It’s getting late, and it’s a curfew now, so please rest in the restaurant. I have opened a good wing room for the son.”

Huang Xian’er immediately said: “I will take Mr. Xu to go.”

The three of them left the box immediately, Huang Xian’er led Xu Qi’an to the direction of the guest room and opened the door.

In the luxuriously decorated room, there is also a banquet table in the small hall.

Go through the small hall and the bedroom is.

Huang Xian’er turned around and closed the door, and smiled and said: “Xu Gongzi, I just couldn’t have a good drink just now, can you accompany others for a few more drinks?”

She secretly looked at Xu Qi’an and saw him frowning slightly, but she didn’t immediately object to her. She was happy and did not refuse, indicating that there was a chance.

It depends on whether you can grasp it.

So he came to the table with his arms around him and continued drinking.

“Master Xu, the slave family has admired you for a long time, and being able to drink with you at the same table is the blessing of the slave family for eight lifetimes.”

Huang Xian’er is holding a wine glass, her eyes are full of charm after drinking.

Xu Qi’an nodded reservedly, and was about to pick up the wine glass to respond, but saw Huang Xian’er shake her hand and accidentally spilled sleep on her chest.

The skin of the beauty is as smooth as fat, the wine is reflected in the candlelight, and even the skin is shining brightly.

And with the infiltration of the wine, the spherical shape becomes prominent.

Xu Qi’an calmly moved his eyes away, looking at indecent assault.

A good-looking gentleman Huang Xian’er bit his lip and made a cry of tears: “Oh, what should I do? People’s clothes are all wet, Master Xu, you wipe the slave’s house.”

“Don’t, don’t do this” Xu Qi’an frowned.

“Will you wipe the slave house.” Huang Xian’er raised her face and looked shyly.

After she drank the wine, her cheeks were pink and pink, and her lips were brightly colored, and the person with the fox’s eye-catching eyes was itchy.


Suddenly, Xu Qi’an turned around and rubbed both hands.

Huang Xian’er was taken aback for a moment, his face appeared a little stiff, but he didn’t expect his attitude to change so he said blankly: “Master Xu?”

“Stop talking, open your mouth!”

The next day, early morning.

Huang Xian’er has swollen eye bags, holding on to the wall, and staggering out of the room.

She walks cautiously, sometimes frowning.

It just so happened that I ran into Pei Manxilou coming out of the other side of the corridor, the silver-haired Pei Manxilou, repeatedly examining her embarrassed appearance, hesitated:

“Didn’t you say that you can beg for mercy and call grandma, that’s it?”

Huang Xian’er’s silver teeth clenched: “My old lady has been tricked”

Xu Qi’an rode on her beloved little mare and went to Xu’s house in the morning light.

He sighed with fresh air and heartfelt emotion: “The devil’s taste is really good!”

PS: It’s a chapter out, go to bed.

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