Night’s Nomenclature Chapter 111: Wildness

Before setting off this time, Qingchen was no longer alone when he was cleaning up the camp.

Qin Yiyi didn’t even help him with his own camp, so he quickly helped him fold the tent and pony.

He even helped Qingchen find the six fire-igniting artifacts “Thunder God” from the extinguished bonfire.

The girl came to Qingchen, handed him the wiped ‘Thunder God’ and said, “If you start riding, the wounds on your feet will not be aggravated.”

After saying that, the girl returned to Qin Cheng and asked in a low voice: “Dad, how much liquidated damages do ordinary servants have to pay?”

Old Han Qin Cheng glared at her angrily: “Just stay in the car and stop talking to that boy.”

“I don’t,” Qin Yiyi said and jumped in without being restrained at all.

The girls in the wilderness are wild, like little wild cats. When they get old, they can no longer depend on their parents.

Although they are city dwellers, Qin Yiyi has been living in the wilderness with his parents over the past few years, and he has basically become a wild man.

Qin Cheng looked at his rebellious daughter and sighed, and then said to Qin Tong: “You go to the carriage later and watch your sister so that no one takes advantage of her. She can still listen to what you say to her. At one point, I said she wouldn’t listen at all.”

“Okay,” Qin Cheng also sighed.

Sitting in the car, Qingchen noticed that in the bed of the pickup truck behind him, there was a cage covered by a green canvas, which was empty.

The car he was sitting in contained some scattered tools for catching animals and repairing cars.

The engine of the pickup truck roars like a galloping wild horse, sounding very powerful.

He took out the matza from his backpack and gave it to Li Shutong, who sat on it very naturally.

No matter how bumpy the pickup truck was on the dirt road, Li Shutong sat firmly.

At this time, Qin Yiyi hugged his knees and asked: “Uncle, what level are you at? Two people dare to come to the wilderness and go south?”

Today, their location is still considered to be around the city.

There are many production bases here, and the Federal Second Army is stationed nearby. There will be military patrols from time to time, so it is not dangerous.

However, things are different further south. Even if you are not close to the forbidden place, it is still dangerous for ordinary people.

Last night, Qingchen asked Li Shutong: Is this a family in the camp next door?

Li Shutong answered yes.

Qing Chen is a little confused. In such a dangerous place like the wilderness, why should the family move together? What if everyone is in danger? There are women in the camp next door who are not good at fighting.

Li Shutong replied: They were forced out of the city to find a way to survive, so they came out to seek a living.

The reason why the family stays together is because no one outside of the blood family can trust a dangerous place like this in the wilderness.

If a team camped in a remote place and someone got up in the middle of the night and secretly drove away, the rest of the team would be waiting to die.

Those who are left behind will immediately change from hunters to prey.

In this era, even family members may not be able to believe it, let alone outsiders?

According to Li Shutong’s judgment, the old Han Qin Cheng was the leader of this team, and the remaining young men were either his sons or his nephews.

At this time.

Li Shutong looked at Qin Yiyi and asked with a smile: “What level do you think I am?”

Qin Yiyi thought for a while and said: “C-level.”

Li Shutong shook his head: “I am S-level.”

Qin Yiyi curled his lips: “If you don’t want to say it, forget it, you’re stingy.”

In the girl’s opinion, Li Shutong just made up a lie to deliberately perfunctory her.

Qin Cheng sat aside and said nothing. He felt really sweaty as he watched his sister chatting with Uncle Li.

However, my younger sister has been smarter than her since she was a child, and she is better at observing people’s emotions. The other party should have been able to tell when chatting with this middle-aged man, and the other party’s temper does not seem to be bad.

While everyone was chatting, Qingchen kept sitting in the car holding the reader and turning pages.

Qin Yiyi glanced at it. There were photos of plants in the reader, with small words next to them.

Lin Xiaoxiao got this for Qingchen so that he could remember all the known plants in the other world.

Some are edible, some can be used to draw fresh water, some can treat trauma, some can treat symptoms, and some can temporarily deal with poisons, all kinds of strange things.

Qingchen wrote this down in order to deal with emergencies he would encounter in the wild in the future.

When I looked down at the reader, a slender hand reached into my field of vision, holding a red apple.

Qingchen looked at it silently. There were many small wounds on the hands, and there were calluses on the knuckles. It looked like hands that had been working for many years.

Qin Yiyi said: “Hey, it’s for you.”

After saying that, Qingchen stuffed it into his arms before he could refuse.

Qin Yiyi continued: “There was an apple forest 30 kilometers west of the camp just now. It is not a production base. Generally, wild apples are very sour, but the apples picked from that apple forest are big and sweet. Our family has been coming here to pick apples for three consecutive years. They are delicious. You can try them.”

Generally, during the fruiting period, fruit trees must be fertilized and their branches and leaves pruned. For example, sugar oranges require tree trunk girdling to make the fruit sweeter. dates and wild apples are generally on the small and sour side because they have not been cared for by fruit farmers.

But Qin Yi said that it was a wild apple forest.

There is no reason why sweet fruits will grow.

Li Shutong looked at Qin Tong and said, “Tell your father to be more careful when going to that apple forest.”

“Why?” Qin Tong was a little surprised.

“There are already signs of a forbidden land there. Perhaps a transcendent died there decades ago. Before it was formed, it covered an area of ​​more than thirty square kilometers. The deceased transcendent was probably at least a B-level one,” Li Shutong thought for a while and said: “There is no problem with the fruit now. Maybe if you eat it in a few years, the fruit will have a hallucinogenic effect. After eating it, you can see dragons flying in the sky and insects crawling on your body…it will be slightly inducing.” It’s okay, but if it’s serious, you won’t have time to save him.”

The most important thing is that insects and beasts in the forbidden land will also mutate and evolve in unknown directions.

In recent years, there have been more and more forbidden places.

“Can these apples be eaten now?” Qin Yiyi asked.

“Okay,” Li Shutong nodded: “The forbidden land has not been formed yet.”

Qin Yiyi handed an apple to Li Shutong at this time: “I’ll give you one too.”

Uncle Li was delighted: “You didn’t give it to me just now, why are you giving it to me now?”

Qin Yiyi glanced at Qingchen secretly: “I will only give it to him, not to you. I’m worried that you will secretly give him little shoes.”

Li Shutong burst out laughing, suddenly feeling that this journey would be very enjoyable.

And Qingchen was thinking that if Nan Gengchen was taken to a dangerous wilderness, it would be better if nothing unexpected happened.

But then he thought about it and realized that he should be worried about whether this kid could withstand Li Yinuo’s strong body…

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