Nightfall Chapter 70: The predecessors wanted, the descendants idiotic

Mo Shanshan was still immersed in the shock brought by this massive formation. She did not notice Ning Que. She looked at the mountains and valleys of rocks, her eyebrows gradually frowned, and said: “Although I have been Ruined, but the remaining formation intent is still strong, and it is impossible to calculate it clearly in a short time. Do you still insist on going inside?…

The target walked into the Mozong Mountain Gate to find the heavenly book, especially now that it has been determined who the powerful, distant and close breath comes from, Ning Que will naturally not give up halfway, looking at her and asking: “Can you still retreat? 1.” /

Mo Shanshan looked at the stones around him in silence for a moment, then nodded, and said: “…I just entered the battlefield and returned it too late. If I go deeper, I’m afraid I won’t be able to return. I don’t know what’s hidden inside. Dangerous. ,.

Ning Que looked at the mottled nicks on the stone in front of him, and suddenly said, ‘…Do you believe it or not? 1.

Mo Shanshan was slightly startled, not knowing why he would ask such a question at this time.

Ning Que looked at her and said: ‘1 Now I believe in destiny more and more. I entered the wilderness and came to this valley. There is a bookworm like you who is proficient in formation. I believe that destiny has already done it. Arranged. ….

Mo Shanshan understood what he meant.

At this moment, Ning Que suddenly sensed something. He suddenly turned around, pulled the iron bow and used the talisman arrow, aiming at a certain jin…direction in the distance of the rock pile, and the arrow cluster pointed at that red shadow.

Dao Chi Ye Hongyu appeared again, she stepped barefoot on the angular stone and quickly swept towards this direction, under the red dress, she went back to luo and double-turned tui tightly and straight as she swept. , Her left shoulder was still bleeding, her face was a little pale… It seemed that the aura of heaven and earth exploded when the massive formation was activated and caused some damage to her, but it was not too heavy.

The red-robed grazing screamed, the distance between the two sides seemed far and close, and it should be in contact immediately, but what is strange is that the trajectory of Dao Chi’s grazing has undergone a strange change in the stone. Obviously it was going straight, but it turned into a right turn on the way…then stopped in place and started turning.

Ye Hongyu stopped…Standing on a rock and fell silent, she probably understood that this was the reason for the formation… Then she raised her head to look at Ning Que and Mo Shanshan, and said: ‘1 You are so lucky to get back. 1.

Previously, if the Demon Sect Mountain Gate had not been activated, perhaps Dao’s idiotic Wanbing Dao Sword had already pierced Ning Que and Mo Shanshan into two pools of blood mud, so she would say that they were lucky to have returned.

The large array of blocks is really amazing. They stand opposite each other… The sounds are heard each other, but they are not true existences. Ning Que aimed at Ye Hongyu with Yuan Shilan arrow to confirm that the light between the rocks was happening. Some kind of weird refraction, even the space is a little deformed, it is impossible to hit the opponent at all.

The force and reaction force always complement each other. Ya… Thirteen Arrows can’t aim at Dao Chi… Naturally Dao Chi can’t find their true position in this pile of rocks.

After confirming this, Ning Que retracted his iron bow and nodded to Dao Chi on the stone not far away, as if the other party was just an occasional passerby… Then he left with Mo Shanshan silently, and walked towards the water.

The more the two walked towards the depths of the lake, the water remaining between the soles of the boots and the boulders became thinner and thinner… The meaning of the formations among the rocks is getting thicker and stronger, and the atmosphere of heaven and earth moves extremely here. Unsmooth…The invisible and innocent air seems to have sharp edges and corners, making every simple breath very painful.

Ning Que rubbed his uncomfortable cheek due to the blockage in Xiong’s abdomen, and asked Mo Shanshan: “…she should immediately think of going to the source of the water and rocks, do you think she might be faster than us? ? 1.

Mo Shanshan’s face was pale, and the sparse eyelashes lying quietly on it looked so weak, and he whispered: ‘1 I can find certain paths in the block, but she can’t. 1.

Only people with a strong heart can go to the end on their own path, and those with a strong heart will naturally be stubborn and proud in some respects. At this time, Mo Shanshan’s strategy of Jiji formation is extremely exhausting, but he is indifferent. She couldn’t, but she was naturally a little tough.

Listening to these words, Ning Que was relieved immediately and helped her to move on.

Walking cautiously and slowly among the rocks. With the passage of time, Mo Shanshan’s mind became more and more weak, and his body became weaker. Although he still kept his mind clear and pointed at the direction forcibly, he was supported. It’s almost untenable.

Ning Que looked at her pale cheeks and slightly trembling long pancreatic hair, shook her head, put her directly behind her back, and said directly without waiting for her to speak: ‘…I’m more skinny, and I can hold it for a while. ….

Mo Shanshan hummed softly, without resisting, slowly leaning her face on his shoulders, waterfall-like black hair pouring down from Ning Que Xiong, she closed her eyes, as if sleeping peacefully In general, only point to the direction occasionally.

There was a resounding formation in the pile of rocks, and the sharp and sharp air penetrated into the [body] from the air. It was uncomfortable and painful to the extreme, not to mention carrying a person on his back at this time. Ning Que said that he could top it. In fact, it is almost impossible to sustain it.

However, he has crossed the difficult mountain trails in the mountains behind the academy. He has walked many of the same painful roads. More importantly, whenever he is really about to be unable to hold on, he occasionally sees the clarity on the stone beside the road. Sword marks and moss will infuse his body with strong motivation and courage.

Decades ago, the man dashed through the gate of the Demon Zong Mountain. At that time, the block formation was intact and one hundred times more powerful than today, but the man still broke in like this. After decades, he was How could the junior of that person not inherit the strong will of the other person, and how could he give up halfway to embarrass that person?

Dao Chi Ye Hongyu stood on the rock, watching the two figures gradually disappearing into the pile of rocks… Many of her clothes have been damaged, and the blood idiot on her shoulders is extremely terrifying, and at this time she only She was left alone here, and her figure seemed a little lonely.

She didn’t realize that this pile of rocks was the legendary block formation, but she knew that these piles of rocks contained terrifying forces. Even if they were as strong as her, they would feel fear.

Suddenly she yelled angrily, and her voice reverted to spread among the piles of rocks, touching the cliffs of the verdant valley higher and then bounced back. The emptiness made her lonely and speechless.

The angry shout stopped abruptly. She reached out and tore off a corner of her skirt… Silently tied the wound on her shoulder, and, regardless of the spring breeze under her, she jumped off the stone and followed the last thin water towards the heart of the lake. Go.

The head teacher of the Xiling Temple once praised this girl for knowing everything. However, although she is obsessed with cultivating, she has never been able to touch the world of the rune formation. She just guessed that the gate of the Mozong Mountain should be at the beginning of the water. The location of the center of this dry lake… but I don’t know how to go through this pile of rocks… to the place I want to reach.

Based on Shishang’s vision and perception, she made her own judgment… However, after walking only a few steps among the rocks, she found that she had lost her direction again, all kinds of scattered around. The stones in the mountain are like the peach trees at the southern foot of Taoshan Mountain, with the magical ability to twist space.

If you go on like this… Maybe she will never be able to walk to the middle of the lake, maybe she will be trapped in this pile of rocks forever, until she finally has a mental breakdown and dies of thirst.

Ye Hongyu glanced at the back, confirming that there is still a glimmer of life if he leaves this rocky pile at this time, and if he goes a few steps further, it will be difficult to get rid of it if he is stuck in the stone formation… he could not help but be stuck in a long time Silence.

Then she noticed the moss on the stone and saw the scratches that had been hidden under the moss for decades.

Vaguely thinking of the person who left these sword marks, her indifferent and ruthless eyes suddenly became extremely bright, and her body trembled slightly, bloodshot oozing from her shoulder.

In the minds of practitioners who are qualified to know the secrets of the past… the madman who rushed through the mountain gate and ruined the Demon Sect with his sleeves was undoubtedly the number one powerhouse in the world.

Although the madman who destroyed the Demon Sect alone… became the unworldly enemy of the Xiling Temple, and finally suffered a Tianzhu… No one, including the three gods, would like to mention his name, but Dao is obsessed with cultivating the Tao, indulging in fighting and increasing strength, and is determined to become the strongest in the world and admire the strong. So since knowing this story, she has secretly worshipped the world’s first strongest to the extreme. .

In the present world, she used her brother as an idol, and for thousands of years, she used that madman as an idol. Today, she encountered setbacks and was caught in a dilemma of humiliation by this pile of rocks. At this moment, she suddenly saw The sword marks left by the person he adored, was shocked and unspeakable.

She finally saw the traces of that legend, the pictures of history, and the realm that she worshiped and yearned for. Suddenly, there was a sense of pride in Xiong’s belly, and the edges of the stone formations filled her breath.

With a breath and a breath, Ye Hongyu’s expression returned to calm, and he slowly withdrew the Dao Sword by his waist, holding the handles in front of him with both hands, facing the traces of moss on the stone in front of him, he resolutely said: “Mr. Ke With the sword intent ahead, how dare the juniors rise by 1.

The voice fell, and the sword wind rose. She calmly and focusedly slashed towards the stubborn stone in front of her. She didn’t understand the formation and didn’t know how to find the path, so she simply stopped everything in front of her. All the stones were split, hoping to create a path for life. She didn’t know if it was right or wrong. She just wanted to do it before the predecessors made any plans.

Thousands of hectares of water in Daming Lake have dispersed, leaving the ground full of **** rocks. Compared with the verdant valley, it looks extremely desolate and heart-palpiting.

Tang stood by the original lake, looking down at the rocks below, and said after a moment of silence: ‘…After that person came back then, everything changed, and the block formation was different from before. ….

Tang Xiaotang stood next to her brother, looking curiously at the pile of rocks below, listening to the faint sound of metal cutting stones inside, sticking out her tongue, exclaiming: ‘1 That lady is really crazy. ,…

Tang said: “Everyone in the world calls you and me demons. If you want to enter my Mingzong Holy Land to find out what demons are, how can you be less crazy? As the saying goes, why not be crazy, that person was the same. ….

This is the first time Tang Xiaotang has come to his own sect holy place, and said nervously: ‘…Brother, really let them go in like this? ,.

‘1 My Mingzong Holy Land has always been called a place of life and death. Even if I go in, I don’t know if I can come out alive. For the long-lost book of heaven, these people seem to really care about life and death. ‘1

Thinking about Ning Que, who had probably entered the gate of the Holy Land at this time, Tang’s two cast-iron eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, as if he didn’t understand something, he said to himself:’…Will you keep going? Watching? Are you confident that you can enter the Holy Land to save him? Could it be… the end where you were really online fourteen years ago? ,. ! .

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