Nightfall Chapter 68: Night sea pan porridge and boat

The hot spring in the snow is making a gurgling sound. There can be no fish in the slightly hot water. That is, the eyes are spitting bubbles. Ning Que thinks of the teacher melting a hot spring, but there is no such detail. Omission, thinking about the vigilance and anxiety in my heart before, the emotions became more and more complicated, and I remained silent for a long time.

Sangsang felt the change in his emotions, holding his arms, resting his head on his shoulders, as he did in the past years, not talking, but making sure that he can confirm his existence when he is sad or sad.

After her hair was cut short, it was no longer as yellowish and thin as when she was a child, and turned black. At this time, it was wet and stuck to the cheeks, looking a little more beautiful.

Because of the silence and strange emotions in the hot spring, as well as the fear of parting from nowhere, Ning Que felt that his embrace was very empty and wanted to hug him, so he held Sangsang tightly He held it in his arms.

The two hugged each other in the hot spring, and then they started kissing and touching.

“You haven’t got married yet?”

At this moment, the master’s voice came from the hot spring next door.

Sangsang was awakened and hurriedly left his embrace. He lifted the towel that had slipped off his chest to the slightly raised chest. His complexion was reddish, whether he was ashamed or hot.

Ning Que turned his head and looked at Xuehou and shouted: “When you made an appointment, you approved it.”

The master said: “Dating and getting married are two concepts.”

Ning Que said: “Isn’t it just a process of worshipping heaven and earth? At this time, Yetianxuedi, I and her bye bye.”

The master said: “Which world does I need to worship? And Haotian is here, it doesn’t necessarily like to see you two really get married.”

Ning Que laughed, thinking that Sangsang is the daughter of Pluto. He has married her, and it is indeed inappropriate to obtain Haotian’s blessing certification.

Then he suddenly thought of the worries he had previously said to Sangsang. Thinking silently. Could it be that the teacher had confirmed that uneasy emotion in advance, so he wanted to watch him get married before leaving?



The starlight in the night dome became brighter, in the cove by the snow sea. The white mist evaporates, there is no red candle, and no informer. Only the Master standing on the snowdrift and a pair of children kneeling under the snowdrift.

This situation and this scene is quite like a fairyland. Unfortunately, the three people in the fairyland are not very well-dressed, and they seem to have nothing to do with the legendary fairy.

The Master was wrapped in a large towel, and it was freezing cold, and his body was still steaming. It is like a boiled fish, the water dripping from the edge of the towel, falling to the ground and ice.

Ning Que and Sangsang knelt under the snowdrift. He knocked three heads at the master. It is considered to have worshipped the elders.

They straightened up, with snow debris on their foreheads. But he found that the Master was no longer on the snowdrift, and there was only a wet towel that was about to be frozen into ice.

The Master’s voice mixed with the sound of horseshoes, coming from the depths of the snowy sea.

“Have a good bridal chamber, no one will trouble you, I will ride out for a while.”



I was speechless overnight.

When Ning Que woke up, the sky was still dark and it was still pitch black. After thinking about it, he realized that the current Atami is almost eternal night, and it is very difficult to see the sun.

Sangsang was still asleep. I don’t know what he was dreaming about. He arched in his arms, grinned, showing two white front teeth, looking as cute as a little gray rabbit.

An extremely fragrant smell came from outside the tent.

Ning Que knew that the teacher was back, so he shook Sangsang awake and started washing and dressing.

Master used the peony fish bones left over last night to make a pot of fish porridge.

Sangsang lifted the heavy felt and walked out of the tent. When the cold wind hit, she couldn’t help but shudder. She walked to the pot and took over the work from the master, with a shy look on her face. Gradually became calm.

Compared with Sangsang’s calmness, the smirk on Ning Que’s face lasted for a long time, until Sangsang went to the hot spring to clean up his dishes when he finished eating fish porridge.

The master took the peony fish’s tailbone to evict his teeth, while looking at him and said: “You are only in your early twenties this year, how do you feel like an old house on fire?”

Ning Que coughed twice and said, “After more than ten years together, how can you say so exaggerated?”

The master suddenly lowered his voice and asked curiously: “How do you feel?”

Ning Que looked at the fishtail bone in his hand, and said helplessly: “Look at how you are now, where is you like the dean of the academy? People, can’t you be like you for the old?” /

The master threw the fish bones into the snow and said, “I’m not free of voyeurism, but you’re too rare. You must know that you and her bridal chamber will inevitably go to history books in the future. You have to remember it clearly.”

Ning Que didn’t understand what the Master said, and he was a little tired, so he went to catch up.

The big dark horse also made up for sleep in the tent. It ran for hundreds of miles above the sea of ​​snow last night. It was also very tired and felt very ashamed. Although the master was not an ordinary person, he was ridden by an old man all night. Shame after all.



At noon, the bank of Atami was still dim, and there was nowhere to be found where the sun was. The group left the settlement abandoned by the deserted tribe and continued to march north.

As far as Ning Que knows, the northernmost point of the world that humans reach is in this extremely northern cold region, which is the northern edge of Atami, so he is very curious about what the world looks like in the north, and he doesn’t understand history. With so many powerful humans, why haven’t they explored the north of Atami?

Until he saw the snow peak.

When he was on the bank of Atami yesterday, he also looked north but saw nothing. However, not far from Atami today, this snowy peak came into his eyes, as if he had crashed in. , It looks very strange.

The snowy peak is steep and towering, exuding a faint light in the starlight, and it is not known how high it is. From the snowy field, I only feel that the peak is about to pierce the night sky.

Ning Que has been to many famous mountains and rivers. The most famous and most dangerous one is naturally the northern foot of Minshan Mountain, or Tianqi Mountain. However, compared with this snowy peak, Tianqi Mountain is much shorter.

“If you go north from any place in the south, as long as you keep walking, you will walk under this snowy peak.”

The master looked up at the snow peak under the starlight, and said: “When the sun was full of sunshine on the shore of Atami. This snow summit looked even more spectacular. No one could climb up by manpower alone, so this is the northernmost point. .”

Ning Que noticed two important points in this sentence. The first is that wherever you go north, you will walk under this snowy peak, and secondly, you will only rely on manpower. No one can climb up.

Then who can climb over can be considered human?

When the black carriage appeared on the other side of Xuefeng, in front of a dark sea, Ning Que looked at the tall figure of the master in front of him, thinking about this question in his heart.

It was a vast ocean.

The reason why the color of the ocean is black is that there is no blue sky and no sunlight. Although the stars appear clearer and brighter, they are much less.

Ning Que knew what he had seen. It is a place that has not been recorded in all human classics, so he was shocked, and what shocked him even more. There is a ship in this black sea.

This ship is very big. The **** horse can run freely on the deck.

Ning Que stood by the side of the ship, looking at the snowy peak under the sky of night. Shocked and unable to speak.

The master walked to his side, looked up at the dark night sky, and said: “The night starts from here, and then gradually spreads southward.”

Ning Que looked at him and asked: “Teacher, this ship is…”

The master said: “Many years ago, I was worried about being found and eaten by Haotian. I have been thinking about how to escape and how to hide. Since this is the beginning of the dark night, it should be the closest to the underworld. The power of the underworld is the strongest. It is difficult for Haotian’s power to extend here, so I built a big ship here, and if Haotian comes to eat me, I will flee here, go on a boat over the Black Sea, and never go out again.”

Ning Que was stunned. Through these words, he can imagine the anxiety and anxiety that the teacher has been living in the Haotian world for the past thousand years.

“Later, I became stronger and I no longer always worry about being found and eaten by Haotian. Naturally, this ship is useless, but I suddenly found that the night here is very clean and suitable for stargazing, so I came back I really took a boat trip to the depths of the ocean. I didn’t expect that trip, but I discovered some very interesting things.”

“What’s the matter?”

“This world is not flat.”

“Teacher, I don’t understand what you mean.”

“I brought you on this ship just to make you understand.”

“What do you understand?”

The master said: “Why fight with the sky, of course, because Haotian wants to eat me, but two old cowards like the drunkard and the butcher have been able to hide for so many years, I can also hide, it is a big deal like learning Buddha Forget it. There are some more important reasons why I want to fight against the sky.”

“What’s the reason?”

“Before in the back mountain of the academy, I said that I had seen sunset and sunrise in many places in the world, including this ocean. At that time, there was still sunrise here. Under the sunlight, this ocean was transparent. It looks like an endless abyss, and the sun sets in this ocean.”

“At that time, you said that the moon is the reflection of the sun. I said that the sun does not really rise and set. I also said that if the world is a ball, it will pass. Now it seems that it at least proves that I said before. The sun is fake.”

“In addition to watching the sun, I also watch the stars. I watch the stars in the back mountain of the college, and also watch the stars on this big ship, because there are fewer stars here, and they are bright and clear. I told you that no matter how many years How many years ago or how many years later, these stars have always stayed in their original positions without any changes…”

“You later made a stargazing mirror and observed it in the mirror. The size of the stars remained unchanged, unlike people and scenery that can be magnified. Then this shows that the positions of these stars in the night sky are fixed. It is infinitely far and infinitely close to the ground, and distance cannot be used as a measure.”

“Teacher, can it be simpler?”

“In short, this is a closed world.”


“This is a world without borders.”

“Didn’t you mean to be closed before?”

“Only if there is no boundary and always intersecting, is it closed.”

“The night sky where the stars are located is not a boundary?”

“No one can touch it, that is not the real boundary, but the boundary between your eyes and your heart.”

“Teacher, the more I talk about it, the more confused I get.”

“Haotian does not want to be broken by people, so it refuses to let people see the boundary.”


“So, this proves that this is a closed world.”

“You came back again.”

“Yes, just like this world.”


……{Piaotian Literature Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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