Nightfall Chapter 55: Because I am crazy, so I don’t hesitate

Volume Two, Winter Lake, Chapter 55, Because of Idiot, I Don’t Hesitate

A gust of wind whipped up the snow particles, and a young girl appeared on the edge of the cliff, with a red dress like blood swaying in the wind, and an ordinary black tie around her waist, so that the short and slightly fluffy red dress did not turn over. They lifted up, but couldn’t cover the naked legs. Those legs were smooth and naked, with a dazzling temptation. The red boots on the calves were like the tails of koi.

The girl faced Tang Xiaotang’s departure, only a small side face could be seen, pure and beautiful like water, calm as a distant mountain, she seemed to have experienced countless vicissitudes of life from the looks of it, but the corners of her lips curled slightly, revealing The ridicule and a little annoying surprise also showed her true age.

Prince Longqing looked at her, suddenly laughed at herself, sighed, ignored the black hair draped on his shoulders, just sat down beside the incomplete winter tree, picked up a piece of sawdust next to him and stroked it gently between his fingers.

The girl in the red dress quietly watched the wind and snow carried by Tang Xiaotang running at high speed in the distant mountains, without turning her head, she said in a voice colder than the wind and snow beside her: “When you meet enemies, be like a tiger and a rabbit. , Longqing, you disappoint me too much.”

Prince Longqing ignored her, lowered his head and gently inserted the sawdust into the dirt in front of him, stared at the shavings that looked like shrunken wood, and said after a long silence: “Is it necessary to underestimate the enemy? To explain my injury? I don’t have this habit. As for whether you are disappointed or not, I have nothing to do with me. I’m just curious. According to your quirks, you will definitely not let go when you meet such an enemy. Then why don’t you go now? Chase?”

The girl said without emotion: “Childish idiot, if it weren’t for worrying that you’ll be hit by this, how could I waste such precious time talking to you? If you were stimulated in the brothel, never act again. , That is something that Lu Chenjia idiot should worry about, but if you are down, and you really lose the hope of life, it is not a good thing for the adjudication department, so this is what I should worry about.”

The naked and straight legs, the soft waist faintly visible in the short red skirt of Qingwu in the wind, let her naturally give birth to the two flavors of purity and charm, but the blend is so natural. The reason for this is probably because of this woman. She never cared about the trouble she caused to men, and she put all her heart in other places.

Prince Longqing looked up at her calmly and asked: “I really can’t fight?”

The girl in the red dress made no secret of her contempt for him, and said with a mockery: “In order to strengthen the Taoist heart in name, in fact, in order to please the master and the master, you have been carrying a bunch of trash around the world every day to find more Use waste to kill, you go to the torture table and the underworld a lot, but have you ever fought a real strong?”

Long Qing looked at her back and laughed slightly and said, “If the strong one you are talking about is yourself, would I dare to fight with you? The first day I left Tianyuyuan that year, I wanted to challenge you. As a result How did the gods punish me at that time?”

Hearing his sarcasm, the girl in the red skirt suddenly sharpened her voice and said sharply: “Idiot! Do you want to say that this is what you have today? Do you want to die?”

Her voice is like an invincible sword, trying to stab the mountain away. The friction between the blade and the hard rock makes a painful sound. Amidst the rustling sound, there is hidden in the snow around the cliff. Some of the little beasts jumped out in shock, bumping around like blindly, and then fell to the ground one after another, unable to stand up again.

Prince Longqing’s face turned pale, and then quickly returned to normal. Looking at her back, he shook his head and said without emotion: “Now I am naturally not your opponent, of course you will not kill me, so These words don’t make much sense. If I can be promoted in this mountain, I will try to challenge you.”

After saying this, he added seriously: “Even if the master and the gods interfere, I hope you can accept it.”

The girl in the red dress laughed, and the crisp laughter echoed around the snow cliffs, showing her powerful confidence and strength without restraint. It is difficult to say that Tang Xiaotang’s small body hides such a powerful force. Imagine, then how can she hide such a powerful confidence in her graceful and innocent but attractive body?

Prince Longqing quietly looked at her back, looked at the red dress streamer behind her, and looked at her naked and charming legs. He was not confused by it, but he did not conceal what he was looking at. Appreciate emotion.

Snow cliffs and black rocks are full of boulders and sawdust. In such a messy and desolate environment, a bright red girl appears so abrupt when she appears. The pride and confidence that she expresses in her body is even more incompatible with the environment. In whose eyes, the girl standing by the cliff at this time seems to be fused with this snow cliff and the world beyond the cliff. No matter how you distinguish between it, you can’t distinguish between the red and the red. The world split.

The practitioner who enters the cave profound realm can integrate his consciousness with the vitality of heaven and earth, but he must integrate his own existence with the essence of heaven and earth, which means that the practitioner understands the vitality of heaven and earth not only from the surface. The law of flow is about to grasp the law in essence, and to understand the origin of the world.

To know fate.

Prince Longqing looked at her back as she merged with Xueya Tiandi, and knew that this woman was far closer to the threshold than herself, and even only needed to lift her foot slightly to step over. It just needed an opportunity.

Entered the Tianyuyuan successively and successively entered the Judgment Department. He and the girl in the red skirt are considered to be the most promising young generation in the temple. When he led the ruling, the girl was so obsessed with Tao that she didn’t ask about world affairs at all, so her reputation was not as great as him. However, no matter in the world of practice or in the world, whether in the order of the temple or the state of practice, he does How hard to catch up, but never catch up with her.

Is it because you are Dao Chi Ye Hongyu?



Dao Chi Ye Hongyu quietly looked at the faint snow dust in the distance of the snow cliff, a cold and powerful brilliance appeared in his eyes, and said: “You have me outside of your Taoist heart, and Ning Que, now There is also Tang Xiaotang. I really don’t know when you can pull out these woods. I hope you don’t let me down again. If you can’t be promoted to Zhiming within three years, I will directly abolish you, because I will not hand the adjudication division to a waste.”

Prince Longqing did not speak. He knew that she had done this kind of thing, and he knew even better that although he was highly regarded by the head teacher and **** seat, compared with the background behind her, he did not need to consider it.

Dao Chi suddenly said blankly: “She is Tang’s sister.”

A very headless sentence, but Prince Longqing understood it, and he knew who Tang was, so his cheeks suddenly turned pale, and then he fell silent thoughtfully.

Dao Chi didn’t look back, but as if he could see Long Qing’s expression, he nodded slightly, as if he was very satisfied with his reaction, and said with pride and disdain: “Since she is Tang’s younger sister, of course there is only me in this world. Ye’s younger sister is qualified to defeat her. You don’t need to think too much about you, a trash idiot.”

The shock that seemed to be contemptuous and mocking, but Prince Long Qing did not get angry, nor did he sneer at her back. Instead, he saluted her back very seriously and calmly said: “Thank you.”

There are barriers outside the heart of Tao.

Three piles in one fence.

Dao Chi Ye Hongyu, who has been pressing on his heart like a heavy twilight for many years, is the first stake on this fence, and Ning Que, who inexplicably lost to the opponent in the climbing of the college, is second. The stub, the ridiculous little girl who suddenly met but lost today is the third stub.

Because of time, the shadow cast by Dao Chi in his heart gradually faded, because there are always things in the world that need to be accepted by you, just like people who believe in Haotian cannot go against the sky, Prince Longqing rarely considers entering Before the realm of Zhiming, he challenged Dao Chi.

Not every failure will affect Daoxin.

Ning Que’s wedge is very deep, painful, and fresh, and can easily cause negative emotions—because the cage outside Dao’s heart is like a thorn in your heart. You are unwilling to be dissatisfied and feel that things shouldn’t be like this. You should have climbed the mountain first. You were supposed to be the son of God who ignored the small soldier in the border town but lost to him, then this thorn will exist,

He has not pulled out the wood of Ning Que, but today he was defeated in the hands of an unknown ridiculous girl. If there is no such thing as Dao infatuated, he will be in love if Dao Xin is seriously injured. It’s a bit more difficult.

But now that the ridiculous little girl is Tang’s younger sister, the unwillingness in Long Qing’s heart naturally fades. Just as Tao Chi Ye Hongyu said, Tang’s younger sister should of course be side by side with Ye’s younger sister. It is not difficult to understand and accept a loss when you are not prepared.

So Prince Longqing expressed his gratitude very sincerely.

Dao Chi Ye Hongyu turned around and looked condescendingly at Prince Longqing, who was sitting next to the remnant tree. There was no expression on his delicate and beautiful face. It was much calmer than the short red dress that swayed in the wind.

“Don’t thank me. Although I insist that you are a perverted idiot, since you are my adjudicator, then you can’t be too weak. The stronger you are, the stronger the adjudicator, and the stronger the temple. We are weak. Of course, the temple will not be weak, but I will feel ashamed. I cannot bear such things as shame.”



Dao Chi went to chase Tang Xiaotang. I don’t know when the two of them met in the Tiancai Mountain, how long they chased, and how long they will chase in the company of the wind and snow.

The scarlet, **** short skirt bloomed like a flower among the black walls of the snowy cliffs, each blooming went tens of feet forward, suddenly appeared in another mountain, and then disappeared. .

Prince Longqing calmly looked at the disappearing red, thinking that Ye and Tang are already legendary characters, and he also knows who the younger sister of these two people is better.

He has fought against both of them, confirming that Dao Chi Ye Hongyu should be better in terms of realm strength alone, but as Tang Xiaotang said, before the Haotian Dao Fa practiced to the realm of life, he was still physically strong. The Demon Sect is more suitable for fighting, but why is Ye Hongyu always chasing and the remnant of that Demon Sect is hiding?

In the past years, he took the deacon of the Judgment Division and led a powerful guardian army to hunt down the remnants of the Demon Sect or apostasy in the Central Plains. He has never encountered any real trouble, but Today he is finally convinced that as the deserted people go south, those strong demon sects who have been hiding for a long time will also begin to appear.

The encounter between the ice peach blossom and the blood-colored giant knife was the first time that Prince Longqing competed with a real master of the Demon Sect. Although the opposite was only a little girl, it was completely different from the Demon Sect followers he had encountered before.

In the first contest, she lost to a demon sect demon girl. His arrogance and pride were naturally greatly frustrated, but the Dao heart was as firm as him, and of course he would not sink.

The Temple Master and the Judgment The God Seat ordered himself and these people to go deep into the wasteland, in order to find out the movement of the demon sect, but also a rare opportunity for trial and practice.

It’s just that… Dao Chi asked to fail, not yet defeated.

He didn’t want to lose, but he lost.

One defeat and another defeat, and another defeat.

Prince Longqing picked up a piece of sawdust again next to him and inserted it in the mud in front of him.

After a while, long or short wooden blocks seemed to be a fence, surrounding him in the center.

His black hair is draped messily behind his shoulders, and the incomparably clean black robe of the past is stained with dust and slush. It looks a little embarrassed, and there is a sense of dryness between the eyebrows like distant mountains. .

He closed his eyes, stroked his knees with both hands, and chanted a passage of Haotian teachings with a clear mind.

There is a fence made of wood and wood outside him.

He has a fire from a pile of firewood in his heart.

Destroy this fence and burn out this flame.

Enlighten from failure, and never fail again, then naturally know your fate.



At this time, Ning Que didn’t confirm where Prince Longqing was in the Tianqi Mountains, and he didn’t even know that this stubborn and stubborn son of Dao regarded him as a stick of firewood that had to be pulled out before breaking through. , A piece of waste wood.

“When I was in Subbi Lake, I was called a woodcutter, and the barbarian horse thief liked to call me a woodcutter.”

He led the **** horse and happily described the past time to Mo Shanshan beside him. The lonely journey into the mountain and the aimless search is really easy to get bored. If you don’t chat often, He was really worried about whether he would just pat his **** and leave, and no longer care about the correct nonsense of the little uncle.

Chatting always requires two people. After all, there is no such character as Zhou Botong in this world. However, Mo Shanshan has lived by Mochi teacher since he was a child, and has little experience in the world, except for passing a letter with the idiot Lu Chenjia. , There was only a mediocre career of pen and ink, so it only took a cup of tea to explain his life.

Ning Que was feeling the clean, simple and happy life of a bookworm, so he had to tell his own story. Fortunately, he has encountered too many things in his life, even if he removes the stories that are too **** and too violent of human morality. , It’s impossible to finish talking for three days and three nights.

Mo Shanshan has been listening quietly, occasionally a smile will appear on the slightly reddish pink cheeks that are sometimes blown by the wind and snow. After being reminded by Ning Que several times, he has also learned how to be at the right time. Q: What happened later?

As the subsequent questioning continued, before arriving at the quiet snow-capped mountain, Ning Que finally confirmed that Huangren had not deceived himself. The caravan from Tuyang City had indeed returned to the south and did not enter the mountain. Some doubts, could it be said that Xiahou gave up looking for the Scriptures of Heaven and Ming Scroll?

The winter in the wasteland is a bit difficult. The two of them are practitioners and can keep out the cold and heat, but they still feel a little bit cold in front of the severing snow and wind. The rolling mountains in front of them are also a great test.

The northern foothills of Tianqi Mountain are steep and difficult to navigate. In addition to the cold and danger, neither barbarians nor barbarians will enter the mountain. Although the **** horse is second in the Shenjun, Ning Que does not dare to pull it. Take it into the mountains for adventure.

Unloading the heavy bag and taking a slap on the thick buttocks of the big dark horse, Ning Que said: “Find a place to toss and toss by yourself. If you can’t find something to eat, you should go back first.”

The big dark horse suddenly took off the burden, and it was no matter what he was talking about. He neighed joyfully, and ran down the gentle **** of the mountain with joy. It remembered that there was a pin on the northwest side of the road. Ye Lin, although he doesn’t like to chew on tree bark, those hardy squirrels will definitely hide something for the winter. The pine nuts taste good…

Looking at the big dark horse disappearing into the field of vision instantly like a black lightning, Mo Shanshan tightened the scarf around his neck, and asked with a dazed expression: “Can it find food?”

“It is a foodie, and what he is best at is looking for food.”

Ning Que took out a piece of cloth from his luggage for a long time, looked at the girl and added with a smile: “The people in the mountains behind the academy are all foodies. Sometimes I really feel that Da Heizi is born in the academy. “

Mo Shanshan was silent for a long time, and asked softly, “Master… is also a foodie?”

Ning Que did not hear her question clearly, raised the blood cloth in her hand and pointed it at the fake-like sun on the sky, facing the sunlight to see what was hidden inside, but finally Still only saw the blood.

“If this is a test, are there no hints?”

Ning Que turned over the blood cloth sent by the national teacher Li Qingshan over and over for a long time, and said angrily: “There should be a treasure map in any such story, otherwise, how can we find the Demon Sect Mountain Gate? Anyone who wanders around can go into the Demon Sect. What is the unknown place?”

Mo Shanshan lightly shook his head and said: “Let’s talk about Xianjinshan.”

Ning fault nodded, and put the bag on his back, and the boots suddenly sank deeper in the snow.

Mo Shanshan looked at the luggage on his shoulder curiously, wondering what was inside it, it was so heavy.

Ning Que looked at the frosted lashes on her eyelashes, looked at her reddish cheeks, and suddenly asked: “Cold?”

Mo Shanshan felt that there was nothing to hide from him, so he nodded.

“Say early.”

Ning Que took a piece of talisman paper and handed it to her, and said: “Let your waist down, you can keep warm, if it is not enough, I have a lot.”

Mo Shanshan Yiyan put the light yellow talisman paper away, and then he woke up. Some did not understand why he listened to him so much and felt the warmth gradually coming from his waist. Asked: “What is this?”

“The fire symbol I first experimented with.”

Ning Que walked into the valley with his luggage on his back, and said with a smile: “It’s a terrible failure. There is no way to condense the fire in the breath of heaven and earth. I can only slowly heat up. When I left Chang’an, I thought that the wasteland was cold. , So I wrote more.”

Listening to this, Mo Shanshan felt a chill in his cheeks, which had been warming up from warmth and shame, and his voice trembled slightly, “Use talisman paper… for warmth? How many such talisman do you have?”

Ning Que said: “I haven’t counted them, there are always dozens of them. Anyway, it’s useless. Don’t be polite with me.”

Mo Shanshan’s eyelashes blinked slightly, and the frost thread shattered, staring blankly at him, unable to speak at all, thinking that writing symbols is very thought-intensive, how can you waste precious thought power on such unnecessary things as heating ?

She has been obsessed with Fu Dao all her life and regarded it as the highest thing, so the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

Ning Que looked back at her expression and couldn’t help but feel a little confused, and asked: “What’s the matter?”

Mo Shanshan looked into his eyes and said seriously: “This is too wasteful. Don’t do this in the future.”

Ning Que smiled and scratched his head, but did not answer.

It might be a waste to use talisman paper as a hot treasure.

However, his thought power is very abundant, and his reply speed is very fast.

The most important thing is that his sangsang physique is weak and fearful of cold.

He wrote hundreds of these talisman in the old pen house before, and Sangsang will definitely not be so difficult this winter.



(The first place in the weekly ranking list is not stable and I came down, rub my hands, ask the big guys to support it, it’s troublesome.)

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