Nightfall Chapter 53: The light of the southern sky

Many things seem to be very complicated, and they are also very complicated to do. Only few people have the ability to see the simple core in complex things, and then make simple and correct responses.

The head teacher of Xiling Temple naturally has this ability. He knows that it is not easy to find Ning Que in the wild wasteland, because humans are not like goshawks that can fly up to the sky and overlook the world, much less like Haotian that can calmly and lovingly see the world on the clouds. All the details.

Since it’s not easy to find Ning Que, the easiest way is to let Ning Que show up. So he said a word to the lonely black carriage in the north.

“Pluto’s daughter, you finally appeared.”

Master Headmaster’s voice was very bright, as if it was painted with gold, and as wide as the sky and the earth, but it suddenly condensed after coming out of the huge pavilions and turned into a thunder like substance.

When the thunder passed, the tens of thousands of gauze curtains danced without wind, the golden railings by the side gleamed, several priests fell to the ground and died, and a straight, invisible wave of air appeared on the wasteland, which was bloody. The smelly soil and countless grass chips and gravel attacked the black carriage in the north.

A figure swept out from the deserted crowd, and came to Sangsang at the fastest speed. It was Ning Que. He took out the **** umbrella from behind, trying to open it to block the thunderous sound wave for her.

The sound waves are too strong, the wind is roaring, and the thunder is rumbling. Before the **** umbrella can be fully opened, Ning Que was scraped to the ground more than ten feet away. There are countless more black uniforms on his body. There are many more cracks in the tough skin, and blood begins to bleed in some places.

The **** horse looked at the thunder and the waves and the wind, and kicked his horses hoof in horror. He wanted to turn around and escape, but couldn’t bear to escape. The front hoof was bent. Bury the stool in the soil and pretend that nothing will happen.

Lei Yin came to Sangsang.

Sangsang’s face is pale, but his eyes are unusually bright. She didn’t know how she could survive this terrifying thunder sound, but vaguely, she knew that she should not be afraid of this thunder sound.

A dozen black crows hovering in the air above her. Suddenly rushed down, and made a very cold and terrible quack at the thunder that came with dust and rocks.

The black crow keeps flapping its wings, and every time it swings, it will blow out two strong winds, blowing the cold air from Sangsang’s body to the south.

Countless gusts of cold wind are generated from the bottom of the black crow’s wings, like countless strings. The tangles are woven together and eventually become a very strong thick rope.

Lei Yin and the cold wind met several feet in front of Sangsang.

The black crow’s squawk became worse and worse, and black feathers fell off from time to time. Float down. Then it stuck to the surface of ice and snow around Sangsang’s body, looking like some ink dots on white paper.

The cold wind is fading.

Thunder sound faded away.

The smoke gradually settled.

More than ten black crows flew back to Sangsang’s head again. Circling and dancing, but the speed of flight is much slower than before, it seems a bit tired.

Lei Yin, the head teacher, was scattered by a dozen black crows.



Ning Que got up from the ground and walked to Sangsang with a complicated expression. It was not because his whereabouts had been exposed, but because the encounter between the black crow and Lei Yin proved his certain conjecture.

Since Sangsang is the daughter of Pluto, how could Pluto watch his daughter die?

The people are afraid of Sangsang because the cold aura in Sangsang’s body will destroy the world, so why does Xiling Temple expel such a big battle? Because they are afraid? Why are they afraid?

The powerhouses of the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism should be very clear that Sangsang’s own strength is very ordinary, especially after being seriously ill, he becomes very vulnerable and easy to be killed. Their fear can only show that after waking up The Sangsang of Sangsang has the ability to scare them, so the head teacher of Xiling Temple will go to the wasteland!

Pluto’s daughter has a certain terrifying ability. It’s not unimaginable. It’s just that Sangsang hasn’t regained consciousness in the past, so she can’t show it until her illness gets worse and the coldness in her body grows. The denser, she woke up day by day, and that unknown ability began to return to her body.

Ning Que was soberly aware of this when he was in the Moon Nation, but he didn’t use it, instead he tried every means to cure Sangsang’s disease and wanted to eliminate or suppress and purify her. He didn’t want her to show that unknown ability even at the moment of danger.

As Sangsang once said, once Sangsang really wakes up, she will become the daughter of Pluto. Was Sangsang at that time still Sangsang now? Is it still Sangsang?



“Sure enough, she is the daughter of Pluto.”

The voice of Master Headmaster resounded from the gods again, echoing restlessly on the wasteland, but at this time his voice looked a little tired. It seems that the previous thunder sound also consumed a lot of his thought power.

As soon as the voice fell, the tall figure in the ten thousand gauze curtain suddenly became taller. I don’t know when, a magic staff taller than this figure appeared in the figure’s hand.

Looking at the changes behind the giant curtain, Ning Que’s mood suddenly became cold. He didn’t know what would happen later, but he always felt that what was going to happen was terrible.

The ten-thousand-weight gauze curtain on the giant lion suddenly burned. It is not real burning, but countless light and heat, flowing and falling like flowing water between the crevices of those curtains.

The tall figure behind the curtain also began to burn, and countless light and heat radiated to the surroundings along the edge of the figure. The remaining green grass on the side of the sill turned into a piece of yellow and then turned into black and gray.

Dozens of red-robed priests and guards next to the giant squad, dragging the corpses of a few priests and Luo Kedi, leave with the fastest speed, avoiding the terrifying light and heat, and then face the giant Nian knelt down.

Light is the glory of holiness, and heat is absolute heat.

Countless light and heat are born from the master head teacher, his figure seems to have turned into lamp oil.

He held the long magic scepter in his hand, like the wick in an oil lamp.

Light and heat are burning, and the burning of lamp oil is transferred to the burning of the wick, and it becomes a flame of specific shape.

The flame is a beam of light.

A holy beam of light emerges from the top of the magic scepter, penetrates the top of the giant lion, and shines above the sky.

The southern sky was not covered by dark clouds. It was blue and boundless, and there were several white clouds floating on it. When that beam of light fell on the sky, the blue sky instantly became bright.

Several white clouds floating in the sky obscured the light of the sky, and the edges seemed to be plated with a golden edge. Unlimited coercion descended from the sky and landed on the wasteland.



The blue white cloud, there is only one color, or there is no color, only light.

Absolute light is a very monotonous visual perception. At this time, hundreds of thousands of humans on the wasteland looked up to the bright sky, but felt that they had seen an infinitely rich world.

That world is not the real kingdom of God, but just a kind of spiritual induction. The infinite richness they see is not specific things, but the projections of countless kinds of human emotions under the power of Vast Sky.

The picture at this time has surpassed all the world’s imagination of the world of practice, and surpassed the imagination of practitioners of the highest realm. This is no longer a magical technique, but more like a miracle!

Hundreds of thousands of allied troops in the Xiling Temple knelt down on the faintly deserted ground, worshipping the bright sky non-stop, worshipping scenes that only appeared in the mythology.

The expressions on people’s faces are shocked and awed, excited and terrified, and then all become absolute piety and fanaticism. They were panicked and panicked because of the appearance of the daughter of Pluto and Ning Que Five Arrows. They once again strengthened their faith and gained countless courage.

Correspondingly, when the blue and white clouds were all turned into light, the mood of the deserted tribe fell to the extreme. The soldiers who were seriously injured and dying looked at the southern sky with a desperate expression on their faces, and there was no one. Singing, even Tang, the expression on his face became a little sad.

“Is this the legendary apocalypse?”

Ning Que asked, looking at the giant figure at the bottom of the beam of light and the tall figure in the middle.

“No, the teacher’s apocalypse was not like this.”

Sangsang said, and coughed in pain.

Many of the rays of light cast by the southern sky toward the wasteland fell near the desert tribe, and naturally fell on her.

Several faint white smoke emerged from the black fur on her body. It looked like her body was burning, but she couldn’t smell any burning.

She looked at the light of the southern sky, with a timid expression in her eyes.

Ning Que looked at her frowning brows, his heart was slightly sour, and he reached out to hold her in his arms.

The moment his finger touched her body, an ice cube suddenly appeared on his nail.

Severe pain spread from the fingertips to the sea of ​​consciousness, Ning Que snorted, and found that in a moment, his entire right hand was frozen and the ice line was spreading toward his arm.

The yin and cold breath in Sangsang’s body has completely awakened and is releasing outwards.

Ning Que should let go at this time, but he didn’t want to let go. The awe-inspiring vitality inside his body turned into a supernatural radiance, instantly melting the ice on his arm, and then he took Sangsang into his arms.

Sangsang’s hair ran across his face, and there was a line of snow in an instant.

His lips are covered with frost, and his voice is trembling and ambiguous: “If it is too painful, don’t do it.”

The light of the southern sky fell on Sangsang’s body, burning her body, heart, and soul. The cold air in her body kept freezing her body, heart, and soul.

This process is very painful.

Ning Que held her tightly, the frost covered on her body was shattered and melted by the aura of her body, and then condensed again to the bone. He was also in pain, but he knew she was in more pain.

Sangsang’s body trembled violently and looked very painful. He flinched and hid in Ning Que’s arms, just like those years before, trying to find safety and warmth there.

However, the light is everywhere, she has nowhere to hide, the cold breath is in her body, she can’t hide, she can only continue to suffer from the heat and the cold.



(One more chapter.) {PiaoTian Literature Thank you for your support, your support is our biggest motivation}

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