Nightfall Chapter 51: Bai Xue Mo eyebrows do not deceive each other

Volume II, Lake of Winter, Chapter 51, Snow White’s Eyebrows Are Not Bullying Each Other

The sky cleared, the morning light gradually came, and the beasts that woke up foraging walked through the cold-resistant woods, shaking off the snow covering the branches, revealing the true colors of the yellow and black branches, and the vast snowy field had more color and vitality. However, looking at the thick blood stains gradually being buried by snowflakes outside the tent, the girl’s face was still pale.

Moshan Mountain in Mogan Mountain has never killed anyone. Moshan Mountain in the wasteland started to kill, but she has not killed her own. For the Haotian people of Central Plains, the people in the temple are of course her own.

Her teacher is the Temple Keqing. She believes in Haotian. She was ordered by the Temple to enter the wasteland to investigate the enemy’s situation, but in the dark night yesterday, she killed three deacons of the Temple Adjudication Division.

Mo Shanshan is not afraid, just a little at a loss, mentally unable to accept this fact. She was stunned in the middle of the night, but still couldn’t figure out why the situation at that time would develop into this look, why after Ning Que started to fight back, she naturally used the Burning Talisman to burn the ruling secretary into the sky. The light gray did not think about anything.

Ning Que was holding a bowl of broth, squatting at the door of the tent and drinking happily. The mutilated bodies of the black deacons not far away from the tent obviously had no effect on his appetite.

His gaze fell on Mo Shanshan’s pale cheeks, and noticed that her sloppy and indifferent eyes looked a little fragile and helpless at this time. He probably understood something, and stood up to comfort him and said, “Just do something. If you do it and regret it afterwards, it doesn’t make any sense except to make yourself more mentally burdened.”

Mo Shanshan slowly shook his head, his beautiful eyelashes flickered lightly, looked at his eyes, and said seriously: “Introspection can make us less likely to do something wrong in the future, or do you think we need introspection?”

“If it were the inexplicable battle last night…”

Ning Que shrugged, drank the last bit of broth left in the bowl, and then said, “Of course I don’t need to reflect on it. I don’t care if they are some important people in the temple ruling division. I only know they want Kill me, then it is natural for me to fight back.”

Then he added very seriously: “These three deacons of the ruling division are weaker than us, but they came to kill us, and they died in our hands. This is an IQ issue. And if we were killed by them, , It is an emotional intelligence problem. The former is called stupid medicine doctor, and the latter is called stupid incurable.”

Listening to such vulgar words, Mo Shanshan couldn’t help but frowned. Looking back on the scene of the battle last night, he carefully explained to the dead: “Fan Cong Dao Fa is similar to Heaven and Earth Vitality Lock or Tian Luo Formation. Passive Taoism, yesterday the three deacons didn’t want to kill you immediately, but just wanted to subdue you.”

“But that person immediately wanted to abolish my cultivation.”

Ning Que reminded with a smile: “I don’t have the habit of being beaten and disabled and come back to reason. Just like I said before, this kind of mental retardation in terms of emotional intelligence cannot be ruled out.”

Mo Shanshan said seriously: “Since I am here, I certainly won’t let you be beaten and disabled.”

This very ordinary sentence reveals a self-confidence that is natural. The girl killed the deacons of the Temple Adjudication Division, and she was in a trance. It does not mean that she would think that those deacons were stronger than herself.

This kind of words with a touch of shelter might make many young and passionate boys feel a little unhappy, but Ning Que looked at her bright eyes, but felt a little moved, and a little nervous because of being moved.

In order to get rid of this tension as soon as possible, he shook his head and said: “Even if these ruling deacons can’t deal with us, but what to do with the mother and son of the deserted person? When they want to kill, do you stop or not?” /

Ning Que looked at the girl and said with a smile: “You have a good heart. Of course, it is impossible to watch the orphans and widows being bullied. Besides, we have eaten so much dried meat, so why don’t we be ashamed not to help kill a few people? “

Mo Shanshan’s eyes drooped slightly, looking at the toes protruding from the edge of the thick cotton skirt, he didn’t know what to say to this guy, thinking that although you and I are not afraid of the people in the temple, how do you say it from you? , Killing a few deacons of the Temple Adjudication Division is like hitting two yellow sheep on the road?

The girl murmured softly, “But they are from the temple.”

When cleaning up the body last night, Ning Que took out a badge from the black clothes of the deacon of the Judgment Division who had been split in half. Mo Shanshan confirmed the identity of the black deacon, who seemed to be an important figure in the temple. Family. However, Ning Que was not afraid, because as long as there was no evidence for this kind of thing, no one would take him.

Although he believes in Haotian like everyone in the world, he has been wandering since he was a child, he is used to seeing a lot of ugliness, and struggling to survive at the bottom, so he does not have too deep awe of the legendary place like the temple. After I entered the academy in Chang’an City, I was enriched by the pride and narcissism in that mountain for a long time, and my awe was even weaker.

Because of the double encounter with the prince Longqing in the city of Chang’an, the little maid said that the prince was really beautiful. He looked gentle at the time and seemed to not care at all. In fact, he was already unhappy, and even more because of the meadow. That **** battle, so now Ning Que does not have the slightest awe of the temple, but is extremely hostile.

So killing the three deacons of the Temple Adjudication Division is really not much different from killing three yellow sheep, and it did not cause any psychological impact, mentally astonished, and even thought to go. Look at the pretty face of the girl.

He looked at Mo Shanshan’s innocent and helpless expression with his head down, and subconsciously wanted to reach out to poke the cute swollen cheeks, suddenly remembered the identity of the other bookworm, forcibly suppressed the impulse in his heart, and relieved Said: “I will dispose of the corpse in a while. I am very good at this, so no one will know about this.”

Unfortunately, there is only one college in the world, and only a college can teach students like Ning Que. Although Mo Shanshan is a well-known bookworm, there is still no way to smile at the name of the temple like him.

Looking at the girl who was still bowing her head in silence, Ning Que shook her head and said with a smile: “Don’t forget what happened on the meadow. Your junior is actually killed by someone from the temple’s judge. But they didn’t do it themselves, so on the simplest emotional level, you shouldn’t be inclined to them either.”

“Whoever treats you badly, you should treat whoever is bad, the temple is bad for you, then their life and death are not your business, and you have never seen a barren person before, why do you help the temple to kill Huangren? Huangren traveled thousands of miles south to this point. The eldest sister didn’t say that she saw you take a knife and cut it like a ghost, but took a piece of meat for you to eat. At this time, he was making broth for you again… What is the name of meat that has been around for thousands of years? This is called fate.”

Ning Que raised his arm, patted her shoulder lightly, looked back at the tent and smiled and said, “Thank you, big sister.”

The tent opened, and the ridiculous woman walked out carrying a bowl of broth and a few pieces of whole grain cakes, looked at him, nodded and smiled, and said, “I should thank you for what happened last night. “

Huang’s body is special and his skin is extremely hard. Last night, the black-clothed deacon Daojian wounded the woman’s shoulder. After the power of Haotian divine glory attached to the wound was eliminated by Mo Shanshan’s talisman, there was no major problem.

The dark-skinned little boy hiding in the curtain, looked at the two young men and women in the Central Plains curiously, and asked: “You are all from the Central Plains, why are you helping us kill those Central Plains?”

Ning Que raised his brow slightly and said awe-inspiringly: “Because we are good people from the Central Plains.”

The deserted boy scratched his head in confusion, as if he didn’t understand what a good Central Plains was. When the elders convened a meeting of the tribe before moving south, he didn’t seem to say such a term.

Suddenly he thought of something the veteran had said, and he suddenly realized that he patted his forehead, looked at Ning Que and said, “The veteran said that you people in the Central Plains like internal fighting the most. Is this called internal fighting?”

Hearing this, Mo Shanshan couldn’t help feeling a little hot on his cheeks and didn’t know how to respond.

Ning Que didn’t care at all, smiled and cursed and patted the little boy on the head.



Under the strong request of Ning Que and the persistence of Si Pi Lai Lian, he finally succeeded in getting the girl into the work of destroying the corpse. It was not because he had a perverted hobby to watch the girl face pale and trembling body, and It’s because he now feels more and more that Mo Shanshan is really a girl who has not been in the world. Although she has such a great reputation in the world, she is still a quiet flower by the ink pond. She can’t stand the wind and rain at all. If she does not grow up and mature as soon as possible , He couldn’t expect how much she could help him on the way, and he might even drag him down.

In his life experience, disposing of corpses is the second fastest way to help a ignorant girl mature as soon as possible. As for the best method, he hopes he will never think of it again in his life.

The big dark horse angrily carried a heavy suitcase and dragged countless things, and accompanied the young men and women to the woodland deep in the snowy field. Behind the tight leather rope, the ground was a whole Corpses, two incomplete but no longer bleeding corpses, and a large bunch of stone grass used to obliterate traces.

Mo Shanshan walked silently ahead, the hem of the cotton skirt was wet with snow, but she didn’t notice it, because she hadn’t gotten rid of that complex and dreaded emotion, and went deep into the blood to face Hao since childhood. Heaven’s awe and respect for the temple can be easily erased with a few words. Although she felt that Ning Que’s previous statement seemed extremely reasonable, she still felt that something was wrong in this matter.

For a young girl who has been sitting still in Mochi for more than ten years and does not care about world affairs, the difficulty of transforming the world outlook is second only to the difficulty of transforming the outlook of love. Ning Que looked at her back, feeling a little helpless and a little tired.

Walking on the desolate snowfield, his mind suddenly drifted back to Chang’an City, which is relatively far from the Antarctic, back to the shop in that alley, and to the little black maid’s body, silently thinking if it was Sang Sangsang should be so simple, Sangsang would never doubt what he said.

Of course, Sangsang’s world view, life, love, money, food, life and death are all his views.



Several fat tree rats watched the picture under the tree vigilantly. There were a few human corpses piled in the naturally formed pit. The faint smell of blood made them a little uneasy.

Ning Que threw the large bundle of snow-stained stone grass into the pit, watching the pale but still serious face of the black deacon nuzzling his right foot, and after a moment of silence, he said seriously: “The temple I need to be awed, and the academy also needs to be awed. The back mountain of my academy has never been in the world, but since I have entered the wasteland this time, I will wait to represent the face of the academy. However, the world does not seem to fear me that much.”

He turned his head and looked at Mo Shanshan with a smile, and said, “If my second brother is beaten and killed by the temple ruling division, what do you think he will do? He will definitely not just kill a few people like me. .”

Mo Shanshan frowned slightly, thinking of the rumored second master of the college who was extremely proud, and said: “Then what will he do? Will he kill Dao Chi or Prince Longqing?”

“Second brother of course would not do that. How could there be people like Taoism or Long Qing in his eyes?”

Ning Que smiled and shook his head, and said, “According to what I know about him, he might directly kill Taoshan and go to the adjudication division to find trouble with the great priest. His idol is Xiao Shishu, if not The master is strict, I’m afraid I’ve been going around looking for trouble, looking for this kind of reason, how can there be reason not to take the opportunity to go crazy?”

Mo Shanshan stared at him blankly, wondering what kind of weird people live in the second floor of the college?

“I don’t have such strength and confidence. However, glory is my life. If anyone dares to ignore the existence of my college, I will not hesitate to take this small life to fight.”

Ning Que looked at the sky silently, with an unspeakable expression of emotion, and with a trace of absoluteness. If a drop of tears dripped from the corner of his eyes or snowflakes floated on his eyelashes, the picture would be more handsome. .

Mo Shanshan accompanied him all the way. Although they are not as familiar as old friends over the years, they also know that this person is a bit of a rogue temperament. At this time, listening to him suddenly say these powerful words, it is unavoidable. Moving content.

She stared at his side face earnestly, silently thinking for a long time, still a little unsure of her own judgment, her voice was extremely small and unconfident and asked: “Are you lying or joking?”

Ning Que laughed, looked at her and said: “Since there is no reason to lie to you, of course it is a joke.”

Mo Shanshan’s brows frowned slightly, like a rare Zihao fine front drawn on paper, and he looked extremely dissatisfied.

Ning Que smiled slightly, looked at her eyes and said seriously: “But seriously, I never think that the temple is qualified to exercise will on behalf of Haotian. Who can prove Haotian allows them to be representatives? Maybe we It is the person chosen by Haotian. The light and justice of the world needs us to maintain. Therefore, if we encounter the temple and do such disgusting things in the future, we must refuse to be indifferent and take action when we should.”

It is still the righteous and awe-inspiring demeanor, but this time Mo Shanshan was not confused by him, but looked at his eyes again after a long time and tried to be sure: “This should be… a joke?”

Ning Que looked at her slightly wrinkled and cute little nose, looked at the doubts and tension in her dull eyes, couldn’t help laughing happily, stretched out his hand and took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms, and said:” It can also be said to be lying.”

Mo Shanshan looked at his back and suddenly asked: “Why do you like to tell lies?”

Ning Que didn’t turn around, and said, “The habit I developed when I was young, sometimes I can’t survive without telling lies.”

Mo Shanshan continued to ask: “Then what is the purpose of your coming to the Wasteland? Why do you teach me those dark things? Why do you teach me how to kill? Why do you want me to get used to these?”

The questions asked by simple people are very simple. Because they are simple and straightforward, they can pierce the countless pieces of silk cotton armor hidden outside, such as jokes or lies, and point to the heart in the chest.

These questions are not easy to answer. After standing by the snow pit and thinking for a while, Ning Que decided to answer honestly. Looking back at her, she calmly said, “I want to go into the wasteland to do an important thing, grab an important thing. And as you said a few days ago, at the critical moment of grabbing food, no one cares about my college background. At that time, not to mention whether I can grab food from the mouth, everyone can beat me into a dog.”

Mo Shanshan looked at him quietly, waiting for him to finish speaking.

Ning Que flicked the piece of talisman in his hand into the snow pit, and continued to say very seriously, “So I need your help.”

Mo Shanshan lowered his head slightly, looked at the unknown place in the snow, was silent for a moment and asked in a low voice: “What are you going to grab?”

“One of the seven books of heaven.”

Ning Que looked at her blinking long eyelashes, feeling the emotional change in her heart at this time, and said, “You agree to join me in the wasteland. I wonder if it will be related to this matter.” /

Mo Shanshan slowly raised his head, and after a long period of silence, he said softly: “The master told me when he knew about it. I don’t expect to get the heavenly book, but I’m very curious, so I want to take a look. .”

Ning Que smiled and said: “Curious about the heavenly books and those who are qualified to grab the heavenly books?”

Mo Shanshan smiled slightly, and found it easy and comfortable to talk to him, because he seemed to be able to hear what he was saying in his heart, and he never thought of himself in other ways.

Ning Que is still going to say something.

Mo Shanshan gently shook his head, looked into his eyes and asked seriously: “I didn’t tell you, and you didn’t tell me, then can we be evened, are we cheating on each other?”

This very simple way of thinking generally only exists in the world of pure-minded children, but the girl said it naturally, and Ning Que accepted it naturally, nodding seriously, even feeling relaxed A big breath, because he has few friends in the world, so he doesn’t want to be inexplicably missing one.

Then Ning Que looked at her and said seriously: “But your mentality is wrong. Since you and I are on the wasteland, if you have the opportunity, of course you can’t miss it, so don’t say you dare not expect it. Think, then really nothing can be done.”

Mo Shanshan looked at him and asked seriously: “Is this an education for me?”

Ning Que smiled a little embarrassedly and said: “In short, I have calculated that if the two of us can cooperate well, Prince Longqing might not be able to get us off, why not try it?”

Mo Shanshan smiled slightly and said: “Then try it, but if you get it, how do you score it?”

“At that time, you can make a copy. You can bring it back to Mochi, and I will bring it back to the academy. Speaking of which, I haven’t seen the master or his old man. I have robbed the book of heaven to meet the teacher. I feel very excited about it… “

Ning Que became more excited as he spoke.

A flash of shame flashed across Mo Shanshan’s eyes, and he said, “I want you to copy the copy.”

Ning Que waved his hand, and said heroically, “You pick first.”

Standing in the snow, the two of them imagined a bright future with almost zero possibilities, and both laughed idiotly.



(Hang Heng, H H H H, I wish the girls a happy holiday, H H, H H, my nearest Niu Cha is that anything can make it a happy thing, H H, H H, then Happy girls and others.)

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