Nightfall Chapter 162: Looking for people

With a hatchet around his waist, an arrow box in his hand, and a black umbrella behind his back, Ning Que left Lao Bi Zhai and came to the street to start his own journey to find Sangsang.

The first stop was the fake antique shop next door to Lao Wu’s house. He pushed in and asked directly: “Aunt Wu, have you seen my Sangsang?”

Lao Bi Zhai is now a legendary shop in Lin 47 Lane. The stories of more than a year have made many people know that the shop is not a simple place. Aunt Wu saw Ning Que’s With an unnatural look, he felt a little palpitating, shaking his head repeatedly and saying, “I haven’t seen it.”

Ning Que turned around without any hesitation.

Then he went to a certain gambling house in Xicheng and directly found Qi Siye, the leader of the Yulong Gang.

“Have you seen my Sangsang?”

Qi Siye’s expression is slightly different: “I saw one person the other day when I sent the silver ticket, but I haven’t seen it these days, why is something wrong with Sangsang?”

Ning Que frowned slightly and asked: “What happened to her before?”

Qi Siye said: “Before you came back, she was taken back by the Chang’an Mansion and asked for a question. No one knew what case was involved. It was the military directly. I couldn’t stop it, but You don’t have to worry too much. Sangsang hasn’t been bullied and came out on the same day. Maybe it’s the academy’s message?”

Ning Que didn’t know about this. After a moment of silence, I thought that it’s more important to find her first. He watched Qi Siye and said seriously: “Let the people in the gang find her in Chang’an City. I owe you A favor.”

Qi Siye said: “Don’t worry, as long as she is still in Chang’an, I can definitely find people out.”

Ning Que feels at ease, thinking that the Yulong Gang is the largest gang in Chang’an City. It also has an official background and helps countless children. No matter where the sangsang hides in the streets and alleys, it must be They could be found, but then he thought, a long time has passed since the early morning, what should I do if Sangsang has left Chang’an City?

So he immediately came to the palace.

“Close the gate of Chang’an? Ning Que, are you crazy? Even the Prime Minister dare not do this kind of thing. I can’t help you kill me, I don’t have the power, and I don’t want your Majesty to think I think of the soldiers conspired!”

Xu Chongshan, the deputy commander of the guard, watched Ning Que, who was head down in front of him, was about to continue cursing a few words, but his mind was frightened by the cold and severe killing intent from him, and he quickly comforted: “Don’t worry. , I’ll write a text to ask Chang’an Mansion to find someone for you, is this all right?”

Yu Que raised his head and looked at him, and said: “Chang’an Mansion is not enough, can you help me send out the sea arrest documents?”

Xu Chongshan took a breath. He saw that Ning Que was about to enter a certain state of madness today. How dare to refuse directly, and quietly explained: “Your little maid did not commit a crime. How can the Criminal Department issue a maritime arrest document?”

Ning Que took out a small portrait from his arms, took a picture of his chest, and said, “I report the case now and say that she stole more than ten thousand taels of silver from the master’s house. This should allow the Criminal Department to issue a maritime arrest document. Right?”

Xu Chongshan took the portrait and saw it, thinking that your drawing ability is much worse than writing. He was about to say something. When he looked up, he saw that Ning Que had already walked out of the imperial city, and he sighed.

Looking at the murderous back, Xu Chongshan sighed and shook his head again and again, thinking that if anyone in Chang’an today sees Ning Que in this state of mind, it’s really hard to die. Then he suddenly thought of the rumor of a certain oak in the court, and slapped his forehead and hurriedly chased it out, but Ning Que went too fast and disappeared in an instant, not knowing where he went.

After the imperial court and the Yulong Gang blocked Sangsang’s escape route in both directions, Ning Que continued to search through the city of Chang’an. He went to the morning market vegetable market in the south of the city, to Chen Jinji, which is famous for its powder, and Songhe. Lou, I went to Red Sleeve Tactics but still couldn’t find Sangsang’s whereabouts. However, everyone who saw him was stunned by the murderous intent of his weapon. The murderous intent seemed to be about to open the city of Chang’an. .

Finally, he went to the princess mansion and heard the answer he wanted to hear from Li Yu’s mouth, but the answer was completely out of his mind, so he was at a loss for a while.

Ning Que looked at Li Yu and asked, “Why don’t I know about this?”

Li Yu looked at him and said mockingly: “Maybe it’s because someone is busy with the bookworm in Chang’an these days. How can he care about what happened to his little maid.”

Ning Que looked at her and asked seriously: “His Royal Highness is laughing at me?——

“No.” Li Yu looked at him and said coldly, “I am mocking you.”

Ning Que asked: “Why?”

Li Yu responded: “Because Sangsang is my friend.”

Ning Que was silent for a while and said: “I understand.”

Wenyuange University Scholars’ Mansion is quiet today, especially the atmosphere in the study. It is extremely depressive and tense. The source of all these atmospheres is due to Ning Que standing in the study. The expression on the face and the dangerous breath that exudes from his body.

The academician of Zeng Jing has given his seat, and the housekeeper has already offered tea, but Ning Que did not sit down, because he has been sitting at the table of Lao Bi Zhai for a long time today, and he has not drunk tea either. Because his mouth is already very bitter now, and he doesn’t have the mind to chat at all.

Ning Que looked at the bedclothes in the corner of the study, frowned slightly, thinking that the bachelor would sleep in the study all the time? Doesn’t it mean that their husband and wife are not in harmony? I am afraid that such a couple is not a suitable parent, and this matter is always a bit strange. Why does Sangsang suddenly have an extra parent?

In the past ten years, he has never thought about what Sangsang would do after finding his biological parents, so his current mood is a bit strange, a bit strangely nervous.

“First of all, I want to know if Sangsang is in the house.” He asked.

University Zeng Jing nodded, smiled and said: “Since I recognize each other, I must come back to live.”

Ning Que asked directly: “You said she is your daughter, what proof is there?”

Associate Professor Zeng Jing said sincerely: “To be honest, there is really no iron evidence, but the so-called mother-daughter connecting heart, and my wife remembers some characteristics of Sangsang, and the time really fits, so I think about this. There must be nothing wrong.”

Ning Que raised his head and said, “Excuse me for not being in the mood to show any evidence to my lady of the bachelor. I only want to do one thing when I came to your house, and that is to take her back.”

Listening to these words, the scholar of Zeng Jing frowned slightly, thinking that although you have an extraordinary identity, but I am a scholar of Chaozhong, how can I allow you to be so tough and displease say: “How can the world be forcibly broken up? The truth of flesh and blood? Since Sangsang is my daughter, how can he give you back as a maid?”

Ning Que was silent for a moment and said: “This matter can be discussed later, but first, should you let me see her first? After all, she is still my maid now.”

Zeng Jing frowned and said: “According to Tang Law, whether she is your maid or not will be determined by Chang’an Mansion.”

Ning Que looked at him and said, “Sir, you better don’t forget that I am the head of the household. As long as I disagree, no one can move her out, and if you have no evidence, I will win the lawsuit in Chang’an Mansion. “

Zeng Jing’s brows frowned more and more. Before he had time to respond, Mrs. Bachelor, who had been smiling and holding back his anger and waiting on the side, had a premature attack. She rushed to Ning Que with an angry face. , Pointed at his nose and cursed: “It’s because you such an unscrupulous master wants my daughter to be a maid for you? Don’t you want to have such a good thing, go to Chang’an Mansion to file a lawsuit? My old man is As a bachelor of Wenyuange University, he wrote letters at will, and the ugly Shangguan dare to sentence my daughter back to you!”

My family’s Sangsang suddenly showed up to his biological parents. Ning Que was a little bit at a loss. He was a little bit afraid of speaking. At this time, he was scolded by the academician’s wife. He suddenly became angry from fear and looked in front of him. The woman said in a deep voice:

“Madam probably still doesn’t understand. I am a direct disciple of the Master. I am a student on the second floor of the academy. I have had a seat in the imperial study room. I have drunk tea in the princess mansion. Let your majesty write a will to check whether your adults are corrupt.”

Listening to this naked threat, the academician Zeng Jing suddenly changed his color. He slapped the table in angrily and got up. He walked to his wife and pointed at Ning Que’s nose and shouted: “You young man is so unreasonable! “

Ning Que remained unmoved, watching the couple calmly and said: “The truth taught in the academy is a fist. You should understand that if you are anxious, I will burn your bachelor’s house. Then hide in the back mountain of the academy, where can you go to judge?”

At this moment, the bamboo curtain of the study made a sound, and a thin figure came out.

“Don’t be afraid of him. Your Royal Highness will definitely face me and I will come back to live. He has no way to go to the academy. Mr. Two said to me that he would not let him bully me. If he dares to take this The house was burned, I went to complain to Mr. Second, Mr. Second will definitely burn his people.

Sangsang walked to Mrs. Zeng Jing’s side, looked at Ning Que and said blankly.

Ning Que looked at her small black face, startled, and then smiled with mixed emotions. There was a feeling of flying out of the cliff but finally grabbing the pine tree, and her legs suddenly softened. Almost sat on the ground.

From early morning to this time, from Lao Bi Zhai to the Bachelor’s House, he walked a lot today, from mental to physical nervousness and exhaustion to the extreme. At this time, when he finally saw her, the tension and exhaustion became similar to collapse. a feeling of.

It’s good to see it.

Because as long as you see it, don’t even think about running.

At this moment, Ning Que, who finally relaxed, recalled the fear in his heart for the whole day, the terrible feeling, and an unstoppable flame-like anger, mixed with that completely inexplicable. His sourness finally turned into countless words bursting out.

“Yes, you have found your biological first mother, and the wings are hard to fly? Mr. Second? You actually have a backer in the academy. I was scolded by Li Yu in the princess mansion earlier, do I have to Are you relieved when you go back to Houshan and be beaten by the second senior brother? Tsk tsk, you are indeed the big and small sister of the Academy of Sciences, who actually played the curtain to move the jade person to this trick, but you are not white enough, where is the jade? A little carbon guy!”

This can be said to be acrimonious to the extreme. Anyone who listens to it will probably quarrel with him angrily. Mrs. Zeng Jing has covered her chest angrily, but Sangsang’s little face is still not there. With any expression, she just looked at Ning Que’s eyes, and said calmly, “What does it matter to you?”

(Today’s chapter can only be said to have just passed the pass, there is a problem with my brain, but I have figured it out, tomorrow’s chapter will definitely be very exciting, to add that, the night will be a comedy, everyone, don’t be too heavy, busy… …In addition, I heard that there are students who will take the college entrance examination tomorrow, but they are still waiting for the update? I rely on, so angry! Beware that I can’t wake you up like Ning Que cleans up Sangsang! Go to sleep! I rarely update these days. Look! I wish everyone a smooth exam! Yi Tianxing, Fan Xian and Xu Le possessed! It’s better to become Ning Que! Damn, I found that I wrote about the genius of exam-oriented education! Come on!)

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