Nightfall Chapter 136: A piece of yellow sand, a game

In the past two days on the island, under the Wa mountain, in the small town, in the city, in the green gauze tent, and in many places in the world, you can always see two figures appearing one after another.

The former wore a cotton jacket, while the latter wore a cyan robes.

This is a battle above the five realms, this is a chase without distance.

There is no distance between the two of them, but there is still a difference in realm.

The big brother bought some time in front of Qingxia today because the college had prepared in advance, but he knew that this period of time was bound to be extremely short, so he left in a hurry.

The moment his body disappeared, Taoist Tsing Yi came to Qingxia.

There are countless eyes on this Taoist Tsing Yi in the wilderness.

This is the first time that we know how to observe and observe the subject.

Ye Hongyu knelt against the back of the Taoist in Tsing Yi, bowing his head respectfully.

The sound of armor rubbing, like the sound of Mai Lang, rushed, I don’t know how many people knelt down.

The boy from the academy before Qingxia didn’t kneel or worship.

They silently looked at the strongest man of the Dao Sect, their faces were pale, but their expressions were firm.

The second brother looked at Taoist Tsing Yi, walked out of the canopy, and raised the iron sword in his hand.

Taoist Tsing Yi glanced at him, without any expression on his face.

Then he turned and looked at the southern wilderness, looking at the burning god, his brows were slightly furrowed, he felt the subtle changes in the atmosphere of the world, and Dao Xin suddenly had some signs of restlessness.

It was not because the **** was destroyed, nor was it because the great priest was seriously injured.

For the hidden view of Zhishou, only Haotian’s belief is really important. Even if the Xiling Temple was destroyed, it would not be considered a major event.

What makes the Taoists in Tsing Yi feel uneasy is where the next journey of the big brother will end.

Tao Xin is disturbed. Taoist Tsing Yi knows that he must leave immediately. This means that the academy has calculated the time difference very clearly, and there is no time for him to act.

This is the goal that the college must achieve.

The big brother appeared in front of Qingxia. Immediately turned the tide and fell, destroying an important combat power of Xiling Temple.

If the Taoist in Tsing Yi had time to take action, how many people could still live in the academy in front of Qingxia?

This time difference. It was the calculation of the night time by Senior Brother and Fourth Senior Brother, and the final result was that they believed that there should be no problems.

However, they still underestimated the realm strength of Taoist Tsing Yi.

The strongest man of the door. The widows under the sky have unpredictable realms, so they are unpredictable.

In the advance plan, the college determined that Taoist Tsing Yi must chase the big brother to leave. There was no time to shoot, but he did not expect that the other party could actually move while leaving!

The Taoist in Tsing Yi turned and walked towards the southern wilderness, waving his right hand back at random.

As his steps stepped on the soft soil, the deadly autumn air suddenly became cold. The autumn wind in front of him suddenly froze and fell like a thin snow, and a door appeared in the meantime.

That is the channel hidden in the turbulence of the heaven and earth.

It is the passage that can only be seen by the Wushu realm.

Taoist Tsing Yi stepped into the door with his right foot, and suddenly became nothingness.

In the eyes of countless people in front of Qingxia, he seemed to have broken through the void.

Hundreds of thousands of allied forces in the Xiling Temple saw this miraculous scene. Shocked and speechless.

At this moment, there was an extra sword in his right hand that he swung back at random.

A sword made of air.

The sword has been taken away, and it pierced Qingxia, covering the remaining arrows, like a canopy of a grass house.

After the Taoist Tsing Yi appeared, the front of Qingxia became very quiet.

The quiet one is the second brother.

He silently lowered his head and looked at the stone a foot and a half away in front of him.

He didn’t look at Taoist Tsing Yi. Because he wants to maintain full fighting spirit and confidence.

He didn’t look at the iron sword in his hand either, because the sword was not for viewing.

After the Taoist in Tsing Yi threw the flying sword casually, the second brother moved.

He suddenly raised his head, staring at the flying sword made of air, and the iron sword in his hand trembled slightly.

Can this iron sword that kills thousands of troops stop this seemingly simple virtual sword?

No one knows the answer.

Because the virtual sword cast by Taoist Tsing Yi suddenly turned into a real nothingness in front of Jun Mo, quietly passing through the area where he was, regaining its essence behind him, and continuing to stab under the canopy!

This method, it seems that Dao Sword has entered the realm of no distance, which is really incredible!

Faced with such an inscrutable flying sword, the second senior brother didn’t show any shock or fear on his face, but his brows frowned slightly, giving birth to the feeling of looking down on the other party.

This virtual sword is indeed ingenious, and this choice is indeed precise. Since it is a scribbled sword before leaving, Taoist Tsing Yi must of course ensure that his sword can create great damage.

Because this sword is a bit sloppy, Taoist Tsing Yi let go of the second brother.

In a sense, this is a respect for the second brother.

But in the eyes of the second brother, this is ridiculous-as a Taoist in Tsing Yi, he has to think about dealing with his fellow students, which is extremely vulgar.

So he looked down on this person.

Even if your realm is far above me, even if you are a wise, observant and observant, even if you are the mountain with a high spiritual realm after the teacher ascended to the sky, I just look down on you.

No matter how powerful people are, as long as they have a vulgar breath, they are not in the eyes of the second brother.

Of course, this does not mean more.

Second brother knows how terrifying the power of that virtual sword is, so his eyebrows are raised slightly.

He looked down on Taoist Tsing Yi because he didn’t see through the formation in the iron canopy.

Although this virtual sword has passed him, once it enters under the canopy, it is he who will eventually bear the sword intent.

Because he has a red thread tied to his feet.

The end of the red line is under the canopy, connected with all the juniors and younger sisters.

He is ready to bear this virtual sword.

He is ready to be injured.

Seriously injured.

But he is not going to die.

Because if he dies, Qingxia will not be able to hold back… the remnant arrow on the iron canopy. The aura of heaven and earth carried by that virtual sword was disturbed, like falling sand, dripping from the eaves, like a waterfall of arrows.

Inside the waterfall, Senior Sister Muyou, Seventh Senior Sister Muyou was pale, holding the end of the red thread tightly in her hand, pulling it hard. Looking at the man’s back outside the canopy, his fingers trembled terribly.

All the physical attacks that she and her colleagues have endured, including this iron tent. In the end, the second senior brother will bear it. However, this time the opponent is not the sword brother of the Southern Jin Dynasty, but is like a god-like knowledge and watch. Brother, can he bear it? He will suffer multiple injuries, will something happen?

Suddenly she saw a scene that shocked her from the outside.

The red thread buried in the sand, I don’t know when it was quietly broken!

The fourth brother’s finger just left his ankle.

An extra red thread is tied to his ankle.

The red thread was originally connected to the second brother, but at this time it was tied to his foot. This also means that the person who has to bear the virtual sword of the Tsing Yi Taoist has become him!

This formation was originally designed by the four senior brothers and himself, and later revised by the senior brother. Muyou knows that the changes made by the fourth brother at this time will not cause any problems.

However, the Fourth Senior Brother is only the Cave Profound Realm. Why can he withstand the blow of Zhi Shou Guan Jian Zhu?

Before Muyou’s exclamation had time to release his lips, the virtual sword arrived…The faint shadow of the sword seemed to have exceeded the scope of speed.

When it entered the iron canopy in front of Qingxia. The speed suddenly slowed down and became a picture visible to the naked eye.

The formation under the iron canopy was activated, and the red lines tied to the feet of all the academies began to tremble violently, and countless subtle and tenacious breaths emerged.

The virtual sword is bound by countless auras. Suddenly slowed down.

Like the tricky sword of Liu Yiqing, the strong sword fate expert yesterday.

However, the realm gap between Zhishou Guanzhu and Liu Yiqing is like a world. This virtual sword that seems to be thrown at random is tens of thousands of times stronger than Liu Yiqing’s deceptive sword.

Only heard a hiss!

That imaginary sword destroys all the threads of aura in general!

Then… plunged deeply into a piece of yellow sand.

This piece of yellow sand is very fine, whiter than the fine sand on the seashore, finer than the gravel on the riverside, and extremely soft.

In the wilderness before Qingxia, although there is sand, there is absolutely no such yellow sand.

There is only one place like this yellow sand.

In the sand table where Senior Brother 4 never left…the virtual sword pierced the sand table.

Senior Brother’s face suddenly paled.

His hands holding the sand table high in front of him trembled very much.

This seemingly inconspicuous sand table actually blocked the virtual sword of Taoist Tsing Yi!

The blade of the virtual sword disappeared in the sand table, disappeared in the yellow sand.

The yellow sand is flying, and there are several big rivers.

The yellow sand gradually falls, and it becomes dangerous.

A sand is a world, and there is a world in the sand table.

That is a magnificent river and mountains.

The virtual sword flew among the endless rivers and mountains.

Because of its grandeur and grandeur, it is difficult for that virtual sword to touch anything.

So the terrifying power of the virtual sword cannot be released.

The sword flies in the sand table, crossing the mountains and rivers, and the wilderness is blue.

The sword flying is very lonely… The figure of Taoist Tsing Yi is about to disappear into the void.

He has to walk from the front of Qingxia to the next place.

He doesn’t care about the ending of that virtual sword.

Because he was very sure that even if Jun Mo came to take the sword, he would definitely be seriously injured.

The brothers of the academy can no longer hold Qingxia.

At this moment, he suddenly squeaked.

This soft sound made me surprised.

The thin snow gradually fell, and the aura of heaven and earth closed.

The Taoist in Tsing Yi disappeared from the wilderness.

A word he said before leaving still echoed in the air.

“It is actually the river and mountain pan…The river and mountain pan is a thing in the ancient legend of the teacher.

During the Kaiyuan period of Datang, Heshanpan was lost without a trace, and Heshanpan’s calculation algorithm was also broken.

Not many people know that less than 40 years later, Ying Shanren, the seventh-generation ancestor of Mochi Garden in Dahe Country, and Xiaofeng Shitai, a famous mathematics professor of the former generation of the academy, worked together for six years and severely inflicted the Heshanpan deduction algorithm. After that, the two sages worked hard to recast Heshanpan.

Since then, Heshanpan stayed in the back mountain of the academy. As time passed, it was gradually forgotten by the entire spiritual world. Even the contemporary Wang Shusheng of Mochi Garden did not know this secret.

Many years ago, when my husband traveled around the world looking for an exit from the underworld, or looking for food, he met a young apprentice in a pawnshop outside the wetland of Yinlun Town. The husband saw that the young apprentice was planning to play, but he watched it for a long time, because he thought that the young apprentice was doing very beautiful abacus, and the sound of planning was very beautiful.

The young apprentice was named Fan Yue, who later became the husband’s fourth personal younger brother.

The husband naturally gave him the Heshan Pan.

Nowadays, apart from the people behind the academy, only Mo Shanshan knows about this… Taoist Tsing Yi left.

His virtual sword is still there.

Still flying in the river and mountains.

Four seniors held the sand table, his face became paler and paler, and blood gradually dripped from his lips.

The second brother returned to the canopy.

Muyou looked at him and asked, “What should I do?”

The second brother was silent for a long time and said, “I don’t know.”

Senior Brother Six said: “I smashed this sand table with a hammer.”

The four senior brothers’ full power of thought, especially the spirit connected with the river and mountain pan, was all used on the virtual sword trapped in the lock. He was already weak and unable to speak, but he was furious when he heard this.

“You can kill me first!”

He glared at the sixth child angrily, coughing up blood while talking.

Brother Six reluctantly put down the hammer.

Wang Chi looked at the four seniors who were holding the sand table high, and said worriedly: “Do you want seniors to always hold them like this? Brothers, if you are tired from lifting, I will hold them for you. I have fried the medicine for two days. .”

Senior Brother Si listened to the innocent words of Junior Brother and said with satisfaction: “No, I can’t let it go anymore.”

As soon as these words came out, there was silence under the iron canopy.

In just such a short period of time, so much blood has been shed. How long can Senior Brother Si last? Even if he can support it, can he support it forever?

The second brother looked at him and asked, “Will the sword stop by itself?”

Senior Brother Si shook his head and said: “Heshan Pan is originally the virtual world, and that sword is also a virtual sword. There is no air and no influence from outside interest. Even if it stops, I don’t know it will happen hundreds of years later. .”

The second brother asked again: “What will happen if I let it go?”

The fourth brother was silent for a moment and said: “It will explode.”

The second brother said: “Then let it burst.”

Senior Brother Si shook his head, smiled a little bit painfully, and said: “I didn’t let the sixth son hit it, not because I was really reluctant to do this, although I did have feelings with me for so many years… but I let it go. This disc will explode, so even if you want it to explode, you have to let me go further.”

Everyone was silent.

“Of course I know that you will not let me go further and die alone.”

Senior Brother Si looked at everyone with a smile and said, “So I will give as much time as possible.”

The second brother turned and looked at the Xiling Temple coalition forces in the south, and said: “Don’t worry, there are other ways.”

“What method? Brother, you say.” Muyou asked anxiously.

“If you can get rid of the master, you can solve this problem for you.”

“What if I can’t get rid of it? And the big brother doesn’t know what happened here.”

“Then kill the master, as long as he dies or is seriously injured, his sword will naturally become broken bronze and iron.”

“The teacher is gone, who else can kill the master?”

“To end this war, he must be killed, so it is not a question of who can kill him. Whether it is the battle of Qingxia or everything else, they are all prepared to kill him. .”

The second brother said: “Chang’an City has been waiting for him… I’m really tired today, I don’t know why I am tired, see you tomorrow, there are still two chapters.) (to be continued) RQ

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