Nightfall Chapter 135: Small days in the study, three idiots in the world

The one hundred and thirty-fifth chapter of the study, Xiaori, the world’s three idiots

“Unfortunately, there are only five words. It seems that it is not enough.” His Majesty took his wife by the hand and said with emotion, with a look of regret on his face, “And others dare not say in front of me, can you still I don’t know, if I want to talk about the level of appreciation and interpretation…I still have it, but I feel a little annoyed to talk about the skill of sketching and copying.”

“I tried the double hook method last night, and found that I couldn’t copy the five-character charm.” The queen smiled and said, “If your majesty really likes it, why let the ministers who are good at calligraphy try it. “

The emperor patted the back of her hand, laughed heartily, and shook his head: “It seems that you understand my heart. After the previous meeting, I have already kept those old guys. At this time, I was in the imperial study room, and I told them, whether it is the granddaughter in the family who is one-year-old or the married-in-law, if I can’t figure out the first five characters out of thin air, I will not let them leave.”

In order to bloom the five characters of the other side of the sky, the Imperial Palace of the Tang Dynasty has a lot of fun and helplessness. However, no matter how the emperor loves this book, it is only a leisurely taste after all, so as not to be chattered by those royal historians. He said, His Majesty did not use the official institutions of the court, but the palace sent people to quietly search in Chang’an City, and told some courtiers who got along well, and ordered them to help inquire among the people.

Several months have passed. The most famous calligraphy and painting shops in Chang’an City have been searched. The most famous calligraphers of Datang called to the palace to ask quietly, but they still did not find the mysterious calligrapher. Countless famous calligraphers of those protégés can’t even understand the pen and ink style of these five characters.

The main reason for the current situation is that people’s mindset is in favor.

From the emperor of the Tang Dynasty to the old officials who were tricked into copying in the imperial study room, and then to the big folk calligraphers, from the first sight of the scroll, he was turned to the old and spicy pen , The straight and broad structure, the charming and arrogant ink gesture, and the smart and elegant charm again and again shockingly admired. In their view, this mysterious bookmaker must have been a hidden master who has been immersed in calligraphy for decades, and a person who can have such magical skills in ink scrolls, even if hidden among the people, must be in those heirlooms for hundreds of years. Silent practice in the bookstore of the aristocratic family, it is impossible to set up a street stall to sell writing.

Because of these preconceived ideas, no one wants to go to Xiangfang to ask those poor calligraphy scholars, and no one wants to go to the commoner alleys to find out if there are any new calligraphy and painting shops. No one can associate the script that caused the storm in the Imperial Study Room with the silent old Bi Zhai in Lin 47 Lane.

One day, a few tourists from Dahe Country visited Chang’an City Palace from a long distance, and then bypassed the short street to Lane 47 of Dongcheng Lin. They walked into the alley at will. Calligraphy and painting shop.

They held their hands behind, looked at the ordinary scrolls hanging on the wall, and couldn’t help but frown and shook their heads. When they saw a certain middle hall, their eyes suddenly lit up and exclaimed: “Datang Changan really hides the dragon and the tiger. A small bookstore can hide a very good ink scroll…The little girl, can your boss be here?”

Sangsang was eating fragrant chicken noodles with a bowl of shredded chicken. Hearing someone shouting, raised her dark little face, smiled and replied: “The boss is not here, if you are asking for the price, this is a mid-term price. Three thousand gold, no price.”

An ordinary nave is worth 3,000 gold, and it also specifically states that the price is not two. What kind of style is this? This must be the style of the ink scroll left by Mr. Dahe Guoshu Shengwang during his heyday! The few tourists from Dahe Country were startled when they heard the words, and laughed so furiously that they didn’t even bother to say anything, and threw a word away.

“It is said that Chang’an people are generous and hospitable… I think this Chang’an person is poor and crazy!”

As someone and a little maid’s waist bills are getting more and more, someone’s ink rolls are getting more and more expensive, until the expensive ones are unreasonable. These days, Lao Bi Zhai often I can see the shocked and speechless expressions of the guests, and I can often hear the guests’ rebuke before they leave angrily.

Sangsang was already familiar with these scenes and was even a little numb. She lowered her head and continued to eat chicken noodles. Now she finally understands that although one bowl of chicken noodles can buy six bowls of hot and sour noodle soup, it is greasy. Pearl’s chicken soup is really fragrant.

Ning Que was playing with two smooth silver **** cast from silver ingots. He got out of the back house and leaned on the door of the shop like a second generation ancestor, looking at the back of the guests in the middle of the alley. , Did not lower the consciousness of Changan people’s quality, and said with a mockery: “Don’t ask the price if you can’t afford it, Sangsang…close the door and go to the hot pot!”

Spring goes to autumn and winter comes to solstice. Now it is the deep winter of the 13th year of Datang Tianqi. It has been nearly a year since Ning Que and Sangsang Master and Servant came to Chang’an City.

In these days, he studied in the academy, and was deliberately forgotten by his classmates, so he was quiet, and he had more time to practice and chat with Chen Pipi. Every day, Sangsang stayed in Lin 47 Lane to take care of the shop where the business was getting worse and worse. Occasionally, he would go to the princess mansion at the invitation of Li Yu, and the two became more and more familiar. Regarding the growing friendship between the princess and the little maid, Ning Que didn’t want to understand it, and in the end it could only be attributed to each other’s favor.

After eating the mellow and sweaty hot pot, he lavishly cooked four plates of fresh-cut lamb, scalded his feet, and Ning Que comfortably got into the bed, listening to the whining wind between the windows, and rubbed With a cool face, he said angrily: “It hasn’t been snowing, why is it so cold? Chang’an City is hard in summer? Who is irresponsible?”

Sangsang smiled, took off his outer jacket and got into the bed on the other end, rubbing the ice-red hands of the washing water, and said, “Master, you are content. We are now in Weicheng. Time is so much better.”

This is a very sincere comment. Nowadays, there are more than ten thousand taels of silver bills hidden under the bed of the master and servant, and they have to get a large dividend from the gambling house in Xicheng every month. To use the subtext of the two people’s innermost heart, that is: we are too Not bad, too rich, too **** rich…

Since I have so much money, I always need to use it to improve my life. Although the master and servant are still frugal, it is always easy to change from frugality to luxury. The hot and sour noodles are replaced with chicken noodles and pickles. The rice porridge became hot lamb, and it was so cold a few days ago. They even built a northern kang in the house. Now they burn silver charcoal and drink new tea. The house is as warm as spring, and the life of the previous ten years In comparison, these days are simply wonderful and not human.

Ning Que’s complaint about the dry and cold winters in Chang’an is nothing but talk.

Now I can finally see that mysterious world of practice. You can control the vitality of the heavens and the earth with the power of mind, turn the silver ball in your hand, and lift the paper on the table as you like. Okay, although it is really because of the ability to output the mind. Too weak, the vitality that can be controlled is too thin, so the flying of the paper is messier than the feather, and the turning of the silver ball is slower than the movement of Chen Pipi, but he really can’t find any dissatisfaction.

Outside the window, the north wind was tightening, and the whole night passed without a word. I woke up the next morning and saw endless snow covering the streets and lanes of Chang’an City. Miyagi buildings, trees covered in silver makeup quietly protruding out of the streets. Looking at pedestrians. Ning Que put on a jacket, stood side by side with Sangsang at the entrance of the old Bi Zhai, looking at this beautiful scenery, thinking about the experience and life of the past year, and looked at the snow that was tired of seeing it in Weicheng. There is a new meaning.

“It’s a good day.” He admired contentedly.

Sangsang smiled and nodded beside him.



Living quietly and beautifully in the city of Chang’an, without the blood of vengeance, without the depressingness of hardship, living back and forth between the academy of one person and the old pen of two people, the master and servant gradually grow up. Then I was gradually forgotten by the people around me, and disappeared willingly in these beautiful little days.

She was washing the dishes and chopsticks with her needlework, he was writing a scroll and looking at the books copied from the old. In this seemingly monotonous repetition, the hour hand began to turn again, and time slipped away smoothly. The Lantern Festival slipped away in the bustle, and the hot tea and ink of hot lamb slipped away in tranquility. In a blink of an eye, another spring of the fourteenth year of the apocalypse came.

It is another year of spring, catkins are floating in the sky, and Chang’an women are bound by padded jackets and furs for a whole winter. The plump figures finally have the opportunity to breathe. Watching those shivering in the cold spring breeze Ning Que, who opened the curtains all the way, went to the academy with appreciation and gratitude for the girls who wanted to open their hearts and show their tenderness.

After nodding greetings with Situ Yilan, who was sitting in the front row, he walked to the back of his table. No other classmate would chat with him, and no one would even look at him. For this ignorance and Indifference, he had long been used to it, and he didn’t care. After sitting down, he took out the etiquette lesson plan and began to review.

This morning is the subject of etiquette. The teaching of etiquette in Bingshe of the Academy is Cao Zhifeng, associate professor of etiquette. It is also the great teacher of Yanguodong Xuanjie who beat the grand general’s grandson Chu Zhongtian into a pig on the day of the school opening. No one dared to neglect such a highly qualified, famous, ruthless and profound teaching to the children of Datang.

The bell rang quietly, and Associate Professor Cao Zhifeng walked in slowly. What made Bingshe’s students feel a little strange that the husband changed his indifferent and serious appearance today, and there was a trace of unbearable joy between the old eyebrows.

Next, something happened even more unexpectedly.

The deputy teacher Cao Zhifeng looked at the students in the audience and pondered for a moment. Just when the students thought that he would put down the heavy books in his armpits, and then began to criticize, he coughed slightly, stretched out his right hand and five fingers to flick in the air, and then said with a serious face: “Today’s world The vitality has changed, so it is not suitable to go to class or leave school.”

After saying this, Associate Professor Cao Zhifeng didn’t hesitate to turn around and leave the bookstore, leaving the room full of students who were shocked and speechless with their mouths wide open, and then suddenly burst into skyrocketing comments.

“What’s wrong with this? Professor him…what’s wrong with him?”

“Teach him if he is sick?”

“When you are sick, ask for sick leave from the college. How do you play this trick? What is the change in the vitality of the world today? The vitality of the world is changing all the time, and it is not just starting to change suddenly today!”

“Damn, this trick is really ruthless, can we also use this trick if we don’t want to go to class in the future?”

Chu Youxian slammed Ning Que’s shoulder lightly, and said unbelievably: “What is the heartlessness of Cao today?”

“Where do I know.” Ning Que is also very puzzled, but it is better for him not to go to class, he can have more time to soak in the old days, watching the etiquette lesson plan just spread out on the desk table, heart I want to know so, why did I spend my effort to organize it last night? He shook his head and began to organize the books, ready to leave.

At this moment, I don’t know who is in front of the bookstore and said, “You didn’t see the unbearable joy on Professor Cao’s face just now? That’s because a big man is coming to Chang’an City today, and Mr. Professor is eager to leave the city. To greet, that’s why I forced such a boring excuse.”

“What big person would make Lao Cao so excited? I remember that on the day of the winter solstice last time, Shangshu from the Ministry of Etiquette came to give condolences to the teachers, three hundred taels of silver! Master Shangshu! Lao Cao still had a calm face like the death of Emperor Yan The same.”

“The people of the broken country will inevitably have some resentment. Your statement is too unkind.” The student in front said with a smile: “As for who is this big man today, why can Professor Cao be so excited? These things are related. You have to know that although Professor Cao is a senior teacher in the academy, don’t forget that he is a Yanren first.”

“What do you mean?”

“The big man who is coming to Chang’an today is Prince Yan Guolongqing, how could Professor Cao not be excited?”

“Who believes this? If you have the homeland in your heart, you will get frustrated when you think about seeing the royal family of the homeland. Prince Yan has been a guest in Chang’an. Why didn’t you see the old Cao Tiantian go to the city to ask for a gift?”

“Something not seen.”

Chu You listened closely to the arguing in front of him, and moved to Ning Que’s side and whispered tauntingly: “Prince Yan is just a hostage. How can you compare with Prince Longqing? For Yan people, I have been After hundreds of years of suppression, Prince Longqing has long been regarded as the last hope for revival. Old Cao knew that he was coming, so how could he not get excited?”

“Prince Longqing?” Ning Que asked curiously, “Is that Prince Yan’s brother?”

“My brother.”

Ning Que frowned and said, “Then why would the Yan people put the hope of Yan’s rejuvenation on this…Prince Longqing? Even if the Yan Emperor dies in the future, the successor should be the Yan Crown Prince.”

“This is where the problem lies. As far as I know, most people in Yan Kingdom now disagree with the succession of Prince Yan, but think that Prince Longqing should be succeeded… Many people think that Prince Longqing is the throne. Unborn genius.”

Hearing the five words of “unborn genius”, Ning Que’s frowning brows stretched out, while finishing the books, he smiled and said: “This is also a genius, and that is also a genius. I have been in Chang’an City for less than a year. I’m tired of hearing these two words. If geniuses are truly extinct, there may not be too many that popped up during the Apocalypse years.”

“Wow…” Chu Youxian looked at him and said jokingly: “You are quiet and calm on weekdays. I thought you didn’t care about that day or the attitude of your classmates towards you. I didn’t expect you to remember it. I’m very dismissive of Xie Chengyun’s other geniuses, but you have to know that Prince Longqing is not Xie Chengyun.”

Ning Que stopped what he was doing and looked at him, waiting to hear the following.

“Prince Longqing, that is a real genius.” Chu Youxian said seriously.

“You are real nonsense.” Ning Que said out of anger, and then he was slightly startled at the discussion from the front.

The four words of Prince Longqing caused a lot of exclamations in the bookstore, full of shock and admiration, and then another discussion, like Ning Que, who has lived in the border for a long time and has never heard of this name. Rarely, but some people still have the same questions as him. What kind of character is Prince Longqing, who can make Yan people put the hope of the revival of the country on him, and can make people like Professor Cao Zhifeng become so excited. appearance?

“Although he is the prince of the Kingdom of Yan, since his brother was sent to Chang’an as a hostage, he was sent by the royal family of the Kingdom of Yan to travel and study in the various countries of the world. , And then entered the Xiling Divine Kingdom Haotiandaomen Tianyu Academy, and became the first name in the first year of admission.”

If you say that the oldest and most prestigious academy in the world, it is undoubtedly the academy in the south of Chang’an. However, other countries also have their own well-known academies, the Tianyu Academy of Xiling Kingdom Instructed by the priests of the temple, it can be called the most outstanding. It is natural to be the first place in this kind of place. However, this alone does not explain too many problems, at least it can not shock the proud students in the academy.

“The third year that Prince Longqing entered the Tianyuyuan, he followed his classmates to preach to various places. In the fall of that year, at Lanke Temple in Washan, the teachings of Tianyuyuan couldn’t compete with the great virtues of Buddhism and retreated. Prince Longqing smiled. He got up and argued with the seven sons of Buddhism for three days and three nights, winning seven games in a row, and even let the big disciple of Lanke Temple vomit blood to the ground, and finally caused the elder of Lanke Temple to ring the bell and speak, and he smiled and shut up. The elders of Lanke Temple praised him for his knowledge and ability in debate. If he can enter Buddhism, he will be able to turn his mind around in just ten years and be led to a place where he cannot.”

“How could the Xiling Temple let the Buddha Sect take away his proud disciple? In the fourth year of Emperor Longqing’s entry into the Tianyu Academy, Haotian taught him to be a direct disciple, and even let him start learning to deal with the temple Judging the affairs of the Department… Now I heard that Prince Longqing was only one step away from entering the realm of life-knowing, and he was highly regarded by the Haotian Dao. He was already the second-ranked person in the Judging Department. /

“The second-ranked person of the Temple Adjudication Department?” A student took a breath and said, “This kind of big person can’t make any waves in my Datang, but if you want to be in the Southern Jin Dahe countries, even the emperor I don’t dare to be unwilling, then why does he come to Datang and Chang’an?”

“Because Prince Longqing…want to enter our college for further study.”

“Into the academy? Could such a big man come and be classmates with us?”

“What you think is extremely beautiful. This kind of big man has been studying in the Tianyu Academy for many years, and now he is already an important figure in Xiling Temple. How could he be classmates with you and me? Of course, his purpose in entering the academy is to enter the academy. Floors.”

“He came to Chang’an City this time. In addition to entering the second floor to continue his studies, there is another important reason, that is, he succeeded his elder brother Yan Taizi as the host. Yan Huang is now getting old and declining. I don’t know when he will pass away. My emperor emphasizes filial piety and agrees that Prince Yan should return to the country to serve his relatives, but asks that the country of Yan must be replaced by a royal family with sufficient weight. After thinking about it, who else is qualified besides Prince Longqing?”

“Xiling Temple has cultivated Prince Longqing for many years, and the facts have proved that this person is indeed extremely talented. The people of Yan people value his talents and the close relationship between him and Xiling Temple, and regard him as the hope of the revival of Yan Kingdom. In their eyes, the prince is afraid that he is more important than the prince who has been a hostage in Chang’an for many years. So what I don’t understand is why Yan Ren actually agreed to my Datang’s request this time.”

Through the introduction and mutual supplementation of more than ten famous classmates, the students of the college have a clear picture in their minds: the youth of the royal family, the young cultivator who will live in life, and the Yanren. Renaissance Hope, an important training target of Xiling Temple, who can be such a person who is not a man of destiny?

Thinking about the elegance of the Prince Longqing, the young and proud students in the bookstore can’t help but have extremely complicated emotions in their hearts, some envy and admiration, but some faintly unwilling, but this is not willing to be the dazzling history and name of the other party In front of his head, there is really no power at all.

For a time, the bookstore became strangely quiet. Chu Youxian looked at his classmates and smiled and said, “You have forgotten the most famous thing about Prince Tilongqing… You must know this prince. He is extremely handsome, and some people even describe him as beautiful and indispensable. In addition, he has a poem and a gorgeous temperament. When he was a teenager, he first entered the Moon Country, which attracted countless young girls in the Moon Country to watch and hear about that day. Lun Guo didn’t know how many pairs of embroidered shoes were broken, how many girls’ voices were broken, and how many eyes were red because of crying.”

This is a very famous anecdote. The students in the bookstore naturally don’t know it. It’s just that most of the people who talked about it before were young men. Where would they be willing to mention this paragraph? Chu Youxian said at this time, sit down The girls in the front row of the bookstore suddenly thought of this rumor, and the young and innocent face suddenly showed radiance. Even the young lady Gao, who has been a little depressed in recent days, opened her eyes wide, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised. Up.

“I said, sisters, it’s too late for you to be idiots at this time.”

The best thing Chu Youxian is good at is to make a knife after a stabbing. The thief smiled and looked at the girls and said, “Prince Longqing has already made a marriage. The object is Princess Lu Chenjia of the Moon Kingdom, who is also the most famous in the world. That idiot. When Prince Longqing was studying Buddhism in the Moon Kingdom, he fell in love with Princess Lu Chenjia. Later, the princess went all the way to the Tianyuyuan to study, just to get along with the Prince Longqing day and night, where do you still have Opportunity? Everyone knows that Lu Chenjia cherishes flowers like an idiot. You are no rivals at all with such idiot skills.”

The girls in the bookstore suddenly became a little nervous when they heard the words, but at this moment, can they still argue with Chu Shixian’s remarks? I had to feel aggrieved, pursing my lips and lowering my head. Seeing the expressions of the female companions, Situ Yilan couldn’t help but frowned and talked about other topics, diluting the young child’s spring thinking mood in the bookstore.

Lu Chenjia, an idiot in the Moon Country, is a well-known beauty in the world. In addition, there are two women in the world who are compared with her by the good people. One of them is the gatekeeper of the king of Dahe. The disciple, it is said that she is extremely beautiful and virtuous, and she is called a bookworm because of her calligraphy. There is also a mysterious female disciple from Xiling Tianyuyuan. It is said that the woman was born with a gentle and unparalleled beauty, but she was devoted to Taoism, except for her practice. There is no distracting thoughts outside, which is called Dao Chi.

“Speaking of idiots and book idiots, everyone knows the source of the name, that is, the beauty of Taoism has always been extremely mysterious. The world only knows such a beauty in Xiling God Country, but they don’t know who is her last name and where she is now. “

Situ Yilan listened to her classmates curiously talking, and after hesitating for a while, said: “It is true that not many people know the name of that idiotic beauty, but I heard that she is now…the number one person in the temple’s adjudication department. “

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