Nightfall Chapter 126: Seven volumes of heavenly books (middle)

The cave is very high, with birds flying in and out above it. There is a two-story wooden building on the gentle **** outside the cliff. There is a square desk in front of the building and a gray-haired old scholar behind the desk.

Except for the Master, no one knows how many years this old scholar has stayed in the back mountain of the academy, no one knows his surname and his first name, and how old he is this year. From Ke Haoran to Ning Que, the people in the back mountain only know Old scholars have been reading books, copying books, and endorsing them all the time.

The academy calls him a scholar, and he is a scholar in the academy.

The Guanzhu stood in front of the desk, looking at the old scholar, smelling the pungent ink and the smell of Huangzhou bud paper. After a long silence, he suddenly laughed, with some emotion.

This is the college.

“Hello.” Guanzhu said to the scholar.

The reader seems to have not heard it, holding an old scroll in his left hand and a half-bald writing brush in his right hand, muttering something in his mouth, occasionally writing a few words on the paper, seeming to be making comments.

The subject increased his voice and asked: “Old sir, have you seen an old book?”

The scholar woke up, looked up at him, looked a little confused, didn’t know what he was talking about, and then became more sober, angry inexplicably because of being interrupted to study, and his eyebrows moved.

The watcher was not angry, and said, “A very old book.”

The scholar thought for a while, lifted the half-bald brush in his hand and dipped it with ink in the inkstone, and then wrote a word on the Huangzhou bud paper seriously, and the pen was solemnly like a mountain.

The ink is dripping and full of meaning.

A word “book”.

The scholar handed the wet paper to Guanzhu and said: “The book you want.”

The subject looked at this piece of paper quietly. Looking at the words on the paper, he was silent for a moment, and said: “Something interesting.”

He reached out to take the piece of paper, slowly and solemnly.

It’s really slow, like a mountain moving, and like the sky turning over a cloud, I don’t know how long it took before my fingertips touched the edge of the slightly rough bud paper.

With a light boom, the yellowish paper burned.

The paper burns slowly. The flames spread to both sides. The edges became ashes until they were about to burn their fingers, the master did not let go, nor did the scholars let go.

They looked at each other in silence.

“I have read many books.”

The master suddenly said: “Although I am not as obsessed with books as you. I read endlessly. But I have lived too long. So I read no less books than you.”

Time is really important, whether it is reading. Still practice.

The scholar did not speak, looking at the burning paper in his hand.

“Why is this book not in the city of Chang’an? Well, at that time it was not certain whether Ning Que could return to the city of Chang’an. The city of Chang’an where he was absent was indeed not as safe as the academy.”

The master watched the scholar calmly and said: “Li slowly handed over the heavenly book to you for safekeeping. It is correct, but unfortunately it is meaningless, because…the scholar is ultimately useless.”

The voice fell, the paper burned, nothing was left in the reader’s fingers, and the ashes slowly fell on his shoes, but there was still a piece of yellow paper in the master’s fingers.

The victory or defeat has been divided. The scholar looked at the mountain-like books on the table and the sea-like inkstone, and was silent for a long time. For the first time in his life, he had doubts about reading.

The watcher walked into the cliff cave with his hands, looked at the bookshelves about ten feet high on both sides of the cliff, and looked at the densely packed and difficult-to-read thousands of books, gently waving his sleeves.

A breeze came out from between the sleeves of the blue shirt, blowing slowly but softly in the cliff cave. The dust accumulated on the books was wiped off, and then sent to the corner, leaving a clean area.

Looking up the steps, came to a row of bookshelves on the fourth floor, and pulled out a book from it, just like a person who wanted to read a book at random, without making any choice.

That book is the Scriptures of Heaven.



The snow in Chang’an City stopped, the wind was quiet, the clouds cleared, and the red sun was shining on the world.

The watcher appeared outside the city.

This is his third time outside Chang’an City.

Ning Que was on the city wall twice before, and today is no exception.

He looked at Can Xueli’s observer who came slowly, and was silent.

“He got the seven books of heaven.”

Sangsang said, his face was a little pale, and he seemed a little afraid.

Ning Que laughed: “If you gather seven dragon balls, you can summon the Dragon God, and what can you do with the seven books of heaven? Summon Haotian? If he really wants to do this, just ignore him.”

He didn’t take off the iron bow on his shoulders, because the Yuan Thirteen Arrows had already been shot, and he had a vague feeling that even with the help of the Shocking God Array, Yuan Thirteen Arrows would hardly threaten the current viewers.

The seven heavenly books are finally together, what does this mean?

The academy has been speculating and calculating this matter, but there is no result. Except for the subject, no one knows the function of the seven books of heaven. Of course, Sangsang is very clear.

“How did I create it?”

“You? You were born to your mother.”

“This is not the time to tell jokes.”

“I am a little nervous now.”

Ning Que said after a moment of silence: “You have to allow me to tell some jokes.”

Sangsang said blankly, “I don’t allow it.”

“Well…If you mean Haotian, it is a collection of rules, generated between chaos.”

“No, I am a collection of objective rules and human subjective beliefs.”


“I am a human choice.” Sangsang turned to look at him, and said, “In this case, how can human beings choose me without any means to counterbalance me?”

Ning Que was silent.

He knew what Sangsang said was true.

Countless years ago, the ghost gambler who created the Dao Sect made a bet on behalf of mankind and gave the entire world to Haotian to guard, so he might have arranged a back-up in advance.

According to the legend, the seven-volume heavenly book in Zhishou Guan is the crystallization of Haotian’s will, or Haotian’s gift to mankind. In fact, it is the real way of controlling the world by Taoism.

With seven volumes of the heavenly book, you can cancel the gambling game countless years ago, you can invite Haotian from the kingdom of God, and you can return Haotian to chaos. Only the master of the Taoist can master this method.

The master of Taoism today walked to the front of Chang’an City with seven volumes of heavenly books.



“Is this the last resort of the door?”

Ning Que asked while holding the eye club, looking at the master under the city wall.

The subject calmly said: “Ke Haoran said that we are dogs, Lian Sheng said that we are dogs, the people in the academy, and many others, all said that our Taoist school is a dog, a dog of Haotian, but never People have thought that this iron chain is actually tied to each other’s necks. Humans are Haotian’s dogs, and Haotian is not a human’s dog.”

He looked at Sangsang next to Ning Que and said: “We enshrine you and let you have endless years and even eternity. Then you should be willing to eternal loneliness and silently guard the human world in the kingdom of God. You should sneak into the world to greet you for a while, don’t you think this is reasonable?”

Sangsang didn’t speak, his face became paler and paler. Even if she was extremely weak in the past, she had never been as afraid as she is now, because she clearly felt that the viewer has the ability to destroy herself.

Guanzhu took out a book from his arms.

In the depths of the blue sky, a thunder sounded.

This thunder is coming from the kingdom of God.



(Reluctant to write, I will write the last one tomorrow…I love you.) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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