Nightfall Chapter 114: Master of the Academy

Although Shuyuan Houxiao is the only unknowable karma that is connected to the world… but after all, it has a reputation as an unknowable place, which is naturally a bit mysterious to outsiders. Especially since Ke Hao, the disciples from the back mountain of the academy rarely appeared in the world, so not many people really know the place and who are there.

Don’t talk about the secular empire, the Xiling Temple, even if you are far away from the world’s Zhishouguan, Hanging Temple or Demon Sect, you only know the situation of the great madness in the mountain behind the academy, knowing that there are 13 masters behind the cloud The disciples are personally passed on, they are there to practice cultivation day and night, and their strength is unfathomable.

Among all the direct disciples of the Master, the most famous are the second brother Junmo and Chen Pipi. The so-called fame here is of course the reputation of the uppermost circle in the practice world. The second brother’s reputation lies in his The pride and confidence of the world is well known, Chen Pipi is because he was considered by the Haotian Taoist to be a real genius hard to find in the world shortly after he was born, and was recognized by Zhishouguan.

The only thing I know about the elder brothers in the academy is that the man is a scholar, often holding a book in his hand and a water scoop tied around his waist. He travels with the master all the year round in various countries, and few people can see him. Seeing him, and no one has ever really fought him.

However, no one has ever dared to despise this college master.

Because the academy master is the only person qualified to travel the world with the master, and the perverted and proud Jun Mo sighs whenever he mentions his brother, and then expresses his supreme respect with the most unquestionable expression.

There are many powerful, proud and confident people in this world, such as the middle-aged man… But these people meditate in the middle of the night and ask themselves, surely no one dares to say that they are stronger, proud and confident than the monster Jun Mo, so as long as there is no Really crazy people will not try to challenge the academy masters.

So when an ordinary scholar appeared next to Ning Que, the fist that had been fighting for decades, even the fist that could not stop it from a hundred thousand mountains, had to stop abruptly.

The middle-aged man has not seen each other, but he saw the water scoop tied around the scholar’s waist and the book randomly inserted, so he knows that the other party is the senior brother of the academy… There is no reason, very sure.

Because the master of the college is just the master of the college…” Whether he is walking in the rut of the wasteland with the scroll…or squatting in the creek to fetch water, as long as you see him, you can know that he is The legendary academy master.

Because there is only one academy, and the academy has only one big brother.

Fighting with that man for many years in the world…So even though I was meditating for many days by the Hulan Sea, trying to isolate the past from the past, and acting against the sky, I still stopped my fists by being held by too much red spirit. Of middle-aged men are different.

Ye Su, standing on the top of the snow peak, has always wanted to challenge the academy master.

He is the heir of Zhishouguan, Haotian Taoist’s most powerful contemporary world walking, Fourteen Years Tao… He was so proud and conceited when he was a teenager, and he can best understand the pride of Mr. Ke and the second senior brother Junmo The meaning contained in conceit, so he will respect and respect the scholar who has never met because of Jun Mo’s attitude.

But he will never miss the opportunity to challenge each other, because of his pride and self-confidence in his youth… because of the calm and joy of the scholar on the black line, he gradually faded away, turning into silence and loneliness.

He knows very well that he who walks the world with a wooden sword on his back in silence and loneliness… is much stronger than the proud and conceited himself, but he always wants to find those lost things… so he must meet the line that year That person.

This and thought can even be called the emotion of desire. In these years, as the realm of practice has become deeper and deeper, and as his understanding of the world has become clearer and clearer, it has become more and more in his heart. The stronger.

Even more intense than the sun’s rays above the snow peaks.

Fourteen years later, he finally met the scholar, and he also had an opportunity to challenge each other.

For that volume of heavenly book, the middle-aged man walked on the lake and ice and wanted to kill him. If Shuniu didn’t want to watch that… the guy named Ning Que died like this, he would definitely take action.

Ye Su is not sure if the scholar does not move, he can force the opponent to make a move, but since the opponent is showing signs and ready to make a move, then he is confident that he can make this encounter a reality because he can make the move first.

The thin wooden sword is suspended in the midair at the top of the snow peak.

The sun is so bright.

The wooden sword has become a golden sword.

The powerful and pure Dao Sword aura has completely suppressed the small water pool on the mountainside.

The white snow on the top of the snow peak was crushed by the sword’s breath into boulders harder than fine iron. Those boulders refracted the sunlight into colorful colors, as if it had become a piece of agate jewelry.

This is the most powerful Dao sword Ye Su has ever used in his life. It contains the supreme wisdom of the Haotian Dao Sect. He has been practicing asceticism for more than ten years, traveling around the world for more than ten years, and he has been dead. Realized the ultimate sword intent of life and death.

When Dao Jian ignored the long distance and fell into the ether of the water pool, Ye Su sighed deep in his heart. He himself was moved by this sword, feeling that perfection and purity were extremely pure, without a trace of dust. .

At that time, the scholar by the water pool raised his head and glanced at Xueyu Peak with some surprise. The worn-out padded jacket on his body was covered with dust, leaving traces of thousands of miles, but it felt clean. To the extreme.

I don’t know how long it has passed, maybe a long time, maybe just a glance at the scholar.

The boulders on the top of the snow peak gradually melted and merged into a very fine stream.

Ye Su, standing on the bank of the snow cliff, slowly lowered his head and looked at the stagnant water beside his feet, unable to see the expression on his face.

Condensed with ten thousand beams of sunlight, the pure and powerful sword intent of life and death, instantly crushed the snow into ice, but the ice melted at this time, which can only explain the sword intent that should have gathered like light , Is actually slowly leaking out.

The thin wooden sword returned to his hands at some point.

The scholar by the pool on the mountainside has disappeared.

Ye Su showed a mocking smile on his face, and a bleak blood flowed from the corner of his lips.

To mock himself is naturally to mock himself.

Knowing the other party for many years, I have been quietly eager to meet for many years. However, once I really met, the most powerful Dao Sword I could use was unable to suppress the opponent at all, even leaving the opponent for a longer time. Can’t do it.

The incomparably powerful Zhishouguan successor who broke through the deadlock failed to keep the scholar.

The scholar appeared next to Ning Que in the valley, calmly asking that martial arts pinnacle expert to take his fist.

There is an academy in the south of Chang’an city, and there is a big brother in the back of the academy, and in the words of the second brother who is famous for his pride and conceit, the reason why the big brother is a big brother is naturally because he is ranked in the academy. the first.

Whether he is practicing Yiqi Nongqin, painting, embroidery or cooking, he ranks first.

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