Nightfall Chapter 112: Come and go

Before the big brother came, Ning Que left without hesitation, because he was going to take the seriously injured Sangsang away. At this time, he did not hesitate to come back, not repeatedly, although he often said he was a villain. That’s because he knew that the big brother was about to face despair. In this case, he had to go back. Otherwise, even if he returned to Chang’an, until the war was finally won and the wishes of all beings were met, but the brother was gone, how could he look at that world with peace of mind?

It’s just that he didn’t think that he was still coming back late. He didn’t hear the words said by the master, naturally he didn’t think of the meaning of the words to the alcoholics, and he didn’t think of the great practitioners like alcoholics. , Would be so shameless, would be so insidious to carry out a sneak attack on the big brother.

Seeing the big brother bleeding, and seeing the sword in the pot remaining in his body, he seemed to feel the same way. The pain and anger were extreme, and his eyes were red. Where can I take care of the cliff in front of him?

He held the drunkard and slammed into the cliff like a stone.

The drunkard’s face is pale. As a great practitioner of no distance, the thing he most taboo is to get close to the martial arts peak powerhouse or the demon dao powerhouse like Ning Que Yu Lian, and at this time, he is Ning Que was locked up in a sneak attack. How could he avoid the cliff that rushed toward him?

At the last moment of life and death, this great practitioner who has experienced eternal night and has the richest experience or wisdom on how to survive exploded with rare energy.

A scream shot out from his lips, and the thinness of the heaven and earth in the Tianqi Mountain Range was attracted by his vast thoughts, layered in the air in front of him.

Each layer of heaven and earth breath is very thin, thinner than paper, but countless layers of heaven and earth vitality are superimposed, like countless sheets of paper. Not only has the thickness, but also is extremely able to relieve force.

In such a short period of time, the alcoholic has summoned and reconstructed hundreds of layers of the atmosphere of heaven and earth. This seems simple, but it actually shows an unimaginable powerful realm!

An invisible swamp suddenly appeared in front of the hard cliff.

Ning Que hugs the alcoholic. Like a flowing fire stone, blasted into this swamp.

A loud noise sounded between the cliffs. Because the impact was not very fragile, it was not a bang, but a hum. It sounds like a heavy hammer hitting a thick paper.

If it is such a thick stone, it may also be broken by a hammer.

But if countless papers are stacked together, they cannot be crushed.

The alcoholic snorted, and the corners of his lips were dripping with blood, and the three wisps of hair were wet.

Ning Que snorted. His face became extremely pale, and the old ribs injured by Long Qing at Yaozihai in Yanjing broke off again, and the clothes on his chest were stained with blood.

Neither of them died.

A cobweb-like crack appeared on the cliff wall, and two people were in the center of the web.

Ning Que stepped on the cliff wall and stepped out of the denser cracks, with the help of the huge counter shock. With the body of the drunkard, once again fell towards the hard rocky ground!

The tendency to fall is extremely fast!

At the same time, he strangled the throat of the alcoholic with his arms, and suddenly exerted his force, his forehead slammed into the back of the alcoholic’s head, and his right knee was raised sinisterly and hit the alcoholic’s perineum!

He is best at close combat, beating Ada and banging to death until he kills Long Qing on the river of anger. The last thing he relied on was his body, except for Ye Hongyu, no one was his opponent at all.

The problem is that in terms of spiritual practice, there is a huge gap between him and the alcoholic. If it is a normal battle, he can’t even get close to the opponent, how to attack? At this time, relying on the sneak attack and the big brother’s destiny to remember the gods of the world, he was extremely rare to lean against the other party, of course he should cherish this opportunity.

Treasure, use natural means!

In the distance of hundreds of meters falling to the ground, it was enough for him to use an iron arm to directly strangle the alcoholic to death, even if he couldn’t, he would use his fist to smash the alcoholic to death!

The drinker screamed again and again, the hip flask in his left hand suddenly became larger, blocking Ning Que’s arm that was holding his throat, and his right hand drew a sword from the flask, stabs at Ning Que from various unimaginable degrees. go with.

Because the hip flask was blocking, Ning Que’s arms couldn’t choke the alcoholic’s throat.

The hip flask represents the boundless realm.

At the same time, he found that his attack could not touch the body of the alcoholic!

Because of that **** sword.

Before today, few people knew that the real life of the drunkard was not the hip flask, but the sword in the pot. Today, he finally officially released the sword. The first sword severely injured the big brother, and he can meet his strength.

The sword lights flashed chaotically between the cliff walls, and there was no vertical and horizontal meaning, but it was extremely sharp and strange. Those sharp sword intent passed through the alcoholic’s own armpits, and some even passed between his legs. Stabbed to Ning Que.

Ning Que attacked the drunkard’s yin foot and was blocked by the sword, but his forehead was about to hit the back of the alcoholic’s head. At this moment, the alcoholic’s sword arrived in a strange way.

The drunkard crossed his sword, as if snarling himself, but the sword’s edge passed from his neck, piercing the center of Ning Que’s eyebrows so wonderfully.

Faced with such a sword, anyone must avoid it, even instinctively, looking at the sword shadow in his eyes, he would also want to avoid it, but Ning Que did not, because his eyes were already red, what I can’t see it.

He didn’t see the alcoholic sword at all, and slammed it down.

With a crisp sound, the sword broke.

Ning Que’s eyebrows were pierced with blood. This time, his eyes were really stained red.

Although he was cut off by that sword, he finally succeeded in attacking the alcoholic, although the last remaining power could no longer directly smash the alcoholic’s head.

The alcoholic screamed in rage, unable to hide his pain.

Li Xiao stopped suddenly, because they had fallen to the ground.

There was a loud bang, cliffs and rocks flew around, smoke and dust filled.

Ning Que’s body was shaken off.

The smoke and dust gradually gathered, and the scene gradually cleared. I saw the drinker holding the hip flask in his left hand. The flask was half sunken in the hard rock. There was blood everywhere on his body, especially in the back of his head.

Ning Que’s face and in front of him are also full of blood.

Both of them looked terrible.

The drunkard looked at him with blood on his lips, his eyes were extremely cold and terrifying, and he looked really non-human.

“You… actually… dare to attack me?”

His voice is also extremely cold, as if not human.

Because he was extremely angry at this time.

He never thought that he would be caught by a junior who could not cross the Five Realms. Forced into such an embarrassing situation, what made him even more angry is that he was really almost killed by the opponent!

All of this, he thought it was because Ning Que was a sneak attack, otherwise why?

Ning Que has never seen such a shameless person.

Although he was ashamed of the college. But I also feel that the other party is too shameless.

Sneak attack… Didn’t you attack my brother before?

“You… actually… dare to attack me?”

Listening to the alcoholic condescending, indifferent and angry, but still narcissistic and proud, so intermittently questioning, Ning Que’s voice has no emotion, and he replied: “I dare to **** you, so what?”



What can be done? Can’t do it.

Ning Que nowadays has a realm more than the highest in the world. There is still an insurmountable distance. If he is not in Chang’an City, it is difficult for him to defeat major practitioners like the alcoholic, but Ning Que also has a very special advantage because he is in the spirit of spiritual cultivation, and because he and Sangsang are in the Buddha. Double repairs on the chessboard for thousands of years. His body is extraordinarily strong. From his toes to his internal organs, it is difficult to be fatally injured. When he looked at the leaving Sangsang at the head of Chang’an City, it was very difficult for him to squeeze his heart, let alone being killed by the enemy. Hurt?

He has not repaired the legendary Demon Sect immortality, but now he is not steamed, cooked, beaten, fried, and sounded like a copper pea. You can defeat him, but it’s hard to kill him, so he can be a piece of brown candy that can’t be thrown off, cannot be torn off, and can stalk you to death!

Long Qing prepared countless methods in order to kill him. In the end, he only killed him until he lost too much blood. He still failed. Although the alcoholic showed the strange kendo methods hidden in the bottom of the box today, he really wanted to kill Ning Que. , Is not an easy task if he really tries. It was the picture Ning Que wanted to see.

At this time there are four people among the cliffs.

View the Lord, the big brother, the alcoholic, and Ning Que.

Sangsang has entered Helan City.

Although no one knows why she must enter Helan City, it is clear that she is confident that as long as she enters Helan City, she can get rid of the chase of the master and the alcoholic. Successfully returned to Chang’an.

“Kill her.”

The voice of the master rang from the cliff, calm and firm, without any hesitation.

This sentence is for alcoholics.

The alcoholic glanced at Ning Que, then disappeared.

Ning Que suddenly felt a little cold, because he saw the look in his eyes before the alcoholic left.

The drunkard’s eyes are cold and cruel, and the meaning is clear. I am going to kill her now, what can you do? You can only watch her being killed by me.

The second sentence rang from the cliff, from the big brother.

“Go! Take her back to Chang’an!”

Ning Que looked at the blood-covered senior brother, looked at the wooden stick he was still holding calmly before his eyebrows, looked at the broken sword on his body, and didn’t know what to do.

He sneaked an attack on the alcoholic, only half of his success. Next, he wanted to join forces with his seniors to look for opportunities with life and death, at least to ensure that Sangsang stayed away safely.

It only took one sentence for the master to break his arrangement.

The main station is the highest, so you can see the farthest.

Now the weakest link between the cliffs is not Ning Que, but outside the cliffs.

The weakest person now is Haotian, she.

The alcoholic went to kill her.

What can Ning Que do?

Stay to help the seriously injured senior brother, or to rescue the seriously injured Sangsang?

If you take care of this, you will lose the other.

The big brother spoke again.

With only one sentence, he broke the subjective game.

“I will not die.”

Brother never lied.

Ning Que believes this, and believes in the end of this story. He will not cry and say, brother, why did you not lie in your life, why did you lie to me in the end, because elder brother really does not lie.

He jumped off the cliff and ran towards Helan City.

Today, among the cliffs, he left and returned, and returned and left.

It is often the same in human affairs. It seems complicated and even boring, but I have to do it, because we have to do it no matter whether we leave, come back or leave again.



(Report three things to everyone, three more things, very important, please see the last.

1. Regarding the official account of a certain letter, my account is maoni1118, please add it, um, keep the contact between you and me, this is really important, of course, there will be a lottery, small Spoilers, red envelopes, and other fun activities.

Second, I strongly recommend our dear Sister Sandbag’s “new book”: “Masters of Institutions in the Other World”. This is a family recommendation. I sincerely invite everyone to come and appreciate it.

Three, three more tomorrow.

Well, I like the last one the most. It’s the same as yesterday, and it’s very light and light, and it feels light and light to say something particularly awesome. )

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