Netheril Glory Chapter 90: Phantom Spider

   Faced with an enemy who suddenly fell from the sky, Punk did not have time to look up. His first reaction was to bless himself without any hesitation. A formal magic of the conjuration Department-Extreme Speed ​​Blasting

   Extreme speed blast: convert a large amount of etheric energy into kinetic energy, attach it to an object and sprint it in any direction at ten times the speed of sound!

  Using this magic that can accelerate in a short time, Punk easily avoided the attack from the sky. The excessive speed caused him to break several trees in a row before listening, but this also succeeded with the enemy. Opened the distance!

On the way to sprint, Punk did not forget to look up at the transparent filament that appeared on the trunk. He did not hesitate to use a kinetic energy to burst and destroy several trees.

   It is obvious that these filaments were hidden by illusions before, and the enemy has been hiding on top of his head!

   is protected by the mage’s armor, and even a trace of wood chips is not on his body, and the flame created by the spell has passed over time and disappeared, so he can be said to have escaped this time unharmed. s attack!

   stood up from the broken wood in one place, blessed himself with instant swiftness and deviated position again, and then ordered Golem No. 1 who was still in place to stop the enemy and finish all the defensive means, Punk only has time to observe this monster!

   The enemy’s sharp long Ao deeply penetrated the ground, and the rocks on the ground were torn to pieces, and the damp dust quickly degraded, and the monster figure gradually revealed!

   It is a deformed spider with a height of more than three meters. This spider looks like a big fat man. His body is very huge, but the eight pairs of arthropods are extremely short. If it is not the iconic eight eyes, Punk is almost I thought this guy was the big green worm that popped out.

   But although his body is bloated, the fat spider can move fast enough. When he finds that his attack has not hit, he immediately pulls out Ao teeth and screams and rushes towards Punk!

   But it apparently ignores the flesh golem next to it.

   Seeing the fat spider rushing straight towards him, Punk did not hesitate to order Golem No. 1 to rush forward to resist.

   Received Punk‘s order, Golem No.1 groaned violently, its claws lingered with pale red abyss energy, and every muscle of the body was tightly stretched, facing the fat spider Can’t avoid it, directly hit the front!


   A huge shock wave overturned the surrounding trees and rocks, and the scattered stones left a deep hole in a thick tree with a speed no less than a bullet!

   Golem No. 1 and the fat spider hit hard together. Although the spider’s impact ability was extremely strong, Golem No. 1 was slammed back a few meters, and its strong legs were plowed out on the ground. Deep imprints, but the fat spider that slammed into Golem No. 1 was more uncomfortable. The armor on its head showed a large crack, and the green blood flowed out. The fat spider howled and horrified. Mixed with endless anger and a trace of fear.

   However, the sharp scream unexpectedly did not disturb any birds or beasts in the forest!

  Punk looked calmly at the giant spider stopped by Golem No.1. He was not worried that the sound of battle would alarm the enemy. As long as the other party’s sneak attack came, Punk had released a magic to block the spread of the sound. .

  conjuration series magic-mute area: forming a wide spherical area covering a large area, the ordinary sound vibration in this area will stop at the boundary of the area!

  With this field, Punk can safely deal with this monster.

   Judging from the big spider’s charge, the opponent’s attack power is not high. At least Ju Ao does not have any energy entangled, but simply sprints with brute force. The defensive means seem to only have a very strong carapace.

   The most important thing is that Punk found that the spider cave hidden by the phantom has been revealed. The mysterious dark cave is hidden in a common corner of the woodland. The side of the cave is covered by thick spider webs. These spider webs actually still There are traces of runes. From the rune’s point of view, this circle should be a combination of defense and gain. A triggering warning circle is also connected next to it. At the same time, it also adds a mute method inside. Array!

   It should be the role of the defensive circle that resisted the Punk spell fire attack just now, and the alert circle was not triggered because it was not destroyed, and the gain circle………

  Punk a lot of fat spiders who are using blood red eyes and a lot of Golem No.1…

   “It seems that the Gaming Array should strengthen the abilities of this big spider, as for what abilities are strengthened…”

  Punk gently lifted the Emerald Staff.

   I saw a threatening hiss or two of the fat spiders who ate deflated in Golem No. 1, and a bright magic model suddenly flashed on the carapace of the body. I saw that the giant spider suddenly separated two identical. ‘S avatar, this monster abruptly used the official magic-mirror avatar!

  Official grade conjuration Department magic mirror avatar: creating two identical physical images to confuse opponents, but the attributes of the avatar are only 1% of the body, which is extremely fragile.

  Note: Nearly half of the magic power at the time of avatar will be used to perform an ultra-short distance space replacement.

   I was surprised to see this bloated monster actually use magic, Punk, not because it will use magic, it will use more magic monsters, what really surprised Punk is that this monster’s magic actually Used so well!

   blessed the “eyes of true sight” Punk and looked at three identical fat spiders back and forth, but even after using system analysis, Punk still could not distinguish the true and false of the three-headed spider.

   This situation can’t help making Punk Seen from the incongruously modified Life Energy in the spider, the guy who “made” this creature is not a generation master, there are many places on the big spider The transformation is purely sufficient, which leads to this guy is almost the weakest official creature Punk has seen. To be honest, after removing the somewhat illusory illusion ability, this guy’s various attributes can be called nothing.

   But this peculiar illusion ability is really very powerful, at least much stronger than the temptation demon encountered in the abyss, Punk has not found any flaws from beginning to end.

   “Sure enough, this guy is a “gatekeeper” who specializes in hiding portals. The combat ability is not so different, but with the gain of the magic circle’s ability to target illusions, sneak attack on hiding is a good hand.”

  Punk prepared magic while secretly analyzing.

  After observation, Punk found that the magic circle engraved at the entrance of the spider cave has been transmitting energy to this big spider, but the fighting ability of the fat spider is still very sad, so Punk is easy to judge. This magic circle The gain is specifically for the illusion-making ability of the fat spider, which also explains the source of the extraordinary illusion ability of the big spider.

   “It turned out to be just using the power of magic circle”.

  He was relieved in his heart. If the owner of the spider cave can easily give a monster a flawless illusion ability, then Punk should consider turning around and running, able to create a monster with such a powerful ability to see the strength of the door. These are not what the current Punk can provoke.

   But…Since the big spider in front of me is just a fake and awesome………then there is nothing to say.

  Punk controlled the magic heart that had been prepared and secretly sneered.


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