Netheril Glory Chapter 1121: Block

? As planned by a sinister morning star mage, he almost didn’t need to expend his effort, the magic barrier of the Horaka line of defense had collapsed and collapsed in a roaring thunder.

Because of the loss of stable energy supply, the pale green protective shield that went straight into the sky was almost irremediable in an instant. It became a flying debris scattered all over the sky, accompanied by such a magnificent defensive barrier In order to crush the powder, tens of thousands of secondary lords and even the Morning Star Demon began to flow out of the many common legendary abyss rifts or morning star-level abyss rifts in the distant Karams empire border. !

At this time, at the moment of magic, the real disaster finally arrived!

The scarlet tide has completely transformed into an unstoppable chaotic ocean. The sea of ​​demons that slay each other while killing each other has really covered almost every piece of the vast deserted plains. The most terrible thing is how much time it takes. , A strange energy wave that seemed to be responding to some kind of call came to this devastated land immediately following the destruction of the Horaka line of defense.

This special energy containing the power of the mysterious soul is undoubtedly not a simple thing with low technical content. Its fluctuation effect appears almost completely out of thin air and quickly covers every inch of space in the entire Karams Empire. Under the influence of this weird soul level, many Bloodthirst crazy demons naturally began to rush to the location of the Mesur’s Yaori Magic Tower.

They are terrible abyss demons, they can easily jump across the mountains and hills into the clouds, they pass the chaos to tear all the material and energy blocking them in front of them, the abyss breath they carry almost formed A series of heavy tornadoes followed the world………

This is the real abyss invasion, this is the real demon offensive, presumably when the loud deafening roar roared over the occupied land of Karams, when the demon army behind the fissures I don’t know why it’s suddenly converging towards the moment of advancement. Even the radiant spellcaster who owns a radiant magic tower is destined to avoid the edge in the face of the endless wave of abyss.

“Damn it, Sayan, you bastard! What the **** did you do? Did you destroy the Horaka line of defense? Did you come up with so many secondary lords? It was you who planned this despicable The conspiracy? Haven’t you already killed Ibeefir, what do you want? Are you not afraid of the horror anger of a shining professional? Damn…no no no…I still have Opportunity to save, I’m going to close those rifts, I’m going to talk to the guys in the Pantheon, I’m not done yet, I’m not done…”

Turning his head to glance at the pieces of half-energy wreckage falling from the sky, and he was horrified to feel the wave of demons flying from the distant horizon line to the Karams Empire, a fat star trembling violently The wolf of the world, Donnela, finally had no way to continue to stand calmly in front of the expressionless “whisper of destruction” across Benito’s insignificant small city.

He knows that as a loyal “dogleg” who cannot resist Methul now, he must perform his duties as soon as possible to find a way to rush before more demon lords come to the plane of Feren. In the abyss rift that came, he also knew that anyhow, as an ally of a “good and lawful” camp League of Legends, he must now go to the Pantheon to send morning star-level priests to help the “innocent poor” to clean up evil.

And on this basis, he actually knows more……… Now that he has actually smashed all the tasks assigned by his boss, if he does not rush to remedy to reduce the loss, his temper will become more irritable. Certainly will not let go of a waste that is not enough.

“It’s just… It’s just a small mistake. I’m going to redeem these trivial mistakes………Yes, I still have a chance”!

Can’t wait for the still expressionless Punk to give an answer, and immediately started to release Donnella, who sent magic, and even sweat on his forehead. It was too late to try to rush to the border area of ​​Karams to restore the situation, although The “Wolf of the Stars”, where many key intelligences know nothing, may not be able to understand why the “Abyssal War” that was supposed to be carried out normally will suddenly become what it is today, but he has no time to think too much… ………

Yes, of course he didn’t have time to think about it, because he hadn’t waited until the portal with its nine-color brilliance was fully formed, and the cold edge formed behind Donnella had already been aimed. The head of “Wolf of the Stars” came flying.

Morning Star conjuration Department magic-Destruction Flashblade!


The violent buzzing tremolo set off a tremendous shock heat wave, and the law of destruction turned into fragments accompanied by a flicker of bright and fluorescent materialized energy runes suddenly blasted in all directions, the power of the morning star level hit the first In a short time, the entire city of Benidorm was directly smoothed. The shock wave compressed to the limit did not stop until the evaporation of all matter within a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

Undoubtedly, this is the first encounter between “Wolf of the Stars” and “Whisper of Destruction”. As the price of resisting a sneak attack by the morning star magic, Donnela’s outermost magic defense has been Became fragmented.

Punk-Sian, you are too bully”!

Half kneeling on a piece of glazed clean ground from afar, like a big meat ball, the obese mage wearing bloated and gorgeous costumes can be described as hysterical at this and it seems that until this endure After a vicious sneak attack, this good-tempered guy was finally blown away because he was forced into a dead end-know that until the moment before Punk attacked without saying a word, he basically understood that all crisis situations are in harmony. “Don’t whisper” Donnela just wanted to save the situation and not want to have a violent conflict with anyone.

But it’s a pity that the “Star Huskies” are almost good-tempered to show off their enemies in a weak way, but they don’t get a peaceful and friendly result. After all, Punk, who never cares about others’ thoughts, won’t be affected by the enemy’s stupid “humility”. Convergence, not to mention his task is to block any “excess guy” who wants to prevent the wave of demons from invading Karams.

So even in the face of Augustine who is finally full of murderous intentions, the “destroying whisper” that has been silently preparing for the morning star’s move will only be very calm and taunting:

“Too deceiving too much? Poor idiot, I just want to invite you to be a qualified bystander quietly. Of course, no matter whether some people are willing or not, I never plan to ask an idiot for advice. “.

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