NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 814: Tiandao Shiyu, is it you? ?

The body is broken, and the warrior’s body disappears quickly, leaving the black flame sword falling and floating on the ground.

In the next second, part of the demon fog gathers, condenses, and re-forms into a human figure, forming a new one-armed samurai body, and the remaining demon fog stops violent, calms down, and shrinks into the original black-red streamer.

As if nothing happened, the samurai continued to move forward into the deep white mist.

The red torii stands in front of him.

The samurai approached, and the Torii immediately shook, and quickly changed from red to black.

At the moment when it completely changed color, the samurai passed through it. The mist was raging, and the chill was like ice, but it couldn’t stop his footsteps.

Flowers are falling and the shrine emerges from the mist.

Haruji and others stood in front of the shrine and saw a one-armed warrior walking alone.

“This is …” Seeing the look of a samurai, Haruji instantly recalled the violent gesture of someone who had been seen during the blood wine ceremony, “Rain in heaven?”

This samurai looks like the Berserker version of Shidao Shiyu at that time, is he?

When Haruhi was confused, the samurai seemed to see no one at all, but walked.

“It’s raining in heaven, are you !?” Qing Si asked loudly.

The samurai’s movement stopped for a moment.

No answer.

Continue walking.

He just walked in silently, it brought tremendous pressure to everyone on Qing Si’s side!

“You all back.” Haruji instructed the partners.

Whether this one-armed samurai is in heaven or not, its strength is obvious. I am afraid that only he can confront him directly.

Xia Ye and others followed the instructions and immediately stepped back.

They can feel that each other is very dangerous. They look like human beings, but they seem to be some kind of extremely horrible existence. They are similar to those large monsters encountered in the general strategy field, but the intensity is not a level at all.

While the partners quickly retreated, Haruji welcomed the samurai.

The samurai raised his black flame sword.

In the next instant, his figure suddenly disappeared, a lightning flash came out, bringing out the streamer trail, the blade pointed directly at Qing Si’s chest

Yao Sheng Crescent Flow “passes the heart”!

Construction of “God Mind Body”!

Spirit knife “White Lotus”!

Qingji casts the magic instantly, and the golden spirit body condenses and appears, forming a white spirit knife on his right hand, and stabs towards the samurai! !!

Boom! !!

The black flame blade penetrates the mind body, the Heiyan spiral Yu Wei spreads more than ten meters, but the white spirit knife collapses in front of the samurai.

This is expected by Haruji.

Cursing the Shadow Spike!

The disintegrated spirit knife shattered, and deadly black spikes shot from it, piercing the samurai’s mask!

Hmm … avoid.

The samurai avoids the real attack a little bit wrongly, the body spins, the sword sweeps towards the body of Haruji

Yagyu Crescent Flows “Dry Water”!

With the loud booming sound, Hei Yan spreads like a small tsunami on a large scale! !!

Qingji jumped to the top in time, and the Bailian Spirit Sword was condensed on his hand, and the mind body was reconstructed.

The warrior does not escape, he waves his sword to meet, collides with the blades of both, bursts of flame, and rebounds back!

The next kill will be

Evil God “Sentenced to death”!

The black flame streamer flashed by, the golden spirit body was cut and collapsed for the second time, and Qing Si barely blocked the powerful cut and flew out seven or eight meters away.

At this time, it is almost certain that this is the heavenly rain!

The opponent’s sword skills made him feel familiar. More than 90% of them may be rain in heaven, and less than 10% may be others who can use the same sword skills.

Why does Tiandao appear here in this posture! ?

Did he join the messenger organization? Or was it used by messenger organizations?

It’s possible.

Although I do n’t know much about it, Seiji thinks that the rain in the heavens is a kind of person who can be used more easily.

He didn’t know exactly what caused this change that was different from the extinction line.

But in any case, it was the Seiji reading the file that changed the course that caused this situation. To a certain extent, it is his responsibility to make Rain look like this when in heaven.

Then take responsibility.

“Town Magic Clock”!

The golden Brahma bell appeared, suppressing the evil **** warrior, but was broken in less than two seconds.

Haruji re-constructed the mindfulness body again, instead of resisting it, but dealing with it. At the same time, he opened his own distance and continuously cast various spells!

The deity body, which is not weak in itself, was as fragile as a piece of paper before the samurai blade, and it was chopped again and again. However, under the ingenious control of Haruji, the mission of holding the samurai was successfully achieved.

If Xia Ye and other people perform this kind of action, they will be dancing with the **** of death. How many people are used and how many lives are not enough!

The one-armed warrior is invincible.

At least no one present was able to fight him close to him, not even the God of Harukami. If his various killing moves could still be avoided or resisted, the power of the killing after the knife Open! It is the power of evil.

After being continuously hit by spells, the streamer around the samurai body is dim.


Suddenly he trembled and made a cry of pain. The curse of his body shone with scarlet light. The streamer violently expanded into a dense mist, and then suddenly formed a huge umbrella-like enchantment!

The lightsaber shot by Haruhi is blocked by this umbrella-like enchantment, without causing any damage.

It appears to be the second stage.

“Do it!” After he made his judgment, he shouted at his distant partners.

Xia Ye and others who have been brewing spells or skills under his instructions have cast out at this moment! !!

Instantaneously, storms and thunderstorms, ice spikes, sharp blades of light blades, insect sea ghost groups … Various high-powered long-range attacks flood into one-armed warriors like a fierce flood! !! !!

The rumbling sound of deafening noises burst out.

The Samurai Umbrella Blocks all this offensive!

But this also means that he just took this offensive, the power consumption is relatively large, and the umbrella enchantment has narrowed as a result.

Evil God “Break and Slash”!

The one-armed samurai raised his sword, and the flames ignited into the sky. As the blade fell, a huge black flame spiral swept across the distance!

Inverse curse “Long Looking Back”!

Qingji uses his mind to stand in front of his friends, casts a spell to resist the undertaking spiral of the black flame, and turns back into a golden dragon to fight back! !!

In the moment of successful counterattack, the divine mind body collapsed sadly again because of bearing too strong power.

The samurai rushed towards Haruji’s body while Golden Dragon counterattacked.

Haruji casts a defensive method to resist his onslaught, let Jinlong bombard with himself and the samurai! !!

The dazzling light burst, and fierce collision sounded in it.

“Qingji …” Xia Ye and others were all worried.

Then they were surprised to see that most of the golden dragon light that bloomed together with the streamer that later appeared, reunited to form another divine body, flashing the divine blazing light.

“Light of God” evolution version of Holy Light!

Touch! !! The body of Harumi was split and flew by the samurai.

Peng! !! The samurai was split into flying by the evolutionary version.

Like the grievances that have been cut so many times, the evolutionary version of Divine Mind has burst into amazing power! It chased the one-armed warrior continuously and slashed from the ground to the air and from the air to the ground. Finally, it penetrated the warrior’s body with a spirit knife and cut it in half! !! !!

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