NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 759: She is a dream

The scene is quiet again.

“You shouldn’t give my number to others.” Zhenhong said, “Although I don’t seem to say that you are not allowed to do this, you should know this.”

Qiqiu silent.

“I have no objection to making a boyfriend, but I will never easily admit it.” Zhenhong continued calmly.

“Even more than 80% of male and female friends in high school will break up. The feelings that you think will last forever are actually very fragile, just like a glass made of ice, it will break when you fall. Even if you do n’t fall, it will pass over time And melt. “

“The more you invest during the relationship, the more you will regret after breaking up. You should understand this.”

“Don’t get too addicted to this adolescent game, or you will end up suffering yourself.”

“… You’re right, Dad.” Chiaki responded indifferently.

“But I have been addicted to it and want to play this game with him for a lifetime.”

“Even if you can’t do it, you will regret it and it will be painful … I think it’s worth it.”

“This is just what you think now.” Zhenhong looked at her. “In the future, your thoughts will definitely change.”

“Maybe … but I won’t forget.” Chiaki looked at each other as well.

The famous artist stared at his daughter’s face.

“You will forget.” After a moment of silence, he turned his gaze and said coldly.

The waiter brought the food.

Exquisite dishes in exquisite ceramic dishes and bowls are put on the table, and they have the beauty of art.

Not only does it look beautiful, but the taste is also good, but Chiaki now thinks of Hariji’s meals.

At this time, Haruhi and they are eating dinner.

She wants to go back to that home and eat everyday meals with them rather than the exquisite cuisine in front of her.

Haruji took a bite of the bun.

The buns were bought from a convenience store. They are hot, full of fillings, and taste good.

Why eat buns? Because he is now outside, staying near the restaurant where Chiaki ate with his father.

Although respecting Chiaki’s thoughts made her face Wakaba Shinhiro alone, he never said that he would stay at home and wait.

Eating in that restaurant is also an option. Money is not a problem, but Qing Si prefers to go home for dinner after Xiao Shi’s dinner, so he just eats a bun to fill his belly.

At this moment, when something came near him, he turned his head and saw a gray-haired dog.

The dog’s eyes are longing for food.

After looking at it, Haruji took a piece from the bun and threw it in front of it.

The gray-haired dog bows his head and eats this bun, then looks at Haruji.

After Seiji finished eating the remaining buns, he spread his hands to show that the food had been consumed.

The grey-haired dog blinked and turned away in disappointment.

Haruji is still there, waiting in the wind.

After eating dessert, tea is the last.

Smell the fragrance of tea, take a sip slowly, taste the bitterness, and experience the sweetness of sweetness, as the end of this delicious meal.

“Dad … I want to know …”

“Nothing to say about your mother.” Zhenhong said faintly before her daughter finished, “Don’t bother, don’t think about it.”

“Why?” Chiaki asked.

“Because it doesn’t make sense.” Zhenhong’s eyes flickered, “It’s meaningless for you to know about the people who are no longer there.”

“In this case, all history is meaningless, and the school should cancel the history lesson.” Chiaki said coldly.

History lessons are impossible to cancel, so that sentence makes no sense.

“She is not history, not a famous important person, but a woman who has no influence on the world after she is gone.” Zhenhong said.

“The history you learned in school is like a famous painting. It has great value to the world and to human beings.”

“And your mother’s affairs are like graffiti for children. They are worthless to the world and are destined to disappear.”

“You haven’t paid attention to it all the time, that’s great, just keep paying attention …”

“I care !!!!” Chiaki shouted abruptly.

The expression of anger, sadness, resentment, helplessness on her face is very complicated.

“How could I not care! That’s my mother !!!”

“But you never tell me … except for some pictures that don’t see my face, I don’t know anything!”

“I want to know, but I don’t get the answer to ask you, so I can only care about myself.”

“But I don’t really care !!!” The girl’s voice was a little crying.

“I want to know my mother’s name, what kind of person she is, is she still in the world, where is the person, where is the grave, and where is the relic …”

“Even if these things are worthless to the world, they are of great value to me! Because I am her daughter!”

In the face of the sudden outburst of her daughter, Zhenhong’s eyes widened slightly, and she seemed shocked.

Tears shed from the corners of Chiaki’s eyes.

“Sorry, Dad …”

“You have raised me to such a big age that you haven’t treated me badly, I really appreciate it …”

“But … this is not normal …”

“I want to know … what is mom to you …”

“My daughter … to you … what exactly is it …”

Tear dripped into the tea bowl.

Zhenhong lowered her eyes and looked at the tea bowl for a long time, speechless.

After Chiaki calmed down, he took out a handkerchief and wiped his own tears.

At this time, she would like Haruji to be by her side.

She can feel the warmth even just holding his hand.

Are you calling for help?

As long as you take out your phone, dial a number or send a message, he will come right away!

The speed of coming must be fast … when you look at me like this, will you immediately start with Dad?

I had a conversation with Haruji, who pretended to be a bad boy, and suddenly had the urge to laugh.

Just thinking about it that way, you get courage.

Don’t rush to summon bad boyfriends, or it will not end well if you break your father’s bones.

While Chiaki was thinking so, the famous painter on the other side slowly looked at her again.

“It’s a dream …”

He said in a flat tone.

However, there are different emotions in the discourse.

Qian Qiu looked back and looked at the other side, and when he saw his father’s eyes under the black-rimmed glasses, he had a look he had never seen before.

“Your mother is a dream to me.”

“I remember some scenes with her, but I ca n’t remember her name and face …”

“About her memory … I think it’s important … but it might all be my fantasy …”

“Because everyone doesn’t know her … especially you, Chiaki.”

“In my” memory “, she is with you, taking care of you, loving you, raising you … you are the one who should know her best.”

“But in fact, you just said, you don’t know …”

Zhenhong stares deeply into Chiaki.

“So … she’s a dream.”

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