NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 667: You don’t know how many crimes your family has committed

Seeing that the rain is about to endure in heaven, there is no time to think about it.

Qing Siji instructed the calamity human figure to approach the past, and tried to contact the other person first.

Pure white spirits moved in front of the dark demon, reached out and touched the latter, and a sudden surge of black mist erupted!

“Woo ah ah ah,” Yu screamed sternly, and three spirals of spiral patterns on his head shone dazzling red light.

Haruji blocked the black mist with an enchantment and watched this scene carefully.

Suddenly the sound came to an abrupt end! The demon’s movement froze.

The next instant a large number of black hands shot from the fog behind it, grabbing Shi Yu all at once! !!

“What …” Haruhi was surprised.

Then you can see the extremely thick black mist flooding!

Mist is not only from the front, but also from the left, right, top, bottom, and back, covering all directions! !!

The field of vision is filled with darkness, the enchantment is instantly broken, and a strong sense of crisis surges. Huang Quan’s shouting, “Bullet Time” is launched, a huge and irresistible horror …

Read the file! !! !!

In the face of the sudden threat of death, too little time to think about, Seiji used his last resort.

The world is completely dark and everything is gone.


On a passenger ship to Baijin Island.

“It’s a bit boring to sit like this. I want to play cards with people. Does anyone want to play?”

The fine-eyed man in a fancy t-shirt and big shorts scratched his hair and said loudly.

Haruji watched this scene calmly before raising his hand to indicate that he wanted to join.

“Brother …”

“Just stay here.”

Let Xiao Shi stay in place, he joins the game alone.

Yuta Saito, Ota Luda, Mitsuko Kitashima, Yuzo Yoshihara … Facing these people again, especially Lu Tian, ​​Qing Si’s eyes flickered.

At this time, Lu Tian should not have joined the Revenge Alliance, that is, he has not yet known the leader.

Assuming the confederates are among these people, it is undoubtedly Yoshihara that is most suspicious.

The killer with the title of “Judge” is an avenger of revenge who is trying to kill the 7321 warriors and launch a “revolution” … This sounds reasonable.

However, the suspects of Kitashima are not low. And from another perspective, Saito, who first attracted attention but was inexplicably ignored, may be the real “inmate”.

It doesn’t make sense to guess and guess. This is not the detective theater. Let’s take the simplest method directly.

Things are the same as last time. Lu Tian offered gambling information, all of them accepted, and then Qingji lost the first game.

The answer to the first and second questions, he has not changed.

Until Lu Tian asked the third question, “Why take this boat”, he gave a different answer than the last time.

“Because I want to get in touch with the Avengers.”

At this point, the atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly felt solidified.

“Out of my own experience, I’m very interested in this alliance. I want to talk to the members … Of course, it’s best to see the sponsors.” Haruhi smiled.

Surveillance of Lu Tian on the ship is a way, but he doesn’t think it will succeed.

If you really want to see hidden bosses, you can directly show that you are interested in the alliance. This is the option with the highest success rate.

The next hand doesn’t matter.

After all, if the big brother doesn’t want to be exposed, how much half-truth information is obtained is useless.

After the game was suspended, Qingji and Xiaoshi walked out of the restaurant together and approached the two who smoked.

“Mr. Saito, are you a member of the Avengers?”

“This is a very direct question … why not just ask?”

“Because I want the real answer.” Haruhi looked at each other and said seriously.

Lu Tian also looked at Saito. Kagura poem flickered.

Saito was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath and spit out slowly.

“What do you want to talk about, Mr. Springfield?”

The tone has changed!

It’s just a slight change in tone. Saito Yuma’s temperament seems to be different, and there is a deep sense of majesty in his expression.

I won. Haruji twitched his lips.

“Are you a promoter, Mr. Saito?”

“No, just an agent.”


Hearing this noun, Seiji thought of the name of the messenger again, as if a current flashed in his mind!

“Agent” is actually the carrier of the initiator and the ally! The lord can attach to the carrier and act with the carrier’s body … will it be so?

It is possible!

Another possibility is not control, but control, that is, using the agent as a puppet.

Either form, the members of the messenger organization … or its core members, have the ability to use other people’s physical actions! This would explain the meaning, at least part of it, of the name of the messenger. It can also explain the contradiction of Yuma Saito’s performance.

It was almost completely cheated last time, really.

“To what extent can you be an” agent “?” After passing the above thoughts in his head, Haruji asked in a profound tone.

“You don’t need to know this,” Saito replied, “Tell yourself, Mr. Haruta.”

“My real name is Haruda Haruji, and I am now exiled by my family.” Haruashi said frankly, “I want to prove my strength in this battle, specifically to win.”

“For this reason, do you want to join us?”

“I hope more for cooperation, because I can’t trust this alliance for a short time, after all, the ambitions you expressed … are a bit too big.”

“It’s not ambition,” Saito said lowly. “It’s faith.”

The word “belief” is not particularly dignified, but both Haruji and Lu Tian feel that if there is substantial weight, it seems that something has fallen heavily on the ground.

“Mr. Springfield, you do n’t know how many crimes your family has committed, and you do n’t know how many people have been killed by your family. Because the Springfield family, and other families, never regard their own crimes For sin, I do n’t even care how many people are suffering. ”

“You are not guilty, because no one can convict you. You ignore it, because no one deserves your attention.”

“But sin will not disappear because of no one’s trial, and pain will not disappear because it is not noticed. They have been accumulating, accumulating, accumulating, accumulating, accumulating … From a long time ago to now, they have formed towering Tower of sin. “

“All the families are at the top of the tower, high above them, enjoying glory, stepping on the extremely deep foundation under their feet, but forgetting the so-called foundation materials.”

“Everyone who is reduced to materials is cursing, every soul that cannot rest is crying, longing for this tower that has been built too high to collapse soon.

“It’s time now.” Saito’s eyes shot extremely sharply, “A new era has arrived.”

“We are not going to climb to the tower.”

“Rather liberate it.”

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