NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 525: Inspired creator

bp; bp; bp; bp; After finishing the call with Zhijiu, Qingji explained the situation to Dai and Saxi.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “To thank him for his help, I would like to ask the teacher to sign a picture of Adriatic and give it to him as a gift.”

bp; bp; bp; bp; “Of course the signature is fine, but is it OK to send Leah’s photo out?”

bp; bp; bp; bp; “No problem.”

bp; bp; bp; bp; After that, the three chatted for a while and had a good time.

bp; bp; bp; bp;

bp; bp; bp; bp;

bp; bp; bp; bp; Qing Si concentrates on practicing spells.

bp; bp; bp; bp; Without the pressure of duel, it’s good, but we can’t relax.

bp; bp; bp; bp; To be a truly qualified yin and yang teacher, bear all the responsibilities of forming a team, and there is still much to learn. Not only various techniques, but also relevant knowledge in the field of anomalies.

bp; bp; bp; bp; Wei Meng said that after all kinds of things will happen, he must continue his efforts to become stronger, in order to respond when encounters, and protect his companions when dangerous.

bp; bp; bp; bp; Needless to say, there may be anomalies in the mobile game “Aina” that has been seen so far.

bp; bp; bp; bp; Qingji practiced in Tianming.

bp; bp; bp; bp; After school, he received a call from Xia Ye and learned that she had received the investigation report of “Aina”.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “According to the report, the paper-wing game studio that produced this mobile game was formed at the end of September last year.”

bp; bp; bp; bp; “The founder is Kazuhiko Ashikaga, a small independent independent game producer in the industry. He led the studio to produce ‘Aina’ in three months. The protagonist of the game The human design and core procedures, that is, the image design and interactive intelligence of the character ‘Aina’, are all from his hands. “

bp; bp; bp; bp; “The mechanism of using the player’s real name as the game name, downloading with the recommendation code, and the failure of applying for an account is controlled by the core program. Hega and Yan refuse to make any changes.”

bp; bp; bp; bp; “He said to the rest of the studio:” Aina “was created because he was inspired, just like the gods came down with a miracle, modified or recreated. Here. “

bp; bp; bp; bp; Qingji: “”

bp; bp; bp; bp; Hui Heyan, is there a relative named Mao Jingyan, or a university teacher whose last name is Chongcun? He murmured in his heart.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “I think Kagohiko’s situation is similar to the previous Lin Pu Xiaotaro, awakening or connected to an inexplicable existence.” Xia Ye continued, “There may be black hands behind the scenes, and also Maybe not, it’s not clear at this time. “

bp; bp; bp; bp; “Best practice, don’t touch this game, do you?”

bp; bp; bp; bp; “Yes, because I don’t know what will happen in the future.”

bp; bp; bp; bp; Qingji thought about it.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “Does anyone want to buy ‘Aina’? At least on the surface, this is a game with great potential.”

bp; bp; bp; bp; “People in some companies have contacted Hega Huiyan and expressed similar intentions, but the latter resolutely refused to acquire or cooperate.”

bp; bp; bp; bp; “I think so.”

bp; bp; bp; bp; “Qingji, don’t you want it too”

bp; bp; bp; bp; “Yes. I’m interested in unusual artificial intelligence, and if she is a dangerous thing, acquiring it for processing is also a solution.”

bp; bp; bp; bp; summer night: “”

bp; bp; bp; bp; Just adopted a female monster, and want to get a female artificial intelligence, is this the instinct of the harem anime male lead? She groaned in her heart.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “Although Ashoka Kazuhiko resists the acquisition, such an artificial intelligence cannot be completely held in his hands for too long, right?” Seiji continued.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “Yes. No one has done anything yet, but this game continues to attract attention, and there will definitely be someone to do something.” Xia Ye said.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “I want to meet with Hega and Yan, and tell me how to find him.”

bp; bp; bp; bp; “Do you think you can convince him?”

bp; bp; bp; bp; “Don’t think, but want to try it, there is more curiosity, I want to see the creator who was inspired.” Qing Si looked out the window.

bp; bp; bp; bp; It’s sunny today and it’s a good day to visit others.

bp; bp; bp; bp;

bp; bp; bp; bp; Hui Heyan is upset.

bp; bp; bp; bp; Today, we had another fight with our studio companions, and it was still about issues such as player account application and cooperation with commercial companies.

bp; bp; bp; bp; Several members of the studio hope that “Aina” will be promoted soon to get more income.

bp; bp; bp; bp; They can’t accept the persistence of Grey He, and feel that the current anti-marketing mechanism and the practice of not cooperating with commercial companies at all are binding the feet of “Aina”.

bp; bp; bp; bp; Hui He knows that these companions need money for different reasons, and hope to get bonuses after the game income increases. He understands their dissatisfaction with the existing mechanism, but he really cannot give in.

bp; bp; bp; bp; The contradiction with peers is on the one hand, and contacts and visits from outsiders are on the other hand.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “Aina” hasn’t spread very widely, and people from all sides have come closer like sharks smelling blood. Those who want to invest in shares, those who want to cooperate for profit, and those who want to acquire completely. Despite his refusal from the beginning, more and more people are disturbing.

bp; bp; bp; bp; These things annoy Grey Hee. After arguing with his companion, he walked out of the studio and strolled outside.

bp; bp; bp; bp; The weather is sunny and cloudless.

bp; bp; bp; bp; The grey-hearted man who walked away thoughtlessly went to the nearby park, sat down on a bench by the river, and watched the quiet flowing river for a while, feeling calm. A lot.

bp; bp; bp; bp; Then he took out his phone and clicked on “Aina”.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “Welcome back, Heyan.”

bp; bp; bp; bp; The dark-haired, red-eyed beautiful girl in a lilac sakura dress appeared to him on the screen, smiling softly, and laying down her poem collection.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “It’s hard work.”

bp; bp; bp; bp; After hearing this gentle discourse, Gray He felt healed for a moment, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curved.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “I’m willing to work hard for you, Aina,” he said softly.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “Don’t say that” The girl blushed slightly, “Thank you very much, but don’t be too reluctant, you should rest when you feel very hard.”

bp; bp; bp; bp; Hui He looked at her with a smile.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “What do you want to do now?” Aina waved her hand gently, and various options appeared on the screen.

bp; bp; bp; bp; Gray He clicked “Listen to Sing”.

bp; bp; bp; bp; The angle of view is far away, and the sakura costume girl stands up, walks out of the cherry-style room, and goes to the courtyard.

bp; bp; bp; bp; In the beautiful garden, with the sound of the music, Aina sang the singularity of Sakura Lomish while the pink cherry blossoms fell.

bp; bp; bp; bp; The singing is smooth and beautiful, contains emotions, it is just like a good live singer singing.

bp; bp; bp; bp; Gray He stared at the picture and listened quietly.

bp; bp; bp; bp; Aina is a miracle.

bp; bp; bp; bp; Rather than saying that he created Aina, it is better that Aina borrowed his hand to be born in this world.

bp; bp; bp; bp; So it is impossible for him to modify the core program, and it is even more impossible to rebuild it, just as the human soul cannot modify and copy.

bp; bp; bp; bp;

bp; bp; bp; bp; “Sing well, Aina.” Hei He praised heartily.

bp; bp; bp; bp; Sakurafu girl smiled back.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “It’s really good.” There was a sudden sound next to it.

bp; bp; bp; bp; Hui He was startled, looked away, and saw a handsome young man in a school uniform, wondering when he was sitting next to him.

bp; bp; bp; bp; “It behaves exactly like a real person, really powerful artificial intelligence.”

bp; bp; bp; bp; Qingji said to the man in front of him.

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