NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 503: “Immortal Avengers”

“Her prince … is Limura Takataro?” Haruhi asked.

“No. But Your Highness has said that you will most likely mention the name.” The guard of the brown hair responded, “His Highness has commanded us, and when you see you, entertain you, please come with us.”

Haruji looked at each other.

“I would like to ask you and the name of the person next to you.”

“Uh? Why?”

“Because I think we’ve met somewhere.”

The brown guard showed a look of confusion, and looked at another guard.

“We don’t remember seeing you, sir, you should have recognized the wrong person.”

“You really don’t have any impression on me?” Seiji asked.

“No … please don’t care about us, His Royal Highness is still waiting, please follow us into the palace.”

“What if we refuse to go in?”

“Why refuse? Didn’t you come to see His Royal Highness?” The guard frowned.

“We do want to see that Highness, but we do not want to enter the palace rashly.” Haruji replied, “So sorry, please report to your Highness, and say that we want to meet him outside the Palace, and hope he will agree . “

“It’s … rude!” The brown-haired guard showed annoyance, and the other guard showed an unpleasant expression.

The atmosphere became tense.

However, the guards stared at Haruji and others for a while, then turned around without further action.

After they went away, Haruji and Matsutani discussed the situation.

Matsuya is quite sure that he did not admit his mistakes. The two guards look exactly like the two attendees he met at the venue.

In this case, either Lin Pu has created the exact same role as the attendees. Either these two people are real, but they forget the reality and are under the control of Lin Pu.

Haruji tends to think of the latter, as do others.

Maybe all the people who were at the awards ceremony were here, in that state.

If you fight with them, you have to keep your hands, but you can’t kill the real people.

And what is the status of the key Hayashi Taro? Is that His Royal Highness the Prince?

Confused, everyone is waiting.

After a while, some people walked out of the palace and headed this way.

This time, not only Matsutani, Hariji, Nomura and others also recognized those people.

Edit Yoshizawa! Editor-in-chief of Hattori! Male host and female host …

They all wear luxurious clothes, which look like nobles.

The most noticeable is a blond curly boy walking in the middle.

He is wearing the most luxurious gold-red costume, wearing a crimson cape, and wearing a white sheath and silver-handled sword at his waist. He is very handsome, with sharp blue eyes.

This is … His Royal Highness?

Haruji and others watched as the prince’s golden curly hair boy and the editor in chief of the clothing department approached.

“I’m Adanan * Anders * Arrolles, the first prince of the Kingdom of Los.” The young boy of the golden curly hair said to the crowd, “According to your knowledge, it is the work of Taro Taro The protagonist of the “Undead Avengers.”

Haruji and others: “………”

“Serious statement, I am not a fictional character in the novel, but a human in another world for you,” he said seriously.

“I do n’t know why I came to this illusory place. At first I thought it was a dream, but later I found that there is a real existence …”

“In short, your purpose should be to leave this illusory land and return to your world, right?”

“… Yes,” Haru admits.

“I want to go back to your own world just like you.” Yadnaun looked at him, “I need your help for this.”

“What helps?”

“Soon after, this illusory land will start to collapse. At that time, I will concentrate on connecting and returning to my world. I need you to protect me in the process.”

“Please elaborate.” Haruji felt that this message was a bit informative.

“It’s hard to say in detail, because I don’t know too much …” The golden curly prince paused. “Roughly speaking, this illusory place is made up of Taro Linpu who I live in. He is everything. Foundation, but he cannot bear all of this and cannot maintain a stable order. “

“You should have encountered undead like skeletons. Those monsters are the manifestation of disorder in the illusory land, the product of chaos. Now here, if I am not maintaining order, I am full of chaos. . “

“After a while, Takabayashi Limura will reach his limit and can no longer bear it, and the illusory land will begin to collapse. I will then be able to go back to my world, but chaotic monsters will also spawn in large numbers. I need your protection Me until I leave. “

After hearing these words, everyone looked at each other.

“If we do what you want, will we be in danger?” Haruji frowned slightly.

“Yes. But I have helped you protect these people, and you should reciprocate this kind of kindness.” Yadenain motioned to the editor Yoshizawa and others around him.

Haruji looked towards Sae, and saw the female editor’s eyes blinded, standing quietly.

“What’s wrong with them?”

“When I found them, they were like this.” Yadnaun explained, “Unless I assign them status, they will not act like puppets. If it were not for me, they would have been Consumed by Chaos. “

“Can you prove what you say is true?”

“I can immediately stop maintaining the order here, and soon there will be a large number of undead, and even these people will become undead, do you want to see it?”

The scene was quiet for a while.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said something like embarrassment, but I don’t have much time. I can’t explain it to you …” Sigh of Adanan, “I just want to go back to my world … … I still have work to do there. “

“Revenge … is it?”

“Yes, this is the only remaining meaning that I have. Your world’s Takabayashi Linpu saw my experience, wrote it into a novel, and won a gold medal … I’m angry about it.” His eyes glowed deep.

“But I also know that he didn’t do it on purpose. It was the mysterious power of your world, or the existence of God, that made a bad joke.”

“After you go back, tell Lin Pu Xiaotao, don’t write my experience anymore! My life is not something he can use to please readers!”

The light novel writers present had a harsh feeling when they heard this angry word.

“You boarded him … can’t you pass it directly to him?”

“I have conveyed it, but I don’t know if he can remember it in his current state.”

“… Okay.” Haruhi nodded, “I will tell him when I return to reality.”

“Do you believe me?” Yadenan looked at Haruhi.

“To be honest, it ’s hard to believe that, but I think the feeling you expressed is true.” Qing Si sighed, and then looked at her companions, “What do you think?” (https:)

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