NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 318: Are you my lord?

Qing Si went to pick up Ling Yang and saw Feng Wu in front of the apartment.

“Oh … this is your new little sister, Harano-kun.” The blonde teacher saw the little girl, her eyes lit up.

She has learned about a new guest at Harumi’s house.

What exactly happened, Fengwu did n’t know, but just knew what Qingji had done a few days ago, and then brought back a temporary elementary school girl.

Haruji introduced Feng Mai and Ling Yang.

“Hello … Hello, Sister Ten.” The little girl greeted politely, “Please take care of it in the future.”

“It’s so cute … hello, little sister Lihua, let’s get along well.”

Feng Wu smiled, squatted down and looked at each other’s face, her eyes flickered.

“Where did you find this cute little sister, Harano?”

“Sorry, this is a trade secret.” Haruhi smiled.

“Can I disclose this secret to me if I pay for it? Or just give me Tachibana’s sister directly.”

“Sorry, neither will work, especially the latter.”

“It’s stingy, Hara-kun.”

“This can’t be described as stingy.”

“Sister Lihua, don’t come with this stupid big brother, come with me, okay?” Feng Wu said with a smile.

Facing this kind of discourse, Ling Yang didn’t know how to react, and turned her eyes to Qing Si.

“Please do n’t try to kidnap my lovely child! Teacher of ten characters.”

Haruji stern expression.

“It’s not a kidnapping, it’s just an invitation … but there is nothing I can do about it like that.”

Fengwu stood up, pretending to be helpless.

The two looked at each other and then both laughed.

“Is there anything I can do to take care of this child?”

“No … for now.”

“If I can help, call me at any time.” Feng Wu said, looking at Lingyang again.

“Can I go to Lihua’s little sister when I am free?”

“Yes … yes,” Lingyang replied.

The blonde teacher smiled softly.

After taking Lingyang home, Qingji went out again to print out the novel contract, sign it and send it.

The “Brother Story” is now published!

But tonight we have to improve the manuscript based on the proposed changes.


Haruji revised the manuscript carefully, and after checking it again, he sent the revised manuscript to Yoshizawa’s editor’s mailbox, and incidentally said the contract had been sent.

Then he stretched out and wanted to take a break.

At this time, a warning tone sounds in the web chat software.

Haruji looked up and raised his eyebrows when he saw who it was.

Open the dialog box immediately.

“Yo, another world brave.”

It’s a flying fish who loves cats … A greeting from Harada Bihwa.

“Oh, the angel squatting at home.” Haruji responded.

“Don’t call me an angel!”

“What is the squatting witch at home?”

“It feels subtle so don’t call it that!”

“Okay, just call it a little cat.”

“Cat, you meow!”

Just a few words.

“Brave, do you have any plans for the upcoming Jihad Day?”

“Yes, rush into the battlefield with your partners, fight bravely, and harvest the trophies … come here, sister too.”

“It is under seal and cannot move.”

“That seal can be broken if you want.”

“No, I don’t want to go out!”

“Then you can’t participate in the jihad, you can’t get the spoils, you can’t read it.”

“No, I can fight!”

“In a dream?”

“No!” Bihua gave a majestic expression, “I have a perfect plan, I have prepared the corresponding equipment, and now there is only one slayer.”

“Do you want to summon?” Haruji uttered a curse and an expression.

“It has been summoned, it is you!”

“Ah … but I haven’t heard the summoning spell, nor signed a contract.”

A video will pop up immediately in the dialog box, and it will start playing automatically.

In the picture, a beautiful witch dressed in a dark evening dress reads the mantra with a pleasant voice, draws a gorgeous magic array in the majestic bgm, and finally inserts the wand into the ground, spreads her hands, and **** shake.

“Come on! My demon !!!”

The glowing colored text vibrates in the dialog box.

Qing Si sighed and responded.

“Another brave man came in response to the call! Are you my lord?”


“A contract is reached, I will fight for you!”

“Very good.” Bi Hua expressed a satisfied expression.

“What do you want to do?”

“It just lets you broadcast.”


“I have found a full set of professional outdoor live broadcast equipment. You can equip these and broadcast live when you go to the war. Follow my instructions!” One sentence explains the “perfect plan”.

Haruji: “………”

This is really a way to fight without leaving home. It’s really smart, my lord, but …

“Professional equipment is expensive, buy a full set … is it okay?”

“I have money!”

Well, my sister is a tyrant.

“No problem, if you want this, then do it.” Seiji should respond.

I said it at the beginning, if there is a chance, it will still be broadcast, just for her one.

“Give me your address. I will send you the equipment purchased online.”

Haruji gave the address information.

He took note of it.

The corners of her mouth are tilted in a pleasant arc.

Join him … She is happy to join him at the doujinshi sales fair.

Although in the form of a live audience, his live broadcast is only for her, just for her … Actually, they are going out together.


Bi Hua remembered the other person’s words.

“You said‘ with a partner ’… are you going with a friend?” she asked.

“Yes, I have an appointment with two friends.”

“… A man or a woman?”


“Both of them?”

“Both are both.”

“Do they look beautiful?”

“I think they are all beautiful.”

Bihua: “………”

The complex emotions flowing from my heart quickly gathered into a sentence

“Changing charge now!”

Then she blasted and made a grimace and went offline.

The remaining Seiji is facing the screen, crying and laughing.

The final exam is over.

No matter how well each test is done, it is finally over.

The class instructor talked about the vacation precautions, and then he was liberated.

“A few days will be the Winter Snow Festival, Qingwu, what are you going to do?” Qian Qiu asked.

“I want to accompany President Wanhua.” Qing Si answered.

Chiaki and Mika: “!?”

I didn’t expect to hear this answer, and both were shocked.

“You said President Wanhua … Wanhua Xia Ye!?”

Haruji nodded and told them what happened yesterday.

“Probably let me hang around with me, and go out with my classmates … it’s almost like it.”

Qian Qiu and Mei Jia were speechless for a while.

The nature of hanging out with classmates?

They intuitively concluded that this was impossible!

That’s Wanhua Xia Ye … the name has a well-known weight in Yuanhua Middle School. The young lady student president, have you ever gone out with ordinary students?

No! Not once! !!

Her external performance is not arrogant, and she is kind to others, but in fact she is not easy to be close as a magnificent figure.

Apart from Zong Fangying, who else in this school is closer to her?

The answer is no! Or no one can figure it out.

Wanhuaxia Ye is a lonely existence.

Even if she doesn’t look like this, it’s true.

Now, she asks a boy to accompany her all day in winter and snow festival …

This is no longer the level of big news, is it a tsunami? If it spreads, the whole Yuanhua Middle School will be shocked! !!

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