Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do! Chapter 240:, the fastest update must be to propose to seven men how to break! latest chapter!

Chapter 240

It’s not like what a child would say.

Such blood flow is obviously extremely serious. I am afraid that even an adult can’t bear this kind of pain, let alone such a small child.

Chu Muyun glanced at the short sword that had been knocked down to the ground. The blade was stained with blood. It was an undoubted murder weapon.

Shen Shueiyan didn’t frown, but she looked at Chu Muyun without blinking.

Chu Muyun’s chest was burning with anger, but looking at him like this, he felt that his heart was pierced by a fine needle. It was not so heart-piercing pain, but it was an extra thing that should not be ignored.

He relented, approached him, and a white light flashed after raising his hand, healing his wound.

He said solemnly: “Don’t hurt yourself anymore.”

Shen Shuiyan didn’t even look at his arm, but said in a crisp voice: “Don’t go.”

Chu Muyun narrowed his eyes.

Shen Shuiyan is far more thoughtful than Xiao Yan Shen, and facing the same being abandoned, Xiao Yan Shen only knows the quiet pleading, but this little Shen Shuiyan has learned to threaten him without a teacher.

Chu Muyun is angry, so her voice is much colder than usual: “Your body is yours. You don’t cherish it yourself. Will I still cherish it for you?”

After all, he was just a child. He heard Chu Muyun’s cold voice, his tender lips trembled, and a trace of anxiety passed through his eyes: “As long as you stay, I…I won’t… …”

“Why?” Chu Muyun looked at him condescendingly.

Hookah’s face turned pale.

Chu Muyun turned and left, Shen Shuiyan did nothing, just stood there blankly.

Chu Muyun, who looked at this dream with cold eyes, said in secret: You should not leave.

From the perspective of teaching children, Chu Muyun in the dream seemed to be right. You can’t be threatened by him. There are one or two. Children are very smart. After they know how to hold them, they will only get worse, do more unreasonable things, and make even more absurd demands.

Quickly cut his thoughts out of chaos, this is good for everyone.

But Chu Muyun knew that she had done something wrong in her dream.

Because this is a sinking water pipe, even if it is still a child, it is a child who is terribly strong in exclusivity.

Under such blatant obsession, he would really do very extreme things.

In the dream, Chu Muyun didn’t understand, and Chu Muyun who understood could not stop what had happened.

As he thought, after Chu Muyun left, Shen Shuiyan stood there without eating or drinking, like a small weathered statue, waiting lonely in the cold days and nights.

Of course, Chu Muyun didn’t leave, he actually couldn’t do without.

Looking from a distance, silently, just waiting for him to compromise.

Look at who consumes the energy, adults are always more patient than children, especially Chu Muyun, he is too patient.

Actually, Chu Muyun felt that she was stupid in this dream, so stupid, um…or shouldn’t be stupid, but lack of experience and lack of understanding of a lot of common sense.

For example…Of course he consumes more energy than sinking water pipes, but can the body of sinking water pipes consume it?

It is the age of development, so standing there without eating or drinking, one day, two days, three days, four days, the stronger his will, the more damage to his body.

At the end of the consumption, there was only one ending, and Shen Shuyan passed out.

Chu Muyun finally appeared, and when he hugged him into his arms, that cold little body seemed to turn into a frost in the deep winter, piercing straight into his chest.

Chu Muyun frowned and gave him treatment, but this was not a wound, it was the weakness of the body’s origin, and it could not be relieved by any healing technique.

After the spell was useless, Chu Muyun became a little anxious. He held Shen Shuishan carefully, knowing that he would not die, but looking at the pale and thin face, he was also extremely disturbed.

In this game, Xiao Shiyan won. He used this almost self-abuse method to keep Chu Muyun behind, making Chu Muyun unable to abandon him like Yan Chen.

But is this a success?

Not counting.

Chu Muyun and his three chapters: “I can be by your side, but you must leave me when you are an adult.”

The ignorant Shen Shuyan asked: “Why must we separate?”

Chu Muyun said: “You must learn to live alone.”

Shen Shiyan said: “But I…”

Chu Muyun interrupted him: “If you don’t agree, I will really leave and never show up again.”

Shen Shuiyan compromised after all, he should come down: “Okay.”

The clips afterwards became clearer and clearer. Watching these two people get along, Chu Muyun could clearly feel that he was very happy.

He likes this child, and does his best to teach him, cultivate what he is good at and like, and guide him to grow up in the most perfect way.

Ignoring the growing obsession in Little Shisha’s eyes, this is probably a very successful one.

Shen Shuiyan is well-behaved and sensible, learns things very fast, has a lively and pleasant temper, and has a particularly sweet mouth. She has a delicate appearance and loves to be coquettish and sticky. Chu Muyun’s indulgence towards him is growing at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye.

One day, when Shen Shuiyan went out and did not return, Chu Muyun actually felt a rare loneliness.

But this was like a wake-up call, waking Chu Muyun face to face.

What is he doing…

The 18-year-old Shen Shuishan has grown more and more delicate and charming, and her childhood squeamishness is gone, replaced by a youth-specific heroic vigor.

Chu Muyun finally ushered in this day.

But Shen Shiyan seems to have forgotten their agreement.

Chu Muyun said: “I should leave.”

The smile on the corner of Shen Shui’s cigarette mouth was stiff.

Chu Muyun regained her indifferent appearance, and the words in her mouth were not warm: “You are already an adult.”

Shen Shuyan smiled suddenly, her smile as beautiful as a blooming peony: “…You can’t live without it.”

The dream came to an abrupt end, and Chu Muyun was almost awakened in that crazy and cruel smile.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and then he sat up.

I will dream of sinking water pipes, which only illustrates one problem. Shen water pipes are coming!

Last night, I did too much with Yan Chen, and his body was still a bit sore, so that when he got up, he felt his whole body fell apart.

He squinted his eyes and found that he was placed outside, not sleeping with Yan Chen.

He twisted his eyebrows, and soon saw the man in Chinese clothes standing in the moonlight.

Sure enough… Shen Shuyan came to Zhao Meishan first.

Chu Muyun didn’t even wear an inch, and after sitting up, the quilt slipped off, and the marks on his body were in sharp contrast with his fair skin.

Shen Shuishan approached without a word, his sight seemed to be ablaze, dotted on every part of his body, wishing that the eye-catching red ignited into ashes.

Chu Muyun frowned slightly, pulling his coat to put it on.

Shen Shuyan pulled away, forcing him to be naked.

Chu Muyun looked up at him.

“What are you, bedmate? Throw it out when you run out?”

Shen Shuiyan sneered and said: “Am I being too good to you, that’s why you violated yourself like this.”

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