My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head: 788 First business

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788 First business

Li Fan They hurriedly looked back, and a plainly dressed man was pushing the door in, with a look of wind and dust.

He looked in a hurry. After he came in, he looked around the room.

Directly opposite is a lobby, where two Taishi chairs are placed, and an extraordinary dart flag is hanging on the wall.

This person seemed to hesitate, and seeing that Chief Escort sitting in the hall was a teenager, he was even more uncertain.

“Is it really a game of darts?”

“Really, you can rest assured.”

Xia Yi greeted him up, let the guest sit down, and handed him a cup of hot tea.

“Please sit down, what dart do you want to be the guest?”

When I saw Xia Yi, this person suddenly looked a lot better. It was obvious that the power of beautiful women was different.

“Ah, I am indeed a dart. But I am an ancestral baby, just find a dart board, I am a little bit relieved!”

“Don’t worry, we will guarantee a loss of ten for the game.”

Xia Yi introduced the purpose of Extra-ordinary Bodyguard Office, “If your items are lost, we will compensate ten times the price. These can be signed with you, you can rest assured!”

“So, how is the price of this compensation determined?”

The other party asked cautiously, “I am an ancestral object and worth the price! If you have a low price, would n’t I be at a disadvantage?”

“You can find an appraisal center for appraisal, we guarantee Tongsuo is not bullied.”

Xia Yi has repeatedly emphasized, and has also come up with a contract, “You can take a closer look at our contracts, which are tailor-made for guests. We are absolutely customer-first here, please rest assured.”

“How much does it cost?”

This person seemed to be doing business and started talking about money.

“It depends on what package you choose.”

Xia Yi pointed to several experts present, “According to the route and manpower, we will provide you with different package prices. Here are the package items, you can simply take a look.”

“You guys … the charges are quite expensive.”

“These are already discounted prices. After all, our dartsmen are all real expert.”

For the first time, Li Fan felt that his Little Senior Sister eloquence was quite good. “You see, these are all heroes, especially Chief Escort Li Fan. At a young age, they are already Jianghu Small Overlord. They have created the top ten martial arts of divine art … … “

“He is Chief Escort?”

The male client looked up and down at Li Fan several times, and it seemed that he could not wait for his eyes to grow like x-rays and shoot Li Fan!

But Li Fan was sitting there, a young boy, his face was so old and mature that he could n’t see through it at all.

This boy is so powerful?

“Okay, I ’ve come in anyway, and hope to negotiate this sale.”

The man said, “But if you can’t figure it out, then it’s embarrassing. I’m here at every day, and I’ve broken your shop!”

“Yes, what is your dart and how much does it cost?”

As a boss, Li Fan has the power to make decisions. He took over this order, after all, it was the first order after the official opening of the Escort Bureau, and he had to do it well.

“Dark Dart.”

The man did not show his dart, but said, “You are responsible for it.”

“Brother, dark darts are expensive!”

Li Fan eyes is awesome.

“Expensive is expensive, good value for money!”

This customer also gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, “I am going to Tianjin Port! You will **** me to the night!”

“Yes, which package do you choose? Luxury or economical?”

“I want this medium, three experts to dart together!”


Li Fan nodded, “normally, you should choose this package, I should not take action. But this time you are lucky, we just opened, I will give you a discount, personally **** you a trip.”

“Although you are Chief Escort, I do n’t know what you really have. But no matter who you are, things must be sent to me safely and safely arrived!”


Li Fan all agreed, as long as it can be opened, the discount will be a little discount. When the reputation of the dart board starts, the money will naturally be earned.

“I will go with you.”

The customer urged, “It ’s best to go out now! Advance payment, I will transfer it to you immediately!”

“So urgent?”

Li Fan was a little surprised, “I still want to go before Mid-Autumn Festival.”

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Li Fan had planned to go shopping with Little Senior Sister, Liu Xinnan, and Liao Wushuang together for a meal.

It’s hard to take a vacation. Li Fan was supposed to have a good rest, but I didn’t expect anything to happen again.

“Yes, it’s not enough now! You have no other business today, don’t you just serve me!”

“Come on, sign a contract.”

Li Fan waved his hand and signed the contract for the customer first.

The customer’s name is Li Jun, but it is the same as his own.

There has been some panic in his expression. It seems that what he wants to **** away is indeed a very expensive baby!

Although curious about Li Fan, the dart master has the principle of the dart master, he will not ask, nor will he go to see this dark dart.

“Command Lei’zi to drive for us. The person responsible for the escort, except me, let Old Guan and Yan Kai go.”

It ’s been a long time since I brought two live treasures together for a mission. Li Fan felt that they should be bored enough and decided to take them out for a walk.

Brother Li, I want to go too.”

Chen Junhua expresses his thoughts very directly. He has always been direct, and he will not talk around.

“I know, you want to gain experience. But if you also leave, only Big Bear (Big Dipper) seniors are left to sit in this place. Although he is strong in martial arts, he is still some years old, and there are some talents around him OK. “

“Anyway, anyway, Old Man is still booming, don’t have to worry about it!”

Big Bear (Big Dipper) said with a disdainful look and said with a smile.

“And, I always have a bad hunch. After I leave, there will be strong enemies patronizing here.”

“Then I will stay here.”

Chen Junhua agreed.

“If there is a strong enemy, that’s good.”

Li Fan arranged something and finally came out of the door under the urging of customer Li Jun.

Huang Lei has prepared a Buick gL8, this is a new car bought by their company, specially used for logistics.

The car is still very new, with the smell of leather seats inside.

“Let ’s go, we will go to Tianjin Port all night.”

For darts, highways are the only option. Because many people’s darts are not suitable for exposure on the bright side, otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble.

This dark dart from Li Jun is estimated to be the same, so they chose to take the road.

“This big brother, is this the hurry to go home for the Mid-Autumn Festival, so anxious?”

Huang Lei is a broken mouth, and along the way, his mouth can’t help himself. When he found a topic, he chatted with Li Jun.

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