My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head: 673 Extended training

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673 Extended training

Bai Linluo immediately pressed a switch, and electricity was flowing through the glass.

“This is a special electromagnetic wave.”

Bai Linluo said, “It is specifically to suppress Spirit Force. I am a person who likes to insure myself before I do anything.”

Chief Bai, you are really smart and a good opponent.”

Poseidon clapped his hands and seemed to be admiring, “The prophet’s ability is good, but, you know, where does his ability come from?”


Bai Linluo looked at Poseidon very carefully, not knowing what he really wanted to say and do.

“His abilities, like mine, are derived from Fiend Island.”

Poseidon told Bai Linluo an amazing fact, “Our group of people boarded 6 Fiend Island. At that time, it was an expedition with several countries, but there were few people who survived. Me and him, Is one of the survivors. The other is mR. Yang. After the three of us left Fiend Island, we returned to the human world. However, the three of us seem to be like pathogens, some of us are close to us, and some have started to make a difference. Change. They get arrived capability, which is the second batch of mutant. “

Bai Linluo is a little surprised, this information is really amazing!

“And the abilities of the second batch of mutant have also become more and more colorful. I was the most influential at that time, it was four people … They have some of the most primitive powers of mankind. The wind, lightning, flame, frost! They chose to surrender to me and use it for me. At the same time, there were more people who were influenced by them and became the third batch of mutant. “

Bai Linluo thought about it. The reason why he suddenly became mutant is probably because of the influence and radiation of other mutant?

“For so many years, we have always wanted to return to the original place, which is Fiend Island.”

Poseidon said, “There may be secrets that make us stronger … Unfortunately, we all failed.”

“Not right …”

Bai Linluo frowned, “Li Fan told me the story of Mr. Yang. Was n’t he attacked by you when he was a kid, did your parents get killed by you?”

“Hehehe, mR. Yang wants Li Fan to see what Li Fan can only see.”

Poseidon smiled, “He and his parents followed our expedition arrived Fiend Island. However, his parents failed to survive, it was me who raised him.”


Bai Linluo feels unbelievable, all this is like his imagination!

“Damn … it’s really incredible!”

Bai Linluo‘s way of thinking has always been very conservative, he did not expect such a possibility.

“You should also guess arrived, I am not Poseidon, I am Golden Empire’s God, The Creator!”

Poseidon opened his arms and his voice was octave higher, “I, the Prophet, and mR. Yang, the strength of the three of us is a strong spirit Mind Force! So, even if our body perishes, our spirit , Can also remain immortal! “

“You mean that before being trapped, you have let Spirit Force escape from arrived Poseidon, right?”

Bai Linluo said his own analysis.

“Yes, you are really smart.”

Poseidon nodded, “Although the three of us have similar powers, we have differences in ideas. I think that our powers can change the world and even make ourselves a true god. After all, our power is the same Different! “

“What about the prophet?”

“Prophet, that hypocritical guy! He even thought he could be a savior and use his power to save the world!”

“And the idea of ​​Mr. Yang is to destroy you infected people who poison the earth, right?”

“Yes, both of them are too stupid. Those of us are destined to be different! We have such a great power, why not use it?”

“Your idea is too radical!”

Bai Linluo said coldly, “This power should be used to protect humans.”

“Oh, it seems that you are also affected by the power of the prophet.”

Poseidon looked at Bai Linluo, “The power of the three of us is just so powerful …”

“What nonsense …”

Bai Linluo suddenly thought of something, frowning.

“Yes, it seems that you also want arrived.”

Poseidon with a smile, “Li Fan, he is the one who has the deepest contact with mR. Yang.”

Li Fan’s Spirit Force is very powerful!”

Bai Linluo immediately said, “A mutant in every district will not affect him!”

“As you say, you are happy then it will be alright.”

Poseidon smiled, “However, I have no mood to play with you anymore, because time is arrived.”

Poseidon said, taking a few steps backwards, his body disappeared into the sight of Bai Linluo in a blink of an eye.

“Oops …”

Bai Linluo frowned. Unexpectedly, this opened the cage of the mental suppressor, and still failed to imprison Poseidon!

No … not Poseidon, but The Creator

I really received the influence of the Prophet?

Bai Linluo‘s brows couldn’t be lifted, too many things worried him.

Do you want to explain this to Li Fan?

Bai Linluo thought a little, and decided not to tell Li Fan.

Tell Li Fan, it also annoys him. These things should be resolved by yourself.

Where did Poseidon go, it seems that only to consult the prophet.

Yes, as long as the prophet is in his own hands, then nothing is to be feared, all under his control!

Bai Linluo suddenly took two steps and suddenly remembered another thing!

The mutant expert encountered on that small island … will it be the body of Poseidon?

Think now, it seems to be the case …

holy crap … If that’s the case, it would be terrible!

Just his body, he has the power to change the world! Now this guy appears, fearing that it will bring another disaster.

“Prophet! Tell me how to solve it!”

Bai Linluo walked towards the Prophet’s room.

Li Fan does not know all this, he is busy coping with the extracurricular development activities arranged by the school.

Participating in this outreach activity with them is the most famous experiment one in city a!

Although Private (#2) School is famous, it is a private school after all. The difference between China and foreign countries is that foreign private schools are the best, and domestic national schools are the best!

Experiment No. 1 is the provincial key, and many talents are sent to universities every year.

How many parents are flogging their children so that they can be admitted to Experiment 1. As long as they enter the first experiment, they will be linked to famous universities!

At this moment, the representative students of the two schools have left the school and are in the expansion center invested and constructed by several schools in city a.

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