My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head: 471 Make a plan for yourself

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471 Make a plan

“Are you Yin Xiaoru?”

Murong Ying dragged Li Fan to the side. Her height of more than one meter and seven feet was a full head higher than Yin Xiaoru, so she looked at Yin Xiaoru condescendingly. “Why are you wearing a Golden Eagle Fort’s like a thief?”

hey hey hey, although you are Martial Arts Union Master, but what clothes do I wear, I do n’t have a turn for you?”

Yin Xiaoru rolled the eyes, “whatever Grand Auntie likes to wear, just wear whatever!”

“Is it really a willful girl, didn’t Yin Wuchao discipline you well?”

“You are annoying. ≦”

Yin Xiaoru pouted and glanced dissatisfiedly at Murong Ying, “Is n’t it just a Martial Arts Union Master, so much like to do business!”

“Too lazy to care about you, but just find you annoying.”

The two women fought, and Li Fan quickly persuaded, “Do n’t quarrel between you two … Madam, this time, you have to ask her to help.”

“She? How can a wayward girl help?”

Murong Ying hugged his arm and said arrogantly.

Li Fan is very helpless, Dammit, aren’t you also self-willed!

“She lightweight art is good, I need her to help you steal the antidote!”

Li Fan said, “Song Fuya is a very special woman. She has a poisonous bodyguard, and most people can’t get close to her. Those who can get close to her, except me and Yu Xi, are the only ones holding Poison Repelling Pearl.”

He said, taking out a small black bead, which surprised Xu Zhenrong.

Poison Repelling Pearl? Young Hero Li, how do you have this?”

“Amitabha …”

Great Master Jade Void also folded his hands and sighed long and short, “Last time was a child when I saw it last time.”

“You don’t have to worry about the origin, you borrowed it against precisely.”

Li Fan said, handed this bead to Yin Xiaoru, “Hold it, you will need it later.”

Yin Xiaoru has a little bright eyes, escaped the beads, and asked, “How do you use this thing?”

“Included under the tongue then it will be alright.”

Li Fan reminds Yin Xiaoru, “I borrowed this thing, you must return it to me!”

“I know, you are stingy!”

Yin Xiaoru whitened Li Fan angrily, some unwillingly stuffed the beads into his pocket first.

Poison Repelling Pearl gave her, what do you do?”

The Yu Xi, which has been silent, can’t help but finally speak, but it is to care about the safety of Li Fan’s.

“It’s okay, actually I don’t care about this poison gas.”

Li Fan has a unique control over True Qi, he does not care about the poisonous fog of Song Fuya.

“Even if she can steal, but how to steal, where to steal?”

Murong Ying asked.

“This is all on me.”

Li Fan already has an idea, “I want Song Fuya to take the antidote out of my own initiative.”

“How is it possible, can you still fail hypnosis?”

“Of course not, but Shanren has his own plan.”

Li Fan said, sorted out his clothes, “Heartless Blade, please help me find Song Fuya where they are.”


Yu Xi nodded, “They shouldn’t go far, Black and White Wuchang was seriously injured again, I think they should stay overnight in a nearby town. You wait for me on the mountain, I will go back when I go.”

Yu Xi said, the next step, the whole person stepped on the mountain breeze, like a dark shadow, blinked and disappeared in front of everyone.

“Unexpectedly, this Heartless Blade lightweight art is also so handsome.”

After finishing Murong Ying, I glanced at Li Fan, “I remember she was still chasing you down before, how come I seem to be shut down by several days, you and a lot of women’s relationship are inexplicably better?”

cough cough, where is this.”

Li Fan patted his chest, “This can only show that I have great charm!”

“Charm is your sister! I hope it can be solved smoothly …”

Anyway, the lack of martial arts is really uncomfortable for Murong Ying.

All she can do now is wait.

And as expected by Yu Xi, at this moment Song Fuya is staying in a four-star hotel in the town at the foot of Wudang Mountain.

In this place, the four-star hotel is already the most upscale hotel. Song Fuya took a shower, dried his head, then glanced dissatisfiedly at the old sand in the bedroom.

“I really do n’t want to come to this place for the second time.”

Song Fuya sighed. This time’s task is really … very uncomfortable!

Not only failed to hold Wudang Mountain, even Black and White Wuchang was broken. If you let Cult Master adults know, how can you be Left Protector!

Song Fuya sits there, thinking about how to make a guilt.

And at this moment, the window set off a breeze, and Song Fuya immediately frowned, looking at the window alertly.

It’s winter now, she doesn’t have the habit of opening windows on a cold day!

Wait for Song Fuya to check, the door was knocked.

“Who is it?”

Song Fuya questioning.

“Your room service, lady.”

A familiar voice sounded outside the door. Song Fuya immediately reached out and grabbed a bathrobe from the bathroom, wrapping it on his body.

“Honorable lady, can I come in?”

“Hum …”

Song Fuya opened the door. Sure enough, Li Fan was standing outside, looking at himself with a smile on his face.

“It’s really surprising.”

Song Fuya sneered, “I didn’t expect Small Overlord to value me so much, chasing arrived from Wudang Mountain here.”

“Because I like beautiful women, I naturally have to chase them away.”

Looking at the Song Fuya that shows the true appearance in front of you, this woman looks pretty good. Li Weiyi chose a beautiful woman to make her own Left Protector, which is also happy and happy.

“Catching up with me will do you no good.”

Song Fuya looked at Li Fan proudly, “This time I talked a lot, and you spit out Poison Repelling Pearl?”

“You … know Poison Repelling Pearl?”

Li Fan pretended to be surprised, and Song Fuya couldn’t help laughing.

“Do you think I do n’t know, and can perfectly avoid my toxins, only Poison Repelling Pearl can do it!”

Song Fuya ’s face is full of self-confidence, “I have studied the poison of my life, you ca n’t imagine the wonders of it. Do you think you can come in safely and take the antidote from me?”

Song Fuya laughed at Li Fan, “The self-righteous kid, when you enter this room, you have already won my power. Soon, you will become my loot.”

She seems to be worried again, “I don’t know if Master Cult Master will be satisfied with you guy … He originally wanted Union Master Murong’s. However, if you can’t obstruct Martial Arts Emperor, he will rise!”

“I think you have a neuropathy!”

Li Fan rolled the eyes, “You are too brainwashed.”

“You are too stupid to understand true sacredness and greatness!”

Song Fuya laughed at Li Fan, “There is no ideal man, now, you can only kneel weakly in front of me!”

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