My Wife is a Beautiful CEO Chapter 758: [At this time]


Yang Chen frowned, “You are not police? Who are you?”

Hehe“, the black “policeman” grinned and revealed white teeth, “Wait a while, you will know. (Next.Load.Floor)”

Speaking, the police car stopped by the road in the port, and the white man said, “Come on, everyone is waiting. The former Hades will go for a while.”

At the end, the two took the lead in opening the door and leaving the car, ignoring Yang Chen.

Yang Chen waited for them to get out of the car before they showed a tedious look, shook the head, still open the door …

The sea breeze of the harbor blows over the Yang Chen‘s thin shirt, making the clothes croaked, and the face seems to be covered with a touch of moisture.

A row of sparsely-lined street lights exudes a faint white light, which brightens the night of the port.

The two policemen, one in black and one in white, are taking off their police uniforms at this time, exposing the blue tight-fitting short sleeves and bulging muscles, as if strength would erupt at any time.

Blue Storm“, Yang Chen squints.

“Fortunately, Your Excellency Hades still remembers our organization.” The white man’s angular face showed a rather contented smile. “Introduce me, my name is Cedric, and this one is my partner, Stark. “

Yang Chen smiled at them, “Just you two?”

The black Stark shook the head said: “Of course it’s not just us. We originally dispatched a SEALs for insurance purposes, but now it seems that both of us are more than already. The glorious Hades, now it seems, really already skills are lost. “

Well, Stark whistled!

The tight footsteps of “deng deng deng 噔” came from behind Yang Chen.

Dozens of SEALss with two platoons were far away. The guns came out from behind the containers, and the guns were aimed at Yang Chen in a blink of an eye and surrounded by groups!

Yang Chen sighed, “Do you guys want to kill me?”

While waiting for the two Blue Storm big guys to answer, from the sea not far away, there was a strange tone of English —— “It is my job to kill.”

The moment the voice fell, it seemed as if a shadow gradually became clear in the venue. A man wearing a patterned robe, with long hair, holding a Samurai knife, came out of it.

After the man appeared, several other figures emerged from the sea. A woman with gorgeous long hair and a large black cloak, a strange man without a face, and a handsome man with a beautiful waist. Oriental man with a short knife.

Takamagahara?” Yang Chen smiled even more helplessly this time, “You, like Blue Storm, have received the news that my cultivation level is gone. Will you kill me?”

This long hair Samurai is a Takamagahara Chief General, Nurarihyon, a slippery ghost who once had a relationship in France.

Nurarihyon examined Yang Chen for a few glances, “It seems that you are indeed gone, and at first you did not believe that you would fall into such a field. It is said that you were defeated by Sea God Poseidon?”

Yang Chen shook his lips and said, “It’s a pity that I couldn’t witness such a fight with my own eyes. However, it doesn’t matter to me. What I want to defeat is not Main God, but you …” Nurarihyon pulled out the Demonic Blade Nenekirimaru in his hand, Aimed at Yang Chen, “My enemy Yuki-onna‘s revenge, today I will get back for her.”

“Well, I thought, you would disdain me without the cultivation level, do you like bullying the weak?” Yang Chen asked curiously.

Nurarihyon said: “It’s not me who made you weak. You became like this when you lost in battle, has anything to do with me. I didn’t use any conspiracy, so defeating the weak you will not violate my rules. . “

At this time, Cedric of Blue Storm blocked: “Nurarihyon, we tell you the news Takamagahara, not for you to kill this man. You should know that he still has great use value. If you dare to kill him Do n’t blame us for turning our backs on you! “

Nurarihyon turned back, said with a sneer: “Rest assured, a Hades abandoned by already, I was not interested in killing already. Since you sold this news to us for the first time, you can’t make me came in vain. I do n’t want much , Pick off the man’s limbs and meridians, and let him be completely abandoned, then leave it to you.

Yang Chen took a sigh of cold air, and then clapped, “Gallery Blue Storm really counts, and even called Takamagahara, who is hated by me, to help, oneself can save strength. However, you are not here to kill Mine? Why not let him take my life? “

“Knowledge!” Stark sneered.

Cedric came forward, put his hands in his pockets, and said easily: “Although your already has lost its original strength, it is easy for us to destroy you, but after all, this news is still only a small part of us. People know.

If you are willing to cooperate with obediently, you will hand over the mercenaries resources around the world you have, as well as the energy and weapons you have stored, including your property … Oh, and your Assassin Organization ZERO, all paid Come out … maybe, we can still be very good friends … You don’t have to suffer too much flesh, let alone oneself die so young. As far as we know, you have many women in China, don’t you? “

Yang Chen grabbed his hair, “That’s the case, can I ask another question?”

“Say it,” Cedric said.

“Who told you that I no longer have cultivation level in already“?

Cedric raised his head and laughed, “Hades Hades, don’t be smart yourself. In our opinion, you are now no different from a pretending to be a calm clown. Do you think the bluff is still useful? Since we dare to take a shot, naturally It is the news from the characters of absolute authority. We are not stupid. If you have one tenth of the strength in the past, we would not dare to send you so many battle strength to surround you. “

Yang Chen‘s eyes flickered for a while, “I see. After I was seriously injured, in addition to Brandelli and Christine, also your chief supervisor of Blue Storm, the FBI’s Bureau Chief, Luo” Hum, what about you, you already has no chance “, the black Stark stepped forward and tilted his head said ruthlessly:” The friend who rides on this Japan did not start, I suggest you to cooperate with us, we can help you to ask for it, leave you a hand Or a foot or something. Although, I really want to kill you, but you killed my favorite Judy, I ca n’t wait to **** your blood and eat your meat! “

Judy is naturally a female member of Blue Storm who was slaughtered by Yang Chen at Japan. It is also a human descendant of Christine, but it is only a descendant born from a human body. Gods would not really care too much.

Yang Chen did not expect this Nurarihyon to avenge his fiancée, but the black Stark avenged his lover. That lover is still a white woman, the monster is not of the same race, and white and black are mixed.

Yang Chen didn’t answer in a hurry, but looked around, and looked down into the distant sky before finally sighing, “Is there anyone else with you?”

“To deal with you, any of us is enough”, Nurarihyon said coldly, “Are you ready, I am going to make a knife.”

Yang Chen frowns unhappyly, on the spot carries his hands on his back, walks a few steps around the circle, and then points at Takamagahara and the others, angrily and counts down, “You guys are really messy, nothing happens to come. Lao Tzu, I was still thinking, would the guy who faked me would come to you with the kind of thought and come down to the ground. But now it’s better, I can’t wait, you just come here for fun! Even if you want to die, Do we have to choose a pinch!?

The four people of Takamagahara, Cedric, and Stark all look at me, I look at you, obviously I don’t understand what Yang Chen is saying.

Nurarihyon reacted first, with an angry face coldly snorted, “Your body, already can’t feel the Aura of powerhouse in the slightest, I think you can still mouth hard, eat my Nenekirimaru knife!”

At the same time as the voice fell, Nurarihyon‘s figure dissipated from the original Illusion. When it reappeared, Nurarihyon already stagnated in the air in front of Yang Chen and flashed coldly in his hand. Nenekirimaru took a light blade diagonally towards one of Yang Chen. Only wrist direction, slash down!

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