My Summons Can Learn Skills Chapter 594: Is this magical technique powerful?

Different from the nuclear bomb, the power of the divine eclipse neutron star, the ancestor of Wuming Wu, is all concentrated at one point, and it rarely spreads out.

So, the terrifying power of this blow is almost entirely borne by the butcher alone!

Because of this, the air waves that spread from the impact site blew all the houses in the town away, but did not injure many people.

All the damage was on the butcher.

This is the biggest advantage of the eclipse neutron star. It can concentrate all its power at one point. Although the weight has not changed, the threat to a single target has increased explosively.

All the inhabitants of the small town are watching the deep pit. They never thought that in their ordinary town, these two old men who meet every day turned out to be powerful practitioners in the legend.

I knew that if you have a good relationship with these two old men, even if you only learn one and a half tricks, it is an opportunity to change your destiny.

Unfortunately, this hope no longer exists.

Both old men were defeated by this mysterious young man from outside, and even ordinary people like them can see that the combat effectiveness of both sides is not at the same level at all.

Now one is left with only the soul, and the other is plunged into the bottomless abyss, without knowing life or death.

Only one blow, lived for tens of thousands of years, second only to the master of the academy in the world, the butcher who knew Chen was suppressed to the depths of the earth.

As if falling into the dark!

Relying on the power of the celestial body, after transforming the diamond-level magical powers into celestial attacks, the eclipse neutron star descends-indeed possesses the power of destroying the gods!

Dao Chi Ye Hongyu’s eyes were frantic: “My son, is this a magical technique?”

Chen Gou nodded: “Well, this is the supreme magic created by this son himself.”

Ye Hongyu paused for a while, and then said in a longing tone: “Is this magical technique easy to practice?”

Chen Gou nodded again: “Easy, no matter what level you can practice.”

Ye Hongyu stared at Chen Gou without blinking her beautiful eyes, and a beautiful arc curled up at the corner of her mouth: “Women can also practice, right?”

Chen Gou had to nod his head again: “Of course, this technique is not the Sunflower Classic. It can be used by men, women, young and old.”

Ye Hongyu doesn’t know what the Sunflower Book is, and is not interested in knowing it.

Seeing that Chen Gou was still indifferent to the implication in her words, and couldn’t help but itch in secret, but didn’t dare to have it.

So, I could only say in a bitter voice: “Can a woman surnamed Ye cultivate?”

This time, while Chen Gou nodded, he looked at her with inexplicable eyes: “Of course, not only the woman surnamed Ye, but also the man surnamed Ye, why do you have so many questions today?”

Ye Hongyu: “…”

Chen Gou chuckled secretly and turned his head away.

He has seen more demons and ghosts than Ye Hongyu has seen. This girl wants to teach her the eclipse of the stars in a few words, how could it be possible?

As the saying goes, if you are too good to one person for no reason, it will often make the other person not know how to cherish it, and even turn your head against each other.

Pay and return must always be relatively equal in order to last for a long time.

Chen Gou’s gaze stayed for a while in the deep pit that hadn’t moved for a long time, and then went over the pit to look at the panicking and fearful spirit of the alcoholic on the ruins of the butcher shop.

The latter trembled, and in his perception, the breath of death was stronger than ever.

This kind of feeling is not to describe one foot into the ghost gate, but has fallen into a ghost!


Chen Gou raised his hand, and a long purple shadow flew out of his sleeve cage.

In the void like a divine whip, it shook the sky above the drunkard soul, and then fell down, wrapping him layer upon layer in an instant.

At this time, Ye Hongyu saw clearly that it was a string of Buddhist beads that bound the spirit of the drinker!

“He actually has a connection with Buddhism?!”

Ye Hongyu felt a big shock in her heart, and she felt that the person in front of her became more mysterious and difficult to predict.

Brahma Purifying the World Rosary!

There is no doubt that what binds the drunkard’s soul at this moment is the magic weapon of the ghost-like Tathagata.

Since Chen Gou and the Guardian of Battle are of the same source, he can use all the magic weapons of the four major Guardians of Battle.

It’s just that the power is relatively speaking, and there may be differences when it is activated by the battle guardian.

But to deal with an alcoholic who has lost his physical soul, even if Chen Gou sacrifices his rosary, it is more than enough.

I was burned by the Buddha’s light on the rosary and God’s fire, and the drunkard’s soul was extremely painful, and his eyes were full of fear of death. In addition, there was shock and confusion.

He still can’t understand how a young man, who was previously unknown, suddenly emerged.

He and the drunkard, two of the top five people in the world, were suppressed swiftly and even their lives were unsafe. What kind of tradition can cultivate such a mysterious heir?


The only Infinite Rune Sword that had previously been controlled by the ancestor Wuming to smash the body of the alcoholic flew back from the sky, like a nine-day divine sword, from top to bottom, piercing the head of his soul.

Another huge one-character rune was drawn in the sky, wherever it passed, the sky was cracked.

The drunkard was pale and staggered back.

He was afraid of death, wanted to live, and wanted to escape.

However, after losing his body, he can no longer use the distance, no escape.

“Wait, don’t kill me, I can do anything for you, do anything!” As life was hanging by a thread, the alcoholic raised his head and shouted in pain.

Speaking of this personally means that in order to survive, he gave up all the dignity of being a great monk, and since then he is willing to become a dog driven by Chen Gou!

This is naturally a great blow to him who has been free for thousands of years, but in order to survive, he can’t take care of so much.

In his heart…

Death is the most terrible thing in this world, and it will always be!


Chen Gou’s tone was calm, the rune sword stopped when he spoke, and a black ball flew out of his mouth at the same time.

It is the seed of the reincarnation order he tempered.

“Then help me die.”

The ball flew towards the spirit of the alcoholic who was imprisoned by the rosary, flew into the center of his eyebrows, and began to devour his life.

This is the only ability currently available for the seeds of the reincarnation order of life and death.

When the bead is mainly black, it can swallow the vitality of other creatures, and when it is mainly white, it can back-feed the vitality as the goal of healing and replenishing life.

It is difficult to play a big role in the battle, but it will help Chen Gou to understand the mystery of life and death and the order of reincarnation.

Actually, Chen Gou doesn’t value the remaining vitality in the drunkard’s soul. What is really important is the process of being swallowed up…

From birth to death!

When the vitality of the alcoholic is swallowed up, the primordial spirit is naturally completely annihilated, which is a process of reincarnation of life and death.

Participate in the seed of order personally, it is as if Chen Gou has experienced everything personally, and can more intuitively feel the great horror and the great mystery between life and death, and then accelerate the progress of condensing the seed of order.


The drunkard howled in anger, and shot out a void of sword energy on his body. This was a struggle when he was dying, but it was completely useless.

For a moment, the drunkard’s spirit gradually faded and drifted away like light smoke.

Until the end, completely disappeared into the world.

The last thing people saw was his eyes full of unwillingness and anger. If there is a corpse, he will definitely die.

A great monk who has lived for tens of thousands of years, died like this.

Those who don’t know the origin of the alcoholic, don’t know how amazing this is to Jiang Ye World.

Those who know its origin are even more shocked by the existence of such a young man with great magical powers in the world, and it is not an exaggeration to call a young Taoist priest.

“The alcoholic is dead.”

When Chen Gou took the Brahma rosary back, his eyes once again fell into the bottomless pit smashed by the eclipse neutron star.

The tone remains unchanged, as if muttering to the air, stating a well-known fact.


A scorched palm suddenly protruded from the deep black hole and slapped on the dirt at the mouth of the hole.

Then a “bad guy” covered in blood all over, as if struck by a train at full speed, climbed up from the pit with difficulty.

The butcher, he is not dead!

Although the bones and muscles are broken, the whole person is like a puddle of mud, and he has obviously suffered severe damage, but he is still alive anyway.

“You are right. The Master is not as good as you at 20 o’clock. If you give you five hundred years, I am afraid that the current Master is not as good as you.”

The butcher spit out blood, and said in a deep voice with a hoarse voice like two stones rubbing.

For the rest of his life, there is no war in his eyes, only the hesitation of the present and the fear of the unknown.

Chen Gou was non-committal, and the conversation turned around, and said lightly: “Do you want to live?”

The butcher smiled sadly: “Can you?”

Chen Gou raised his finger to the sarcophagus standing beside him: “Go in and hold on for eighty-one days. If you are still alive when you open the coffin, you can live.”

The butcher looked at the faintly silent, always ominous sarcophagus, his face pale as wax.

“Has anyone come out alive before?”

“No, I hope you can be the first.”

Chen Gou said in a sincere tone: “It’s really hard to hide it, it’s very difficult, don’t talk about you, even a **** who has a higher cultivation base than you can’t do it. But you have lived long enough and have experienced the Eternal Night Jie, there are some different things in the mark of life, which may make you the only possibility among the 10,000 impossibility.”

There is still the last half of this sentence.

That is Chen Gou’s understanding of the higher order of reincarnation of life and death. It is too slow to comprehend the process of life from life to death step by step!

He needs an odd number!

If the butcher can really cross the life and death portal of the sarcophagus, it means that he has a secret of life and death that no one else has.

As long as you find and master Gou will definitely be able to go one step further on the road of reincarnation of life and death, even more than one step.

Faced with this survival condition, the butcher’s hesitation lasted only a few seconds.

Then he walked to the sarcophagus resolutely.

In his whole life, he is not afraid of anything except death.

Therefore, any hope of survival, even if it is just straw, will be grasped firmly…

But before entering the sarcophagus, the butcher couldn’t help but turn around and said: “You treat me as a pig and sheep for slaughtering, so you are not afraid that you will become the fish on the cutting board of others in the future?”

Chen Gou smiled dumbly, suddenly looked up at the sky, and then faintly replied: “Then kill until no one in the world dares to hold a knife.”

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