My Summons Can Learn Skills Chapter 4: Evil Demon Abyss

   The law is light, mysterious and mysterious.

   Whenever the awakening level of the awakened person increases, a mysterious light of this kind is born in the body, which can be used to improve any of the three attributes.

   Chen Gou added the power of the law of light to intelligence according to the point raised by the female knight.

   I only felt a mysterious force converging from my body into my mind, my intelligence increased from nine to eleven, and the sound of the system was heard immediately.

  ”System prompt: the host’s intelligence breaks through ten points, breaks through the first critical line, and gains additional intelligence attributes: mana sublimation-the increase in mana for every point of intelligence attribute increases from 15 points to 20 points!”

   For the awakened, the three attributes have different functions.

  Strength is closely related to physical attack, life, and physique, and under normal circumstances, every point of improvement will increase your health by 25 points.

   Quickly determine attack, movement and reaction speed.

  Intellect is related to spirit, will, and mana. Usually, every increase in point will increase mana by 15 points.

   Chen Gou’s intelligence attribute exceeded ten points. As the female knight said, it was improved after breaking through the first critical line.

   Mana Sublimation is a passive ability, so that every time he improves his intelligence, he will increase his mana by 5 points more than others.

  ”This may be the best additional ability for a mage, but my summoner doesn’t seem to need much mana…”

  ”No, I only have the skill of Real Summoning. I really don’t have to worry about not having enough mana, but it will definitely be another matter when I have more skills in the future.”

   Chen Gou frowned at first, but soon stretched out again.

   Mana is like the soldiers under the generals to the awakened. Naturally, the more the better.

   Once the mana is used up, many powerful skills cannot be used, and even the most powerful awakeners will be reduced to advanced infantry.

   So in general, he is still satisfied with the additional abilities of this intellectual property breakthrough.

   speechless in the middle of the night, Chen Gou squinted for a few hours, half asleep, and was awakened by the female knight just before dawn to receive a new round of training.

   In the next few days, the five official members of Team Fayuan:

   The main melee output and captain Edward Park, the tall and magnificent meat shield Mondo, the long-range output archer Han Feng, the outpost ranger Alan, and the female auxiliary Ye Qing who is proficient in various control and recovery skills.

   Everyone takes turns to take two days to give Chen Gou a special training.

   does not have much training related to combat skills, because in just a few days, it is difficult to transform an ordinary teenager into an elite fighter.

   is more about cultivating his combat experience—always stay alert, the most correct way to deal with a sneak attack, and treat the enemy with no mercy, etc.

   Each one is their own life exploration.

   After ten days of training, Chen Gou’s temperament has changed significantly. A fierce and determined gaze that usually only veterans has, flashes from his eyes from time to time.

   On this day, the Fayuan team took him out of Rock City. After five abyssal cavalry rushed out of the gate hole poured entirely of steel, they plunged into the vast wilderness.

   Along the way, Chen Gou was both hugged by Ye Qing and rode together.

   Feeling the softness that the armor coming from behind can’t be completely isolated, Chen Gou couldn’t help but sigh: Although the female knight looks a bit more ordinary, she has a real body.

   From time to time there are bones that no one cleans up on the side of the road. You can also see farmland and working farmers.

   Although this world has been invaded by demons, the demons are still well restrained outside the mist controlled by humans.

   But for ordinary people who live outside the giant city where awakened knights are stationed, danger is still everywhere.

   Demons always have a variety of ways to break through the line of defense and penetrate into human territory from the mist.

  Five Abyss Knights of the Golden Team level all the way to the north.

Everywhere    went, whether it was pedestrians or caravans, or even other soldiers who belonged to the Holy See, they evaded and watched.

  According to the law of the Holy See, anyone who obstructs the Abyssal Knights outside the city will be killed in vain.

  Abyss Knight’s war horse didn’t know what breed it was, and it took less than half an hour for the fifty-kilometer road.

   The five knights slammed into a heavily guarded castle like a black torrent.

   said that the castle is not accurate. More precisely, it should be a castle under construction.

   The entire castle is clearly divided into an outer city and an inner city. The inner city wall is higher than the outer city, and it has been built 15 meters without stopping, and it continues to increase and thicken.

   is like a castle on a large construction site, and the security is unprecedented.

   is really three steps, one post, five steps and one post. Even with the identity of the Fayuan team, it has gone through numerous cross-examinations before approaching the inner city.

   “What are they guarding against with such a tight guard?”

The moment    stepped onto the city wall, Chen Gou was stunned.

   I saw the center surrounded by the tall city wall, not a treasure or a palace, but a mist, a mist of blood-red light floating in the gray and black.

  The mist rolled, and a dark crack like an abyss loomed in it.

   An uneasy breath from the soul permeates from it.

   Chen Gou widened his eyes: “Could this be…”

   “Evil Demon Abyss!”

The captain of the   Falling Abyss, wearing a bronze mask on his face, said indifferently: “This is a new abyss that only appeared half a month ago. We suspect that the new type of evil you killed came from this abyss. Intrusive.”

   Chen Gou asked: “Did you send someone in for verification?”

   “That’s why we brought you here!”

  The female knight Ye Qing glanced at the other Abyss Knights team not far away, as well as the young people with them, and said:

   “This abyss assessment will be carried out in this unknown abyss. You and five other assessors will enter it together. If you can persist for ten days and come back alive, you will pass.”

  ”Besides, the more useful items and information you bring back, the higher the score, and the higher the reward you will eventually get.”

   Chen Gou immediately took a deep breath when he heard the words, and entered a new and unknown abyss of evil spirits to explore-this is completely using them as cannon fodder to explore the way!

   “As I told you, the Abyss Knights are not so easy to join. It is too late even if you want to quit now.”

   Han Feng patted him on the shoulder, and said: “Live, survive at all costs, this is the only thing you have to do after you go in!”

  ”If the alien that made the soul-returning corpse really came out of this abyss, then the world behind the abyss is likely to be a world that I know well, set against the background of the American drama blood family, so I’m innate in it There is no small advantage…”

  As soon as he thought of this, Chen Gou’s heart gradually calmed down, and even a trace of yearning for unknown challenges arose.

   If he can’t pass the abyss test under the circumstances of occupying the right time and place, then it proves that he really only has the life of a salted fish.

  Although the thoughts in his heart are flying, his face remains silent, and he asks: “The abyss seems to be a passage of time and space. How do we come back after entering? Is there a way back on the opposite side?”

  ”It is impossible to determine what is on the opposite side of the Abyssal Fissure, but what is certain is that there are usually no stable passages on the opposite side of the newly-born Abyssal World, only free fissures that are constantly moving in the world.

   This is the Void Stone, a rule prop researched by the great priest of the Holy See. Under the circumstance that there are no demons nearby, the power of the rule can be poured into it, and a temporary crack channel can be directly created in the abyss world. Let you return.

   But the Void Stone needs at least ten days to collect the space-time coordinates of the Abyssal World. “

   Chen Gou said in a deep voice: “So, ten days is only the shortest period that we can return in theory, not the time that we can definitely return, right?”

   “Yes, don’t feel cruel, blame you for being born in this era, since the invasion of evil thirty years ago, every abyssal knight was born like this.”

   When the female knight handed the void stone that looked like a cyan diamond to Chen Gou, she jokingly said: “We have met after all. I hope you can come back alive. Maybe in the future there will be you among the big men. Maybe.”

   Chen Gou followed her gaze, and saw three figures wearing holy robes or gorgeous battle armor suspended in the void above the fog of the abyss.

   is shrouded in light, and he can’t see his face at all, like three little suns that cannot be looked at directly.

   Like a member of the Fayuan team, they can only look up.

   These are the real giants of the Holy See!

   The man in the middle raised his hand and pressed it down, and the whole castle was instantly quiet.

  Everyone waited intently.

   The majestic and majestic sound from the light ~ echoes under the sky.

  ”The Temple of the Holy See will open in ten minutes after the 1156th Abyss Examination…All examiners are ready to be in place!”

The voice of    fell, and the five members of the Fayuan team led Chen Go to the sky bridge over the city wall that straddled the mist of the abyss. There was a circular platform in the center of the sky bridge.

   The other five examiners were also taken up. Behind each of them was an abyssal knight team similar to “Falling the Abyss”.

   And the members of these teams obviously know each other.

   “Edward, how did you choose a kid who is not yet an adult?” Someone glanced at Chen Gou and laughed.

  The female knight Ye Qing saw a blond-haired young man who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old behind her, and said, “Aren’t you picking a hairless one?”

   “That’s different. He is a member of the Ajislan family. Regardless of his young age, his strength is not weak, this time he came to the top.”

   Many people around were surprised. Ajislan is a big clan of Rock City. There are many strong people in the clan, and it is a force that cannot be ignored in the entire scope of the Holy Covenant.

  Fayuan Captain Edward Park was unmoved and said indifferently: “Kuanglong, since you are so confident, let’s make a bet to see who chooses the person who has the better final result. The bet is a gold-level skill crystal. Shi, how about it?”

   “You want to give me a golden skill spar for nothing. Why should I not accept it? I will take this bet!” The crazy dragon laughed.

   Chen Gou looked in his eyes, feeling a little helpless.

   Sure enough, the country is weak without diplomacy, and people are weak without human rights.

   They risked their lives for the assessment, which in the eyes of others is just a gamble worth a golden skill spar.

   At this moment, he desperately desires power…

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